Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 266: Encountered a knowledge blind spot

"The 230 billion soybean market is worth 30 billion yuan. How much is your Bunge's market value?"

"I'm playing with you so much!!"

Lawrence, "..."

Rand, "..."

Vice President Meng outside the door, "..."

I don't know why, Vice President Meng suddenly looked at his watch subconsciously.

Well, it's exactly ten minutes since Qi Lei went in.

Don't worry about the outcome, anyway, within ten minutes, those two have already been beaten stupid.

So arrogant! Who can stand this?

In the end, Vice President Meng was in shock. Old Qin and Sharp came behind him at some point.

When Vice President Meng saw it, he whispered, "Comrade Qin."

Lao Qin put his hands behind his back and glanced inside, with a proud face and a little calm, "It's over? I'll keep it simple!"

Vice-President Meng's grievance level suddenly soared, as if it wasn't you who was bitter and hated just now!

However, who told him to be Lao Qin, he could only bite the bullet, "It should be over soon."

Old Qin, "..."

As everyone knows, Lao Qin's heart throbbed.

Looking at Qi Lei, he said in his heart, "You said it's just such a generous play, who doesn't like it?"

Not only is it easy to use, but it is also very ambitious!

To be honest, he knew that Qi Lei didn't have to worry about him, so he kept staring at Vice President Meng's side and didn't care about Qi Lei too much.

And Qi Lei's plan was only perfected at night, so he didn't have time to ask.

Before, he also had no idea in his heart, but the result was that the process was not disappointing as always!

He sighed, "This is the benefit of knowing the rules and knowing how Lao Mi makes moves!"

This is for Vice President Meng, and it is a kind of admonition.

In fact, many times, when Chinese companies deal with overseas capital, they are blackmailed, deceived, or even bullied. It is not that we are stupider than others, but that we are completely inexperienced and do not understand their routines.

Just like Qi Lei, you are ruthless, I am more ruthless than you.

Otherwise, why can't Old Qin let go of the thought of letting Qi Lei go to the office?

It is very useful to have such a dirty person mastering the direction.

Turning around to leave, "It's nothing to see, right? Let him toss it out on his own?"

As a result, before Lao Qin went out, Sharp looked inside and said, "Don't worry, it hasn't started yet!"

Old Qin, "Huh?"

Vice President Meng, "Gah?"

The two were startled, haven't they started yet?

This is a bit... a bit excessive, isn't it?

How did you say that? It's over before it even started? Bullshit is a bit too much.

Sharp said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect it. It's just an appetizer that blocks Bangji and makes them lose their options. These two can't stand it."

Remember what Sharp said when he handed over the plan to Qi Lei?

He told Qi Lei, "The plan is perfect, but neither Bunge nor Monsanto have to choose your plan. They have other options. You must block their way before you can come up with a plan smoothly."

Sharp thinks that Qi Lei lacks a drug lead.

In other words, the carefully designed plan by the hawks hasn't come out yet, it's just an appetizer now.

The only thing that made Sharp scratch his head a bit was that the appetizer was so drastic that he almost sent the two away.

Old Qin, "..."

Vice President Meng, "..."

The two of them sweated profusely. Is this just an appetizer? What's for dinner?

At this time, Xu Xiaoqian was still holding the dv, slapped at Qi Lei, and said to Lao Qin, "Just watch!"

He secretly added another sentence in Lao Qin's ear, "Didn't you say that the 20 billion can't be given to him for nothing? He said that he would not only fight over Monsanto, but also earn it back for you together with the money."

Old Qin, "..." Earn it back?

As long as you take care of the soybeans, I'll be thankful, why are you still thinking about making money? Besides, am I missing your 20 billion?

However, Lao Qin didn't know that Qi Lei was not as simple as earning 20 billion this time.

At the beginning, he made a package ticket, and he earned it back ten or a hundred times.


Talk, we still need to talk.

But if we want to talk about another role, less than half an hour ago, the Chinese side was at an absolute disadvantage, but now, it is just the other way around.


Lawrence and the Rands are still confused, it's too scary, this Chinese boy is completely unreasonable!

