Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 164: Getting bigger

Latest URL: Come back! Surprised? Was it unexpected?

Some people say that if Cangshan takes one day off, monthly tickets, rewards, leader, silver alliance, golden alliance, etc. will be given to me, and I don’t know if it is true...

I'm sorry.


"It's just dozens of small workshops for customer service, nothing special!"

Why did Qi Lei's remarks make Tang Haichao so unbelievable? This grandson has always been a thief and does not go empty, could it be that simple?


"Really!" Qi Lei nodded like garlic, can't help but believe it!

However, Tang Haichao and Ding Lei exchanged glances, meaning that if you keep an eye on this "30 game trading platform", there must be something tricky!

However, from their perspective, it is temporarily invisible.

Well, Tang Haichao had to admit that there was something in the head of Qi Lei, his grandson.

Just the "seven surprises" operation activities in front of them, they couldn't think of it anyway.

Moreover, in Tang Haichao's vision, this set of things, let alone online games, can feed a consulting company if it is brought into reality.

It's just that the timing is open to question.

At this time, Tang Haichao said: "This set of operations is pretty good, but..."

Looking at Qi Lei, "Don't you think that throwing it out now is a bit out of date?"

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "Why is it out of fashion?"

Ding Lei said, "If you take out this thing now, those three will fight you desperately!"

It's okay to say everything else, mainly the free operation. If this one is thrown out, it will stab the hornet's nest.

Wang Zhendong answered, "When the time comes, it will not be these three that will have trouble with you, you will become a public enemy!"

Wang Zhendong is not alarmist, but the common idea of ​​everyone.

The incident is so big that it is almost known to the entire Internet, both at home and abroad. You are throwing the slogan of free right now, which is just throwing up the table, and it's not just the three that irritate them.

Regarding everyone’s concerns, Qi Lei smiled mysteriously, “How can you call it a table lift? I’m just looking for an alternative operation method for them. It’s not that serious!”

"Come on, you!"

Everyone scorned in unison, and had to say that Qi Lei was still too confident.

Let alone other companies, even a few of them have reservations about the set of free operation and selling value-added services that Qi Lei said.

Whether it can work or not will have to pass the test of time and also depends on market acceptance.

What is the use of the flowers you are talking about here?

The truth is when the player buys it!

But, will you buy it?

No one can say it is bad.

Besides. Everyone is very skeptical, as soon as the free news comes out, which ones will sit idly by? Once they use any means to make trouble for you, you are really not sure.

Finally, Tang Haichao suggested: "I mean, you remove the term free forever, even if it's changed to half a year. After half a year, it depends on the situation?"

"It's too radical to send it out now."

However, Qi Lei shook his head, the core is always free, if it is removed now, then the preparations he made before, and the seven surprises, have turned into a joke.

After pondering for a moment, he said to the humanity of the technical department: "The prime time event is online at night. It is the mule or the horse. You can see the result immediately!"

Everyone knew that they couldn't persuade him, so they could only hold their breath.

As soon as this marketing campaign was launched, it really became clear immediately.



The event page was sent out on time, but Ding Lei and the others had no time to see what the result was.

Early the next morning, several people boarded the plane heading south and returned separately.

There are no more places to need them here, and Qi Lei also made it clear that the financial support is not available.

Staying longer and waiting for the result is of course no problem, but everyone has their own company, and the New Year is about to come, and they all have their own affairs to be busy.

Arranged phone and online contact, then waved goodbye.

at the same time.

Originally, Jin Yongmin, Jiang Mingsheng, and Harold were intensively planning how to give the other three companies a head-on after February 6.

In their view, the pre-launch battle is over.

It has to be said that Three Stones Company is an excellent marketing tool and has won this stage of victory.

However, the three did not admit defeat, they have to turn defeat into victory in the next arena.

It's a pity that the three companies can't even dream of it. Don't think about the next game. The first half of Reviver hasn't played enough. How can you say that it is over?

