Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 172: Die to me!

Ding Lei and the others entered the customer service building on platform 30 and took a tour. Finally, Qi Lei led them to the innermost general manager's office on the third floor.


   As soon as he entered the room, he saw Qi Guojun with reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, talking with Brother Xiao Liang inside.


   It's not surprising to see Qi Lei and the others come in, "Come on!"


   Ding Lei and they naturally want to say hello.


   After saying hello, he was a little confused. They had never seen Xiao Liang, and they were curious as to why Qi Guojun was here.


   Qi Lei introduced: "The 30 platform is not originally linked to Three Stones. The legal person here is Xiao Liang, and my dad will help manage it."


   Everyone is clear, no longer ask.


   is secretly complaining, this grandson hides so deeply! Are the three stones cut apart? "


   Over there, Qi Guojun just received a call from Qi Lei and knew that these people were coming.


   "Sit down, we have something to do." After speaking, we went out with Brother Xiao Liang.


   Qi Lei followed out without a trace, and whispered in his father's ear, "Call me Aunt Zhang and Uncle Xu."


   Qi Guojun stagnated, "What are you doing?"


   Qi Lei, "Just say these are here, don't say anything else, they all understand!"


   Guojun Qi rolled his eyes, and he probably understood what was going on. He shook his head and smiled, "I know."


   Brother Xiaoliang didn’t understand what it meant. When Qi Lei turned back, he asked, "What’s wrong?"


   Qi Guojun smiled helplessly, "It's okay, the God of Wealth is here."


   I don’t know the few in the room. Someone is coming to let the bloodletter, let alone that Qi Lei pitted them together.


   When Qi Lei came back, a few people went straight to the subject.


   Tang Haichao asked the most important question first, "Does this platform lose money?"


   Well, the question is rather subtle. Generally, for this kind of e-commerce platform, you should ask, "How much did you burn?"


   Because of this stuff, they burn more money than their portal website.




   After that, Qi Lei rarely does money-burning transactions. Secondly, Qi Lei said first, the daily transaction volume has reached 3.3 million.


   So, they are really not sure whether this platform is burning or making money.


   I thought that Qi Lei would still be hiding it, after all, profit and channels should be the core of Qi Lei, and it is also the thing that Qi Lei wants to hide most.


   But he did not expect that he was very happy about the issue of profitability.


   "It's okay, so far, it can reach a gross profit of about 5%! It's a bit less, but it will get better soon."




   co-author, you have already started to calculate gross profit, right?


   Tang Hai glanced at them, all helpless.


  They just can’t figure it out, why at Qi Lei, they use the Internet to make money every time they make money, but they are still struggling with financing?


   Well, maybe this is the limitation of the times! Three Stone's advanced business ideas are really not comparable to those of them.


   I only heard Qi Lei said: "The platform trades nearly 100,000 Warrior Medals through manual customer service every day, and each transaction charges a 4% handling fee."


   The platform price of a Warrior Medal is 27 to 29 yuan, 100,000 is the average transaction volume of 2.8 million, and the 4% handling fee is 112,000.


   "Gold coins and equipment transactions are charged at a rate of 5+5%. That is, gold coins worth 50 yuan are charged 7.5 yuan, and 100 yuan gold coins are charged 10 yuan."


   "The larger the amount, the lower the handling fee. In fact, it is also a means to encourage large transactions."


  " But at present, after all, small transactions are still the mainstay, and the average fee is almost 10%."


   "Legend" has more than 3 million users, and tens of thousands of equipment and game currency transactions are generated every day. With a transaction volume of nearly 800,000, 30 platforms can collect 70 to 80 thousand.


   "Moreover, this number changes every day and grows every day."


   "Then there are account transactions and so on."


"At present, the trading proportion of the Warrior Medal is still the largest, so the gross profit is a bit lower. When the player ranks up, the demand for advanced equipment and gold coins will increase, and the proportion of transactions will also increase. The gross profit margin should be 10%. It's okay."


   "..." Tang Haichao and others were dumbfounded. , This is a good business!


   Don’t do it anymore. At present, there is a gross profit of 200,000 yuan a day. This is just one day! That’s six million in that month, and seventy million in a year!


   can't be underestimated.


