
Wei Guangming has been miserable from the end of the New Year to the present.

After being appointed as the general agent of Longjiang by Imagine, the company was basically blacklisted in the computer accessories industry, and no one was willing to cooperate with an agent with a pitted mind.

After all, because of his reasons, the fact that Imagine almost lost orders for 100,000 computers was a big deal in the industry.

Therefore, in the past six months, although Wei Guangming's store on Nantong Street was still open, it was only able to do some parts business because of being sold as an agent.

In addition, the current configuration of Internet cafes in Longjiang Province is almost entirely chained due to the emergence of Sanshi, and there are no individual Internet cafes.

Chain Internet cafes have a management system, one-stop decoration equipment, and there is no franchise fee, so who will do it alone?

Individual Internet cafes have basically lost their living soil.

The current situation is that it is either the largest chain brand Sanshi, or the Internet cafe chain companies that follow the trend. Although they don't have such big discounts on equipment and decoration, they also have their own little advantages.

For example, the most popular one in Shuangcheng is the "Dragon City Internet Cafe Chain". They are very good at licenses, and the bosses are very popular. Almost all of them have to find him for licenses in Internet cafes in Shuangcheng.

However, whether you are Dragon City or Fengcheng, the Internet cafe system and server architecture used are all three stones.

There is no way. Three Stones are ahead. They have monopolized this area, and no one can do so comprehensively.

In short, the business of Internet cafe equipment could not be done, and the chain Internet cafes took the order, and then directly went to the first-level dealer or directly to the manufacturer.

Some Internet cafe chains are even the offline of Three Stone Company.

Especially if the system, equipment, and server all use three stones, you can earn a franchise stitching money.

This leaves Longjiang's computer agents with only the personal computer business, and the life is very hard.

Those big agents can't make much money, let alone a three-no-business like Wei Mingguang. The store is not making money, but losing money.

In the past six months, Wei Guangming also knew in his heart that he could no longer do the computer business, so he was always looking for new projects.

It is also luck. When Wei Fatty was famous, he had funded Harbin No. 3 Middle School, and it was not a kindness.

That is, people who sell computers always feel that they are more avant-garde, and wealthy people abroad do this, donating money to prestigious schools, and then sending their children in, so I donated some at that time.

As a result, the wife's stomach was not up to date, and she had donated for several years, and she hadn't seen any children.

For this reason, Wei Guangming struggled for a long time and donated for nothing.

In fact, he thinks too much.

However, where there is a cause, there is an effect.

Life is like this. One incident that caused him to receive a call from Zhang Nan caused him to receive a call from Zhang Nan, which made the "General Wei" who was looking for a new business smell a fishy smell at once.

Putting it in the past, the middle school in a small county should donate money? President Wei wouldn't even take care of it.

But now, not only did he come by himself, but he also brought a few people to the scene.

After Zhang Nan paid the bill and said goodbye to Wei Guangming, Fatty Wei also vowed to say: "In three or five days, it will be the beginning of next month. Let's go to No. 2 Middle School for a look, and then contact Principal Zhang."

Zhang Nan nodded naturally, said something to thank President Wei for supporting the education cause, and then left.

When Wei Guangming returned to the store on Nantong Street, he was also thinking.

The little brothers who followed him still didn't understand, "Brother Wei, really give the money for that surname?"

Wei Guang understood him, "You know what a fart!"

"Do you know how much money a school canteen has for a day's running water? Do you know how big the school cafeteria is?"

The little brothers shook their heads blankly, but it made the desolate President Wei find a sense of existence and settled an account for the little brothers.

"Even as a student, on average, the pocket money for a week is ten yuan. For 8,000 students, it is 80,000 a week. Half of this money is spent on campus, right?"

"That week, the commissary alone had a turnover of 40,000 to 50,000. That's still not enough!"

It is indeed a negligible one.

In fact, don't even look at it as a school commissary. A normal school with two or three thousand people can have a daily flow of 10,000.

And in the school, only your family, 40% of the gross profit is easy.

What's more, it's a big school of seven or eight thousand people?

And it's not one, but two campuses.

Don't forget, not only the second middle school can work, but now the experimental middle school also comes in.

Is there a cafeteria?

"Don't think this is a small business, most people can't handle it!"

Well, when there is imaginative agency, President Wei will not even take a look at this kind of business, let alone worry about it, it is not embarrassing enough!

But now, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. It is better than sitting and eating in the sky, right?

Wei Guangming now has a certain taste.

After thinking for a long time, I finally decided, "I will go to Shangbei tomorrow, let’s see the situation first!"

It was the first day of next month with Zhang Nan, but Fatty Wei couldn't wait, so he had to check the situation first.



On Qi Lei's side, I really didn't know that Fatty Wei was eyeing No. 2 Middle School.