And the second wave of offensive by Three Stone Company did not make everyone wait too long, so that all three of them did not sleep well during the night.

Time goes back to the night before.

When the secretary called Jin Yongmin back to the company, who had returned to the hotel, and told him that Three Stones had launched a new marketing plan, which had begun to spread on the Internet, Jin Yongmin froze there for a long time without moving.

The first thought was: "It's endless, isn't it?" Isn't a war declaration post not enough to attract attention? That **** Three Stone Company, how can it always be full of tricks!

After calming down the mood for a long time, I finally got the courage to open the official website of "Legend" to see what tricks this time was and how to deal with it.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered the official website of "Legend", I saw a big leaflet hanging in the most eye-catching position of the official website.

[Legend of blood, grand opening service. Seven surprises, give back to all players! ! 】

Well, just looking at the cover made Jin Yongmin's eyelids jump.

Let alone online games, in recent years, even supermarkets and shopping malls have almost no similar promotions.

Where has Kim Yongmin seen this? It's so fresh.

Especially when I saw the big characters "Seven surprises, giving back to the players", I was wailing in my heart. Can you just follow the routine I know? Don’t you just don’t understand it every time?

I clicked in tremblingly, and I saw the gorgeous promotion page, and the slogan that gave the visual impact hit the retina.

[First surprise: pre-register, enter the server first, and give a gift! 】


The first sentence shocked Jin Yongmin, and he had never seen it before.

Quickly read the instructions carefully, how to pre-register and how to give gifts.

After a while, it all understood.

"A... Seeba!" Jin Yongmin exploded.

This is too.... Grandson! ? I didn't take you to play like this! !

It is not difficult to understand, the approximate meaning of the first surprise is:

Before the server launches on February 6, players can register a game account in advance on the official website and select a server. As long as you complete this simple operation, you can get a game pack after you log in to the game on February 6.

These include a small amount of game currency, a novice weapon, and a prop for double experience.

Don’t say it’s pre-registration. It’s the first time Jin Yongmin has seen the concept of a novice gift package.

As soon as this event is launched, how many players are already legendary players before it starts?

Keep watching with a strange mood.

[Second priority: Sign in with the official website, and then give a gift! ! 】

From now on, players who have completed pre-registration can go to the check-in page of the official website to click check-in every day.

Each time you complete a sign-in, you can receive the corresponding game gift. Ranging from game coins to various game props, the final full sign will be completed, and an upgrade gift package will be given.

The upgrade spree... also Jin Yongmin hadn't seen it before.

Every time a player reaches a certain level, the gift pack can be opened once.

Oh go! !

Jin Yongmin wailed, who did you learn this from? It feels full of routines.

First of all, this sign-in is outrageous.

It’s not enough to register with you, you have to sign in every day. Increased the player's stickiness, so it's tied to death?

Besides, this upgrade package...

Jin Yongmin's first thought was: I also added this package to "Red Moon", is it too late?


[Third level: call friends and call friends, get big prizes. 】

Participating in this event will generate an invitation link. As long as the invited player clicks on this link to complete the registration, it will be deemed as the inviter successfully invited one person.

Invite 5 people and reward a random skill book; invite 10 people, 30-level skill book; invite 15 people, and a 30-day warrior medal.

Jin Yongmin is desperate! !

mean! !

It's so despicable! !

This is shameless! ? Obviously grab player resources! ?

Besides, what kind of equipment is this Warrior Medal? "Legend" was made by him, and he knew clearly that there was no medal-like equipment in "Legend".

Is that special equipment?

Are you not afraid of affecting the balance of the game?


[Fourth level: Warrior privileges, so that paying players have a better gaming experience. 】

This.... This one gave Jin Yongmin a long sigh of relief.

First, I understand what the Warriors Medal is. It turns out not to be equipment, but a special value-added service.

The second is, finally, I finally saw a piece of good news!

