Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 144: catastrophe!

"The future of America belongs to Silicon Valley!"

The future, the smart terminals, have no real meaning to what Qi Lei is doing now!

It's all foreshadowing! The purpose is to let the people present realize Qi Lei's predictability and strong logical analysis ability!

This aligns what is said next and creates trust.

Everything! All for the last sentence!

“The United States of the future….belongs to Silicon Valley!”

This kind of belonging is comprehensive, but not only represents the importance of Silicon Valley in the United States.

And really literally, Silicon Valley controls the future of the United States!

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was silent, and it felt a little bloody.

It's just that everyone is looking forward to Qi Lei's follow-up. Just a slogan can't make these American elites make waves.

You have to be reasonable.

I saw Qi Lei smiling indifferently, rolling up the cuffs of his shirt and pacing back and forth on the stage.

"Is it hard to understand?"

The police looked to Sharp, whose expression changed, "Well, I'll use Dr. Sharp's way to explain my personal views, just for reference..."

Looking at the audience again, "Everyone present is elites, so there is no such thing as a democratic and free American country."

"I think so!" He raised his voice.

“The original U.S., until the years after the end of the Cold War, was the U.S. of the energy giants.”

"In the United States during this period, the national strategy is mainly based on resource competition, and the policy trend is also conducive to the development of energy companies."

"As for why, I don't need to elaborate too much. American politics and capital are inseparable."

“Let’s put it bluntly, energy companies are more in control of Washington’s decision-making.”

"So it's not too much to say that the US is an energy giant, right?"

There was some silence in the audience, which is an indisputable fact. A series of wars launched by the United States in the Middle East, one for arms and the other for oil, are things that the whole world has cleared.

Qi Lei continued, "From the mid-1990s to the present, the United States during this period belongs to Wall Street!"

"With the gradual increase in the proportion of the service industry in the United States, it has become one of the most important industries in this country!"

"The country's policy focus has also begun to shift from energy strategy to financial strategy. Especially after the Asian financial crisis in 1998, how to avoid cyclical economic disasters, coupled with the threat from the euro area, has made financial strategy the country's top priority. "

"Policies and measures that are beneficial to Wall Street have also been introduced."

Pointing to Soros in the audience, "Mr. Soros is the direct beneficiary."

Soros' face turned black! Pull me here?

But I have to admit that Qi Lei's analysis is very thorough. "The United States belongs to Wall Street." This is not a joke in Wall Street in recent years.

Looking at Qi Lei, he didn't say anything.

What he actually cares about is the origin of Qi Lei's statement that the United States belongs to Silicon Valley.

Qi Lei immediately gave the answer, "However, the financial manipulation of Wall Street will gradually lose its dominance."

"Just like the energy strategy, it will eventually lose Washington under the double blow of new energy generated under environmental pressure and domestic energy in the United States."

"The reason why the United States in the future belongs to Silicon Valley is because the high-tech attributes of Silicon Valley naturally have leadership!"

"And the future of the Internet has financial attributes, media attributes, and propaganda attributes at the same time. This weakens the function of Wall Street, and at the same time does not have a very important function for the United States!"

As soon as this remark came out, Qi Lei didn't need to finish it, someone in the audience added for him, "General election! Impact on votes!"

Qi Lei, "Correct answer!"

"To sum up, when portable smart devices start to change the world."

"The era of true high-tech companies swaying U.S. policy will soon come."

Laughing at the students in the audience, "So you are lucky, you must seize this opportunity."

"And I" looked at Soros and Buffett, "Actually, my purpose and the two are the same, to invest in Silicon Valley as soon as possible and have a place. One is the normal thinking of a businessman."

"At the same time!" Looking at the Silicon Valley bigwigs on and off the stage, "I would also like to congratulate everyone, the most valuable company in the world in the future will not be the five major investment banks, let alone energy companies, but must be created among you! And... I can Bet a billion! There's more than one!"

This explanation is perfect and logically clear!

It can be said that Qi Lei once again foresees the future.

Moreover, it provides investment ideas for everyone. Should be a good thing.

Many even benefit greatly from it!


Bill Gates on the stage frowned instinctively.

Why does it feel so awkward?

What's wrong?

And the doubts of the two of them are actually there in Buffett and Soros! only…

Both Buffett and Soros chose to remain silent, looking down and thinking about something...

As for Gene Sharp, as a strategist he can stay awake all the time. What is wrong with Qi Lei's words? This is beyond his consideration!

Now he can basically be sure that Qi Lei's purpose, or a secret, is to let his system and communication software land in North America.

