Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 103: 1 battle fame

The college entrance examination, the most solemn and fairest selective examination under the world's largest education system, has an irreplaceable status in the eyes of Chinese people.

For this day, anyone and everything must make way for it.

Even if Li Wancai is dealing with more and more junior high school parents, he is already exhausted, but at noon on the 3rd, he still has to spare some time to gather all the teachers of the third year of high school together and explain the upcoming college entrance examination tasks.

"Be sure to tell! The order, time, and venue of the test must be kept in mind!"

"The admission ticket, ID card, and the discipline of the examination room, please repeat and repeat for me!"

"I don't know in the second middle school. Anyway, the experimental middle school has Ma Daha every year. Either this or the other is lost."

"This is all an accident, so I must put an end to it!"

"Don't put pressure on me. What I should do tomorrow is determined to every hour. I have to set out when I go to bed."

Li Wancai repeated the rhetoric that he said every year. Even if he didn't want the second high school and third-year exams to be too good, he still had to say what he said.

Although the teachers in the third year of high school are not too cold with this acting principal, and know that he is a crying cat and a mouse, they still have to listen.

After all, it is everyone's goal to send students into the examination room with ease, and then let them out of the examination room happily.

After the meeting, the head teachers returned to the class, nothing special, and now everything is pale, only repeating Li Wancai's rhetoric.

Then there was no class in the afternoon, four self-study sessions, and the teachers of each subject took turns to the class to talk about the precautions and calculations of the exam. As for the knowledge, there is no need to repeat it.

This kind of atmosphere is a bit nervous, not to mention the candidates, the teachers all have scalp numbness.

But there is no way. What should be said is still to be said, and what should be done is still to be done.

Viagra, Cao Xiaoxi, Guan Xiaobei, and Yu Yangyang are all a little lingering. To be honest, they have seen seniors on the execution ground and laughed at them before.

Isn't it just an exam? What a big deal!

But when it was my turn, I was dumbfounded, so scary!

In the afternoon, Viagra rubbed his hands and said, "Not nervous, not nervous, I call not nervous!"

Cao Xiaoxi, who was separated by an aisle, wanted to strangle him so much!

"Caiwei! You talk again, believe it or not the old lady will stuff you under the table!?"

"Believe!" Viagra didn't want to quarrel, he was really nervous.

He blew the cowhide and said that he was going to be admitted to Peking University. I don’t know if the results of the four models are reliable or not?

"Not nervous, not nervous, I call not nervous!"

Cao Xiaoxi was angry, her eyes rolled and smiled contemptuously...

"You are like a bear, still competing with a rock? You don't feel nervous after changing a rock. Nothing!"

Viagra: "..."

Instantly stagnated, expression introverted, only to feel...

My head no longer feels dizzy, my waist no longer hurts, my body feels better, and it’s delicious to eat!

With a serious face, "I'll just tease you guys, and I'm serious? Don't I just break the exam? What's the matter?"

Viagra's fighting spirit is up, so don't you be nervous anymore?

Provoked a group of eight groups of people laughed.

Cao Xiaoxi looked at his shameless look, shook her head speechlessly, and said to her heart, I'm really a little genius.

Ignoring Viagra, put both arms under the table, staring straight at the empty desk in a daze.

The books and workbooks for the third year of high school were cleaned up after finishing, and now only people are still here.

After a while, Cao Xiaoxi suddenly said: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I call you don't be nervous..."

Eight classes: "..."

Well, Cao Xiaoxi said that Viagra is a set of sets, but in fact, he has already got cold hands and feet.

Li Yanhong looked at the door, shook her head speechlessly, a group of **** goods!

He walked into the classroom with his back hand, looked around, and suddenly said: "There is a girl in the Yang family...

The eighth class was stunned, and blurted out: "Strike the mountain and be overwhelmed by the world!"

Li Yanhong, "Men should be self-improvement!"

Class 8: "Yellow decals on the mirror!"


After receiving it, I laughed. I couldn't help but think of the scandalous thing that Viagra did last year, and the tension was wiped out.

Li Yanhong smiled, "That's right! Just relax?"

Originally the last section of self-study was to issue admission tickets, so late self-study would not be necessary.