   But, think again, right? The recharge income of "Legend" is more than 50 million in one month. As for this money, he is hiding it?


   Wang Zhendong frowned and said, "Just for this amount of money, you have to hide it for two or three years?"


   Qi Lei said before that he would cover 30 platforms for two or three years.


   As a result, Qi Lei got it wrong, thinking that some of them were crazy about money, and now they want to take over the 30 platform.


   Hehe smiled, "You let me earn two years of money before giving you money. The things I will do later on Brother Xiao Ma will burn more money."




   Then, when Wang Zhendong and the others heard this, it was not right.


   Earn two years of money? How much money can this platform make?


  Well, they can't even think of killing them, how much a game platform can make, and Qi Lei knows.


Seventy million? That's because the online game market has just started, and the platform has just been established. You can wait another year and a half for you to check it out? Seventy million is not enough even a fraction.


   When people talk about e-commerce, the first thing they think of is Taobao. As everyone knows, there is a company that was established in the same year as Taobao, and it made profits earlier than Taobao and absorbed gold earlier.


   Taobao was still burning money, and when it was still paving the way, the company achieved an annual profit of more than 300 million yuan.


   This company is the earliest game trading platform in China—5173.


   30 Bazaar is currently re-enacted, which is the ecological template of 5173.


   The only difference is that 5173 is purely a third-party platform, which was resisted by most game companies, and was also run on platforms owned by operating companies such as Netease Treasure Pavilion and Snail Market.


   The 30th bazaar is backed by the game operator, as well as the blessing of No.17 East Street and the big platform. The development path is more stable than that of 5173.


   Besides, Qi Lei is more than just a game trading platform.


   Of course, these Ding Lei and the others are unpredictable, and they can only see the benefits in front of them.


   In their eyes, this profit is indeed considerable, but compared to the value of "Legend" itself, it can only be regarded as a fraction.


   is not worth hiding it! ?


   Then, Ding Lei and the others thought of the next problem—channels.


   The daily transaction volume is 3 to 4 million. How did the money get to the Internet?


   I said before that, up to now, China’s online banking system has very limited users and a very small proportion, and it is not as developed as zfb and wx payments in later generations.


  In this era, the biggest constraint that restricts game recharge and e-commerce is how to convert real money into online banking amounts that can be traded online.


   Many people don't even know what online banking is, let alone own it.


   In this regard, Sanshi has the most perfect solution-Internet cafe management system.


   Three Stones has obtained a financial license, which enables its Internet cafe management system to not only recharge games, but also have the ability to recharge 30 platforms.


   also provides that the money obtained from platform transactions can be withdrawn from Internet cafes in addition to the online bank withdrawal function.


  In the whole country, any Internet cafe with Three Stones management software can realize cash withdrawal, but with a small fee.


   This is the core!


   Internet cafe management system is the core of Sanshi, which makes it easier for players to complete transactions online.


   However, it seems that there is no need to conceal this, because it is difficult for others to copy.


   Nowadays, the Internet users are gradually shifting to Internet cafe users. As for Internet cafe management software, Sanshi has an absolute market share.


   In fact, up to now, the market share of Sanshi management software has approached 60%.


   Yes, it was still 44% years ago. In just half a month, it has risen by more than a dozen percentage points.


  Because "Legend" is so popular, there are no netizens playing other games in Internet cafes. They are all playing "Legend"!


   But to play "Legend", if you don't have a three-stone management system, there will be no online recharge service, and you cannot use the 30 trading platform.


  The consequence of this is that many people go to Internet cafes with management systems, which has a big impact on business.


   Therefore, many retail Internet cafes began to match the Sanshi management system.


   No way, no way, no way, the market forces you to use it.


  The consequence is that no one can shake Sanshi’s position in Internet cafes in this field.


   And even if other companies want to grab the market of Three Stones, they don't have that ability.


  Because, even if you develop a management system, there are no such supporting things as "Legend", navigation network, 30 platform and r tree.


  In other words, Qi Lei is not afraid of you trying to seize his channel.


  So, what is Qi Lei hiding?


All right......