Then everything is simpler. No matter what he says, it's useless!

The symposium ended in a "pleasant and friendly" atmosphere.

Later generations even gave this unremarkable symposium a name--God's divination.

Because, except for one of the things discussed in the venue and the future foreseen by Qi Lei, almost all of the rest have come true.

Until evening, when Sharp returned home, he was still reminiscing about Qi Lei's performance on the field.

To be honest, despite the efforts made by this big boy, it was almost in vain.

But Sharp had to admit that it was already terrifying for a young man who was only twenty years old to be able to do this!

So... After careful consideration, Sharp decided to remind some of Washington's friends that this big boy is dangerous and needs to be very careful.

All right! What Lao Qin was most worried about still happened.

Qi Lei was targeted by Gene Sharp!


His call hasn't been made yet.

The phone call from Washington came in and asked about the content of today's symposium.

This made Sharp very puzzled. Shouldn't this kind of trivial matter be brought to Washington's attention?

He asked casually, "What's the matter, Jim? Is there anything special?"

The other side only said a word, and Sharp fell into a sluggishness.

On the opposite side, "Washington is considering the possibility of letting Three Stones enter North America. Maybe. This is an outcome worth looking forward to."


For a moment, Sharp's mind went blank!

Then, Sharp suddenly wanted to understand!

damn it!

He lost the other side, "Gene? Gene? Are you busy? Why is it suddenly silent?"

Sharp returned to his soul, "No, nothing.

Opposite, "Do you have any opinion on Qi Lei? I believe your vision has always been sharp."

"Would it be too hasty to let him develop the business into our turf?"

Sharp's eyes changed continuously, he pondered for a long time, and finally said, "There is no problem, this is a smart strategy."

"As for Qi Lei...I don't have any opinion for the time being, maybe we for a while."

Sharp's answer was completely different from what he thought before...

At the same time, Qi Lei has been surrounded by Wu Xiaojian, Chen Wenjie, Manager Wen, Brother Xiao Ma and Rossi!

Even Kayla came to watch the fun, but she didn't have any interest in those tricks and tricks. She just glanced at Qi Lei's distorted expression and ran to the room arranged by Cheng Lele to rest.

Qi Lei's face was distorted, not because he lost to Sharpchou, but because he was annoyed by them!

Since he came back at night, his ears have never been clean!

Rossi looks like a Gatling!

"Lei! Are you crazy? Why are you losing your mind? Don't you think you're talking too much?"

Wu Xiaojian has no outsiders until here, even Manager Wen is "my own". So no worries.

A puzzled coconut, "Big brother... what do you think?"

"You have told the Americans about the development direction of Sanshi Company in the next ten years!"

"It's cool, but isn't it good for us to keep our heads down?"

Chen Wenjie, "Man, you're playing too advanced this time, man, I really don't understand."

Little Ma, "It's over! This time it's over"

"You've elevated Silicon Valley to the point where you have the United States, and it's even less likely that people will let us in."

"Big brother! You are my brother, right? What do you want to do?"

"You speak a word!"

Little brother is in a hurry!

How good is your London routine? How dirty?

We don't ask you to go beyond, right? Can you copy and paste it?

How did it end like this?

I saw Qi Lei, "All... finished?"




Several people in unison!

Qi Lei, "Okay then"

Completely convinced, what is said in the book of the rabble is true!

These units are all top performers, but when they get together, they really become a mob! Can't understand anything.

He also thought that Manager Wen could more or less be able to talk about it after the fact, but this guy hasn't reacted yet.

"It's nothing!" Qi Lei squinted and gave Manager Wen a blank eye, "You, you're the regional manager.

Cross your legs on the sofa.

"Come one by one! Brother will teach you a lesson!"

When the guys heard it, they almost got into a fight, Rosie, "I'll come first!"

Big boobs! So take a good seat!

Squeeze in the front, "You answer me first, are you talking too much! Impulsive?"

Qi Lei stared, "I'm impulsive! I'm sober!"

"And not much at all! I think it's too little!"

Rossi stomped his feet, "Why? Don't you Chinese pay attention to hiding and tucking?"

Qi Lei leaned in front of her delicate facial features, "The more I say, the greater the influence! When the era of smart terminals comes, everyone will think of today and remember that I defined the era of intelligence! This is the best advertisment!

Understand? Starting today, Sanshi is the father of the smartphone. "

Rossi, ""

Does this work too?

And Qi Lei was too lazy to grind his teeth with her, "Next!"

"I me me!"