However, I don’t know why, the fourth class in the afternoon of the senior year was not delivered.

In fact, the senior teacher is waiting for Li Wancai.

Li Wancai is now in charge of two schools and cannot always stay in the second middle school.

However, this time he was pretty good. He spent the entire afternoon in the second middle school, and went back to the experimental middle school until the late self-study. The senior high school over there also insisted on studying until the evening.

It was almost eight o'clock that the class teachers of the third year of high school issued the admission ticket to the candidates, and it was a reminder.


"get out!"

The senior third public finally breathed a sigh of relief, and ran downstairs in a fuss.

They only stopped at the entrance of the first floor.

President Dong, Old Crane, and...Zhang Nan, the three of them carried their hands behind their backs and smiled, watching the happy senior high school candidates, coming to see them for the last time.

"Zhang Xiao!"

"Principal Zhang!"

Many candidates from the third year of high school greeted them.

Don't look at Zhang Nan who is usually afraid of Zhang Nan, but... she is not here during this time, and she always feels unreliable!

As more and more people gathered, the front door of the main building was blocked, but there were still high school third-year candidates squeezing toward the door.

It wasn't until this moment that they discovered that Zhang Nan had already made his mark in the Second Middle School in this year. This principal who was calm and wise at all times has become the label of the second middle school.

"Come and see you, send you off."

Yu Yangyang and Coco Li squeezed to the front, "Principal Zhang, tell us something!"

Zhang Nan shook his head, "There is nothing to say, you have amazed yourself and me, now, go to amaze the world!"


Feel that Zhang Nan has a good level?

A short sentence was an unusual boost.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Nan commanded everyone, "It's not the last one. Those who have to come to school after the exam, the school will organize to give you volunteers."

Everyone reluctantly said goodbye to Zhang Nan, and then rushed to the next corner of life with the dream of stunning the world.

There will be holidays on the 4th and 5th, and the examination room will be formally entered on the 6th.

On this day, all elementary and junior high schools in Shangbei City have all become examination rooms.

Because there is a high school in the second middle school, it failed to become an examination room.

For this, Tang Yi and Wu Ning struggled for a long time.

"Damn, take two less days off, this wave is a loss!"

However, after careful consideration, the three brothers decided to skip class for a long time, and went to the first, second and first middle schools to send Li Hanhan the test. Anyway, he was very loyal.

I still encountered Viagra in No.1 Middle School, and Viagra was a little tangled, "Hey, don't say send it to me."

On the afternoon of the 7th, the final exam was over, announcing the complete end of the hell-like senior year life.

Zhang Nan talked with President Dong at home on the phone, and got first-hand feedback from the candidates after they came out.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Nan looked at the wall clock and let out a long sigh, "It's finally over!"

He picked up the phone and dialed out again, calling Cai Zhenglin.

After the connection, "Old Cai, thank you for your cooperation during this time."

On the other end of the phone, "Is the exam finished?" he took a deep breath, "I can tell you, this time it is not a meal that can be settled. For your old Xu, my Xiaowei entered the examination room and I didn't go back! "

Zhang Nan smiled heartily, "Two meals..."

The next day, Cai Zhenglin, who had been in the countryside for more than ten days, was finally willing to come back.

Regarding the recent discussions in the compound, regarding the words of Secretary Xu Wenliang, Lao Cai, as an official of Shangbei's local origin, calmed the dispute with just one sentence.

"What are you talking about!? Old Xu discussed with me before he left, and I firmly support it."

Cai Zhenglin's sentence is more effective than others.

At the same time, he also showed his attitude that he and Xu Wenliang are of one mind.

The people below stopped immediately.

Reconcile! No matter how interesting the little **** below is, it means that he has no eyesight to see.

Hu Zhengxun is also completely speechless in this regard, are you kidding me?

You Cai Zhenglin has this attitude, so what are you waiting for? Why didn't you come out to speak early?

Hu Zhengxun didn't know that Zhang Nan's counterattack had just begun.

Around July 10th, although I still have to wait a few days for the results of this year's senior high school, the results of this year's second high school are so outstanding that it can't be blocked.