It's not that this surprise is not new, but Jin Yong has never seen it.

However, you have to make Chinese players abandon the points of the card is strenuous, who buys your warrior privileges?

It doesn't mean that no one will buy it. The main reason is that there are not many people buying it.

The point card consumption of online games is not cheap anymore. It basically squeezes the purchasing power of ordinary paying players. In addition to adding additional fees, it is just icing on the cake, and only very wealthy players will pay for it.

The idea is not bad, but that's the case.

Moreover, this news allows Jin Yongmin to see the essence through the phenomenon.

What is the essence?

The essence is: Three Stones has no money, and they are eager to find profit points to recover the initial investment.

"Not bad, not bad! It's okay if you have no money! How can you fight us if you don't have money!?"

Feeling a little slow, even Jin Yongmin couldn't wait to call Harold, "Mr. Harold, have you seen the news on the official website of Legend?"

Harold's dull answer came from the other side, "I'm waiting for the translation."

Okay, Harold didn't understand Chinese, so he looked at the net for a long time, but he didn't understand anything.

"Haha!!" Jin Yongmin laughed, "Should I give you a cameo translation?"

Harold, "Mr. King seems to be in a good mood? So, three stone company has not played any new tricks?"

Jin Yongmin, "It's not just that there are no new tricks."

He was about to explain to Harold what he saw, but Harold, who was on the opposite side, couldn't wait for a long time, "It's translated, let me see it myself!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone, and Jin Yongmin was quite boring.

After thinking for a while, he called Jiang Mingsheng again, "Mr. Jiang, have you read the official website of Legend?"

At this time, Jin Yongmin was eager to find someone to share his feelings. Yesterday was really too depressing.

However, Jiang Mingsheng on the other side didn't seem to be too enthusiastic, and even replied a little bit coldly: "I saw it."

Jin Yongmin didn't take it seriously, "Haha!! I have said that this three-stone company has no strength, and now I have finally confirmed my guess, they will not be able to hold it!"

Jiang Mingsheng: "???"

Doubtful: "President Jin, are you sure you read the official website of Legend?"

Jin Yongmin smiled, "Yes! I'm watching it!"

Jiang Mingsheng frowned, "So..."

Suddenly the conversation turned, and he was furious, "Where did you come from such a judgment!"

哐! Drop the phone directly.

You smashed Jin Yongmin inexplicably, are you crazy? Terminally ill? Stuffed pineapple in your head? What a tantrum with me for no reason! ?

Swearing a few words, consciously boring, clean up the mood and continue to read the web page.


[Fifth level: Barrier-free recharge in 5000 Internet cafes across the country, from now until the opening of the service, a 20% discount on recharge! ! 】

Oh roar! ?

Jin Yongmin's eyes lit up. If the last one can only guess that Sanshi is out of money, then this one... almost clearly says that they have no money!

The game hasn't been launched yet, so I am anxious to use the recharge activity to collect funds back and forth.

Suddenly, Jin Yongmin was stunned. He wouldn't say... Sanshi didn't even plan to endure the six-month free period, right? Are they incapable of burning money for another six months?

This should be the case, otherwise, what recharge activities are you doing now?

In this way, Jin Yongmin feels even more comfortable, which is called a transparent.

When I was excited, I didn't forget to complain about Jiang Mingsheng, that fool! Is this good news?

[Sixth level: 30 bazaars are launched simultaneously, no worries about large transactions! 】


This time, Jin Yongmin already yelled out.

This is another piece of good news! Because this is also a way to make money. Once again, Sanshi has no money! !

Xin said, it really was a surprise! I thought how strong your Three Stones were, wouldn't this be all exposed?

Unable to hold back, he called Harold again, Jiang Mingsheng had a bad head, and Harold could still communicate.

"Hey, Mr. Harold, the official website activities of "Legend" have greatly increased my confidence. Maybe it will take a few days to turn defeat into victory!"

Harold: "???"


