At this time, Liu Yanbo also saw Qi Lei and them.

It stands to reason that even if the teachers and students are not in the same way as the old Liu and the fourteenth class, there will be no strange emotions.

Teachers and students, this is the simplest relationship in the world. Many people have a natural respect for teachers even if they have not been specially taken care of by teachers when they are students.

Unfortunately, this pair of teachers and students became enemies.

Liu Yanbo just glanced at Qi Lei lightly, his eyes were cold and bitter.

Watching Qi Lei and a group of her former students step into the school gate, he still chatted with a female junior high school teacher beside him.

The female teacher obviously saw Qi Lei, and also knew about Liu Yanbo and the student's past.

He smiled and whispered to Liu Yanbo: "You said you were so unlucky, you were fighting with the principal's son-in-law, and hit the gun, right?"

Liu Yanbo snorted coldly and hugged his arms, quite like an alley woman. "You said you are bullying people. The principal's daughter takes the lead in dating, but also excludes the teacher. She Zhang Nan doesn't even ask about it. We squeezed away."

"But, let's lose the horse! I won't be squeezed out of the second middle school, and I won't be able to open this training institution."

The female teacher's name was Chen Li, and she smiled and said, "Who said it's not!"

Although I know the reason for Liu Yanbo's removal, it is not as simple as she said.

However, she is not a good seller. She thinks it is not normal to charge a little class fee and get a little extra money? Otherwise, with the salary of a few hundred dollars, who is still a teacher?

Moreover, although Zhang Nan came here, and their teachers who have had bad deeds have curtailed, but it is true that the income is less, and they are naturally full of grievances against Zhang Nan.

At this time, Chen Li glanced at the admissions store behind Liu Yanbo, leaned forward and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter, is the cram school going on?"

Liu Yanbo raised his eyebrows, "It's okay!"

In Chen Li's eyes, this expression is not that simple.

Immediately came the interest, "Talk, talk."

Liu Yanbo is proud of himself, "Let's tell you so, Old Xu knows?"

Chen Li nodded, "I know!"

This is a geometry teacher who was ousted with Liu Yanbo, and it was also a matter of teaching in Class 14.

"He can easily count this a month now!" He spoke and stretched out two fingers.

Chen Li was stunned, "How many? Two, two thousand!?"

Liu Yanbo looked disgusted, "More than two thousand? My best teacher, I have 5,000 a month."

"Really?" Chen Li's face flushed a little, her psychological gap was huge.

You know, she is just a junior high school teacher, not a class teacher, and the bonus is not as much as that of a high school teacher. It costs more than 600 yuan to pay for a full month.

Suddenly there was no movement, and I didn't know what to chat with Liu Yanbo.

Liu Yanbo looked in his eyes and smiled in his heart.

Continue to say: "Where is this? Tell you clearly, we have a relationship, and we only got the official license. At present, an educational institution like me, let alone Shangbei, has very few in the province. Development So fast, so good, and less."

"That is to say, I just started, and I don't have money to expand the classroom and recruit teachers, otherwise it will be bigger than what I have done now!"

"A few days ago, someone from Harbin City has invited us to start a class in Harbin."

"They call this stuff..." I lowered my head and thought for a long time, "Yes, it's called financing! Open your mouth and give one million!"

Just like listening to the story, Chen Li kept smashing her lips with envy, and sighed from the bottom of her heart, "Sister Liu, you have broken out! Unlike us, who are unwilling and dare not move with dead wages."

Liu Yanbo was very helpful, so he leaned forward and whispered, "Do you want to earn some extra money?"

Chen Li moved, and then became weak, "How to earn? Now that old witch is strict in control, no one dares!"

Liu Yanbo was speechless, "Are those tricky tricks worth seeing? In this way, you can get me cram students! For the weekend class 100, I will give you 20 yuan; night class 150, I will give you 30 yuan; One person for the summer class, 40 for you!"