Wu Xiaojian managed to get to the front and pushed Rossi away, "Is it really good to reveal our development plan?"

Qi Lei, "What's wrong?"

Wu Xiaojian, "If other companies really started to prepare according to your ideas, wouldn't there be an additional competitor?

Qi Lei, "Then let me ask you, has the miniaturization of electronic originals been completed?"


"Can a high-sensitivity touch panel be mass-produced?"


"Can high-density batteries meet the needs of smart devices?"

"can not"

"How can these not meet the standard?"

Wu Xiaojian:" "But when you think about it, it's not right, "Then you're done, everyone has reached the direction of development,

Isn't this competition? "

Qi Lei, "Yes."

Wu Xiaojian was stunned, "Right?"

Qi Lei, "Without competition, where will the market come from?"

If there is no market, where will the research and development come from?

"Upstream suppliers don't develop research and development. How can Sanshi solve all these problems by themselves? How to realize the early deployment of smart devices?"

"It's called borrowing the chicken to make the egg, understand kid? Next!"

Wu Xiaojian, ""

All right! you win.

Wu Xiaojian stepped aside, and Brother Ma immediately stepped forward.

"Still that question, didn't you block your way?"

Qi Lei, "Why is it blocked?"

Brother Xiaoma glared, "You all belong to Silicon Valley! People can't let you in!"

It's Qi Lei...

Hehe smiled and popped out a sentence, "Isn't this not yet part of Silicon Valley?"

Little Ma, "????"

But Manager Wen was startled suddenly! The pupils are dilated! What did he realize!

But the little brother didn't react for a while, "What do you mean?"

Qi Lei, "It means... the premise that the US belongs to Silicon Valley is... He has more Wall Street hands and grabs the US!"


All right! Here is the problem!

Qi Lei also said that the United States now belongs to Wall Street!

So the question is, what about the old emperor when the new emperor ascends the throne?

Are the wolves of Wall Street willing to give up their right to control the United States?

Just when Brother Xiao Ma was stunned, Manager Wen's phone suddenly rang, attracting everyone's attention.

Manager Wen, who was also astonished, returned to his soul, glanced at the screen and immediately took it in.

We talked for five minutes, and the expression was wonderful! Three points of silence, three points of fear, three points of disbelief, and one point of conviction.

Put down the phone and look at Qi Lei like hell...

After a long time, he took a deep breath and said slowly, "Congratulations... Mr. Qi."

"Your breakthrough was successful!"

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows and smiled!

"Go on."

Manager Wen, "On behalf of Desheng Investment Bank, I formally invite Mr. Qi to discuss the possibility of cooperative operation of Pangu system and QQ' software."

Now Manager Wen is really convinced!

What Qi Lei said before has all come true!

When he said to Qi Lei that Desheng would not help him this time, Qi Lei should not be so full of words.

When he questioned how bad the situation was, Qi Lei said that he might have allies soon. He really couldn't figure it out. Could it be that Qi Lei had already planned today? But it's not right?

At that time, he didn't know the symposium today, and he didn't know what the content was. How did he plan it?

As everyone knows, Qi Lei did plan well, but it can also be said that he did not plan well.

It was planned that he wanted to spread the phrase "the United States belongs to Silicon Valley", but in the original idea, it was only through Levistan, so he took the initiative to meet with the old Levi.


Old Levi deserves to be Qi Lei's "right-hand man"!

Most loyal supporter!

Although he didn't directly help Qi Lei this time, because he participated in this symposium, it was also a credit to the old Levi.

At this moment, Brother Pony, Rossi, Wu Ning and Chen Wenjie were all shocked!

what's the situation? Is it too sudden? Desheng crazy?

At this moment, Qi Lei's phone also rang.

An unfamiliar number is Warren Buffett!

Before Qi Lei could answer, Brother Ma's phone also rang, and it was from Dave.

Now you don't need to answer to know the meaning of these two calls.

Breaking the game successfully!

"This" happiness came too suddenly, UU reading Xiao Ma was a little overwhelmed, "This... is too fast?"

Qi Lei, "Nonsense! Now the whole of Wall Street! The five major investment banks! They should have all exploded!"

"The house has been stolen! Can you be quick?"

Looking at Manager Wen, "If I guess correctly, Desheng headquarters should be working overtime collectively. How likely is it to study my theory that the United States belongs to Silicon Valley?"

Manager Wen: "" Qi Lei guessed it right.

He originally thought that the London operation was already dirty and couldn't be more dirty. The dirtiest in the world!

Now it seems.


There is no dirtiest, only dirtier!

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