"Areyoukiddingme!? (What's a joke?

哐! ! Harold also dropped the phone.


Jin Yongmin was holding the phone, feeling insulted.

crazy? Terminally ill? Stuffed burgers in your head? What temper with me! ?

Shaking his head and curling his lips, the heart said, these two silly forks are really unreliable!

Look at the seventh surprise with delight.

[Seventh level: Permanent free operation, so that everyone can afford to play the game! 】

Jin Yongmin: "..."

Jin Yongmin: "???"

Jin Yongmin: "!!!"

Jin Yongmin: "Hey..."

Rolled his eyes and passed out.



Go to your uncle!

The planning and operation of Three Stones is not easy to die! !


At the same time, Jiang Mingsheng looked at the four characters "forever free" on the official website of "Legend" with a ferocious expression.

What's so good news, so why can't Three Stones bear it anymore, Jin Yongmin is crazy? Terminally ill? My head is stuffed with kimchi! ?

This can be good news! ?

This is called a bolt from the blue! !

This is called smashing the pot and dismantling the stove, no one should live!

"Legend" is always free to operate, so the question is, can the charging model of Warriors' privilege allow Three Stones to ensure a balance of payments?

Jiang Mingsheng believes that it is impossible! Can you play games without spending money, and who would spend money to buy any privileges?

Isn't this just a **** stick? You are free, how can you make other people's games live?

Jiang Mingsheng was not as tempered as Jin Yongmin and passed out, but he knew that the problem was getting worse.

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Mingsheng picked up the phone and dialed out.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, this is Jiang Mingsheng."

"Please don't hang up the phone. I apologize for the previous digging of people from Zhiguan, and I am willing to make some compensation! However, I think this is not the time for our two treasure island companies to complain to each other, please Take a moment to look at the official website of Legend."


At the same time, Harold finally finished watching the legendary "Seven Frights."

His eyes were rounded, and he was dull for a long time.

Harold can't figure out the economic logic here, he knows that it can be free, and no one spends money.

Subsequently, he also picked up the phone.

This wave of operations by Three Stones was regarded by several companies as a move to destroy the mainland market.


It is absolutely not allowed to be free!

In fact, as Tang Haichao and Ding Lei were concerned, in the view of the three companies, this is not just "Legend" being free. They are facing the problem of being robbed of the game market, but a deeper struggle.

Take Jin Yongmin for example!

The reason why he was fainted was not only because of the grievances between Actoz and Three Stones. More importantly, Jin Yongmin is more eager for the Chinese market than anyone else, and understands the potential of the Chinese market better. He does not allow Three Stones to completely destroy a market so recklessly.

The reason is simple. What China is experiencing in the development of PCs and the Internet is actually what South Korea has experienced.

Thanks to a relatively developed economy, South Korea’s PC and Internet started almost ten years ahead of China.

As early as the early 1990s, personal computers began to spread in South Korea. Just after the establishment of the Internet, South Korea became the first group of beneficiaries and builders.

Up to now, every two households in South Korea have a PC computer, 40% of which are connected to the Internet, and the number of Internet users exceeds 30% of the total number of people in South Korea.

The extremely high Internet penetration rate and the developed network at the forefront of the world enable Koreans to summarize a complete development context from their own development trajectory.

Then, if you apply South Korea's yesterday to China's present, it is not difficult to see how much potential the future of China's Internet contains.

Specific to the game industry, it is not difficult for Jin Yongmin to find that this moment is the easiest time for him to seize the market.

Well, in fact, even without these, Jin Yongmin still looks jealous at the mainland market.

Because, as of now, South Korea has a population of 47 million, even 30% of Internet users, only more than 14 million.

But looking back at Mainland China, in the first half of 1999, the number of netizens reached nearly 20 million.

What concept?

That is, they have surpassed South Korea without any effort.

No way, the volume is too big.

Even if the Internet is not universal, it is only an age, it is already incomparable to a small South Korea.