As mentioned before, the parents of the first and second grades of high school finally couldn't sit still, so you ruined the future of my child?

Take Tang Chenggang, Wu Lianshan, Qi Guojun...

Well, in fact, the parents headed by Class 14 began to come to the school to ask for an explanation.

Coupled with the parents of the first and second grades, this scale is no small.

In this regard, Li Wanchang can only carry it to death.

You can’t do it if you don’t carry it. Reduce the burden! Burden reduction is his basic plan!

It's a pity that in the past, the first and second grades of the first and second grades came in twos and threes, and even went solo, but the fourteenth class...

Class 14 has been upset once, and the struggle experience is rich! And Tang Chenggang's three old brothers organized, can that be the same?

Li Wanchang, you play Tai Chi with us, right? OK!

Tang Chenggang was impatient. Not only did I have the ability to organize, I also had money.

When I go back, I will contact the parents of high school, high school, middle school and middle school. Let's go to the provincial capital to report!

Tang Chenggang was also unique, renting ten buses, and hundreds of parents went to the province.

Li Wancai was almost scared to pee and had to bring Hu Guowei to the rescue.

However, it was too late to stop.

Who are the three dads?

rich! capable! See it through!

The most terrible thing is that they are not afraid of things, can you bear it?

What is Li Wancai, what is Hu Guo, that is Xiaoyu Xiaoxi, where are the roots, in Liangcheng!

Without torturing Liang Cheng for half his life, can Dong Zhanlin behind him jump out?

As long as he jumps out, the serial pit before that can kill him.

Therefore, the problem of the principal of Xiaoxiao Shangbei No. 2 Middle School was caused from the province to Shangbei, and this time from Shangbei back to the province.

Hundreds of people form a group to enter the city, what is the effect?

Although Tang Chenggang is well-measured, he will not be as wild as he was in the second middle school when he arrives in the provincial capital, but not everyone can catch it.

The provincial JY hall, which I went to first, frightened the leaders.

While comforting the parents of the students, he called Liang Cheng, who was in charge of the second middle school's problem, over and scolded him bloody.


"Now, immediately, immediately, send me to Shangbei and stop at No. 2 Middle School! Don't come back if you don't solve the problem for me!"

Ever since, Liang Cheng returned to Shangbei, no longer arrogant, and the whole figure was like a grandson, and was scolded by the parents.

at the same time....

Qi Lei also yelled in the [Future] group:

"Brother Xiao Ma, three days! In three days, I made the second middle school the hottest topic on the Internet!"

"Ning Cunfu! Three days! The writers of the whole station have a thousand words of 200, so they will give me a comment on the topic of the second middle school."

"Uncle San! Hang up all the boot links of Sanshi Internet Cafe!"

Through the screen, you can feel Qi Lei's teeth and claws.

"Grandma's! Hit him!"

After supporting the three, Qi Lei seemed to be a little floating: "Old Nan!! You have a serious status, please write me a comment!"

[Nan Guanghong]: "No time!"

[Little Rock]: "Oh..."

It's really floating...

A row of replies below:

[Little Ma]: "Nan Lao is mighty, you can cure him!"

[Little Village Man]: "Lao Nan is so mighty, you can cure him!"

[Xiao Jianjian]: "Lao Nan is mighty, you can cure him!"

[Nan Guanghong]: Taojiao) This kid is always in the wrong position, I can't help it!"

When Qi Lei took a look, he saw me making a joke, right?

Raised his brows, typed a line:

[Little Rock]: "Add 1 million additional funds every year!"

Nan Lao Zheng Lao leaned back on the chair, joking with the young man every day, feeling that he was young.

But Xiao Qi Lei still wants to support me? What a joke! I am a technical one! Not a manuscript!

As a result, when I saw what Qi Lei said in the group...

puff! A sip of tea came out.

One, one million?

Seconds back!

"make a deal!"





Brother Xiao Ma, the little villager, and Xiao Jianjian, they felt deeply hurt!

The group is full of the copper smell of money...

It is a pity that Nan Guanghong has completely stopped being disciplined for the sake of funding.

"Add another 100, and I will find a big newspaper for you and send it out."