   I saw Qi Lei smile bitterly, "You think no one can rob the Internet cafe management channel, it is because your perspective is different, and your focus is not right!"


   Everyone, "How do you tell?"


   Qi Lei, "First of all, whether it is an Internet cafe management system or a channel, it is not impossible to copy. And...the difficulty of copying is very low!"


   "A set of management software! I only spent 20,000 yuan, I found a few college students, and made it in one month."


   "Even though there are some of my creativity in it, it's not a creativity anymore."


   "If anyone wants to do it, just copy it, and how much does it cost to make a software similar to mine? How long?"


   "Secondly, in terms of promotion, it seems difficult. Sanshi has already occupied most of the market."


   "This is just a question of how much money is spent, and the investment is not proportional to the return!"


   "No one is doing it now, not because it can't be done, but because it's not necessarily a good deal!"


   The management of Internet cafes does not benefit much by itself. Last year, Three Stones received a few million in fees from the software, and more of it was additional income.


   For example, a recharge system, you have to have a game.


   And the game has to surpass "Legend" and surpass the game operated by "Legend", then the investment will be large.


   is not impossible, but not cost-effective, this is the main reason why no one has the idea of ​​management software.


   "Maybe!" Qi Lei pouted, "Maybe it costs three to five billion, or even one billion, the head office is now? Make a management software that is as easy to use as Sanshi Software. Then..."


   "Not only does you use my software at no cost, I also give you money, do you see if anyone uses it? Can it grab the market?"


   "This is not how powerful Sanshi is, nor how difficult it is to grab channels, but a question of cost performance!"


   After hearing Qi Lei’s explanation, everyone nodded in agreement. There was indeed some truth.


   "But this only exists in theory, right? Who would spend a billion to grab such a channel? Not worth it!"


   As a result, Qi Lei said, "But now it is enough to make people tempted, and the point of grabbing channels has appeared!"


   Everyone's hearts trembled, and they immediately reacted, "You mean...30 Bazaar?"


   Qi Lei, "Yes! Nor!"


"how to say?"


   Qi Lei, "The important thing is not the 30 bazaar, but the business logic behind the 30 bazaar."




   Qi Lei, "You have been digging deep into the mystery of Three Stone's success during this period. I think that besides you, there will be many people who dig this point. It's hard for Internet companies and investors across the country to be staring."


   "But, I'm really not afraid of you staring, it's useless to stare!"


   "Because the three-stone model cannot be copied. It does not come from specific business operations, but from my personal sense of smell. You can't implement it unless you dig me out."


   This is a bit of Versailles, but it is true.


   Internet cafe management, navigation network, under the tree, and "Legend", these all come from the prophetic foresight of rebirth, rather than Qi Lei grasping the secrets of enterprise business and opening the door to success.


   But the door to success is there, confuses among the many options, as the reborn, he can avoid all the failed options without any reason.


   This point, others cannot copy it.


   "However, only 30 bazaars, its operation logic is completely in line with business logic, and it is also a key point that the Internet and investors ignore!"


   "Once someone digs deep, the impact on the management software will be greater for me."


   Everyone frowned, "How big is it? One billion come in?"


   "Hehe." Qi Lei smiled miserably, "One billion? One hundred or one hundred billion come in! It's not surprising that some people will even go to buy an Internet cafe in order to grab the market for this management system."










   "Isn't it?" Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, all surprised.


   Hundreds of billions smashed?


   Well, they haven't seen this scene before, and they can't understand it at all.


   And since Qi Lei has come to this point, there is nothing worth concealing.


   "The 30 bazaar will bring two revelations."


   "Which two?"


   "First, the essential difference between the Internet in China and the Internet in foreign countries."


   "Second, the huge energy generated by the crossover of industries, and the future development direction of electronic commerce."


   At this time, Qi Lei was about to organize the language, bowed his head and pondered.


   And Tang Haichao couldn't wait any longer, and threw 500 yuan from his pocket, "Here you! Say it!"






   "First of all, let me ask you a question!"


   Qi Lei suddenly looked at Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong with great interest, as well as Xiao Ma, Chen Fangzhou and Tang Haichao.