As of now, although Jin Yongmin has not obtained accurate data, since May 1999, China ZF has issued a series of policies to stimulate the development of the Internet, which has increased the popularity of the Internet.

Jin Yongmin estimates that the current number of Chinese Internet users should be twice that of South Korea.

Just look at the promotional video of Three Stones Company. There have been more than 100,000 online comments, and this is only one day's data.

Not to mention the degree of attention, and only Three Stones knows how the click has risen to a number.

Jin Yongmin estimates that more than half of Chinese netizens have seen this video.

Three Stones is equivalent to infinitely expanding the chaos of the four companies and playing good marketing.

Jin Yongmin is not reconciled to fail here, because once it fails, it not only marks the loss of Actoz's reputation in mainland China, but also gives other Chinese companies great hope that the future will be even more difficult.

As for free?

Isn’t you just being free forever? How do others live?

In mainland China, where piracy has been rampant, if you develop the habit of operating for free, it will be completely hopeless.

As for Jiang Mingsheng and Harold, are they not?



Let alone how the three companies reacted, netizens have mixed opinions about the operations of Three Stones.

Of course, there are many compliments.

First of all, of course it is the slogan for free forever.

This slogan has attracted the attention of countless players, especially those guerrilla players who only play for free.

People from that era, especially the shy players in the pocket, should have a deep understanding, that is:

Many people don’t look at the content of your game at all, the style of the game, or even whether the game is fun or not. What they really want is that this game allows me to play it without spending money!

It's really that simple.

After all, the concept of online games has just emerged, and the two words "online games" alone can hold people down.

Suddenly there is a game quality that looks very good, the game content is quite good, and it is a free game forever?

One can imagine what the mood of these players is.

Secondly, as opposed to free, the charging standard does not seem to be high.

The 30-yuan Warrior Medal allows you to play games for an unlimited time, and it also has many privileges.

This is tantamount to lowering the threshold of the network, and some paying players will not be too burdened.

The price of 30 yuan is not a lot in this era, but at least most players can afford it.

Finally, there is an endless stream of check-in, registration, and welfare benefits.

A lot of gift packs are especially tempting to look at, and even the Warriors Medal are given away. Don't be too cool.


The free verbal abuse of "Legend" has never stopped since the beginning.

Mainly "Red Moon", "The King of Kings", "UO", including "Stone Age" and other diehard fans who are operating online games.

To put it bluntly, whether it's free or all kinds of novice benefits, it is not enough to make them feel good about "Legend", let alone betray their favorite games.

Faced with the free operation of "Legend", there are still a large number of netizens who support it, causing a considerable number of people to be psychologically imbalanced.

After all, their game...not free.

As a result, all kinds of criticism and opposition have become another voice on the Internet.

Among them, the irrational voices of unprovoked abuse and defamation will not be said.

In addition, there are some comments that are relatively objective and seem to be well-founded.

For example, analyze problems from the perspective of healthy competition.

For example, from the perspective of the rapid development of China's game industry, the impact of free operations on game companies is considered, and so on.

They all believe that "Legend" is extremely undesirable, making game companies unable to survive and ruining the future of China Online Games.

At first, this kind of tune is still in the minority, and it is not noticeable. Moreover, most of them are fans of the other three companies. If you can't eat grapes, the sourness of grapes is more obvious.

However, at the end of January, Tang Haichao's most worried thing finally happened. Moreover, it was more ferocious than they thought.

On January 30, EA published a review on a North American game evaluation website-"A harsh competitive environment will ruin East Asian gamers", which aroused the idea of ​​English players in Europe, America and East Asia.

The article specifically discusses the three-stone company's free operation and malicious competition, and first affirms the importance of this potential market in mainland China.

Subsequently, the conversation turned sharply, pointing out that a Chinese agency company was destroying this market with despicable means, turning China into a restricted area for game manufacturers, and ultimately harming the interests of players.