"Didn't you teach the first three classes of junior high school? Think of a way, it must be more than your dead salary!"

Chen Li was stunned, so many?

Calculate it carefully, that's a lot!

As everyone knows, what did Liu Yanbo rely on to develop the cram school so fast? In fact, it is to let the teacher at school help her pull the head.

There are teachers on both the experimental high school and the private school, and the second middle school is the last stop.

Seeing Chen Li's eyes change, it took a long time to make a decision, "Okay, I'll go back and ask for you!"

When Chen Li was sent away, Liu Yanbo stood in front of the store, regardless of the strange glances of students and teachers coming and going.

The more strange, the happier Liu Yanbo.

What are you so strange? I'm doing better now than when I was in school, and I earn more. It's not strange to you, it's called envy and jealousy! !

Of course, standing here is not just to satisfy perverted vanity. If Liu Yanbo is so superficial, she would not be where she is today.

She is the teacher waiting for work.

Although Liu Yanbo's character is not good, he has been in the second middle school for so many years, and some of them have always had good personal relationships with her.

When a teacher with a good relationship met her, he naturally wanted to come up to say hello.

If it’s a teacher in a junior high school, that’s what Chen Li did. First show her income and scale, and then ask them to help her pull the head in the school.

"Don't be silly, do you still give students free supplementary lessons after class? What kind of society is it now, market economy, teachers have to talk about market economy too!"

"Just that little salary, what kind of life can you fight for?"

"Of course, those of you who are employed collect tuition fees by yourself. That old witch Zhang Nan must be troublesome. It's okay, I'll introduce you to me. I will give a commission, which is more than your own tuition!"

Anyone who doesn't love money, is robbed by Liu Yanbo, naturally someone is tempted, and finally agrees like Chen Li.

When meeting colleagues in the high school department, Liu Yanbo made a different set of rhetoric.

In addition to pulling a little bit of the source of summer school students, Liu Yanbo is more interested in the teacher himself.

"Should you consider holding a job here to try? My income this month is enough for you to earn half a year in school!"

"To tell you the truth, the bosses of Nanfang and Harbin are already in contact for financing. With one or two million funds in hand, we will build our own school buildings and become bigger and stronger."

"At that time, it will not just be Shangbei, and the expansion of the organization's business to Harbin and beyond the province will be a matter of sight."


"If you don't believe me, you can go back and inquire. Private educational institutions in the South and Beijing are very promising."


"Well, as long as you come, let's sign a contract with a basic salary of 1,000, plus a commission for overtime work and a commission for enrollment."

"One month is two or three thousand easily. Isn't it much better than the hundreds of dollars you earn from morning to night at school?"


"Our country, it just doesn't treat the teacher as a human being. If you don't want to think of yourself, it will be hopeless!"


A basic salary of 1,000, an income of two to three thousand, in this era, a proper high-income group.

You know, buying two bungalows in Shangbei, with a small courtyard, only costs 10,000 yuan, which one can not be tempted?

Seeing that the familiar teacher was tempted, Liu Yanbo immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued him, "You guys... didn't pay the bonus this month, right?"

"To tell you the truth, my relationship with the Board of Education has become popular, and the second high school has no money. Zhang Nan has made a lot of activities this year, but it also defeated the second high school."

"Isn't she always out of school in the past few months? That's time to find money! But I don't want to think about it, who will give you this money?"

"Wait! The above is already paying attention to this matter, we need to send someone to investigate it!"

"Sooner or later, I can find out some problems. Then, what bonus will be paid? Thank goodness for being able to pay the salary!"

Let her be so mixed, the atmosphere of the second middle school is quietly changing, and it is quite a bit of panic.

Liu Yanbo is not a carbine, she is an absolute gun!



On the other side, as soon as Qi Lei returned to the class, Fang Bing rushed to him, "Class leader, do you know? The black widow is back again."

