Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 242: unexpected purpose

a lot of……

Qi Lei said this to his own people. If outsiders listened to it, he would vomit blood.

You must know that many people are now staring at the penguins, staring at the Chinese plate, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is taken apart frame by frame to study.

Among them, there is Adams.

Even after leaving Sanshi, he still stares at Sanshi every day, and at the China plate. Intuition tells him that there must be something tricky here.

Well, it has nothing to do with intuition. He stared at Qi Lei, completely out of a man's desire to win.

The last time he lost, he was a little embarrassed, so embarrassed that he exploded, and he wanted to get back on his feet.

Therefore, Adams set up a group at the EDN Foundation to study Qi Lei and China.

Adams was about to become hysterical. He really couldn't believe that Qi Lei didn't carry any private goods.

But the result...

The result was even more depressing, because he really didn't find anything.

"Did I make a mistake?" Adams doubted his life. "No way?"


Manager Wen is also doing this in China. If you have nothing to do, go to Penguin in the United States to see where Qi Lei's routine is hidden.

But Mr. Pittwin was much more relaxed than Adams, and it had become his pleasure.

After work every day, I hid at home, turned over the wall, watched Penguin videos, and watched how the gang of Americans were being played around by Qi Lei.

Then, pour a glass of red wine and enjoy the happy time.

Slightly drunk, he sighed a few more words, "It's really not that I'm not smart enough, Pittwen, as you have seen, it's really a dirty stone and it's not a person!"

"General in your territory, what can you do?"

"Alas!" Manager Wen was content with the shaking red wine glass.

"How can a two-hundred-year-old country fight against a nation that has been playing with people for five thousand years?"



Sharp was very aggrieved, even more so than Adams.

He is in the business of dissemination, and now he can still get in touch with China's core technology and core academics, and even some of Qi Lei's victories in the United States can be known one step ahead.

The lungs are about to explode.

"Damn Adams, how did I teach you such a jerk!?"

"What does he have? The time is right, the place is right, the people are right, and there is no shortage of everything. You can't do it? Are you a pig!?"

Well, Sharp automatically ignored that he wasn't much better, and he didn't have any **** left.

"Alas!" With a long sigh, he continued to look at a paper file.

On his desk, the portfolio that belongs to the same series as the one in his hand is more than one meter thick, and Sharp only looked at a small part.

But it is this small part, "Alas!"

"What brain, how did you come up with it? Why can't I come up with such a great experiment?"

On his desk are all the information on the Insight Model.

Sharpe knew that as a sociologist and a communication scholar, even the achievement of this experiment in his life would be enough to make him famous in history.

And when that kid came up with this monster model, he was only eighteen years old...


Now Sharp is working on one job—researching Qi Lei.

Every move of this **** is worth studying. Countless academic topics can be summed up in him. Sharp has regarded it as the last topic in his life.

As for what kind of dirty things were hidden in Qi Lei's China section, Sharp didn't even think about it.

During this period of time, his biggest gain was that if the kid dared to let go, he must be fully prepared.

What China plate? Go for it, you won't find any flaws!

Sharp even believes that Qi Lei's ingenuity may not lie in the Chinese plate, but may lie in the chain reaction triggered by the Chinese plate.

I can't see it now, maybe it will appear later.

This is his usual trick!

Whoever believes what he shows on the surface is a fool! !

Well, Sharp guessed randomly, but it was already a bit close to the truth.



At present, the most popular videos in China, the top five videos on the click list, like list, and comment list are:

Two women, a car, a joke, a song.

Two women: Zhou Xiaohan and Jiang Yao.

In the first phase of Young Eagle, the two women who came in by their faces finally raised their eyebrows and became popular all over the world.

At present, Zhou Xiaohan has gained more than 10 million foreign fans in just five videos.

The comments are all compliments.

"This girl is so beautiful!"

"She looks so comfortable."

"I actually spent twenty minutes staring at her and made a reclining chair!!"

Although Jiang Yao is a little worse than Zhou Xiaohan, he has posted three videos and has more than 4 million fans.

However, in Europe, Miss Jiang was so red that she turned purple. Some even think that she is one of the most beautiful Asian women of the moment.

What's more, she won the campus queen of the Swiss Business School, and also received an invitation to a TV talk show in France.