   "Do you think that the future of Chinese Internet companies belongs to the returnees of you, or does it belong to local businessmen like Xiao Ma who have no experience of going abroad?"


   I saw everyone pointing at Qi Lei, "I have to ask? It belongs to you!"


   This question is really stupid, who can do you? He went to heaven at the age of 17, and is basically invincible from now on.


   "Uh!" Qi Lei was embarrassed and forgot about himself?


   "Don't count me, I won't mix with you in two years."


   "Don't count you?" Tang Haichao stretched his waist, " you need to ask?"


   glanced at Xiao Ma, "Look at the moment, besides Xiao Ma and Lei Fu Di, are there any local businessmen in this circle?"


   Well, it’s not Tang Haichao bragging, it is true.


   Internet industry, Sina, Sohu, Netease, Etang, Chinaren, Tom, etc., as long as they are a bit famous, which one was not founded by these returnees?


   At this point, they have a natural advantage.


   The Internet developed abroad early, and those who have gone out and learned advanced foreign concepts are naturally more confident and experienced than domestic local businessmen.


   Facing Tang Haichao's arrogance, Qi Lei smiled contemptuously, "Dare you make a bet with me? One of you will count as one, and you will definitely not be able to do the local ones in the future."


   "Impossible!" Tang Haichao scorned, "I believe everything you say, but this...I don't believe you."


   The advantage is too obvious, it's really not Tang Haichao's arrogance.


   heard Qi Lei said: "Really, I'm not kidding!"


   Tang Haichao, "Okay, tell me, why?"


   Qi Lei, "Because, the Internet in China and abroad are basically two different things! You use the concept of foreigners to make your website, it may work at the beginning, but in the long run, you must not!"


   "I don't understand what's going on? Because you are so high, you don't know what the Chinese people think or want. Even the structure of Chinese netizens is not clear. What are you doing?"








   These words... are they too hurtful?


   But what Qi Lei said is the truth.


   Few people think about China's Internet problems from a structural point of view, but almost everyone can see it.


   A very interesting phenomenon in later generations, there are almost no returnees who are stunned.


   Ali’s Jack Ma...


  Penguin's Tony Ma...


   Xiaomi's Rebs...


   360's Zhou Mo...


   and JD’s Dong brother...


   Douyin's Zhang XX...


   No one has ever gone to a foreign prestigious school, had experience such as mba, and never looked up to the booming Internet in foreign countries.


   On the contrary, those so-called ancient giants, the Internet Three Musketeers, Wang Zhendong, Ding Lei and Zhang Chaoyang.


   Those so-called Baidu Robin Li, etc., in the end are either falling into the altar and being scolded by dog ​​blood, or in the state of retirement. Either it is tepid and has withdrawn from the first echelon.


  Although it is still okay, it is still incomparable with the heads.




  Because of not being grounded!


   This is not just the ungroundedness in the public image, but the difference in the overall way of thinking.


   It can be said that things like learning abroad have made them, but it has also restricted them.


   China and the United States are different! And it's completely different.


   At present, the United States has been ahead of us for decades no matter from which point of view, the per capita gdp is more than ten and twenty times that of ours.


  Buying a computer in the United States is called ordinary consumption. But in China, it also requires luxury goods consumption.


  In the United States, mobile phones, computers, and cars are all necessities of life, but in China...


   You took the set from the U.S. Studies and returned to China to use it, and the result is superior.


   The style of the Internet is to be superior!


   Take e-commerce as an example!


  What is the current e-commerce? In the United States, that is a new way of shopping.


   But in China, that is a concept floating in the sky, which can be linked to personal taste and style.


   There are successful cases abroad, such as Amazon, such as eBay.


   led the Chinese people to advertise the success of Europe and the United States, thinking of China's e-commerce also on the cloud.


It’s not funny, these years, if you say that you made an online shopping, the first reaction of others is not how much you spent or what you bought, but, "This person is really amazing, this person is really fashionable. , It’s all online shopping!"


   makes online shopping a luxury behavior, and ordinary people can't even think about it.

   And who has the most people in China?


   poor man! Ordinary people!


   As for the current e-commerce website, it is even more outrageous.


   8848, it is a high-end platform for online mobile phone stores and online electronic products.


