Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 259: Do not fight public opinion wars

"Rebirth: Homecoming (

Xu Wenliang knew that Qi Lei was very capable in business, or in international games.

This ability seems to be innate, and others cannot envy it.

He also knew that Qi Lei also had deep academic attainments in the field of news media.

You know, the first time Qi Lei broke into Xu Wenliang's field of vision was the news report of Longjiang TV.

At that time, he also gave an evaluation, saying that this news from the province and Taiwan was excellent.

However, it is limited to this.

This is the same as most ordinary people. If they are not specially immersed in this field, their cognition of communication science will only remain in the news and journalists.

If you haven't taken a communication class and don't know the professional field, who knows that this thing is around you and is closely related to everyone?

Who can imagine that there are so many means and doorways here?

So, facing this group of young eagles, and facing Qi Lei's statement of doing a dissemination for his hometown, in Xu Wenliang's cognition, this should be a news PR?

Probably so.

But in reality, it's not that simple.

At this time, Lao Qin acted as a lecturer to popularize Xu Wenliang, a layman.

Well, his old uncle Bei's sense of superiority has come up, and he still understands a little bit!

"This is not PR news!"

Xu Wenliang was startled, "No? What is that?"

I saw Lao Qin making a profound statement, "This is a public opinion war!"

"Public opinion war?"

"That's right!" Old Qin was very pleased.

If Sharp is the father of the ys revolution in the United States and the originator of public opinion warfare, then Qi Lei is our pioneer in this field.

Before him, it was all blind play, unsystematic defense and counterattack. It was not until after the insight model that scholars from Qi Lei and Beiguang gradually established our own academic system in the field of public opinion struggle.

This alone is not a small contribution.

Lao Qin can even imagine that Qi Lei will use all resources to fight against the Americans around soybeans, Monsanto, food security, etc. Win in the end.

Yes, Lao Qin has no doubt that Qi Lei will win this battle, because he has never lost.

"In the end, it's very likely that Monsanto will be ruined, or even gone. Then naturally it will not be a threat to us."

Xu Wenliang was stunned for a moment, is there still such a powerful force in journalism?

"Then this public opinion war... quite advanced!"


As a result, Qi Lei was embarrassed to say what he was about to say.

It's not easy for my old uncle Bei, I finally pretended to be an expert.

However, if you don't say no, you have to give the young eagle class a direction.

"Cough cough." Clearing his throat, "So what, our direction this time is not a public opinion war!"

The young eagle class raised their heads one after another, Miss Jiang raised her brows, "Then how to fight?"

Qi Lei, "This time, we will plan a higher-dimensional strategy to generate, incubate, and disseminate information, and ultimately realize value implantation."

When the young eagles heard it, they pouted indifferently, they had all learned this.

Although it has not been used in actual combat, it is theoretically familiar.

But this made him anxious about Uncle Bei.

Hit me in the face, right? higher latitudes? What the hell?

Fortunately, Xu Wenliang interjected, "Cough cough." He said casually, "Listen...Isn't the public opinion war bad? There are quite a few of these kids."

Lao Qin got off the **** and said, "It's okay... Fighting a Monsanto may not require a public opinion war."

Qi Lei, "..." just pretended not to hear.

While Lao Qin and Xu Wenliang stared at the side for a while, they found that there was nothing to see.

A group of young people, each looking for a place to nest, quietly reading the information, they can't help.

The two went back first. After all, it was not early, and there was still work tomorrow.

It was only after leaving the door of Sanshi Internet Cafe that Xu Wenliang remembered that a group of young people made contributions to their hometown, so he, the secretary, can't understand the rules, right?

But Xu Wenliang knows that those big foreign companies, even big companies in Beijing and Magic Capital, who hire a consulting team, public relations company, etc., will pay a lot of labor fees!

Although Qi Lei is not an outsider, right, but there are other children. I heard that there are still three who have to come back from the United States on purpose. Should they pay some labor fees?

Thinking of this, Xu Wenliang didn't tell Lao Qin, thinking to himself, this money cannot be saved. I have to give more points to show the pattern of Shangbei.

Go back and let the finance allocate 1.8 million, and when the matter is finished, no matter what the result is, you must reward these little heroes.

Just like that, all night.