He didn't even know that the old mother-in-law was already on the fifth floor. Not only did he take advantage of Liang Cheng and Hu Zhengxun's investigation of the second middle school to clear the obstacles for Xu Wenliang, but also chewed the experimental middle school.

If Qi Lei knew, he had to take a small book and write it down, a classic case!

From his perspective, it is normal for the school to sponsor a little, and Zhang Nan is only doing his duty as a principal.

As for the lack of money in the second middle school, there will be no bonuses until it is lacking, which is not within the vision of Qi Lei.

At this moment, he and his friends watched Li Fanfan staring at the stewed fish the size of half a table in a daze.

"You people from the Northeast... just eat like this?"

Li Fanfan was a little confused, he had never seen this before.

In this regard, the villager of Ning joked: "Where is this? When the crowd arrives tomorrow, let's go to the Longfeng Mountain. Live in a resort and go to the farmyard to roast sheep. That's fun!"

Said Li Fanfan quite longing for it.

Well, it's actually the limitations of the times.

In later generations, self-driving tours, rural pleasure, and vacation tourism projects abound.

But at the end of the nineties, it was quite new.

There are only two forms of tourism in this era:

First, here is a tour type.

The destinations are generally big cities such as Beijing, Magic Capital, Suzhou and Hangzhou.

A tour guide leads a group, or a family as a unit, a fancy tour.

Quality, take a photo to prove that I have been here.

If you don’t have quality, find a landmark scene and write "Visit here" so that future generations will know that I have been here.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in this era, every family has a large picture frame on the wall with old photographs in it, ranging from children's full moon photos to adults' travel footprints.

Therefore, when you visit someone's house, you are not afraid to find the topic.

There must be a part of the bridge, turning in front of the frame, and judging whether the child is as long as possible, or whether it is as long as possible.

Among them, the most concerned ones are travel photos.


Second, the trip organized by the unit.

I don’t have to say, every year around July 16th, some powerful units organize staff tours, and the destination depends on the unit’s benefits.

Good units go far away, like grain depots. Since Qi Lei can remember, they have traveled outside the province every year, from Dalian and Beijing to Dali and Hainan.

If you don’t work well, you’ll take an outing. After spending a day, you will come back for a meal at the scenic spots around the city.

The resort-style experiential tours like Longfeng Mountain are actually not many and very fresh.

Li Fanfan was looking forward to it, but Qi Lei and the others were a bit shameless.

Special mother, Qi Lei has spoken a lot, as long as it is domestic, you can pick any place. In the end, he went to Sailongfengshan?

In the place of Longfeng Mountain, 200 yuan a sheep, 30 yuan per room in the resort, and the only place left to spend money is renting a boat.

I can rent a boat for 60 yuan a day, and the speedboat is only 121 days.

When the twenty-odd writers came, plus the employees under the banyan tree, there were more than forty people, but they spent more than one thousand yuan a day.

Can spend more than 10,000 in a week?

Mr. Ningcun is really picky! Qi Lei gave him a budget of 200,000 yuan.

But, in the words of Mr. Ning, two hundred thousand? Two hundred thousand is enough for me to pay half a year's bonus, what's wrong with it?

Moreover, Mr. Ningcun’s husband actually knows these writers. They find a place where they can eat well, live well, and have a good view. Let them live in a creative camp. What they want is style, and it doesn’t matter how much you spend.

As a result, the village husband of Ning was embarrassed the next day, waiting for people to arrive one after another, before everyone had time to see the prosperity and romance of Harbin, they hurried to the road and rushed to Longfeng Mountain in Shangbei.

However, it is a dirt road from Harbin to Shangbei. The road conditions are still particularly bad. It is still a chartered bus, which will bump everyone up!

Annie was jealous and didn't scold the stationmaster Ning to death, "Cunner Ning, what are you going to do? Did you send us to Shangougou for sale?"

Cai Wuming came from a treasure island. This era was much more developed than the mainland, and he had never suffered such a crime. His motion sickness was pale, and he couldn't stand it when he was halfway there, so he stopped and vomited.

Under the siege of a crowd of people, Ningcunfu had no choice but to admit his mistake, "Well, I didn't think about it well. I didn't expect you to be so squeamish."



Is it everyone's fault?

Qi Lei is actually very sorry, not everyone can bear the backwardness and poverty, and not everyone regards the ruined Shangbei town as the most beautiful place.

However, Qi Lei was in no mood to express apologies and complain, because the place where they stopped was a town between Harbin and Shangbei, named Lalin.

At this time, two Audi 100s were also parked on the side of the road, went to the canteen to buy water and rest.

And the person headed is Wei Guangming.

It stops next to each other, it's hard not to see it.

At this time, Station Master Ning was standing under the car with Li Fanfan and Cai Wuming smoking, while Qi Lei and Annie Jealous were chatting with them.

Then, Wei Guangming's car stopped less than ten meters away, and the people got out of the car.

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, a little interesting.

