Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 136: The embryonic form of a think tank


Qi Lei didn't know at this time, but he had pitted himself.

It is his appearance and his "nosy" that has led to the wealth of the domestic Internet industry, and it has also created many competitors for himself.


Well, even if he knew it, nothing could be changed, he would still be nosy.

Compared with the strength of the motherland, he really doesn't have to worry about his own mess.

But having said that, he did cause a big trouble for himself this time.

This trouble is multi-faceted and extremely complicated. It can even be said that the prophetic foresight of his rebirth basically does not play any role in this matter.

The first is actoz itself.

In the original time and space, at the practice node in 1999, Actoz, as an online game developer, is still in the exploratory stage.

In the past three years since its establishment, there was basically no achievement. It was not until 1999 that it began to exert its strength. It has successively operated two more successful games-"Millennium" and "Legend".

Even if it has gained a good reputation, it is only a huge potential. The company's size is actually not large, and it can only be regarded as a small company.

Precisely because of this, when Shanda approached them, it was easy to get the legendary agency.

However, just because the potential was shown, then the hot money from Europe came in.

That's right, not only entered China, but Japan and South Korea, as highly developed regions in the electronics industry, could not enter the sight of European investors?

Therefore, just two months ago, Actoz had just received a financing, and his vision and position were different from his previous life.

Actoz is not eager to realize cash, but can have sufficient time and financial resources to find better quality and more potential partners.

Secondly, domestic Internet companies.

Qi Lei has devoted most of his experience to the school, and both Three Stones and Xiao Ma are not short of money.

Therefore, they have no idea how lively the current capital market and domestic Internet companies are.

It's almost a vegetable market.

Anyone who has some performance will start the second round of financing, and foreigners will pay for it with company data and development reports.

Almost all the websites that are a bit famous are eating meat.

There are two companies that are interested in cooperating with actoz this time, one is, which was just established by three Stanford alumni, and the other is

One has just been established and claims to be the first Chinese youth community in the class. It is developing rapidly and has a huge user base.

The other, known as "Gao Daquan", is the most confusing and least positioned, and you don't know it is a company.

Anyway, you can find everything on Etang's website, but you can't do everything well.

However, although they are not as famous as NetEase and Sina, they at least have some popularity in China.

Moreover, Etang has one of the biggest advantages, that is, other companies want to represent the game to obtain a license and then review and approve it, but Etang does not use it.

This boss is also far-sighted. Etang has the most comprehensive operating license in the entire network, including icp, sp, etc., even news announcements permit it.

You know, in 1999, Ding's NetEase did not get the Xinjian announcement license.

And because of him, he also has server operation and online business customer service experience.

Now that he got the investment, he still has money, so most people really can't compete for it.

Actoz also considers this aspect.

Chinaren has a good user base. The founders are all from Stanford and have a benign operational mindset.

On the other hand, Etang has little resistance to cooperation and little risk.

Compared with these two companies, if you were the owner of Actoz, would you consider cooperating with a small company in the Northeast that opened an Internet cafe?

Therefore, for Actoz, the news from Park Zhenghao that a Chinese company intends to represent their games is not a big surprise.

It can even be said, dispensable!

Actoz's current main targets are still Chinaren and Etang.

As for Sanshi Company, before the negotiation and cooperation with these two companies are completed, it is at best an alternative, or a tool to show off and put pressure on the two companies.

Uncle Geng's strategy is also right. In this case, Park Zhenghao has little meaning.

It's not that he can't speak, but that he won't speak for Three Stones. The fundamental interest is still on Actoz's side, and that's his boss.

As for the rebates and non-rebates, most of them are the same as Actoz's idea. Before signing the contract, there is no loss of anything.

In short, the facts are not as simple as Qi Lei imagined. He wants to open up financial resources. He wants to play games. People are waiting for him?

But Qi Lei is not to blame, in fact, he doesn't know these things at all.

Where do you know where to go?

In fact, Uncle Geng said that he might have smashed into someone else's mouth, and Qi Lei was skeptical.

Although this is the most severe sentence that Uncle Qi Lei has ever said since he met Uncle Geng.

The implication is, what Park Zhenghao, Park Fanhao, you don't need this kind of relationship, just send the letter of intent directly, and you can do whatever you want, maybe it can still attract attention.

Later, Uncle Geng added, "From my experience, it is estimated that the difficulties are not small. Don't hold on to too much hope."

As soon as this remark came out, Qi Lei, who was confused, frowned deeper. From the root, this matter was a bit mysterious.

He really didn't think that they could see so many details just through Park Zhenghao's words.