The next day, what Lao Qin meant was to ask Qi Lei to take the young eagle class to the municipal building.

Over there, they have specially opened a space for them, a dedicated network and dedicated line, which can directly connect to the Beiguang database in the capital.

However, Qi Lei and the others did not move for the time being. In the past two days, the Young Eagles class was mainly looking for information and understanding the situation, but they did not use the dedicated network.

Besides, the city government is not free after all, unlike in Internet cafes, everyone is more casual. At least what you want to eat, what you want, you can open your mouth.

Master Tuo, Bao Bao Zong, and Sister Kou arrived in the second half of the night.

I received a call from Qi Lei the day before yesterday, and I immediately planned the itinerary. I hurried back without even packing my luggage.

Seeing Qi Lei and listening to his brief explanation of the situation and division of labor, Zong Baobao and Kou Zhongqi didn't say anything and immediately went to work.

These two "broken mouths" have grown from troubled children who only cause trouble to promising young people who can stand on their own.

Master Tuo was not in a hurry to start work, and chatted with Qi Lei alone.

Mainly, Qi Lei has not assigned a task to Master Tuo.

"Information incubation? Value implantation?"

Master Tuo frowned, "Do you want to use American penguins?"

Qi Lei nodded, "Yes! What's wrong?"

After Tuo Ye listened, his brows furrowed even tighter, "Isn't it too risky?"

In his view, the ultimate goal this time is to destroy Monsanto, a seed and pesticide company that is very important to the United States.

Moreover, this company is deeply entangled with the US government and Wall Street capital, and even with the four major international grain merchants.

Destroying such a sensitive company, no matter if you use public opinion warfare or any other means, the final result will remain the same, and it will touch the nerves of a large number of people and even lead to revenge.

This is completely contrary to the development tone of the North American penguins' low-key and non-disturbing development.

To put it more bluntly, North American penguins have supervision and sensitive areas. You have to be careful when you put Chinese videos on them, not to mention dealing with a US company with great fanfare?

Don't forget, in the eyes of the MZ party, you are still a mortal enemy, and in the eyes of the GH party, you are nothing more than a chamber pot.

"What the **** do you think?"

The more Master Tuo thought about it, the more wrong he felt. He felt that Qi Lei might have fallen short of his standard this time, or... he was impulsive? Is it irrational when it comes to hometown and my husband?

"I think it's necessary for me to remind you!" Master Tuo became more and more serious, "Even if our plan is successful this time, Shang Bei may win the soybean battle, but for Penguin, it must be lost!"

I saw Qi Lei glanced at him lightly, "So sure?"

Master Tuo thought about it carefully, went through all the factors in his mind, and confirmed again, "That's how certain it is!"

"Ha!" Qi Lei sneered, "I'll give you another chance."

Master Tuo, "..." There is nothing to think about!

As a result, Qi Lei said a word to Master Tuo, and he couldn't do it directly, and stayed there for a long time.

Finally came the sentence, "I suddenly don't want to graduate."

Qi Lei said before that Ma Tuo can be a teacher after the garment industry is settled after the year.

But now, he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to be a teacher!


"I learned communication studies here. I have a lot of advanced academic knowledge. I think I have nothing to learn."

"But!" Master Tuo's face twisted, "I don't seem to have learned your way of thinking."

What Qi Lei just said completely subverted Master Tuo's cognition.

If Ma Tuo thought that he had considered all the factors and all the problem-solving methods, Qi Lei suddenly used a God-perspective way of thinking to completely deny all of Tuo's ideas.

And as soon as his thinking angle came out, Ma Tuo knew that if Qi Lei didn't tell him, he might not be able to figure it out for the rest of his life.

"I'm not graduating!"

Takuya made a decision in a very short time.

Qi Lei, "…"

I doubt myself, is my way of thinking that advanced?

well enough?


Day three.

All the young eagles rested and went home to sleep.

After staying up all night for two consecutive nights, no matter how young you are, you will be exhausted, and you already know the basics.

The next step is to start the real action.

On the fourth day, everyone followed Qi Lei into the private network office space of the Shangbei Municipal Building.

On this day, Sharp also arrived in Shangbei.

Sharp was very confused about Qi Lei's decision to call him here.

Damn it! I'm just a spy chief who sells my soul and information! But I didn't say that after selling the information, I have to give your life to you!

