Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 99: Missed 2

Liang Cheng hopes that Hu Zhengxun will come to a conclusion quickly, but Hu Zhengxun is not in a hurry, he thinks he can wait.

Even as the team leader, Hu Zhengxun pondered over and over again, really, as Zhang Nan expected, when meeting with Liang Cheng, he raised a mouth intentionally or unintentionally.

"Comrade Liang Cheng, as the team leader, I have to say one more thing. When you are working there, you must pay attention to the methods and methods, and try not to affect the normal study of the graduation grade."

Regarding this, Liang Cheng smiled, "Section Chief Hu can rest assured that we have paid special attention to this point and it will not affect the candidates."

Hu Zhengxun frowned insignificantly.

If Liang Cheng nodded in response, or said something to correct, Hu Zhengxun thought it was normal.

However, "already paying attention", then this answer is questionable.

He has heard some of what Liang Cheng has done in the past few days.

Entering the school straight to the third year of high school, was stopped by the teacher, and interrupted normal teaching at will, very strong.

The only thing that makes sense is that so far, I have not contacted the graduating class.

In other words, what should be done and what should not be done, Liang Cheng either wants to do it but has not done it, or has done it.

The expression was serious and somewhat displeased, "Comrade Liang Cheng, I want to remind you that this is a school. We must be cautious and then cautious. Your attitude is not correct!"

This is already a serious warning.

Liang Cheng didn't expect Hu Zhengxun to be so serious, and his heart was horrified.

This team leader, although not too direct affiliation, still has some fear.

He immediately changed the color and said with a smile: "You see this is making trouble, Chief Hu can rest assured, we must conduct a serious self-inspection. If there is any inappropriate situation in the previous work, we must correct it!"

After Hu Zhengxun listened, he was relieved.

Regardless of whether Liang Cheng is willing or not, he must be careful.

Even if Liang Cheng didn't listen and something really happened, he had fulfilled his duty of supervision and reminder. I can't blame myself.

Hu Zhengxun didn't care about Liang Cheng's idea, nor did he want to participate. But don't put yourself in because of him, it will be lively.

In a word, what do you love to do, but in this sensitive period, you must never have an accident in the graduating class.

Yes, Zhang Nan is no longer there, but Hu Zhengxun has become the guardian of the graduating class. If Liang Cheng wants to move the graduating class, he must first pass Hu Zhengxun.

And Liang Cheng didn't give it in vain, he was warned by Hu Zhengxun in a stern tone, and immediately shot back.

"Chief Hu, actually..."

"After all, it's the investigation team. No matter how careful we are, it will be a bit panic. To put it bluntly, the longer we stay in the second middle school, the easier it will affect the candidates, and it is even harder not to affect it!"

"Is there any progress on your side?" Ask someone to send me some materials, "Anyway, I have basically completed the data collection here. Take a look, sign a word, and I can go back for business."

Hu Zhengxun: "..."

Unexpectedly, Liang Chenghui responded in this way, which is tantamount to saying that he was defeated by Liang Cheng.

What Liang Cheng meant was: Not only will I not affect the third year of high school, but I'm already done here. It really affected the third year of high school, and it has nothing to do with me. It was Hu Zhengxun's delay in producing results that caused the problem.

This makes Hu Zhengxun a bit hard to get off.

On the one hand, he didn't want to draw conclusions so quickly.

There should be something he doesn't know about, the sooner he draws a conclusion, the easier it is to make mistakes. .

On the other hand, Liang Cheng picked himself clean, but it became his problem with Hu Zhengxun.

How to do?

Hu Zhengxun went back to ponder for a whole night, and he lost a lot of hair.

It's just a middle school in a small county, why is it so troublesome?

The next day, Hu Zhengxun finally came to a conclusion with his dark circles under his eyes.

To the colleague: "According to the financial situation and expenditure of the second middle school, we will collect evidence comprehensively. Go back and do research and analysis!"

Well, come and go without reason, if you put me in the army, then I have a way to deal with it.

Hu Zhengxun is also evil.

I've finished my work, but I can't draw conclusions anymore, right?

Go back and study again, not only to avoid the right and wrong places, but also to look at and talk about it. At least you have to study the college entrance examination, then you won't have to be so troubled.

After Liang Cheng learned, he almost died of anger.

It can only be said that no one gave it for nothing, this Hu Zhengxun, is he sick, or is he related to the couple? Do you spare no effort to keep it?

Hu Zhengxun's decision made Liang Cheng passive.

However, Hu Zhengxun didn't expect that he couldn't drag it anymore.

It doesn't matter if you don't collect evidence. The problem will be found as soon as the evidence is collected, and it is the kind of problem that he can't delay even if he wants to.