Of course, when the mother-in-law saw the rebate, Qi Lei agreed. This is the most basic art of speech, and some experienced adults can understand the overtones when they hear it.

It's just that Qi Lei and my friends, including Brother Xiao Ma, are all adorable and have never experienced it.

However, the mother-in-law and Uncle Geng agreed that there were other competitors, and Qi Lei had little hope here.

To be honest, Qi Lei does not approve of this.

As a result, the strong cognition of later generations made him unable to turn around. He did not expect time and space to be biased because of him, and still believed that domestic competitors were unlikely to appear.

99 years! Online games are still emerging industries. Who is so sensitive? Moreover, apart from Shanda in memory, no one else has this thought.

Secondly, what is your basis?

He chuckled at the screen and said weakly: "If there is an opponent, normal competition is fine? It's okay, right?"

In this time and space, no one knows what position Legend can occupy in the history of domestic online games. Therefore, Qi Lei firmly believes that the big deal is to spend more agency fees, and no one should dare to pay high prices more than him.

In response to this, Uncle Geng drank and opened up the conversation, "Silly boy, business matters, you are never rich, you can do it."

"Two families are fighting for a sale, and it is not whoever gives more money, who has confidence."

"The simplest thing is, I send a wagon of lumber to the south, and I have to see if the buyer is happy with the payment!"

"Imagine letting your uncle, I act as an agent, do you just look at performance? They value uncle my connections more."

Sell ​​to whoever has more money. That's a hawker in a vegetable market, not a big business mindset. Take Actoz for example, a legendary agency, how much agency fees you earn is really not the first consideration.

Actoz's development prospects in China and how many hidden benefits other than games can partners bring. Including the cooperation of a game, whether there is a second, third, etc., etc., this is what people value.

Again, it’s not that Qi Lei made the problem simple, but that he has never experienced it. Like most ordinary people, he thinks that business is a matter of money coming and going.

Not so arrogant, it's pretty good to say that I can win if I have more money.

In fact, don't look at Qi Lei's business, but there are too many things he hasn't experienced yet, and he has to read and learn.

In this regard, Xiao Ma and Qi Lei are the same, both are entrepreneurs who cross the river by feeling the stones.

Uncle Geng simply analyzed it for Qi Lei and Xiao Ma, "This Pu Zhenghao, since he wants a rebate and wants to make money, who shouldn't make money early? Would he not mind it?"

"Since you take it to heart, do you think he went to ask after receiving a call from Zhang Jian half a month ago, or did he just remember it today and communicate with him today?"

"So, what is certain is that in the past half month, it is not that Park Jung-ho wants to delay, but that Actoz is not eager to respond."

Xiao Ma said at this time, "Then maybe...actoz didn't decide whether to seek an agent in China?"

Uncle Geng sneered, "Come on, Xiao Ma, if you are Park Zhenghao, you want to make this money, but Actoz didn't think about it and never gave you an answer. What should you do at this time?"

Brother Xiao Ma, "Two possible? The first is to wait, and reply when Actoz thinks it through."

"The second is to say something nice! To induce actoz to have the idea of ​​expanding the Chinese market."

Uncle Geng, "Yes!"

"If you are still Park Jung Ho, no matter which way, you have now got reliable news that Actoz intends to expand the Chinese market. You can call Zhang Jian back. How do you respond?"

"I..." Brother Xiao Ma was stunned for a moment, he understood what the problem was.

If there are such twists and turns, whether it was won by Park Zhenghao or not, according to the thinking of a normal person, would he only say so much on the phone?

He wants credit.

"I have done a lot to help you, and I have changed the company's thinking and so on to help you."

This is the normal, greedy way of doing things.

But Park Zhenghao didn't.

This shows that Actoz has the willingness to expand the Chinese market from the very beginning, and Park Jung-ho played almost no role in it. He would only offer rebates instead of claiming credit.

This is also the thinking of normal people.

Brother Xiao Ma is a little frustrated, and Uncle Geng thinks better than he understands, "That said, is it really possible?"

"Possibly? Let's do it!" Uncle Geng came up with Jiujin and came up with interest. "Zhang Jian, you call that Park Zhenghao now and say..."

Zhang Jian, "Master, what do I have to say?"

Uncle Geng pondered for a moment, "You tell him that your boss has spoken, no matter what happens or not, give him 200,000 yuan in benefits!"

Zhang Jian: "..."

Zhang Jianzhi grinned, this uncle is really drinking too much, right? Give a rebate for yourself, is it so generous?

"Is it too much?"

