Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 114: Killer


As the saying goes, a penny stumps a hero.

To be honest, Chen Mukun put Zhang Nan in an awkward position.

Like those dreamers who have tried to change, they have the ambition to do something, but unfortunately they end up with the money problem.

This is a very real problem, and most people have regrets and have to succumb to their fate.

And Zhang Nan was already compromising, using the benefits of the school canteen and cafeteria in exchange.

Even Zhang Nan has already done a good job and can't get the money, thus lowering his goals. For example, the teacher's bonus will be less and the school's grades will be a little more satisfied.

Don't go to the dream of a famous Longjiang school, just be a famous high school in Harbin.

However, Zhang Nan would never have imagined that there was a guy who opened up lurking next to her, and that kid was here specifically to eliminate regrets.

But this spoiled Chen Mukun's good deeds.

Be perverted, don’t see others well.

When the stationmaster Ning reported himself that he was the ceo under the banyan tree, Chen Mukun was shocked for a while and took the initiative to shake hands.

"Hello, hello, I am Chen Mukun, the founder of Cha Cha Literature Forum, and a student of Teacher Zhang."

Station Master Ning knew that Wei Guangming was there, but he didn't know what Chen Mukun was.

When I heard it was Zhang Nan's student, he shook his hand quickly with a suspicious expression on his face.

However, Zhang Nan nodded calmly, worried.

She knew exactly what Chen Mukun was going to do, and she was afraid that he would also confuse these uninvited gold masters.

Therefore, afterwards, Wang Xingye was called to his side and asked him to keep an eye on Chen Mukun.

Wang Xingye has long seen this product not pleasing to the eye, "Principal Zhang, don't worry!"

After that, it was still a fixed process, introducing the history of the Second High School, and taking people to visit the school.

Now the students and teachers are on vacation, and there is no one in the school, nor can they do anything else.

Taking Station Master Ning and the others, they went around the school, during which Zhang Nan had been observing.

That Nan Guanghong is an academician of the National Academy of Engineering and has a high prestige in the computer industry, so he actually came here in person.

Qi Guodong, the owner of the Three Stone Company...

Well, Qi Guojun, Qi Guodong, and Zhang Nan naturally think of Qi Lei's relatives.

Moreover, the Internet cafe owners of Sanshi Company are better, just take a look, they don't have much focus.

But the young woman who led the owner of the Internet cafe was not easy, she seemed to have been helping the Second Middle School to speak good things.

The only thing that made Zhang Nan a little unintelligible was an old farmer-like old man, the imaginative general agent of Longjiang.

And these people have a common feature, that is, they are very curious about the second middle school! To be precise, I was particularly curious about Class 14.

When I was still in the main building, someone asked, where is the 14th grade.

When I arrived at the gate of Class 14 of the West Campus, I stopped for a long time.

In the meantime, he looked into the classroom under the window for a long time, whispering whispers, but Zhang Nan couldn't hear what they were talking about.


In fact, it was a few people who were complaining.

Uncle Geng, "Xiao Shitou and Xu girl are in this class? Tsk tsk, it's broken enough!"

Elder Nan also curled his neck and replied, "It doesn't matter if it is not broken, our conditions were not as good as this at that time."

Zhou Tao also looked through the window and looked sad.

Although Zhou Tao has confirmed countless times with Qi Lei, she still feels unreal when she sees the classroom and thinks that the little boss is really a high school student.

During this period, Chen Mukun had been with the stationmaster Ning and seemed quite enthusiastic. From time to time, he even said that his exam-oriented education is not good, and business education is the reason for the prospects to fool the webmaster.

In a circumstance, the meaning is to tell the stationmaster Ning not to invest money in the second middle school.

Wang Xingye was so anxious that he was going to stop it, and even stubbornly drove people out.

However, he found that Chen Qianning, the stationmaster Ning, had a weird expression?

Looking at Chen Mukun with that look was like looking at a fool.

Hehe, can you not look at fools?

This is especially a task arranged by the boss. You are arguing about it, so what are you talking about?

Besides, aren't you a student of Principal Zhang? How do you feel like you are torn down?

In the end, Station Master Ning couldn't hold back, "Mr. Chen has been abroad for a long time, right?"

Chen Mukun was startled, why did he ask this suddenly? He smiled, "Sorry, I haven't been abroad yet."

Station Master Ning raised his eyebrows, "How come you become a banana man if you haven't been abroad?"

Chen Mukun didn't understand, "Bananaman? What do you mean?"