One car, the Big G modified by Master Tuo, cost Qi Lei a lot of money!

This time, it was completely popular.

In fact, that car was specially shipped to Europe by Qi Lei to support Jiang Yao.

As a result, not only Jiang Yao was on fire, but the car was also on fire.

In foreign countries, car enthusiasts are quite a large group. They don't look at beauties, but focus on cars.

Many people even took the interior and exterior of the car out of Jiang Yao's video and made it into a separate video, which became popular in China.

Netizens were completely overwhelmed by the combination of this color scheme, which is completely different from the West, but poked at the aesthetic G point. The decoration is very Chinese, but there is no old-fashioned atmosphere.

Of course, these are just elements that make it popular. What really made this car on the hot search list is the interaction of several Hollywood movie stars.

Kayla ran to Jiang Yao's video and publicly shouted, "Little girl, I like your car!"

This message was quickly picked up by netizens and became a topic.

Afterwards, Depp, as well as director Peter, who became famous because of the "Lord of the Rings" announcement, posted a message on the personal account of the Penguin community.

Depp, "When Kayla was still envious of that oriental girl, I already found the designer of that car, ha!"

Peter, "Mr. Depp is obviously too happy. When I met my friend from the East, he was still years away from becoming Captain Jack!"

"So, my new car will obviously be ahead of Depp."

Later, Peter also posted a photo of a car modification factory.

In the photo, several Chinese car tuners are busy, and the most conspicuous one is that the interior of a Ford Raptor Peak has been removed.

And this dynamic was also praised by Depp.

As a result, this refitting workshop in China has become the most mysterious and high-end automotive interior design factory in the world.

It is said that in a very short period of time, the order has been placed after three years, and not everyone can book.

No. 001, of course, belongs to the big G of the beautiful Jiang Yao.

Number 002 is Peter Jackson's Ford Raptor.

No. 003 belongs to Depp.

And the origin of No. 004 is even bigger. It is said to be the car of Paulson, the big man from Wall Street.

All kinds of mysterious and novel rumors are flooding the Internet, and the two masters - Zong Baobao and Kou Zhongqi are personally responsible.

It makes netizens who can only see the 001 big G temporarily, can only stare at that car for a while.

It can be said that Jiang Yao made this car, and this car made Jiang Yao.

Of course, as a designer, Mr. Tuo could make a lot of money if he didn't work in the media and switched to car interior design.


A joke, a song.

Let me talk about a song first, which is the theme song of "Pirates of the Caribbean" - Undead Overture.

It is sung by Chinese new female singer Yang Xiao, so it is also classified in the Chinese section.

Moreover, in the Chinese section, there are several versions of this song. The studio version, the pilot trailer flower version, as well as the live version and the longing for life version.

Now, in the eyes of European and American otaku, Xiaoer is a "singer who can't sleep", "a stage wizard", and "the queen of the dead".

A joke, nothing special.

The name is: "The Humblest Death in History".

It was a very short video like a sketch or a sitcom.

In less than two minutes, the Penguin video has won more than 10 million likes, hundreds of thousands of replies, and more than 100 million views.

In fact, many people, such as Adams, Manager Wen, and Sharp.

Intuition tells them that there is something wrong with this video, more problematic than those little girls who are scratching their heads.

But, what's the problem? These people don't even think about breaking their heads, it's really no problem!

"What exactly is he trying to spread?"

The video takes place in a hospital operating room.

In the beginning, it was a picture of doctors and nurses operating on a patient.

At this moment, a Western Death God, with a black cloak and a scythe, pushed the door majestically and entered.

Just a few seconds of footage gave the audience a lot of information.

The doctor rescued the patient, but the patient seemed to be dying. Death was here to pick up the dead.

Moreover, in common people's cognition, although the **** of death has entered, the living people cannot see the **** of death.

However, the next reversal is very interesting.

Nurse: "Why is he here again?" (referring to Death)

Doctor, "I see." (impatiently)

The nurse complained, "This is the sixth time this month, one will die and one will die. Forget it, don't save this, it won't survive!"

Just after finishing speaking, the patient didn't come up in one breath and died.

The doctor immediately rescued him, but it was useless.

The **** of death was quite proud, he used to hold the dead man's hand, and even twitched.

