Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

: Thanks to all the book friends of "The Passing Years"

Thank you all.

Those who subscribed, voted, rewarded, all those who brought the old man up.

It was not twelve o'clock when I wrote this chapter. I actually don't know the date or the final result.

But, enough... enough here.

I blame myself for not entering the top ten, I am stupid...

On the 29th, when the goal of asking for votes was determined, the old man thought that 5000 votes should be good, right? At the time, at the end of the chapter, I vowed to the readers that our goal was not high, and it was enough to keep the top 20.

Even the silver alliance prepared by Cucumber on the first day didn't know in advance, and the silver [Norns] was also a surprise.

It was also yesterday afternoon that Zhang Weiyu suddenly said, "I'm going to go", but my wife and I hadn't reacted yet.

I knew it was such a result. If I set a goal of 50,000 votes, a 10% bonus could add 4,500 votes.

Blame me.


I actually...

Quite anxious.

No matter which number it is, Germany is not coordinated anymore.

We weren't there, we were only at the level of twenty or thirty, and we came up and got beaten up!

The monthly ticket of hundreds of thousands was something that the old man had never even thought about. At that time, "Da Song" was only ranked first in the classification, it seems.

So... here it is.

Let's play our own steadily, and return to peace, I write you see, quietly and quietly little by little.

In November, let's not give a reward...

Those 65 big brothers who have reached the leader, don't move! Hold back! Tolerate!

Old man is not bad income.

"Repetitive offenders" such as Yanke, XT460, elephant, cucumber, ghost, bamboo, three-point poison, mad dog orchid, etc., almost get it.

Book friends who have not reached the leader of the alliance, if you have the ability to be the leader of the alliance, then give a reward, the old man appreciates.

If it's an ordinary reader, and there is no plan to go to the leader, we will also control it, and we will understand it!

I really like stones, and I like what the old man writes. It's better to praise me in book reviews than to give a reward.

The main reason for the leader is to make achievements in the Hundred Leagues and to rise to the stars in glory.

There is no way, we have nothing to do if these two tasks are achieved.


I would like to say to those friends who are in the book review section about subscribing subscriptions and monthly passes, "No explanation!"

If you are really upset, you might as well take the time to get to know me, don’t listen to others, and don’t just look at it so arbitrarily and draw conclusions.

Lao Cang's writing is rather partial, and may not be pleasing, but he is still pretty real.


Special thanks to [Hidden in the Years], big brother, you are so awesome! Come to Dali when you have time, let me touch you and feel immortal.

Two 6666 votes were drawn. What kind of luck is this?

Properly the strongest European emperor.


In short, no matter which number it is, thank you all.

In November, the old man will not rest, set a small goal, 300,000 words, an average of 10,000 a day. Of course, if you work hard, it should be more than 300,000 words.

In the first few days of the month, I don’t have a rest. I can be more, less, more, and I would like to thank you for your support.

In fact, everyone has only seen two Golden Leagues and two Silver Leagues.

But I didn’t see it, fifteen yuan, 15 yuan, one piece and five yuan...

One ticket, one ticket, is equivalent to three silver leagues.

Excluding gold and silver, everyone voted for nearly 50,000 votes.

This is where the old man is most proud.


Not old.


Having said so much, I just want to tell those who know me and those who don't know me.

Lao Cang is just a middle-aged uncle who can only write books and can't do other things. I rarely fight for anything, and I'm still frightened. I really can't play this... forgive me.

Read the book if you like it, pull it down if you don't like it.

We rely on our more than 10,000 readers, enough to eat, enough to raise a dog son, there is no desire for nothing.


A thousand words...

Is the paving in place?

Feeling okay?

Do you think this author is special?






That's good~~~

Come, take a wave of monthly pass.

At the beginning of the month, I dumped the guaranteed monthly pass or something.

Don’t wait, don’t watch it, it’s not doubled this month, don’t stay at the end of the month.

Help old man make a list, take a seat!

The monthly pass, the friends who have the monthly pass go forward and get on it.





【Monthly Pass Coin Slot】

Thank you [Zhang Weiyu] for the support of the two golden alliances!

Thank you [Cucumber] [Norns] for your support!

Thank you [Small Stone] [Ghosts] [Bamboo] [Swallowing the Ten Squares] [Elephant's nose is long and long] [I can’t run anymore] [Drunk lying in the wine cellar] [Run up the mountain to fight the tiger] [Educated youth 】【Ten Strips Dian】【Yuyang 0711】【Past l】【Orange Carrot】【Fuzzy Wood】【Small Hui Liyi who likes to read】The leader supports!

Thanks Wan.....

Looking at the backstage, there were too many and too many, and it was dawning to find them all, forgiving the old man that he really couldn't stand it anymore.

Thank you, thank you thank you.

Feel sorry.

Thanks to all the book friends who rewarded and voted for the old man! ! !

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