Station Master Ning came out very vaguely, "I recommend you to check out the "Belgrade Love" on our site, there are many vivid internet terms!"

Chen Mukun nodded repeatedly, "It must be."

Station Master Ning shook his head and didn't want to talk. He really didn't understand where this person was from.

Later, while Chen Mukun was not paying attention, Station Master Ning couldn't hold back, and whispered to Wang Xingye, "This... is really a student from Zhang School?" With a wry smile, "Why doesn't it seem to be here to help?"

Wang Xingye was almost suffocated. When the stationmaster Ning asked, he couldn't help himself, "Don't mention it, this is a white-eyed wolf!"

While speaking, tell the stationmaster Ning what Chen Mukun has just done...

Finally, she sighed bitterly, "Isn't this bullying? We don’t have as much trouble as a teacher. Mr. Chen, don’t listen to him. President Zhang is really working hard for sponsorship. Don’t hesitate to help. !"

Wang Xingye is actually a very clever person. But we have to compare with whom.

In terms of teachers and the education industry, Wang Xingye is an exquisite heart. But compared with the caring businessmen these days, that's too much difference.

Wang Xingye was a little bit anxious, and at this time he also had a sincere and touching taste. I hope that this large group of people will not be affected by Chen Mukun.


In the end, don't affect it!

Station Master Ning heard, what is it? Do you dare to calculate the old mother-in-law of my boss? It's not that it doesn't affect it, you have to get him!

I went to Qi Guodong right now, what did Qi Guodong mean when he heard it? Is there such a person?

I went to find Zhou Tao. When Zhou Tao heard that she was about to go violently, it was the old Geng on the side who spoke.

"I have a cure for this kind of person, leave it to me!"

Pointing to the husband of Ning Village, "You will cooperate with you in a while."

At this time, the school was almost transferred, Zhang Nan clapped his hands, "Everyone, go to the conference room and sit down!"

As a result, everyone turned to the conference again.

Since the teachers were on vacation, Lao Dong and Wang Xingye made tea for everyone in person.

But it was Uncle Geng who stopped them, "Just save making tea or something. Let's sit for a while and leave."

Zhang Nan motioned to listen to the old man, rubbing his hands and hesitating, thinking about how to get into the topic and ask these people to donate some money.

Even if it's a little bit, it's okay to solve the urgent need.

However, what Zhang Nan didn't expect was that Old Geng spoke again at this time, "Everyone, please be quiet!"

There was no sound in the conference room for a while, and it all listened to the old man.

He only heard the old Geng said: "People are all teachers. Talking about business and talking about money is not their own business, let's not embarrass them."

"Come and come, and I have seen it. Principal Zhang just said that there are any difficulties in this school, so hurry up. One person tells the number, and then counts it back and sends it to the school."

This is mainly for the owners of Internet cafes, and Lao Geng also has prestige among them. Don't forget, Uncle Geng is still the president of the Three Stone Internet Cafe Owners Association!

At this time, the old man spoke, and everyone nodded.

However, Amukun relied on just jumping up and down in the team, coupled with good communication skills, thought he had been integrated into the organization!

"Ahem!" Cleared his throat, "Let me say a few words first, I think!"

When I just started, Old Geng pressed back with a single sentence, "You will wait a while, and then it will be your turn. Let our owner report the number first."

While speaking, he said to Wang Xingye, "Vice President Wang, please memorize it."

Wang Xingye: "..."

Three views have collapsed.

This, is this a donation? How easy is this?

But without waiting for him, the owners over there have already begun to speak.

Simple and clear, name plus the amount of donation.

"Zhang Wenmao, 50,000."


"Xu Taihua, 80,000."


"Tang Ruili, 50,000."


"Lu Anshun, 100,000."


"Zhu Chaomin, 100,000. In addition, Jiang Zhe didn't come today, so I let me take over, Jiang Zhe 50,000."

There were more than a dozen owners who came up with 50,000 to 80,000 each.

Wang Xingye quickly took out his notebook and his hands were shaking.

Sanguan really collapsed.

Are all so rich? Is it so easy?

In the blink of an eye, there are already a million giants.

And when the owners finished the report, Qi Guodong also moved here.

Take out a list, exactly the amount negotiated in the group that day.

Passed it to Zhang Nan, "Principal Zhang, this is one million from our Three Stone Company, and there are dozens of retired computers, so that the children will not dislike it and bring them back to you."

"Also..." Qi Guodong said to Wang Xingye: "Shenzhen Penguin Company asked me to report the number on their behalf, one million!"

Wang Xingye: "..."

The brain is buzzing!

