Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 113: heart and lungs

At this time, Manager Wen's head was a little confused, which made him feel very bad, and Qi Lei played his cards out of common sense.

Every time there was such an omen, he couldn't get any benefit from Qi Lei.

Well, in fact, he never got any benefit.

However, when I have this feeling, Qi Lei's pit is more obvious.

Manager Wen was also puzzled, "What do you think? Desheng Gao Hua? Let Desheng Gao Hua run this matter?"

"What's the situation between the two of us? It's already to the point of breaking down each other, can we still cooperate?"

In this regard, Qi Lei held a different view, "I didn't demolish your stage, you have been demolishing mine!"

Manager Wen was exasperated, "I cheated you of Desheng Gaohua's shares, and said you didn't demolish it?"

Qi Lei flattened his mouth, "This really isn't dismantling the platform."

I saw Manager Wen roll his eyes, I believe you are a ghost!

To tell the truth, in the past few years, he has fought countless battles with Qi Lei, but he can basically maintain the surface harmony.

It's a dead hand behind his back, but the meeting is still in a peaceful state.

Everyone is acting, just have fun!

But this time, Manager Wen doesn't plan to act again.

At first, I wanted to have a relationship.

Second, I really can't figure out what kind of routine this dirty stone is.

So evil!

Since you can't figure out the truth, it's just a showdown.

"Stone." Manager Wen also sat down. "You call me brother, and I will say a few words from my heart today."

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows and intuitively told him that Manager Wen was not fake.

"I'm willing to talk to my heart and stimulate."

Manager Wen, "…"

"let's start!"

Manager Wen took a deep breath and cut to the chase, "What do you think Desheng is?"

"Investment banks? Capital predators? Vampires who eat people without spitting bones?"

"Actually, after being in Desheng for so many years, I have come to a different point of view."

"Desheng is actually not that high-level, it's just a speculator!"

With a long sigh, he said earnestly, "Where there is interest, there is a bite, it's actually that simple!"

"We don't have any political stance, and we have, at best, a political investment."

He glanced at Qi Lei and said, "I know that you have an official background behind you, and you personally have feelings for your family and country. In fact, this has nothing to do with Desheng, we don't want to get involved in any political struggle, we just want to use these to make a little profit. "

A typical capitalist face, with milk is a mother.

However, it is not easy to make Manager Wen say so fresh and refined, and the night scene is desolate.

Qi Lei didn't refute either, and listened quietly to what he continued to say.

Manager Wen, "So, in fact, you don't need to guard against Desheng Gaohua. We can't make any big waves in China's capital market. At most, it is speculative to make money. It will not cause any harm to your overall policy and the big financial balance."

With a wry smile, "So, why are you staring at Desheng Gao Hua?"

"Return the shares to brother, Desheng will remember your love, and you will definitely return it with a great gift in the future!"

"How about it?"

Afraid of Qi Lei's refusal, Manager Wen immediately added, "Besides, my brother promises you that as long as I stay in Desheng for one day, Desheng Gao Hua will definitely not do anything harmful to China."

"And, I can help you operate some of the things you want."

"Just like this ARM acquisition, if we reach an agreement earlier, maybe it's not JS Investment Bank who will benefit in the end, but you!"

Manager Wen really took his heart out this time, and what he said was the truth.

In fact, he thought about it, if Qi Lei used Desheng Gao Hua as a bargaining chip to find him to cooperate and secretly acquire ARM, would he agree?

Will do!

Definitely will!

As he himself said, Desheng has no position, or to use a fashionable word, they have no faith.

There is no national game consideration in the chip industry, whichever is beneficial to you, then sell to that.

Qi Lei looked at him and said in his heart that it would not be easy for Pittwen to say such things.

Bowing his head and pondering, Manager Wen thought he was thinking about it, and had expectations on his face.

As everyone knows, Qi Lei is organizing the language, and he is also ready to spend his heart and soul with Pittwen.

Finally, Qi Lei raised his head, "Brother Wen, let's not talk about this, do you mind letting me guess, what's your purpose of taking back Desheng Gaohua?"

Manager Wen was startled, but finally nodded.

He also wanted to hear what Qi Lei could guess.

But it was Qi Lei who hit the nail on the head as soon as he opened his mouth, "You are eyeing the 10 trillion state-owned assets of the central bank!"


Manager Wen panicked instantly because Qi Lei guessed correctly.

However, he immediately calmed down and smiled shyly, "Isn't this obvious?"

Looking directly at Qi Lei, he didn't show weakness at all, "You have to admit that the ten trillion assets, we will integrate, are much stronger than yourself."

Regarding the ten trillion state-owned assets of the central bank, I mentioned it before, but I didn't say it in detail.

In fact, it was during the planned economy period. After the reform and opening up, most of the old factories and old enterprises across the country fell into predicament under the tide of the market economy.