The doctor and the nurse were angry, and finally broke out, beat up the **** of death, and threw them out of the operating room, and then... the patient lived again.

Typical absurd comedy short.

Wonderful is quite wonderful, there are many twists and jokes.

Especially in the next scene, the next day, the **** of death came again, still rescuing the patient.

But instead of going up and pulling it away, he arrogantly carried the gift and handed over the note.

"Hello, big brother and big sister, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience recently."

"It's all because of the heavy tasks above. As the end of the year is approaching, I haven't completed the target."

"Now there are two bottles of red wine, produced in a century-old winery in Bordeaux, and I will not be able to grow up. I hope you will accept it with a smile."

A gift from the **** of death...

It's so humble that it makes people feel distressed, and he can't take people away. He is a hemorrhoid.

In general, it is an efficient short video with a lot of laughter.

However, there is really no problem!

And the reason why so many people can't figure it out is because there is not even a bit of Chinese elements in it, except that the actors and the dilapidated operating room are very Chinese, and even the **** of death is Western, not the black and white impermanence of the East.

Do you think, Zhou Xiaohan still shows a little bit of traditional Chinese culture!

Jiang Yao and Yang Xiao also showed the style of the new generation of young people in China!

In the big G, there are Chinese symbols everywhere!

But in this video, there is nothing! !

Originally, people are suspicious and have the principle of being persecuted and paranoid. Coupled with Qi Lei's elusive tricks, they are more convinced:

No problem, that's the biggest problem, there must be some private goods here!

What's more interesting is that the entire Chinese section, except for the car, the little girls, and a few short landscape clips, is almost all this kind of funny, curious, and amazing boring content.

The senses given to Western audiences are still old! old! List! China is no different from the eaves, bucket arches, mountains and rivers photographed by Western media.

So what's the point of Qi Lei's creation of this thing?



Qi Lei also knows that many people are staring at him, staring at the China sector.

But, "Watch it! It's no use!"

Or in other words, the usefulness and what they think are completely different things.

On this issue, Qi Lei didn't lie, he really wasn't afraid of shadows.

They think that Qi Lei came here to invade the culture and disturb the public opinion environment in the United States. No matter how bad it is, they are here to promote China.

Actually, neither!

It's not that Qi Lei doesn't want to, it's not that Qi Lei can't do it, and it's not that he is afraid that they will see it.

But, it hasn't reached that point yet.

The Americans are always wary of Qi Lei and they are fighting a war of public opinion and information.

But in fact, Qi Lei is much more professional and sober than them.

Right now, we don't need to fight this battle and that battle, it's too early for you to worry.

Looking at Wu Ning, who was bewildered, he explained, "Americans are wrong."

"When we haven't invaded their culture and subverted their media, what am I doing with so much useless shit?"

"The most urgent thing right now is not to do something in the United States, but at home!"

Yes, what does the country need most right now? What is needed is to build up national self-confidence in a wider dimension and stop those foreign-loving mouths.

Although, a considerable number of Chinese people with conscience and knowledge have never shaken their national beliefs. However, on a larger scale, you have to admit that the cultural invasion of the West has been quite successful.

Many people are just not confident, just can't say that their country is good.

These seem to be nothing, but they are actually very harmful.

In a longer time dimension has indeed brought a lot of trouble to development.

Therefore, the top priority is to wake up the Chinese people, not what to do with the Americans, if there is light in the land.

Just like twenty years later, when more and more people have self-confidence and a sense of national identity, they can talk about offense.

Otherwise, Qi Lei's tossing abroad will be useless!

Only in this way can those who make the public know shut up and make the domestic public opinion environment better.

This is what Qi Lei said before, [inward action] and [outward action].

At the moment, [inward action] is much more important than outward.

As for how to go inward?

Of course, it's not just shouting slogans, and it's not something he can do by teaching the whole country.

No one believes you.

"Fighting foreigners with foreigners, to defeat foreigners!" This is what Qi Lei said.

The American never dreamed of it, this is his current purpose.

They don't even know that in Shenzhen, China, at Penguin's headquarters, a translation team of hundreds of people is transporting the content of the Penguin Video China section and the comments of netizens around the world back to the domestic Internet day and night.



It's a little late today, that's all.

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