Brother Xiao Ma also said: "Uncle Geng, I don't think it needs so much!"

Uncle Geng happily said, "Just do what I said, and see what he says!"

Qi Lei understood what Uncle Geng meant, and said to Zhang Jian, "According to what Uncle Geng said!"

Zhang Jian was speechless, "That's good!"

Just about to make a call, Zhang Nan, who returned to the room, also interjected, "Can I add two more sentences?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Qi Lei was stunned, but Uncle Geng was also stunned, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Nan, "According to Mr. Geng's words, first, Chengdu will give him a rebate of 200,000 yuan."

"Then, second..."

After pondering for a while, "Secondly, if the business is done, do you have to bargain for the business? Give him a commission for the difference. I don't know how much to mention, should Mr. Geng understand?"

"Third, if there is a competitor, and a domestic company is also in contact with Actoz, it is best to let him get some air in advance. If the business is successful, how much a message will give him. The amount of money is up to you. !"

Zhang Jian: "???"

It was Uncle Geng who was shocked, half awake from the wine, staring at the screen for a long time without regaining his senses.

He understood a little bit now, why Qi Lei had pulled an obstructive old mother-in-law into the group.

In the end, he typed a solemn sentence, "I've lived to learn, and President Zhang has given me a lot of experience!"

Zhang Nan immediately replied: "President Geng is polite. I also think of the loss that Xu Qian's father suffered. He was calculated in this way before he came to Shangbei."

Uncle Geng looked at him, not only didn't despise him, but looked at Zhang Nan even higher.

Xu Wenliang is an official. The loss he suffered and this must be two different things. It is also a skill to draw inferences from one another and apply it flexibly.

Typed another sentence, "I really taught it!"

Everyone who is watching asks a question mark, what are you two doing? Is this a commercial blow, or what?

Zhou Tao: "???"

Brother Xiao Ma, "I'm a novice, please let me go!"

Qi Lei, "I'm a novice, please let me go!"

Wu Xiaojian, "I am..."

Uncle Geng didn't say it was broken, he sold it off, and said directly to Zhang Jian: "Just do what the principal Zhang said!"

"First, Chengdu will give 200,000 rebates to Chengdu."

"Second, the price difference gives him a 10% commission."

"Thirdly, a domestic company approached Actoz and reported a company with relevant details. Give him 50,000 yuan!"

After finishing speaking, it was Zhang Nan said: "Look at it, you still have to come, I don't understand all this."

Zhang Jian was completely confused, but he still went to the phone obediently.

More than ten minutes later, Zhang Jian appeared in the group again.

The content of the phone call between him and Park Zhenghao was repeated.

The probable situation is: Park Zhenghao heard that he could not give Chengdu 200,000 yuan, and he was very happy, and he asked what the boss of Three Stones Company did.

For the second article, there is little interest in giving a commission based on the price difference.

However, for the third article, a piece of news is only 50,000, and I also tentatively said that it is your business if it is successful. I provide the news but it is a commercial crime, and I have to bear the risk.

The implication was that he didn't want to take this money!

This time even Xiao Ma can see it, and the guess between Uncle Geng has been verified!

"Actoz does have contact with domestic companies! It's a certainty!"

"And... you are in danger from the stone! Park Zhenghao has no money and doesn't make any money, which means you really have nothing to play!"


Uncle Geng and Zhang Nan smiled slightly...

This is not just a matter of determining such a bit of information.

Uncle Geng, "My little have to practice!"

Turning his head to Qi Lei said, "There is only so much we can help you."

"Three Stones Company should enter Actoz's vision. Park Zhenghao will help hard..."

"And Actoz's target agency price should be between RMB 3 million and RMB 2 million..."

"Do you have enough money in your account? Don't join hands, you have it, uncle."

At this time, if Qi Lei still doesn't know what method Geng and mother-in-law used....

Then he has been learning with them for so long for nothing!

Thumbs up at the screen. "My uncle is still my uncle! My Aunt Zhang is still my Aunt Zhang!"

Uncle Geng, "Haha! Learn! It's all knowledge!"

Zhang Nan, "I'm less silly, anyway, don't delay studying."

As a result, Brother Xiao Ma quit, "Can you please have a good time!?"

"What the hell! What's the situation?"

Brother Xiao Ma really didn't understand why he said that he had difficulties just now. It was difficult.

Is it in sight again now?

Even the reserve price of Actoz has come out?

Fortune telling? Didn’t you play fortune telling like that?

As everyone knows, this not only allows Zhang Jian to spy on Park Zhenghao's tone, but also Uncle Geng and Zhang Nan jointly dug a chain hole!