For example, the pharmaceutical factory, plastic factory, agricultural machinery factory, fertilizer factory and so on in Shangbei.

Not everywhere there is a Tang Chenggang who can bring pharmaceutical and plastic factories back to life.

Most of them are dragging their huge bodies and become half-dead as a burden on the state.

In the two waves of layoffs in the early and late 1990s, it was also the employees with non-performing state-owned assets who were retire.

From the perspective of reform and opening up, these old factories and units have become a huge drag on development and must be thrown away.

Therefore, in this context, the central bank has packaged the country's non-performing assets into a number of financial products, trying to use the power of private capital to clean up these burdens.

The total...more than ten trillion.

The temptation of this 10 trillion gift package is not small.

Before, Liu Jixiang established Imagination Holdings and Imagination Finance, which was actually the idea of ​​​​the 10 trillion yuan.

It's just that he, a computer salesman, doesn't quite understand it, and the stage of trying out the knife is difficult.

Later, Desheng suddenly appeared and became Liu Jixiang's life-saving straw, and there is now Desheng Gaohua.

Therefore, the purpose of Desheng Gaohua at the beginning of its establishment was this 10 trillion gift package, and there was nothing to hide.

Moreover, from the current point of view, Desheng Gaohua is the best among the many bookmakers who restructure and operate these non-performing assets.

The first time, the second time, a total of two or three billion asset packages were bought from the central bank. After their integration methods and experience beyond the country, the effect was very good. The central bank even rushed to let Desheng Gao Hua come to continue to eat.

"Stone, this matter is well known in the world, so you don't need to mention it again?"

But Qi Lei smiled coldly, "Brother Wen, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive me."

"I have seen the accounts of Desheng Gao Hua. We have eaten nearly 3 billion in asset packages. It took more than a year to complete the bankruptcy and reorganization, and we have turned several old capital enterprises that have been out of production for many years and exist in name only. ."

He raised his eyebrows suddenly, "You lost a lot, right?"


Manager Wen is stagnant, how do you know that you have lost! ?

It was Desheng who lost money, not Desheng Gao Hua, which was invisible on Gao Hua's books.

Moreover, it is very secretive, and the official can't see the loss.

"Don't talk nonsense! I earned it! Although I didn't earn much, I earned it!"

"Come on!" Qi Lei threw his arms, "Let's say we'll be heart-to-heart!"

Manager Wen: "…"

His face was not very good-looking, "Why don't you believe it? Then tell me, I'm crazy? Have you ever done money-losing business, Brother Wen?"

He only heard Qi Lei's words revealing the secret, "Of course you won't do a loss-making business, but this time you lost money, you did it on purpose, and you did it for the officials to see! You want the officials to see Desheng's ability, and it's easier to use. The price will bring more asset packages to Desheng.”

Manager Wen: "!!"

However, Qi Lei hasn't finished, "When you get more assets, of course you won't lose money to integrate and operate at a loss like now, and you won't choose the current time-consuming and labor-intensive integration method. "

"What you are looking for is the land and the potential of the Chinese real estate market in the future!"

With a bared smile, Manager Wen's scalp was numb, "Those non-performing assets, old state-owned factories, the most the land!"

"Because of the age, the municipal planning when the factory was built is no longer applicable. Many factories are large and located in the city center. Even those in the suburbs have entered the core city due to urban expansion, and the land is old and valuable. what!"

"At that time, as soon as you dismiss the workers, the equipment and technology will be eliminated directly. As long as the land is fired, you will be able to make a lot of money."

"Okay!" Manager Wen suddenly interrupted Qi Lei with a frosty face, "Stop talking!"

Looking directly at Qi Lei, "Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Hey!" Qi Lei was delighted, "Do you dare to say that it won't affect us?"

Manager Wen was anxious, "We are just speculating a little land! Besides, your country itself has the will to release the real estate market."

Spreading his hands, he was a little panicked, "What about real estate speculation and land speculation! Which country in the world doesn't speculate? If you don't speculate, can you be financially viable?"

Qi Lei, "Wrong!" Suddenly serious, "We do want to boost the real estate market, but there is a difference between continued growth and malicious speculation!"

Throughout China's real estate market soaring several times, the first time was when the market just opened up, and it was raised by the frenzy of private capital.

And Desheng is a pioneer, and the root lies in it.

Manager Wen was attacked by Qi Lei at this time, and he was speechless.

He raised his voice: "What on earth are you going to do? Control Desheng Gaohua just to stop us from speculating in real estate and land?"

Qi Lei pondered, "Can you say that?"

The incessant hype in China's real estate market, including the idea of ​​local ZFs seeing money, exchanging land for capital, and then investing in development, was brought by Desheng.