   Mobile phone! How many can afford mobile phones these years?


  Etang is to create a high-quality online and offline community for young people.


  Listen, how fashionable?


  EBay is to be a gathering place for trendy goods, and even the flea market for second-hand goods can afford a noun, which is called "e-era shopping."


   In fact, it is not just e-commerce. In this era, the Internet, whether it is natural or an image created by the day after tomorrow, is a high-end, high-end thing.


   The website is at the forefront of the advertised era. Netizens claim that we are more fashionable than you. Those who can't access the Internet are all turtles!


   Even the things written by the writers under the r tree are graceful with a dangling voice, and you can feel a floating feeling between the lines.


   But, if you look back with the eyes of later generations, the Internet is a tool. What can be floating around?


   One of those e-commerce sites with style is counted as one, and the graves are three feet tall.


  What is the e-commerce website that can really climb up?


   is a certain treasure who started his business by selling j goods.


   is a certain Dong, an online supermarket! The supermarket is close enough to the people, right?


   is to fight Xixi, leading the post-j goods era.


   China’s national conditions are that there are actually very few people floating around, and most of them are ordinary people who live their lives in a down-to-earth manner, and they are still poor!


   It is impossible to create stylish e-commerce sites such as Amazon and eBay.


   Whoever learns will die!


   Therefore, in China, whoever captures the consumer psychology of ordinary people, who can put down their body, can win the battlefield of e-commerce.


   At this point, local businessmen have a much greater advantage than overseas returnees because they know what ordinary people want.


   So, look at Brother Xiao Ma’s QQ, the most popular one was QQ, and the one that advertised high-end was msn... It’s dead.


   Look at Jack Ma, a certain treasure is a bargain, it is to pull down e-commerce from the cloud, down to the lowest level. EBay, which flaunts its style...dead.


  360 is a free antivirus software, what special charges? Rising, Kabbah and Jinshan also lost.


   Douyin and Kuaishou are grassroots culture. At the very beginning, a group of people pretended to be crazy and stupid.


   China has one billion people, how many high-end people are there? How many ordinary people are there?


   Ding Lei and the others, including the current Internet companies, are committed to turning China’s Internet into a cultural highland, full of style.


  Until, in 2002, Xiao Ma’s penguin began to make a profit, and in 2003, a certain treasure of Jack Ma came out. It was then that these people floating in the sky suddenly realized that the Chinese Internet has to be so fun!


   Well, it's not just the Chinese Internet, but it's the same abroad. In 2004, Zuckerberg's Facebook page was launched, which shocked the world.


   Actually, this is a core Internet proposition. It is not difficult to understand, and it feels like "being only in this mountain".


   But this is a layer of window paper, once someone starts to do it, it will be completely broken.


   "You group of returnees are ungrounded, after all, they can't do with Brother Xiao Ma and the others. They know China better than you, and they understand Chinese people better!"




   Tang Haichao's boss was dissatisfied, and stared: "I'm talking about it as if I am not Chinese!"


   However, what Qi Lei said makes sense, not how convincing his words are, but the facts are right in front of them.


   30 bazaar is the best example.


   And Qi Lei hasn't finished saying, "Apart from thinking, then there is the question of who deals with whom."


   This question is not difficult for these people to understand.


   "There is no exception in the current e-commerce, and the main direction of attack is between the website and the buyer, which is the "b2c" model."


   (b is enterprise.




  C is an individual. )


   The website is a seller, selling products to individuals.


   "And 30 bazaar is c2c."


  C2c, that is, individual to individual, the website only acts as an intermediary and provides a platform.


   "This point, you can see it, you can see it!"


   Qi Lei looked at everyone speechlessly, "You said, if people are looking at the 30 platform, the transaction volume of hundreds of millions a year is just a virtual goods trading platform for games!"


   "As a head, I can figure out the principles of c2c, channels, and market decentralization. It is an individual who understands the connection. Then I have done them with such a large capital?"


   "With 10 billion, 10,000 medium and large Internet cafes can be opened in China, and the current Internet cafe market can be doubled."


   "How about 100 billion?"


   "You said, is it worth it for such a channel?"


