Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 100: What a loss

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In the car, Manager Wen talked eloquently and shared his views with Jaquier.

"No one but Intel and its allies wants to see ARM in Intel's hands..."

Jaquille is young after all and doesn't quite understand, "Why?"

Manager Wen Wen smiled and asked, "If you were the leader of Samsung, Sony, AMD, or even Microsoft and Google, would you want the two giants at the source of the computer industry to merge into one?"

"No, that would be a disaster for other computer companies."

"So, just as the Americans will not let the Chinese get ARM, the world doesn't want Intel to get ARM, even more strongly than against the Chinese!"

Looking at Jaquille with a high face, "You have to remember that in front of interests, ideology also needs to stand aside!"

Jaquier frowned and nodded slowly. He was the eldest son of a major shareholder of Desheng with a profound background.

However, after entering Desheng, instead of staying at the US headquarters, he was sent to China to follow Manager Wen.

At first, Jaquier was still a little unconvinced, but after a long time, he realized that such an arrangement actually makes sense.

First, the future of the Chinese market is worth looking forward to.

Second, Manager Wen is still very wise.

However, for this matter, although Jaquier agrees with Manager Wen's point of view, he also has his own views.

"Wen, have you ever thought about such a possibility?"

"If the United States has mastered the source of the computer industry, we are the gods of the computer industry!"

"Washington is definitely willing to see this kind of situation, and even intentionally facilitate it."

"And the so-called three S, Sony, they can't go against the will of the United States, because they are not strong enough!"

Suddenly he laughed, "One is castrated with military capabilities, and the other has to hand over even the command of wartime to us."

"Their country cannot protect their businesses and must sell their businesses for our benefit if necessary."

"Perhaps, Kraug saw this and thought he would get the support of Washington!"

"So, Intel's acquisition of ARM, I think it is still possible!"

After Manager Wen listened, he shook his hand easily, "NoNoNo, Jaquier, you made a mistake."

Jaquille, "What's wrong?"

Manager Wen, "Washington wants to be the **** of the computer industry, but they just want to take ARM USA."

"And the last thing Washington wants to see is Intel's acquisition of ARM!"


Manager Wen smiled deeply, "Everyone likes God, and everyone wants to have the power of God!"

"However, no one wants others to become gods, not even their own Intel!"

Manager Wen quite enjoyed this time of imparting experience, "So, for Washington, the best situation is that Intel is from the United States, and ARM also becomes a United States."

"However, these two companies cannot be merged into one. Because in that case, this behemoth will have the confidence to be disobedient and even confront policies."

Jaquier suddenly realized, "In other words, Washington is very willing to ARM to become a US company, which will not only destroy the Chinese dream, but also firmly grasp the core of computer technology in its hands."

"However, the premise is that Intel can't be allowed to succeed?"

Manager Wen nodded, "That's pretty much the truth. Jacquier, when we do finance, the most important thing is not to understand the red and green curves of the stock market, nor to analyze the flow direction of each capital, but to observe the situation!"

Manager Wen said the word "viewing the bureau" in Chinese.

Jacquier, "Viewing the game? A very Chinese word."

Manager Wen, "Yes, the Chinese believe that the general trend of the world is like a game of chess."

"When you understand the chess game, you also understand the big game."

"Naturally, we will strategize and win thousands of miles."

At this moment, there was a hint of admiration in Jaquier's eyes, "Wen, thank you for your teaching."

Westerners are straight-forward, and Jaquier really feels that he has learned a lot from Manager Wen.

Manager Wen smiled indifferently, "Then tell me, what should we do next?"

Jaquier thought for a while, "Since Intel can't buy ARM, and Washington wants ARM to fall into a cyst, I think Wall Street should be a good place to go."

Manager Wen nodded with satisfaction, "So, let's see what kind of surprises those people on Wall Street can bring us."

In the next few days, Manager Wen and Jaquille flew to New York on the east coast and traveled between major capitals.

At the same time that Manager Wen was working up and down, Qi Lei was wandering the streets of London.

Don't get me wrong, but there's nothing romantic or sentimental at all, and he's being scolded for holding his mobile phone like his third grandson.

On the phone, Guo Lihua did not save face for her own son at all.

"Look at the **** you've done, your mother is about to become a laughing stock in the unit!"

"Don't you know your surname? What are you bragging about?"

"Where is it!? Come back from the holiday and see how I clean up you!"

Qi Lei wiped his forehead with cold sweat, and his mother was furious. It wasn't a joke.

"I can't go back, I'm in London!"

Guo Lihua was stunned for a moment, and then became even more angry, "Okay, little bastard, your wings are hard! You don't even notify your mother when you go abroad? Do you still have my mother in your eyes?"

Qi Lei nodded and bowed. Although Guo Lihua couldn't see it, he had to make a gesture, "There are some, there are some, you see, this is what you said."

"I was afraid that you would be worried, so I sneaked out."

"I didn't expect, do you always have telepathy? Why didn't you call Xiao Xiao for half a month? You called me just after I came out?"

When Guo Lihua heard this, she burst out with pride, "I'm your mother! Who can hide something from your mother better than your mother?"