Qi Lei is really invisible.

Seeing Qi Lei, Sharp said badly, "Qi, in my agreement with you, there is no option to help you deal with the United States."

"So, I refuse!"

This is the last dignity of Sharp, don't deceive people too much!

Besides, he really didn't have any good feelings for Qi Lei, and he didn't even share the same fate.

Don't forget, Qi Lei was the one who pitted him, and all the **** in the pit were lost.

To Sharp's resistance, Qi Lei's response was simple, "I heard that you are studying me?"

Sharp, "…"

Qi Lei, "Let's take this as a chance to observe closely!"

Sharp, "…"

Qi Lei, "Of course, if you want to participate, I'm very welcome! It's up to you to decide."

Sharp, "…"

Is this the end? Suspicious, he didn't believe it was the truth.

In his heart, Qi Lei has already been marked with a [stereotype]—the devil! cunning! No lower limit! It will only fool people!

So, I believe you are a big guy!

However, it is still possible to observe it up close.

When Sharp left, Lao Qin frowned, "I think you're wasting your efforts, he won't help you!"

The hatred was too deep, and it made Qi Lei out of the pit.

Under this kind of psychological effect, you still let Sharp choose?

In this regard, Qi Lei smiled confidently, "Don't worry, he will definitely help!"

Lao Qin, "Why?"

Qi Lei, "Because he can't resist the temptation, or in other words, before he gets involved, his self-esteem and hatred are not worth mentioning!"

Old Qin, "..." I don't understand a bit.

Well, for example, Sister Mei can forget herself for a role, regardless of her illness. An artist can use up everything to complete a work.

By the same token, Sharp is a communications scholar after all.

When he is in a sufficiently attractive communication case, being able to participate is the greatest reward for him, and he will be desperate.

"Especially, he will play an irreplaceable role in this case, so he has no way to refuse!"

Old Qin, "..." A burst of sweat broke out.

What are you going to do? Can Sharp be crazy about it?

Calm down, Lao Qin is no longer tangled, you can toss as much as you like, get used to it!

Looking at Qi Lei solemnly, "Now, before facing Monsanto and solving external problems, you still have one problem to solve in advance."

After listening to Qi Lei, he was not at all curious, let alone surprised, "I know, it's an internal problem!"

Glancing at Lao Qin with contempt, "Vice President Meng!"

Old Qin blushed, "Stinky boy, if you say Vice President Meng, just say it, why do you despise me?"

"It's not that you..."

"Do you want to help Uncle Bei? What? Why are you still not happy?"

Qi Lei bared his teeth and smiled, "I didn't say I wasn't happy! What an honor!"

"Look at my eyes, how innocent, how can there be contempt?"

Lao Qin wanted to kick him, "I have to carry it on my back whether you are happy or not!"

The two of them played this riddle, but it was actually an old problem. The people from Vice President Meng were invited by Lao Qin, so Lao Qin couldn't let them drive them away, right?

Therefore, he couldn't say that Qi Lei was invited by him, he could only say that Qi Lei had to get involved.

Especially since Lao Qin is not the direct leader of Vice President Meng, it is even more troublesome. He must take care of the situation on both sides.


It doesn't matter to Qi Lei, he has been in his 40s for two lifetimes, and he was ready the moment he decided to enter the game.

I also know that this time is not the same as before.

In the past, he dealt directly with Lao Qin, and there were no official twists and turns.

And this time, if he wants to fight against Monsanto, he must first pass the level of internal obstruction, and he must arrange for the surname Meng.

Besides, this is not really taking the blame, it's just a cutscene.

First, these are all words on the bright side. In fact, they all know it well, but they just give people like Vice President Meng a step down.

Second, it doesn't matter what kind of dissatisfaction Qi Lei has, even if he is really emotional. One is in agriculture, the other is in high-tech industry, and they are not involved.

It will neither affect Shangbei nor the others.

Third, is it a bad thing for you to take the blame for Lao Qin? Some people are willing to carry it, but they are not qualified yet!

So, just throw it away, Lao Qin!

It's just that he didn't expect that he and Lao Qin would be complicated.

Who is to blame? Sharp and Tuo Ye took care of it.

There was no need for Qi Lei to come forward, and the internal problems were easily solved.


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