Three, three, three, three, three, three million!

Three million! !

Even Zhang Nan was dumbfounded. She never dreamed that three million would fall from the sky.

However, this is not over yet!

Everyone has finished reporting a few times and talking about the donation amount. The old man looked at Chen Mukun with a smile, "Mr. Chen, it's your turn. How much did you want to say? Report the number!"

"Report..." Chen Mukun's eyes rounded, and I will report to you, uncle!

What am I...

I didn't want to donate it! !

However, Old Geng looked expectant, and everyone in the room looked at him playfully. Chen Mukun's face was blue and white, and his eyes were erratic, and he was completely unable to get off the stage.

After holding back for a long time, sweat also came down, "I, I think... this thing can't be so hasty, it is good to support education, but..."

"It's nothing!" Old Geng still smiled. "It's not enough to support barely, you have to take actual action! If this is spread, Mr. Chen's reputation will not be bad? Who would dare to invest in your website? ?"

Chen Mukun: "..."

Uncle Geng continued: "I just heard about it. Mr. Chen is so interesting to his teacher, so interesting that he dare not write a novel like that!"

Turning his head to look at the stationmaster Ning, "Xiao Chen, you are an expert, tell me, what is this called in the novel?"

Station Master Ning, "This is called a drama conflict!"

"Oh!" Old Uncle Geng suddenly realized, "Yes! It's drama conflict, do you use this material for writing novels?"

Station Master Ning was happy, "Of course it's useful! And not only I can use it, but we are just starting a creative camp under the banyan tree. Looking back, I will talk about it, what Cai Zhiheng, Baby Annie, Li Xunhuan., one person. If you can write a manuscript, you can start an essay contest!"

"Hey~~!" Old Uncle Geng rejoiced, "Come on! I'll give you a bonus and let you open. Mr. Chen is now famous! Even his website is famous!!!"

Chen Mukun: "..."

Cold hands and feet!

This old immortal threatens me! ?

right! Is threatening you! You see Zhang Nan and Lao Dong are examples of others, they can't take you any way, but they are so used to you?

I threatened you!

With the volume under the banyan tree still influential, you don't need to be so extreme. Isn't it the same as playing a small literary forum to kill you?

Lao Geng clearly told Chen Mukun that he would save money and avoid disaster! Or, bully you to death! !

Isn't it a businessman? This is not called bullying for businessmen, it is called normal business behavior.

He smiled, "Mr. Chen, how much do you donate?"

"I..." Chen Mukun couldn't say a word.

Chen Mukun is anxious to think about it, "This, this is not a trivial matter, I'll go back and consider it?"

A drag word decision, let him use it.

It's a pity that the old man was more happy, "Yes! Go back and think about it! Think about it carefully! No, worry, worry!"

It's over...

Chen Mukun knew that this old immortal was not joking, this was the rhythm of smashing to the end?

It seems that dragging is useless.

When he couldn't figure out a way, Old Geng spoke again, "To be honest, I don't mean to have trouble with you, old man."

"It's that you offended today. Uncle, I have to show you some color."

"You have to know that some people can't be bullied."

"How about this.... Let's make money with harmony."

"You apologize to Principal Zhang, and this matter is over."

"After that, uncle, I donate whatever I donate, you donate what you mean."

As if he had guessed Chen Mukun’s thoughts, Uncle Geng said again, “Don’t worry, I don’t compare with Sanshi Company, nor with Penguin... side."

Chen Mukun heard it, although he was extremely humiliated!

But... heroes don't suffer from immediate losses.

Finally.... I nodded.

He bowed deeply to Zhang Nan, "Teacher Zhang...the student is not sensible, the student is wrong."

Zhang Nan nodded, it was passed.

As soon as Uncle Geng saw it, he laughed out loud, "That's right! Don't use what you did in the mall on the teacher!"

He turned his head and said to Wang remember it, Geng Changhai...100,000. "

Chen Mukun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard one hundred thousand. Hurriedly said, "Chen Mukun... one hundred thousand!"

After Chen Mukun finished the report, Uncle Geng looked at Chen Mukun with a smile, "Young man, I'm happy, uncle, I will teach you a few more words today. First, don't make a move without knowing the details."

Chen Mukun snorted, his brows clenched! !

But Uncle Geng hasn't finished speaking yet, "Second! The mall is intriguing, don't be merciless to the enemy!!"

After speaking, smashed his lips, "These are actually two sentences."

But it doesn't matter anymore, I have another sentence to Wang Xingye! !

"Geng Changhai, donate another teaching building."



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