The problem is exactly the two points that he considered suspicious before.

First, Zhang Nan did not have a reimbursement voucher for thousands of yuan of travel expenses, which is how much Zhang Nan said it was, and how much was spent by the Second Middle School Finance.

Second, there is no detailed account for the bonus expenditures of the teachers in the second middle school.

In other words, why the teacher gave so many bonuses, there is no reason, no record, only one number.

When Hu Zhengxun heard the news, he stood there dumbfounded for a long time without ever returning to his soul.

The heart said, is this true?

Is the second middle school's financial bubbling? Or is Zhang Nan so arrogant that he doesn't need to account?

These are the most basic financial knowledge. Reimbursement without reimbursement voucher, no detailed bonus expenditure, how fresh?

This is tantamount to looking for death!

This made Hu Zhengxun a little uncomfortable. If this is still dragging, then he and Zhang Nantie are in the same group, and the province should investigate him.

The director of the Finance Office of the Second Middle School was interviewed for the first time.

The financial director's surname is Qian, a middle-aged fat woman in her forties.

What about her credentials? What about the details?

As a result, this old lady with the surname Qian is also a top grade, "I had it when I entered the account, but I didn't know why later, so I lost it."

"Lost, lost!?" Hu Zhengxun almost didn't laugh, "Do you know, how serious is this?"

Director Qian's eyes were straight and he looked not very clever, "I know! But it's really lost, what can I do."

Hu Zhengxun held back his anger, "Well, you tell me, how did you lose it!"

Director Qian said, "I don't know this. They were all there, but there are a lot of them. However, the second day after the investigation team entered the school, when I was asked to count the financial vouchers, I found that they were missing."

Hu Zhengxun: "..."

So fresh!

"Well, well, just assume it is lost. Then, who do you think will steal a bunch of reimbursement vouchers, and the account details?"

This thing can't be used as money.

Director Qian, "I don't even know that."

Hu Zhengxun, "Is it possible that someone inside did it?"

To be on the safe side, Hu Zhengxun still needs to consider everything.

Although the problem is already obvious from the lice on the bald head, the second middle school has financial problems and major problems, so it is really hammered.

But what if? What if you really lose it?

Hu Zhengxun, "Is it possible for people inside?"

Director Qian was unhappy when he heard it, "What's your name? Doubt me!?"

Hu Zhengxun smiled, "To be honest, I don't really doubt you personally. Anyone with a bit of financial knowledge knows that this thing can't be lost. The effect of what Director Qian took is the same as if he didn't take it."

You know, if the thing is not lost, she is unlucky if the problem is found; if the thing is lost, no matter whether there is a problem or not, she will be unlucky, and she is unlucky.

However, Director Qian didn't take this set at all, "Do you not doubt what you are doing? Just say that I did it?"

Hu Zhengxun was speechless, "I'm asking, is it possible that it is your colleague, I didn't say it was you!!"

Director Qian, "I am a polished commander in the Finance Department of the Second Middle School. Where is my colleague?"

Hu Zhengxun: "..."

Damn it, this school is so amazing! The principal is wonderful, the director of the teaching department is wonderful, and here comes another financial director.

You said it would be done by yourself? Save me wasting saliva here.

"That's good!!" Gritting his teeth, "Then, who are irrelevant people who have come to the finance room these days?"

When the finance director heard this, he stared at him, "Yes!"



"I..." Hu Zhengxun is about to scold his mother, what's this so called?

Just about to explode, the financial director panted, "There is Liang Cheng!"

Almost not flashing his waist, Hu Zhengxun was startled, "Who, who?"

"Liang Cheng?"

"That's right!" Mengmeng, the financial director, "Liang Cheng brought someone to visit, it was the morning you asked for financial information. As a result, things were lost in the afternoon."

Hu Zhengxun became serious, this... Do I believe it or not?

There is a reason for not believing. The chief financial officer clearly pointed something, more like intentional guidance.

Faith actually has its truth.

After thinking about it, Hu Zhengxun decided to take a trip to Zhang Nan's house.

Director Qian, he can't communicate, this old lady's mouth is too aggressive.



When Hu Zhengxun came to the Shangbei government compound, Zhang Nan didn't seem surprised.

Inviting Hu Zhengxun and the other two staff members who were taking notes into the house, while wearing a scarf, smiled at Hu Zhengxun: "It's rare to be free, just to give the child a scarf."

Hu Zhengxun looked at her playfully, "Principal Zhang, doesn't seem to be nervous?"

Zhang Nan raised his head and glanced at him, "What are you nervous about? I believe in Section Chief Hu, and more in the organization."

Hu Zhengxun has heard this a lot, and every censored person will say so.