Qi Lei took out his workbook from the hole in Xu Xiaoqian's desk, and said little by little: "I saw it."

Fang Bing, "What's up? Did she do it?"

Qi Lei frowned, "What will she do? She has nothing to do with us now?"

At this time, Dong Weicheng and Qi Xuefeng also came up.

Qi Xuefeng: "No, no, no, unhappy, ah!"

Dong Weicheng, "Oh Xiaofengfeng, what you learn is more and more alike!"

After teasing, he turned to Qi Lei, "I, I, and the three of us have all planned, and I will give her a sign in the middle of the night, with four big characters, I and I are a scorpion (rabbit, gangster)!"


Qi Lei, Xu Qian, and Yang Xiao in the front seat all smiled.

Not to mention, the look of the black widow, the image of walking and puckering, really doesn't look like a good person.

Qi Lei looked at Dong Weicheng, "Very talented!"

Dong Weicheng bared his teeth, "Then, that's the case, the leader of my class has broken down!"

Qi Lei glared, "That's five words!"

Scanning the three people, "I have time in the U.S., is it okay to think about the final exam? Think about whether it will be a science or a science course next semester! What kind of shit?"

Fang Bing was not convinced, "Then let her answer us at the door?"

Qi Lei was speechless, too lazy to grind his teeth with them, "Anyway, listen to me, stop, don't make trouble!!"

"Oh." The three of them went back stupefied.

What Qi Lei said is true. The end of the semester is one month away. This end of the semester is different from the last semester, and it faces the problem of classifying in the second year of the second semester.

It is easy to say that it is easy, but it is important to say that it is important.

The talents of people and people are different. Some people are born good at science, while others are good at liberal arts. A choice is about to be made right away, which will directly affect the future of college entrance examinations in life.

As for Liu Yanbo, that is not something Fang Bing and the others should be concerned about, nor is it something Qi Lei should be concerned about.

If she is just opening a cram school, it has nothing to do with the second middle school.

Of course, Qi Lei has the feeling that it should not be that simple to kill this guy. But how cruel the old mother-in-law is, if Liu Yanbo really has any other thoughts, Zhang Nan can't handle her?

It's just that he didn't know that Zhang Nan was really in crisis this time.


The first is the question of money.

Public schools are not particularly poor, nor are they particularly well-known schools, so there is no need to think about funding for education. Longjiang Province only spends so little education money every year, and it has to be spent on the cutting edge.

It is not easy to get sponsorship.

Donations are all focused on Hope Primary School and poverty alleviation projects. Those remote and poor areas need more donations than the key middle schools in Shangbei, right?

Of course, you are not the top giants like Harbin No. 3 Middle School and the High School Affiliated to Normal University, so why give you the money?

So, don't think Zhang Nan is an ordinary person, but after a few months, he didn't get any money, and the bonus in May had to be delayed.

The second is the question of methods.

Around 2000, some people were already advocating the so-called Western-style education and quality education.

There are even more people clamoring to reduce the burden on students, such well-known speeches as "intellectual and incompetent", "sea tactics are not advisable," "crawling education", and "Chinese education is a failure".

Some people are even advocating the development of Western personality and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

Does it sound tall?

In fact, later generations have a more appropriate name, "happy education".

In short, this is an age of exploration. New educational reforms have just been implemented, and college student enrollment expansion has begun. In addition, these flattering remarks are highly concealed and there is no known concept of cents, which really fooled many people at that time.

Some people in society and the government are calling for the burden of students to be reduced, and the second middle school is doing the opposite.

People with ulterior motives have reported that there are problems with the second middle school education model and financial confusion.

And it is directly reflected in the provincial education department, and now it is already considering whether to send someone to investigate it.

As for Shangbei's side, in only a few days, the second middle school has spread the word about how the black widow made a lot of money outside.

Even two teachers have been poached by her, adding a bit of gloom to this matter.