"make a deal!"




Smash the three views, it's not smelly!

That's it, July 15th.

A well-known domestic paper media published a review article by the top domestic computer expert Nan Guanghong—"The future of science and technology lies in education, and the future of education lies in a sincere heart."

Nan Lao still has the level, reducing the burden is the general direction of the country, he is not stupid enough to work against it.

However, Nan Lao chose a roundabout angle.

That is, how should the burden be reduced, is it one size fits all? Is it to reduce the extracurricular burden, or to reduce the knowledge in class?

Borrowing from the problems of Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, Nan Guanghong's words are Zhuji, and his views are old and convincing.

It's just that the viewers are very curious, this Nan Guanghong... don't you engage in computers? Why do you care about education?

How do they know that the money is in place!

Two million for a manuscript! Can Lao Nan not care?

What is the concept of two million? He can add dozens of top programmers to the R&D center.

Zhang Nan was also curious about the public opinion on the Internet and Nan Guanghong's commentary.

what's the situation? I haven't started yet? Why does it feel like it's about to end?

Who is helping secretly? Still such a big energy? This is much bigger than the provincial newspaper and the public opinion that criticized her on that portal website.

If last time it could be called a whip, then this time it is simply a telegraph pole.

Zhang Nan is not calm anymore, who the **** is that?

As everyone knows, her never-passed son-in-law started a public opinion war. In this era, he really belongs to the ancestors.

A journalist who will be engaged in news twenty years later, in this age of informatization, who can play with him?

But anyway, no matter who the mysterious person is, Zhang Nan is still carrying out his plan step by step.

It was also the day when Nan Guanghong's Pinlun was published in the newspaper, Zhang Nan took the initiative to approach Hu Zhengxun.

Also present was Liu Changshan, director of the Shangbei Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Zhang Nan took two thick document bags from Liu Changshan and handed them to Hu Zhengxun.

Pointing to one of them, "This is the bonus details of all the teachers in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, and the reimbursement vouchers for my personal business trip. They are all here."

"Director Liu personally asked the comrades of Shangbei Commission for Discipline Inspection to take away from the Second Middle School before you came, and sealed it up on the spot."

"This is my account of the organization."

Pointing to the second copybook bag, “This one is my official real-name report of Comrade Liang Cheng’s illegal operations that did not comply with the procedures during the investigation of the Second Middle School.”

"Inducing students to conduct questionnaire surveys, as well as with Comrade Hu Guowei, Comrade Li Wancai, and illegal businessman Dong Zhanlin, there were acts of black-box trading."

Hu Zhengxun...

Hu Zhengxun was stupid, and it was only at this moment that he understood what the principal of Zhang University was doing.

She wants to draw them all out, one pot!

Hu Zhengxun took the two materials with some gratitude, and said to Zhang Nan sincerely expressing his personal feelings.


Yes, I really have to say thank you. Although Zhang Nan has been uncooperative since he came to Shangbei, he was very annoyed.

But based on these two materials, Hu Zhengxun has to say thank you. Because no matter which material, if it doesn't pass through his hands, then Hu Zhengxun will be finished.

But he didn't know, and the one who should say thank you is still to come!

The nineteenth.

There is one day before the official announcement of the college entrance examination results, but Hu Zhengxun has already learned the college entrance examination results of the second high school from the provincial channel.


4 Tsinghua University, 3 Peking University, and the top ten domestic universities have admitted 31.

The cost-weighting rate was 15.4%.

A rate of 67.8%.

Excluding specialty students, UU Reading is 100% admitted by more than two books, and none of them go to colleges and universities.

The high school in a small county ranks 11th in the province. It even eliminated two key cities in Harbin, including key high schools in other prefecture-level cities in the province.

As soon as this result was announced, Shangbei No. 2 Middle School became famous in the first battle! Amazing province!

It is bound to cause a sensation...

Hu Zhengxun was shocked in a cold sweat when he learned that.

The first reaction is: Liang Cheng is finished.

That Hu Guowei and Li Wancai are also waiting for bad luck!

His scalp was numb, and he couldn't even tell whether this was Zhang Nan's Jedi counterattack or whether every step was within her plan.


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