Qi Lei, "Tsk tsk, why don't you say that, if you don't agree with anyone, I will obey your own mother!"

Guo Lihua couldn't help but laugh, "You're poor!"

The conversation changed, "Going to the UK? So, isn't it bragging?"

"Hehe." Qi Lei snorted, "I'll go back, I'll report to you in detail when I go back."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lei let out a long sigh of relief. His mother was suppressed by blood, and there was no solution.

It happened that Lao Qin and Lin Wanxiao came out of a burger shop and handed Qi Lei a hamburger and a glass of Coke.

Lin Wanxiao joked, "You were scolded?"

Qi Lei nibbled at the hamburger, "It's an honor to be scolded by my mother!"

Both Lao Qin and Lin Wanxiao twitched at the corners of their eyes. They both recalled that they hadn't been home to see the old lady for a long time, and it was estimated that they would be treated the same as Qi Lei.

After shaking for a while, Lao Qin started talking about the real business, "At this moment, that manager Wen is probably tossing around in the United States, right?"

Qi Lei nodded, "It should be!"

"The first Intel he went to, it means that this guy is going to play big."

Lin Wanxiao frowned, "In this way, the Intel battle is imminent, but after all, it will be an empty situation. In the end, Wall Street and Desheng will take advantage of the fisherman."

Lao Qin continued, "The Americans will definitely intervene! And with their greed, they will not only take ARM, but also keep the price very low."

"And now to suppress ARM, there is a ready-made entry point, which is the lawsuit of Byron August!"

"They will definitely make a big fuss about this issue while putting pressure on the British to corner ARM."

"And the only way for Warren Aite to keep ARM is to abandon Byron as an abandoned son!"

"Let Byron take all the trouble to relieve the crisis. Byron August, will be an orphan."

It's just that Lao Qin didn't hear Manager Wen's teaching to Jaquier, otherwise he would have laughed out loud.

Still watching? Are you still watching the game with those two brushes?

The one who really watched the game was eating hamburgers beside him! This kid is a master.

In fact, what Lao Qin values ​​about Qi Lei is not only his wit, but the most valuable quality of being a strategist—

Four or two beating a thousand pounds!

In fact, the most taboo of strategy is also the most troublesome. It is not a fantastic idea, but the strategy is too cumbersome.

The more complex it is, the more difficult it is to implement and the more error-prone it is. Too many variables can be fatal.

However, in reality, this complex situation is often the norm, so decision makers need to have the ability to simplify the complexity.

Taking the moment as an example, the situation is very complicated, but Qi Lei actually only did two things to push the situation in the direction he wanted.

He just induced Desheng to take the bait and sent a note to ARM. Then, the forces of all parties consciously moved, taking advantage of the greed of human nature to the extreme.

Or how to say that his heart is too dirty! A normal person would never come up with such a greedy strategy.

Up to now, there was only one point that Lao Qin didn't quite understand, and it exceeded Qi Lei's expectations.

That is:

"Why is ARM CEO Warren so cooperative?"

In the original idea, Warren would cooperate, but it is definitely not the current cooperation.

"Could it be that he doesn't know how to involve the Americans, and it's hard for ARM to escape the clutches of the Americans?"

"Shouldn't it be? This person is not simple, he should know this."

"Then why did he make such a big fanfare to discuss this news publicly?"

This question also stopped Lin Wanxiao, and now it seems that it is indeed abnormal.

On the contrary, Qi Lei was very calm, because he had the answer.

"The reason is very simple, Warren wants to be acquired by the Americans!"

Lao Qin, "..."

Seems to understand a bit.

Qi Lei, "ARM has had a difficult two years, I was not sure before."

"But now it seems that Warren has figured it out, and now the only people who can save ARM are the Americans."

"Or, sell ARM to us, combine systems, and get a new platform."

"Or, join if you can't beat it! If you become a US company, can Intel still press him to fight?"

"So, his approach is wise, because the British don't want ARM to be acquired. As a British, Warren can't clearly defect, so he can only do it!"

"And, you can take the opportunity to pit Intel, why not do it?"

"If ARM is going to be sold to Sanshi, the most anxious thing is Intel. As long as Intel jumps out, it must be impossible to beat the fox and cause a show."

After listening to Qi Lei's analysis, Lao Qin nodded in approval.

With that, everything makes sense.

And Lin Wanxiao...

Uncle Lin's scalp was a little numb.

Since the beginning of Qi Lei's representation, Attorney Lin has been " fooling around" with Qi Lei, and he has a good understanding of this kid's sinister damage.

Before in China, I thought he was dirty enough and couldn't be any more dirty!

Only now did I realize that the naive was actually me.

Going abroad, whether it's Qi Lei or his opponent, it's as if he's on a higher level, and neither one is given for nothing.

Even Manager Wen, who was originally played by Qi Lei, broke out into a small universe.

People are sinister, and the ancients do not deceive me!

Suddenly asked, "Since the American intervention is a foregone conclusion, Byron's days at ARM have entered the countdown, but there is still a problem."