Moreover, there is indeed no bonus issued this month, and it is very likely that it will not be issued next month, and it has indeed caused some negative effects in the teacher team.

During this period, although President Zhang Nan and Old Dong reacted immediately, they tried their best to appease the teachers in the third year of high school.

However, the other academic years were a bit turbulent, and the teaching atmosphere was obviously not as good as before.


Qi Lei doesn't know these teacher-level problems.

At least the teachers in Class 14 have not been affected much. They will be able to attend classes as they should. Should they be responsible or be responsible for their all-out efforts.

The teachers, Liu Zhuofu and Wang Guochen, could not guarantee anything else, but at least they kept the storms out of the first and fourteenth classes.

The two classes can be said to be deaf to the outside world and read only the sage books.

On this day, Qi Lei went home without going to the Internet cafe for his self-study next night.

As soon as I entered the house, I heard Yan Ling calling Sigu, as if asking for money.

As usual, Qi Lei put in his schoolbag, filled a basin of hot water, and sat in the small living room to soak his feet.

After Yan Ling finished the phone call, she asked, "I'm out of money? Just tell me nothing."

Yanling's living expenses and pocket money are given a lot by the four aunts, but they are definitely not too much.

Four hundred yuan a month is a lot in this era. In addition, she usually mixes with Qi Lei and they don't have to spend money on meals. At least this semester has not heard of her lack of money.

Lingyan slapped down on the sofa, her face full of displeasure, "Tuition fees! What can I tell you?"

"Oh." Qi Lei knew why she was upset, how many would be willing to go to cram school?

A little gloating, "Your mother forced you to go to cram school?"

This is a good thing, and Qi Lei actually supports it.

In the semester of the second middle school, although Yan Ling's grades have improved, she is already at the middle level of the class, and the occasional quiz single subject can still rank up to more than 20 in the class.

However, this girl still didn't put his mind on studying.

After school in the afternoon, or on weekends, Qi Lei and the others have to study in the evening, and on weekends, she will keep her sheep, either surfing the Internet in the Internet cafe, or going out crazy with her classmates. She has to wait for Qi Lei and the others to come back from the evening self-study before they are willing to do it. Do homework.

"Very good, save your mind and put it on play."

Qi Lei is an elder, holding his accent.

To be honest, although Yan Ling and Da Ling are not the same as Qi Lei, they are similar to their sisters.

Qi Lei was panicked. The little girl is a long girl and loves to play. In this semester, Yan Ling has received eight love letters from ten to eight.

When I was in junior high school, I didn't feel it, but when it was the turn of my little sister to be in junior high school, why was Qi Lei so awkward?

What do the kids in junior high school think about every day? I've been thinking about it before it's long open, it's so bad! !

Well, just think about it, after all, his role model is not good, at least on the issue of puppies, he has no face to preach!

However, what Qi Lei did not expect was that he could not speak on the issue of make-up classes.

Yan Ling raised her eyes and glared at Qi Lei, "If my old lady asked me to report something, it would be a big deal to register for a weekend class! But..."

"But what?"

"However, it is the night class, weekend class, and summer class that the teacher reported. I'm dying and can't live anymore!"

Qi Lei: "..."

Well, this is what Qi Lei didn't expect, "So much?"

Yan Ling gritted her Is it necessary? Geometry teacher is just a stupid fork. If you don't report it, you can't do it. I'm mad at me! "

"Teacher Geometry? She reported it to you?"

"That's right! The whole class did not make the top 20 in geometric grades, and those who have the conditions in the top 20 must report. The tuition fee is only 400 yuan!"

Qi Lei's heart jumped. If he remembers correctly, isn't Yan Ling's geometry teacher the one who talked to the black widow at the school gate that day?

He asked casually, "Is your Geometry teacher named Chen Li?"

"Yes!" Yan Ling nodded, "Thieves hate it!"

Qi Lei's expression immediately turned cold, and his heart said, this must have something to do with Liu Yanbo!



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