   "With this channel, what c2c? What market decentralization? The theory is better than me, and the money is more than us."


   "At that time, will there be a way to survive?"


   "And, this is not the most terrible!"


   Everyone looked up and looked at him blankly, "Also, what else?"


   Qi Lei scanned the crowd very solemnly, "There is a very, very scary, experience product..."


   Everyone, "What!?"


   Qi Lei, "Do you know how much trading funds are stranded on the 30 platform?"


   Everyone didn't react for a while, "Trading funds? Isn't this the money the players use for trading? What does it have to do with you?"


   asked subconsciously, "How much?"


   "It's close to 20 million."




   "So much? Isn't it just 3.3 million daily transactions?"


   Qi Lei, "Yes! However, the money purchased and sold by the players will not be withdrawn immediately, and some of them must remain in the platform. It has only been opened for half a month, and it is more than 20 million!"


   "Moreover, it is growing at a geometric multiple!"


   "You said, if more and more games are connected to the market, the transaction volume will increase..."


   "Oh!" Tang Haichao cursed, "You don't want to make another software to keep funds, right?"


   Qi Lei spread his hands, "This is an inevitable choice!"


   Wang Zhendong was speechless, "Then you have the same reason with the bank?"


   Qi Lei, "Yeah, that's what I think! Separate the funding system and the account number and connect them to each other, so that the transfer between users and users can be realized, and I will give the retained users a little interest."


   "After receiving the payment systems of several of your websites, it does not have to be games. You can also go to eBay and 8848 to talk about cooperation."










   A group of people stared, panting, you...Are you still a human?




   The water glass in Wang Zhendong's hand suddenly fell, smashed on the floor tiles, and broke into pieces.


   But he just bowed his head and cast a glance, then looked at Qi Lei in horror again, "You...Don't scare us!"


   Qi Lei glared at him speechlessly, "What am I doing to scare you!?"


"I thought it would be a good idea. I have been developing for two years. First, wait for the online banking system to be complete, so that you can get rid of the shackles of Internet cafes. Second, because I am wholly-owned, and Longjiang Province gives me the opportunity of tax exemption, there is no need to disclose it to the public. Tax records, no one knows how big I have done, so I can only rely on guessing."


   "After two or three years, half of them will be handed over to the state, and the other half will drive out all of your foreign capital and cross-shareholdings. We no longer need to look at the face of capital!"


   stared at the eyeballs, with an aura of murder, "I have to ask! It's like how big a heart I hide!"


   "Okay this time, okay, okay? You feel safe? Sew your mouth on me. If anyone leaks a word, you will die for me!"


   Everyone: "......"


   Practical? I'm steadfast, your uncle!


   Everyone regrets it, tell me what you are doing! ?


   For ordinary people, the content Qi Lei said may only have a general concept, but for these few people, what do you not understand?


   really scared, what kind of finance is this? This is an online money empire!


   Although they can't imagine how big the Internet will be in the future, and even though they don't know how fast China's economy will develop, but even so, they can be sure that it will be a huge pool of funds.


In addition, China Unicom's several major portal sites in China, as well as e-commerce sites, and its layout and development two to three years in advance, may be able to rule all online transactions when this transaction system attracts the attention of others. NS.


   Oh, go big!


   What are you telling me? In case it pops out of my mouth, then it is not a question of death for those who are sitting there, don't forget, Qi Lei counts the half of the country.


   If it really leaks out...what's the end of it?


   Wang Zhendong suddenly returned to his soul, "I didn't hear anything, I'm leaving! I'm back to Beijing!"


   He won't stay, he doesn't want to know anything anymore.


   I don't care about the broken cup on the ground, and I walked out in a big stride.


   Tang Haichao also reacted to them, "Go away!"


   also followed Wang Zhendong's footsteps and left.


   As a result, before I went out, I ran into Xu Wenliang and Zhang Nan.


   Xu Wenliang smiled brightly, "A few bosses, we just came to Shangbei, why should we leave?"


   Everyone was intercepted there, but Qi Lei laughed, "Since I'm here, why should I go in a hurry? How come I get my alma mater and go to our Shangbei!"


   special! Lao Tzu gave you such a big gift, shouldn't I give Shang Bei some blood?