Once the article was published, Europe, East Asia, Japan, South Korea and other countries, as well as several domestic websites, all reprinted and commented on this article by EA, which aroused a lot of resonance.

Needless to say about the situation abroad, netizens watch the fire from the other side, and they don’t think it’s a big deal.

This has caused some domestic netizens who are concerned about trends in Europe and the United States to start paying attention to this matter.

Some rational players also believe that EA’s concerns are not unreasonable, and public opinion is slowly turning.

And EA's voice is just the beginning.

On the second day after the publication of the EA article, Blizzard Entertainment, a well-known North American game manufacturer, also commented on EA's comments and the status quo in mainland China.

Blizzard’s rhetoric became more intense, pointing out that the mainland is the most rampant place in the world for piracy, and there is no awareness of intellectual property rights at all. ZF tolerates piracy, which has made the genuine business miserable, and Three Stone's free strategy is undoubtedly to encourage players not to consume arrogance and make the situation worse.

Well, Blizzard should be the North American manufacturer that hates the mainland market the most. Their "StarCraft" hardly sells many genuine games in the mainland, but StarCraft is installed on almost every PC terminal in the continent.

It’s just that people didn’t figure out that your own game was pirated like that, and you didn’t hear your words so intense, why are you so excited about the irrelevant online game issue?

As everyone knows, Blizzard’s platform has just broken through the 450W registered user barrier, the mainland, it is basically "0".

No way, it's all piracy, and Blizzard doesn't know whether it should deploy to mainland China.

Blizzard Entertainment’s attack once again aroused heated discussions, and foreign contempt and abuse of piracy and unfair competition in the mainland market have become even higher.

And domestic... hasn't waited for domestic netizens to express their opinions.

In the afternoon of the same day, several major game manufacturers such as Daewoo, Zhiguan, and Leijue on Baodao issued a joint statement, calling on mainland players to support genuine games and support paid games.

Several major game manufacturers in South Korea and Japan also published joint articles at the same time, the content of which is the same as that of the manufacturers in Treasure Island and North America.

The theme is to criticize the improper behavior of Three Stones, and the free operation has stifled the production enthusiasm of game manufacturers all over the world.

Even with this, it also led to the problem of piracy in China.

For a time, game makers all over the world seemed to jump out. Major media, newspapers and magazines at home and abroad have reprinted it, and public opinion on the Internet also took advantage of this wave of east wind to rise.

A large number of comments calling for support for genuine products, support for paid games, and support for healthy competition are overwhelming.

Under such circumstances, many netizens who support the free operation of "Legend" have no way to refute, and even some players think that the practice of Three Stones is indeed suspected of disrupting the market.

The development of this matter has quietly changed. It is not only a dispute over the free operation of Three Stones, but also a direct criticism of ZF's connivance of piracy. The problem has been enlarged and it is out of control.

Ding Lei, Xiao Ma Ge and others, who had left Harbin to go home for the New Year, were a little overwhelmed by the comments and waves on the Internet, so they contacted Qi Lei as soon as possible.

However, this guy... Xiao Ma can't wait to fly back to Harbin, ready to call.

What a counterattack! Gotta **** them! ?

But Ding Lei and others are very sober, you can't fight back now, because it has risen to the height of piracy, so you can't speak. As long as you speak, no matter what you say, you are supporting piracy.

However, what everyone didn't expect is that Qi Lei's mood is not right?

The grandson didn't know if it was pretending, or was frightened, he didn't take it seriously, even a little excited, and said, "Thank them so much! I just don't know how to start this one!"

You guys are inexplicable, what are you grateful for? What's the beginning? What are you doing again?

You know, now there is everything on the Internet.

What Sanshi Company is this scum company, the future of Chinese games is ruined in their hands and so on! !

What Chinese players are cheap, such garbage operators must also support, and so on!

The topic of piracy makes people wonder how to answer it.

The point is that some people just support piracy, and the public statements are very emotional and make things worse.