Lao Qin and Qi Lei looked at him, "What's the problem?"

Lin Wanxiao, "Even if Byron leaves ARM, he won't necessarily choose Sanshi? There are still many companies willing to accept him, besides..."

After a pause, "Byron's obsession with the Nobel Prize, you are clear, he can't go to China!"

"How do you solve this?"

As soon as these words came out, Lao Qin and Qi Lei both laughed.

The laughing Lin Wanxiao was inexplicable, "What are you laughing at? What? Do you have a solution?"

As soon as Lao Qin heard it, he immediately evaded the relationship, "There is a way, and this is what we need to do right away."


"But what?"

Lao Qin pointed at Qi Lei, "It has nothing to do with me, he came up with this trick!"

The next thing to do is too dirty, so dirty that Lao Qin doesn't want to be involved.

Well, Qi Lei was stunned for a moment when Lao Qin pointed at him, and suddenly his neck froze.

"What's up with me!? Principal Dong came up with it!"

He also came to throw the blame, let old man Dong carry it first!

Because it's really dirty. Qi Lei felt that this was a stain on his life.

Lin Wanxiao was even more curious, "What's the trick?"

Lao Qin, "you'll know right away."

Lao Qin was embarrassed to say it.




Rossi Knightley was born in a literary family.

Her mother is a famous British playwright, and her younger sister has been in the film and television industry since she was ten years old, and became a famous star before she was eighteen.

And she herself is a Times reporter and the youngest columnist.

Even though Rossi is still under 30 years old, since he started his career, there has been a lot of big news unearthed.

He once went to the Middle East theater alone to bring first-hand battlefield reports to the British people.

He also went deep into the South African diamond mines and reported the blood and cruelty behind the diamonds.

Of course, the biggest thing Rossi did this year was to go undercover at ARM for two months and unearth the animal cruelty case of German Byron August.

This makes Rossi's position in the newspaper more stable, and even has considerable influence in the CTH environmental protection organization.

Rosie is an ambitious woman, few outsiders know that her ambition is more deadly than her beauty.

She has planned a perfect life trajectory for herself.

Thirty years old, to become the authoritative columnist of The Times; thirty-five years old, to sit on the top spot of CTH.

Then, get into politics! Run for Congress!

If this is done before the age of forty, then Rossi may be the next female Prime Minister of England in her lifetime.

At this time, Rossi was sitting in the corner of a cafe, checking his watch from time to time.

She is waiting.

And there are only two minutes left before the appointed time.

Speaking psychologically, Rossi didn't know why he agreed to an appointment with a strange man.

Maybe it's the reporter's acumen, maybe... it's a word from the man on the phone.

"Hello, my name is Qi Lei and I'm from China."

Ok! Just a simple self-introduction.

But there is no way, the name Qi Lei is too tempting.

The youngest billionaire in the world, Bill Gates of the East.

It is said that he is also very handsome, and he is the type of good boy that all women can't resist.

Suddenly, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and an oriental male walked in.

Rossi glanced at his watch subconsciously again, it was just right, it was the appointed time.

Can not help, greeted.

He reached out his hand, "Hello, Mr. Qi."

There was a faint smile on Qi Lei's face, "Hello, Miss Knightley, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

The two sat down and exchanged greetings.

The oriental "little boy" in front of him is very comfortable, although Rossi actually has a little prejudice against oriental faces.

Finally talking about the reason for the appointment, Rossi was stupid.

To be honest, Rossi never thought he would lose his composure on any occasion, or get out of hand.

However, Qi Lei's words really made Rossi Knightley uneasy.

Only to hear this **** guy say a fatally tempting sentence, "Miss Knightley, are you interested in the Nobel Peace Prize?"

Gollum, Rossi Knightley couldn't help swallowing.

After being stunned for a long time, he said, "Qi....Just call me Rosie! We...I think we are friends."


Outside the cafe, Lin Wanxiao was no longer calm, "This grandson wants to fund that undercover female reporter's public relations Nobel Peace Prize?"

Attorney Lin was completely dumbfounded, froze on the street, digested what Lao Qin told him and digested it in his heart.

Finally, "Dirty! It's so dirty!"

As soon as Lao Qin heard this, he declared again, "It wasn't my idea! Qi... No, Dong Beiguo's move!"

Lin Wanxiao sniffed, "Listen to him throwing the blame, this is what he came up with, others are not so dirty!"

Imagine if the reporter covering animal cruelty won the Nobel, what would the PR direction be?

Is it her experience as a war correspondent? Or the bravery of an undercover blood diamond?

Not at all! That's all in the past!

The most propaganda right now is, of course, Byron's animal cruelty case. It is a wonderful section of the beautiful reporter's witty undercover ARM!

Isn't that just putting Byron to death?

Moreover, UU reading If Rossi Knightley really won the award, he will give an acceptance speech or something.

Qi Lei gives her another set of manuscripts that are not good for Byron. Then you say, will Nobel slap himself in the face? Will the award go to Byron in the future?

Isn't this an exorcism plan! ?

If Byron knew, he would have to fight with Qi Lei.

What a loss!


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