   At least I have to donate some money to the second middle school, and then leave the customer service such as game operations!


   No longer caring about Xu Wenliang and Wang Zhendong, Qi Lei winked at Brother Xiao Ma, and the two left the office.


   When I got downstairs, when the cold winter wind blew, I felt a lot more energetic.


   Just in time, I met Xiao Liang who was also smoking at the door, and Qi Lei said: "Guodong just called me to find you."


   Qi Lei was taken aback, took out his mobile phone and saw that it was out of power.


   could have gone back to the building to give Qi Guodong back, but looked eastward, and said to Xiao Ma: "Go, take you to some of our strongholds."


   Xiao Ma smiled reluctantly, "Go!"


   The base of the friends in Sanshi Internet Cafe is not far away, only a few hundred meters away.


   The two of them wrapped their coats and walked over.


   At the Internet cafe, Wang Cheng smiled and nodded when he saw Qi Lei.


   After all, Qi Lei and the others haven't been here for more than a month.


   And I saw Cai Wei downstairs, this guy raised his head and stared at Qi Lei, "Where did the Chinese New Year holiday go? Can't you see anyone?"


   Qi Lei said: "Let's talk about it later."


   After finishing speaking, I took Xiao Ma upstairs.


   But halfway through, I am a little curious, how did Viagra go downstairs to surf the Internet?


   Then I went into the box to understand what was going on, and I saw Guan Xiaobei and Cao Xiaoxi inside!


   Sanshi Internet Cafe’s stronghold, a few of them know about it. When they return to their hometown during the winter vacation, they will naturally go here without problems.


   However, Qi Lei and the others have been absent.


   As for why there are only two of them in the private room...


   Guan Xiaobei and Cao Xiaoxi saw that Qi Lei had brought a friend, they knew they were going to talk about something, they were very witty and let the place go, "Let’s go downstairs, you guys talk!"


   Before leaving, Qi Lei asked Guan Xiaobei in a low voice, "Take it?"


   Guan Xiaobei had a good time, "No! Don't talk nonsense!"


   Qi Lei smiled knowingly. He knew that Xiaobei had not done much for the past six months. He returned to Shangbei from Harbin City almost every weekend, and he had to visit Cao Xiaoxi's house when he returned.


   Bring something to help clean up the autumn vegetables (prepared vegetables for the winter in the Northeast), move the spicy cabbage pickled by my mother to Cao Xiaoxi's house, and so on.


  Nong Cao Xiaoxi shouted in the group every day: "Guan Xiaobei, you are not a human! Is there anyone like you?"


Cao Xiaoxi’s mother has already changed her words on the phone, "Your boyfriend is coming home again... The pickles that your boyfriend brought you taste good... When will you come back? Go to your boyfriend too? Home returns to give a gift."


   Anyway, except for Cao Xiaoxi who is still arrogant, Guan Xiaobei's boyfriend's identity is already quite stable.


   The two pushed out the door, only Qi Lei and Xiao Ma left in the private room.


   Brother Xiao Ma looked around, while Qi Lei said: "In the beginning we talked online, it was here."


   Xiao Ma smiled, "Beautiful girl seven or seven?"


   Qi Lei also laughed loudly, "Beautiful girl seven or seven!"


   laughed, there was another silence.


   At this time, Qi Lei remembered to call Qi Guodong back, but Qi Guodong called in before he could dial out.


   "Xiao Liang said you went to the Internet cafe."


   Qi Lei, "What's the matter, so urgent?"


   Qi Guodong, "It's not anxious to be anxious, but I've encountered a few two hundred and five!"


"What's wrong?"


   Qi Guodong, "Didn't someone break our service before?"


   Qi Lei, "Hmm! Isn't that resolved yet?"


   Qi Guodong, "What's the solution? Anyway, I can't talk, when will you come back? Let's communicate! What's the matter, I want to punch people when talking!"


   Qi Lei couldn't help but smile, "All right, I'll talk about it when I go back tonight."


   hung up, there was another silence in the private room.


   Brother Xiao Ma intervened and sat on the sofa. Finally, "If you have any words, just say, our brothers are not so particular."