Station Master Ning and the others naturally followed Qi Lei’s gaze and saw that it was a fat fat man. Station Master Ning couldn’t help but wonder, "Who (sei)? Know?"

Qi Lei smiled and jokingly said: "Know, your benefactor."

Station Master Ning: "???"

Li Fanfan: "???"

If you know it, it’s fine, how come you have become our benefactor?

But Qi Lei said, "Without him, there would be no Three Stone Company, nor under the current banyan tree."



Oh go! Station Master Ning said heartily, that's really a benefactor.

"Is it so important?"

But Wu Ning and Tang Yi rushed over, "Look at it, Fatty Wei!"

Station Master Ning, "I see, benefactor!"

Wu Ning and Tang Xiaoyi were startled, and then laughed, "What a benefactor! What a great grace!"

These words made Station Master Ning and the others a little bit confused. Listen... Why don't they look like benefactors?

One more question, "What's the matter?"

As a result, Wu Ning and Tang Yi naturally just let go of this gossip opportunity and talked to everyone about their entanglement with Fatty Wei.

Station Master Ning and Li Fanfan were dumbfounded. "So it's such a benefactor!?"

Simply speechless, I always feel that this brother three is showing off, but there is no evidence.

What's so special, a fat man was excited, and a three-stone company was formed. Are you still human?


Opposite Wei Guangming actually saw Qi Lei.

Although Wei Guangming never saw Qi Lei after the store conflict, he met Qi Guodong and Zhao Wei during the bidding meeting.

At that time, Qi Guodong also shook Qi Lei to go to the bidding meeting to fight Wei Guangming's face, but Qi Lei did not go, and felt boring.

Even if Wei Guangming was a fool, he knew why his agent was dropped.

After that, I also thought about revenge, but as long as I investigate the background of Sanshi Company a little bit, I understand that the volume is no longer within my grasp.

Therefore, Wei Guangming recognized the bad luck.

Yes, there is no bitter blood. Fatty Wei is also a wise man. He doesn't want to suffer a second loss after suffering one loss.

Seeing Qi Lei at this time, although he felt a little inexplicable restlessness in his heart, he could not wait to go up and peel Qi Lei's skin, but he also held back.

After all, people in their 30s and 40s understand the truth of what one lacks and one gains wisdom.

If he were to encounter the situation where Qi Lei and the others came to buy a computer last time, Wei Guangming would probably no longer be so domineering.

Once...it hurt half my life!

Moreover, not only did it hold back, Wei Guangming even took the initiative to walk over here.

Say hello to Qi Lei, "Brother Qi, what a coincidence!"

This surprised Qi Lei, who didn't expect Wei Guangming to greet him on his own initiative.

However, without hitting the smiling man, Qi Lei had to raise his hand, "President Wei, long time no see."

Wei Guangming came over with a smile, "Brother Qi, where is this going?"

Qi Lei didn't want to be too detailed, "I'm from Shangbei."

Wei Guangming raised his eyebrows, "Yes, I forgot. Brother Qi said it when we first met."

Qi Lei nodded, "Yes, then President Wei is..."

Wei Guangming smiled playfully, "Thanks to your uncle, I can't continue in the computer industry."

Wei Guangming didn't know that Three Stone Company was Qi Lei, he always thought it was Qi Guodong's business.

"No, there is a project in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School. Let's take a look."

He didn't hide anything, and even exaggerated it deliberately.

Wei Guangming is a loser in front of Qi Lei, or in front of the Qi family. He still has the idea of ​​being brave and not admitting defeat in his subconscious mind.

"Shangbei No. 2 Middle School?" Qi Lei was startled, and then calmed down again. "What projects can the No. 2 Middle School have?"

However, Wei Guangming didn't say anything. When the goal of bravery was achieved, there was no need to say more.

Change the subject, "By the way, brother Qi, are you also in school? In Shangbei? Which school?"

Qi Lei happily said, "Coincidentally, I'm in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School." Or, what project did Mr. Wei talk about? "

"Don't be careful, and let me get dirty again, that's not appropriate."

Wei Guangming's face turned black, **** it, bad luck!

Are you messing me up? Who do you think you are? You can manage everything!




There is a double monthly pass for the four days at the beginning of the month~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There will be crowdfunding from 8pm to 12pm, that is, a quadruple monthly pass.

I don’t mean to ask for a vote, and I don’t have any ideas.

The main reason is that there are a lot of things this month. For the tumors that were surgically cut last year, the doctor asked them to review them for half a year, but the results have been delayed until now.

The car was up for maintenance on the 20th of last month.

And Cangshan must adjust his work and rest time and clear his mind, otherwise he will be finished.

In the plot, the conflicts after the joint school should be seriously considered.

From the beginning of the book to now, it has been 3 months, 940,000 words, and it is exactly 10,000 a day.

This month will be... six thousand!

Adjust it. If you can save a few drafts, it would be even better, and you will have a blast next month.

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