Simply straightforward, "When we were reviewing the financial situation of the Second Middle School, we did not find a reimbursement voucher for Zhang School's travel expenses, and there was no breakdown of the second middle school's bonus system."

"Does Zhang Xiao have anything to say about this?"

Zhang Nan paused and lowered his head as if he was thinking about something. Gradually, the knitting needles in his hand moved again, "Nothing to say."

This move made Hu Zhengxun even more confused. What was she thinking?

"Oh!" Hu Zhengxun sighed, "Principal Zhang, it's too late to make it clear now. I think you should be very clear about the organization process."

I saw Zhang Nan's knitting needles getting up quickly, skillful, and completely calm, "clear."

"Well then!" Hu Zhengxun, "Then, as the leader of the investigation team, I will formally ask you whether there are any problems with the travel expenses and bonus system of the Second Middle School?"

Zhang Nan didn't look up, "No problem."

"What about the credentials?"

Zhang Nan didn't speak this time, just shook his head.

Hu Zhengxun naturally regarded this as an answer he didn't know, and he lost patience.

"Comrade Zhang Nan, please cooperate with me! If you can't tell the whereabouts of the voucher, or simply don't have the voucher, no one can help you. According to the procedure, I can only hand it over to the investigation room."

As mentioned before, the department where Hu Zhengxun belongs is the Cadre Supervision Office, which is only responsible for verifying reports and collecting evidence. The handover to the investigation room is a formal investigation, which is not the mild scene it is now.

"Transfer to the investigation room, no matter what the final result is, you, the principal, I am afraid you will not become a principal!"

Hu Zhengxun is not alarmist. Once the case is filed, Zhang Nan must be transferred from his job to be investigated.

"President Zhang..." Hu Zhengxun spoke a little earnestly and told the recorder to stop the record and close the record book.

"I can see that you value your students very much. Otherwise, you wouldn't say that to me before leaving school."

"It can also be seen that there must be something we don't understand yet."

"At this moment, the college entrance examination will be in less than 20 days. Are you really willing to be replaced?"

"I hope you cooperate with us and tell the truth about what you know."

Hu Zhengxun is a bit serious and sincere, because he has intuition, Zhang Nan must know something.

Including why Liang became so active and why someone reported it at this point in time.

However, from Hu Zhengxun's point of view, he is like a puzzle solver to solve problems. But the only thing the audience knew nothing about, except for him, there was no one else.

This made Hu Zhengxun very uncomfortable, desperate to know the answer.

Otherwise, there is no sense of participation.

Unfortunately, Zhang Nan still did not speak.

From this moment on, Zhang Nan didn't do anything other than shaking his head and knitting a scarf.



Coming out of the Xu family, Hu Zhengxun was in a bad mood. This should be the simplest and most bizarre case he has experienced since he started his discipline inspection work.

Seeing Hu Zhengxun's silence for a long time, the recorder beside him couldn't help asking, "Chief Hu, what shall we do next?"

Hu Zhengxun frowned and pondered for a long time, "Write a report and file a case!"

There is nothing left to say, now that it is at this point, let's do what we should do.

Although he was still confused, but he couldn't help it.

June 12th.

Hu Zhengxun formally submitted a report, the second middle school is in financial confusion, unclear accounts, and serious violations of discipline. It is recommended that Zhang Nan be filed for investigation.

Soon, the Ninth Investigation Team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection moved to Shangbei and launched a formal investigation. At the same time, Zhang Nan was dismissed for review.

As soon as the news came out, the second middle school vibrated up and down.

No one thought that Zhang Nan, who was like a **** in the second middle school, would be dismissed.

However, Hu Zhengxun always believes that the matter is far from over.


On the other hand, Zhang Nan was dismissed and investigated. It was not only the turmoil of the second middle school, but after all, he was the secretary's lover, and the entire government compound was also talking about it.

If it is really Zhang Nan's problem, then the impact on Xu Wenliang will not be small.

At this time, Zhang Nan was at home.

Cheng Jianguo sat on the sofa with his brows furrowed, his face very sad.

"This is a mess, why can't I tell you? The files directly downloaded above, I can't do anything I want!"

"Old Xu isn't there either, or call him back!"

Cheng Jianguo's city mansion is not deep and belongs to the pragmatic faction, otherwise he would not have been in office for more than a year, and even Hu Guowei would not be able to deal with it.

When Zhang Nan heard this, he immediately stopped, "It's useless for him to come back, maybe it's more troublesome."

In turn, he comforted Cheng Jianguo, "Old Cheng, don't think about it so much. It may not be a bad thing to cut the mess with a sharp knife."

"Otherwise, they will be tossing around in the second middle school in a noisy manner and delay the college entrance examination, and my responsibility is the greatest."