   Qi Lei rubbed his face and said speechlessly: "I should ask you this. You didn't say a word just now."


   Qi Lei refers to the 30 customer service building just now.


   It has been Ding Lei and Tang Haichao who said that Brother Xiao Ma has been silent.


   On this, Xiao Ma gave a wry smile, can he not be silent?


   It’s okay if you don’t know this, but the few heads said that they were scared and regretted, but in fact, their hearts were full of joy.


  Because Qi Lei had already said that, half of them belonged to the country, and half belonged to them.


   Except... Except Qi Lei himself and Xiao Ma.




   Brother Xiao Ma has emotions, you don’t have to take me to play the game, and you throw me out of such a big piece of meat?


  Even if Qi Lei said, it is clear that the two of them have other things to do.


   But, this time is different, this time is too big!


   "Can you tell me something? What do you think?"


   Qi Lei, "Yes!"


   This answer caused Brother Xiao Ma to stagnate, he didn't expect Qi Lei to be so happy.


   He only heard Qi Lei said: "Actually, I should have told you a long time ago, but there is no chance."


   Xiao Ma frowned deeper, no chance?


   This reason is too far-fetched.


   Qi Lei, "There really is no chance, because this idea is only in the last few days."


   grinned, "To be precise, it was Kim Yongmin only after the incident came out in Korea."


   Xiao Ma, "what's the matter?"


   Qi Lei, "To tell the truth, about the 30th market, I brought you in the beginning, including myself."


   "Otherwise, I'm not so noble, because my buddy is giving such a big gift."


   Xiao Ma, "What about then?"


   Qi Lei, "Then? Then the Korean incident came out, let me understand a truth."


   Little Ma, "What's the point?"


   Qi Lei, "We are bullied if we don't have the technology, but if we have the technology, we are bullied as well!"


   "Lao Bei is right. In this world, no one except us wants us to have a good time!"


   Speaking of this, Qi Lei took two glass bottles of soda from the corner, opened it to Brother Xiao Ma, and sat on the sofa side by side with him.


   looked at the ceiling for a long while, "I’m a person, I don’t have much desire! I originally thought, taking advantage of these few years to make some money, I am worthy of myself."


   "When Nan Lao's system is completed, I will help promote it, which is worthy of justice!"


"that's enough......"


   "A person can have one achievement worthy of glory in his entire life, let alone I have more than one?"


   "The day I graduate from college is the day Lao Tzu retires! I will spend a lifetime of money, do what I like to do, and take a good look at the scenery that I missed in this life and the previous life."


   "Which company is not company, let Wu Xiaojian and the others toss about it!"


   suddenly looked at Brother Xiao Ma, "I really want to be a teacher in college and teach my kids how to use the Internet. I'm not tired and enjoyable!"


   "Puff!" Xiao Ma laughed out loud, "You still don't want to harm people."


   "Yes!" Qi Lei sighed, "If you want to harm, you can't do it."


   Xiao Ma looked at him, "What?"


   Qi Lei, "Korea has made me change my mind!"


   Little Ma, "..."


   Qi Lei smashed his mouth, "Lao Bei also said a word, which made me think about it for several nights."


   Brother Xiaoma, UU reading "What did he say?"


   Qi Lei, "He said, ‘The future is ours, it’s up to us’."


   Xiao Ma, "This is... nothing special, right?"


   Qi Lei rubbed his face, then scratched the back of his head and rubbed vigorously, "He poke my lung tube."


   "With this ability, such a genius... this... such a unique vision, I should be able to do a lot of things!"


   said that Xiao Ma wants to laugh, you still brag as always.


   "Then what do you want to do?"


   Qi Lei suddenly looked at Brother Xiao Ma very seriously, "Two or three years! Taking advantage of Brother's vision is still enough and not out of date, let's go out and see if we can do more!"


   Xiao Ma: "......"


   Qi Lei said before, let his penguins rush out of the Chinese market to grab the foreign territory of icq and msn.




   Obviously, the previous suggestion and the "act" Qi Lei is now talking about are not on the same level at all.






  【Monthly pass coin slot】


  【Recommended ticket coin slot】


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