Why is Chengdu a 200,000 rebate?

This amount is exquisite. If you say it is too much, it is not too much, but it is not too much.

It was given to Park Zhenghao for nothing.

Switching to Park Zhenghao’s perspective, it intuitively reflects the strength of Zhang Jian’s boss!

Chengcheng did not give so much money, and the interval between the phone call with Zhang Jian was not long, it means that people gave away money without even thinking about it. This is a master of not bad money!

This is not the most important cooperation consideration for Actoz, but it is a very important message for Park Zhenghao.

Three Stone Company is rich! Very rich! Not bad money!

In any case, he is also the veteran of Actoz, a small senior. With such a basis, he has the confidence to persuade the leadership of Actoz to add Three Stones to the consideration of the Chinese agent.

Don't forget, in addition to this money, there are commissions for negotiating business and money for selling intelligence! People are greedy, and it is a **** to have money and not make money.

This is one!

Uncle Geng originally just wanted to pit this pit, and even after taking a look, he could let Park Zhenghao help him sincerely.

To put it bluntly, no matter how unfavorable the current situation is for Three Stone, at least one person on Actoz already speaks for Three Stone.

This is also the result of Uncle Geng coming up to drink and thinking about it.

But even Uncle Geng didn't expect Zhang Nan to be more evil than him!

That is, the addition of the latter two conditions...

It's still 200,000 rebates as the bottom line!

This easy windfall allowed Park Zhenghao to expose his true reaction.

Zhang Jian said that he was not too concerned about the second price difference rebate.

Then it's worth pondering...

Imagine that if a big contract of tens of millions has a price difference of millions, the 10% rebate is 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands! !

Can Park Jeongho remain unmoved?

However, if Actoz’s expectations were not high, Park Jung-ho knew that even if there was a negotiated price difference, the difference could be hundreds of thousands? Within a million? How much money can a 10% commission be?

Compared with the 200,000 rebate, how would the average person react?

Two hundred thousand are in hand, tens of thousands? And is it tens of thousands of dollars that is very likely to be unavailable?

Therefore, Park Zhenghao's subconscious reaction proved a problem, that is, the temptation of this price difference commission is not great!

Uncle Geng opened the 200,000 yuan, not only a stepping stone, but also a ruler!

Can let Uncle Geng judge, the most, the most! Within 3 million! And the operating space is not large.

Then there is the third condition.

A piece of information of a domestic company is 50,000!

The price is also very interesting.

If there is only one competitor, 50,000 yuan is still a bit less than 200,000 yuan. Park Jeongho will have the same attitude as the second one.

But.... What if there are two competitors? That's one hundred thousand! That's a lot! !

So Park Zhenghao is fighting for it and wants to try, regardless of whether the business is successful or not, Chengdu can make this money...

In other words, there are more than two competitors in this business!

Wait for everyone to figure out the joints...

All shocked!

Wu Xiaojian, "..."

Xu Xiaoqian, "....."

Tang Yi, "..."

Yang Xiao: "......"

Zhou Tao: "....."

A series of speechless, I don't know what to say.

Only Elder Nan said, "Old Geng....We still don’t have much contact with each other in the future, and our eyes are more irritating!"

Mr. Nan has been good with Uncle Geng for half a year, so he takes a couple of sips at every turn, but now I see...

Especially this old man is not a good person! Well, Zhang Nan is a woman after all, and she is not familiar with it yet, so Old Nan can't say anything.

In fact, what Nan Lao thinks is that neither of these are good people!

The heart is too dark!

And Xiao Ma..... Xiao Ma is looking for small books!

You have to copy it down quickly! Long knowledge!

But a sudden idea...

Um! Copying is still too hard! I should make a screenshot function for qq!

As for Zhang Jian, Zhang Jian’s idea is a bit strange...

An old Geng is evil enough, and another Zhang Nan comes out. This group... is becoming less and less like a good group.

Think about it, the old man laughs at least, and makes jokes from time to time...

But Zhang Nan...

Never say anything, just say something that makes people blow their hair!

It's so scary!



Park Jung-ho....I really fell I didn't sleep all night!

To put it bluntly, if the two hundred thousand are not there, he still doesn't want that much. At most, leave a back door, what if it can be done?

But these two hundred thousand are hanging there...

Park Jeongho's heart...

That thorn (itch)...

After pondering for one night, I can earn this two hundred thousand, can I make another two hundred thousand?

So.... Park Zhenghao started to exert his strength!

Not to mention, he really won a chance to talk about the Three Stone Company, which had no chance at all.



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