"It's all right now, just open the case, at least get out of the school, it won't affect the candidates."

At present, although the second middle school is a bit panic, the only positive result is that no one will disturb the students' study anymore.

This is a result that Zhang Nan is more satisfied with.

But Cheng Jianguo shook his head, "But, this price is too high, right?"

The peace gained by Zhang Nan’s dismissal, isn’t it painful for the loved ones, is it quick for the enemies?

However, Zhang Nan didn't want to be entangled in this issue, and suggested to Cheng Jianguo: "We must quickly select a principal from the second middle school. Otherwise, it will still be troublesome. We will talk about everything until the college entrance examination is over!"

Cheng Jianguo nodded silently, "Now it can only be so. There is no way, let Old Dong'er hold on first!"

This is the best solution Cheng Jianguo can think of.

Let the old Dong act as the principal, stabilize the military spirit, and wait until the college entrance examination to make long-term discussions.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Nan disagreed, "Uncle Dong is still too straight, not suitable for topping up now."

Cheng Jianguo looked up at her, "What should I do? There is no suitable candidate now!"

Zhang Nan laughed, "I'll recommend someone to you!"

"You?" Cheng Jianguo was stunned.

Well, he finally knew why Zhang Nan did the opposite at this juncture, and called him home to talk.

Is this the recommendation?

I only heard Zhang Nan said: "Now, only the person I recommend can stabilize the situation in the second middle school, and will sincerely consider the candidates, and there will be no more variables."

Cheng Jianguo stared, "Who? So capable?"

But Zhang Nan smiled, "Experimental middle school, Li Wancai!"

"Puff!!!" Cheng Jianguo stayed there, staring at Zhang Nan with his eyes rounded.

Who recommended Li Wancai, shouldn't you recommend it?

Why is it... so unreal?

But when he heard Zhang Nan said, "Trust me, Li Wancai will definitely be willing to act as the principal."


Nonsense, of course there are one hundred Li Wancai, and one thousand are willing to act as the principal.

Think about it, Li Wancai dreamed of swallowing No. 2 Middle School. It's good now. He is not only the principal of Experimental Middle School, but also the principal of No. 2 Middle School.

You say this fate, why is it so smooth?

Now, Hu Guo doesn't need to make the situation right for this elder brother, he can promote the merger of Experimental Middle School and No. 2 Middle School by himself.

You say this fate, why is it so comfortable! ?

It's just that Li Wancai feels comfortable, but Hu Guowei feels uncomfortable!

He never dreamed that Cheng Jianguo would issue such an order.

This appointment should have been made by me, and the brother-in-law of Li Wancai has made it in one step.

Once all the wishes were fulfilled, then it was logical to expand the experiment, annex the second middle school, and feel comfortable without desires and desires.

But I haven't lost anything yet! Where is my game? What do you say get what you need? You all got your wish, what am I doing?

This made Hu Guowei completely unsteady and had to take the initiative to find Liang Cheng.

"Chairman Liang, what should I do now? You said yes..."

That's it, and Cheng Jianguo was pulled down.

In fact, Liang Cheng didn't expect such a result to happen suddenly.

I had to appease Hu Guowei, "Don't worry, it should be yours, it's yours! It's just a small accident, don't you need to be so nervous?"

"The big deal is to change the strategy, step by step, at most, wait two more days?"

The implication, don't worry, wait!

After finally dismissing Hu Guowei, Liang Cheng also fell into contemplation.

His mother, Cheng Jianguo's appointment disrupted his rhythm.

But it's okay, save trouble!


In fact, whether Liang Cheng or Hu Guowei, including Li Wancai, who hasn't shown up, there is no personal relationship between the three.

In the final analysis, it's just that each takes what it needs and uses each other.

At this point, Liang Cheng's goal has actually been achieved. He only needs to find out the problem on Zhang Nan, and that's it.

Next, I still worry about the second middle school issue, which is actually doing my duty.

Yes, there is no free lunch in the world. Others helped you accomplish your goals. Hu Guowei and Li Wanchang let Zhang Nan get into trouble. Then you have to help others to accomplish their But the problem is that Li Wancai's goal has been achieved, and Hu Guo is the only one who is still hanging around. Do you still need to do things with all your heart?

Taking a step back, is it still meaningful to still hold on to Shangbei No. 2 Middle School? ?

Hu Guowei's goal has not been achieved yet, so he is anxious. There are three of them, but he is empty-handed.

But... do you have to finish it now?

Can Hu Guowei wait for a while?

After all, Hu Zhengxun was right. At this time, it is better not to touch the second middle school. If you can withdraw early, then withdraw.

Thinking for a long time. Dial a number...



"President Dong."



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