According to this situation, Ding Lei and others estimated that ZF might come forward to quell the incident.

At that time, Three Stones Company will not be able to benefit even more.


On February 1, five days before the Spring Festival, this online game operation battle that lasted for more than two months finally reached its climax.

Fang Moumou, the editor-in-chief and founder of the well-known domestic website Xinyusi and one of the producers of China's first text online game, publicly expressed his views on the matter on his website.

There is such a passage in the article, which particularly resonates with the majority of online games.

"In 1994, my friend and I created China’s first online game-Xia Ke Xing. At that time, we were full of hope as the first step in China’s online games and looked forward to the future. One day, China’s online games could become the world’s best. Mainstream."

"A few years later, when I stepped into an Internet cafe in Shanghai and watched the word game called Xia Kexing still running on the computer, I told the boss lonely that I did it."

"What I want to express is a kind of sorrow. There are still people playing such backward things. China Internet seems to have taken the first step, and there is no second step."

"However, what makes me even more sad is that after the boss heard that I made this game, he actually smiled and said, ‘Then I don’t charge your internet fee because you made a good game.’"

"This is the current status and future of online games in China, and I am deeply ashamed."

"But, who is the weird one? There are game compradors like Three Stones Company everywhere, without the skills, they are acting as agents, and they have to make a little bit of moths."

"Under the banner of free operation, it is shameful! Hateful! Sad! Sad! Angry!"

Fang Moumou’s article hits the G point of the Chinese, and even more accurately grasps the pain points of the times, and...

Chongyang mentality that some people can't stand up. No one has said about right or wrong. Almost all voices have risen to the national level, becoming more and more ugly.

In short, the sensational articles of this well-known Internet practitioner immediately set off a greater wave of crusades.

On almost the same day, the game media in Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States also reprinted and published this voice from the Chinese.

Players, companies, and media at home and abroad have attacked the Three Stone Company even more.

Japanese netizen: "The Chinese market? Does China have a market? The scale of tens of thousands of online can be called the most popular online game, right?"


South Korean netizen, "Chinese people are all thieves, they only steal other people's things!!"


North American netizens, "I heard that UO spent millions of dollars for the Chinese market. I don't know if it can recover the cost in 100 years."


North American netizens, "In the past year, China's annual online game revenue did not exceed 10 million US dollars. It is conceivable that this is a desperate market."


A netizen on Baodao said, "The mainlanders are very poor. They can't afford games and can only rely on piracy. Three Stones, a guy who has no technology and is only willing to act as an agent, is really ridiculous."

"It's over!!" Xiao Ma looked at the public opinion on the Internet, and turned around anxiously.

Call Qi Lei, the result...

"I really didn't expect these grandchildren to be so dirty, playing a public opinion war!"

Brother Xiao Ma roared, "You have raised the table so much, who won't be anxious with you!? What should I do now!?"

Qi Lei, "What can I do? The CB administration and the WH department have both made an appointment!"

Brother Xiao Ma: "!!! So serious!?"

Brother Xiao Ma almost jumped out, really alarmed it?

Anxiously said: "If you can't, just admit it! Is it too late to change now?"

I've asked about it above, and Brother Xiao Ma is not sure if there is still a chance!

As a result, Qi Lei said, "Hey!! I knew there was such a big reaction, I posted half a month in advance! Now it's too late if I want to stir up any more."

Brother Xiao Ma, "..."

Qi Lei, "It's a pity, I can only wait for the official operation, and see if they will give me this opportunity!"

He is What kind of brain circuit? If you continue in this situation, you're all stinky, and you're still running a shit! ?




My original plan was to finish writing today, and tomorrow can be divided into two chapters, nine in the morning and five in the afternoon.

But after writing it... forget it.

No matter how punctual the update is, it will be sent in time and happy before it is finished.

So let it go! ~

I still guarantee the largest amount of updates and the best quality, leaving the rest alone.

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