This capital, which was the first to enter the integration of state-owned assets, did not play a good leading role, and brought in all the foreign land hoarding and land speculation.

When everyone sees that they are making money, they naturally follow suit.

Many people have no idea about the early years of the commercialization of China's real estate market.

Let's put it this way, in the past life, take Dingfuzhuang, Guanzhuang, and Gaobeidian around Beiguang as examples. In 2001 and 2002, outside the Fifth Ring Road, in large rural areas, the house price was the price Qi Lei bought.

It is still a good new house, with a ceiling of one thousand seventy-eight or two thousand.

Beginning in 2004, the commercial housing policy began to gradually exert its force. At the beginning of the year, it was about 2,000. By the end of the year, it doubled, and the average price was about 4,000.

In 2005, more than 6,000.

In 2006 and 2007, only second-hand buildings from the 1980s and 1990s could be bought for 8,000 or 90,000 yuan, and new houses were generally upwards of 10,000 yuan.

In three years, it has increased by 500%.

During this period, Dingfuzhuang, Guanzhuang, and Gaobeidian were still in the state of large rural areas, and the appearance of the city was not as good as that of county towns.

"Brother Wen!" Qi Lei said earnestly, "It's not easy for Chinese people to save some money. It's immoral to speculate on real estate and land!"

Manager Wen, "…"

"But!" Manager Wen still couldn't accept it, "The real estate market must go up!"

Qi Lei, "It's really going to go up! We may not be able to control others to speculate on real estate and land, but at least let's not do such wicked things ourselves!"

Manager Wen was speechless, "We are businessmen, not saviors!"

Qi Lei, "Yes, we are businessmen, so why don't we make money? Why not scrape the land?"

Manager Wen blurted out, "Then tell me, what's better than scraping the ground to make money?"

But Qi Lei laughed, "I really have a way for Desheng Gao Hua to make money without scratching the land."

Manager Wen was startled, "What?"

Qi Lei, "It's the central bank's asset package!"

Manager Wen was startled again, "Asset package? Except for the land, it's all junk."

Of course, it is not without value, but the time cost and energy cost must be considered.

A closed state-owned factory is in hand, bankruptcy and reorganization, project transformation, reinvestment in production lines, and finally product marketing.

It may turn over, but how much profit can it make?

However, another way of thinking is different.

Some workers have been laid off and retire, leaving only a piece of land lying there, waiting for a high price to sell, is it easy to come by?

"Stone, can you be realistic?"

Qi Lei didn't explain, he went straight to the dry goods and went out to get a file bag.

While opening it, he greeted Manager Wen to come forward.

"Brother Wen, look, this is an asset package I picked from the central bank."

Manager Wen stepped forward, he still had the professionalism for the work, and immediately entered the state, "What is it?"

Qi Lei, "There are Hainan Handicraft Factory, Wuzhishan Leather Factory, Danzhou Quilt Factory, and several village-level aquatic products companies in Lingshui, Wanning and Sanya."

"And the Wanghai Mountains of several thousand acres near Yalong Bay."

Manager Wen, "…"

The old problem has been committed again, and my heart said, it is all good! The piece of land in Yalong Bay alone is a golden mountain. If it develops real estate... it will make a profit!

He wondered, "We have also seen the asset package in Hainan, but there is no Yalong Bay land?"

"Haha." Qi Lei grinned, "You can't hold it, it doesn't mean I can't hold it, UU reading right?"

Manager Wen, "…"

Look at the special dress for you, the relationship is so hard?

However, I have to admit that Qi Lei is telling the truth, and the resources that ordinary people can't get may not be a problem in Qi Lei.

This made Manager Wen find a rare advantage of keeping Qi in Desheng Gaohua—he can bring resources.

"Then how do you want this asset package to work?"

Qi Lei, "Look, the handicraft factory, the quilt factory, the aquatic product company, needless to say, they are already on the verge of death."

"If you follow your line of thinking, that is, their land has some value."

"But in my opinion..."

Manager Wen, "What should I do?"

Qi Lei, "As long as a quilt factory and a handicraft factory are slightly transformed, they are the source of the production of costume props."

"As for the village-level companies in Lingshui and Wanning, they have fishermen's resources, land, and large areas of high-quality beaches."

"In addition to the Kanhai Mountains in Yalong Bay, we can build a large-scale film and television base around Hainan."

"You can create different styles and different terrains to shoot real scenes."

"At that time, fishermen will be used to connect the tourism and framing of the Hainan Islands. Once the theme parks, supporting facilities, and hotel resorts are complete, I will move the Zhongchuan Action Special Effects Company over."

"Then the overall film production, shooting and framing, as well as the integrated module of tourism and vacation integration are formed."

"Do you think this is more profitable than land speculation?"

Manager Wen: "…"

People are stupid, you...

Is your heart a little too big?


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