However, other Chinese people may not be so afraid when they say this. Qi Lei was different. He had too many halos on his body, too dazzling.

He is the darling of the White House!

How much do you know about Penguin's network media power?

He was also a Wall Street partner, and Paulson had to follow his advice.

Not to mention, those true and false rumors.

For example, Sharp was folded in his hand.

Another example is Adams, the new head of the EDN department, who was tortured with no temper at all.

Such a devil, how can you fight him?

In dealing with Chinese people in the past, even if they have the means, they are all modest and gentlemen in their eyes. They are rigid and well-behaved Orientals who are easy to deal with.

However, this one is different!

Only at this moment did the two realize how terrifying the Chinese people in the United States really are.

"Mr. Qi!" Lawrence is like a well-behaved little sheep, "I am ashamed of my previous impoliteness, and I sincerely apologize to you!"

Well, come again! It's just such a bachelor, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, seeing the situation is not good, immediately admitting counseling, there is no ambiguity at all! .

Qi Lei watched coldly and took the initiative. He just didn't speak and watched Lawrence perform alone.

And Rand is also very clear that any negotiation skills are useless now, and all bluffs are saved. This one is more shrewd than them.

So, I was a bachelor again and opened the conditions directly.

"We are responsible for the planting verification of genetically modified soybeans, and you do not need to pay any more costs. We will find an experimental base in Brazil, Argentina and North America for final planting verification."

When Qi Lei heard this, he smiled lightly, "Go on."

"Uh." Lawrence was embarrassed and continued, "Bunge can also promise you that he will not do any operations on soybean futures and follow normal market laws."

Qi Lei, "What else?"

This time Lawrence looked at Rand, meaning, it's your turn.

Rand, "Oh." He answered immediately, "That's right, please be sure to hand over the overseas authorization of the genetically modified soybean seeds to Monsanto."

"Mr. Qi can rest assured that we will not hinder the global promotion of genetically modified soybeans. We only need an agency."

Well, he was really afraid that Qi Lei would give this agency to others, or direct the Chinese to operate it himself.

Monsanto is still in the final struggle to gain a little benefit for itself, and it must take the seed agency in its hands.

"Please rest assured that in terms of price, we will not set up obstacles. Monsanto will introduce soybean seeds from China at a price of 13,000 yuan per ton."

The price is very reasonable, it can even be said to be humble.

As I said before, the estimated seed price of the new variety is 15,000. Originally, Monsanto gave 7,500, and then killed it to 5,500.

Now that they give 13,000 directly, they only earn a difference of 2,000 yuan, and they have to deduct some costs.

how to say? Rather sincere.

Outside the door, Vice President Meng, this is comfortable! Not arrogant anymore? Qi Lei has to treat you like this.

Staring intently at how Qi Lei handled it, Sharp and Xu Qian said, this hasn't started yet!

He was very curious. At this point, what else could Qi Lei talk about, and how could he strive for greater interests?

I only smelled Qi Lei inside, "I'm sorry, I don't agree!"

It was an understatement that almost squeezed Lawrence and Rand out of their bitterness.

Very sincere, okay? ?

Lawrence grimaced, "Which one do you disagree with?"

Qi Lei spread his hands, "I agree with none of them."


Lawrence's irritable temper is a bit uncontrollable again, he's too bullying!

Qi Lei, "First, you don't need to set up an experimental field, and you don't understand. Don't think I'm ugly, you guys are not good enough."

The two, "..." Nonsense! Are we not good enough?

Qi Lei, "Second, I didn't tell you not to manipulate the futures market!"

"Thirdly, we do not accept the price of 13,000 yuan per ton."

Rand is also in a hurry, Mrs. Mrs., is it too bullying? We can't even earn a fraction of a cent! ?

"Then how much do you want to sell?"

Qi Lei, "No matter what... 13,000... Mi Yuan, let's start!"

"Quack!!?" Rand and Lawrence let out a duck cry.

13000? Also Mi Yuan! ?

are you crazy? What nonsense?

What is the concept of 13,000 yuan per ton of seeds? Let's do the math.

The price of a ton of seeds is 107,500RMB.

The price of one kilogram of genetically modified soybean seeds is RMB 107.5.

This is a sky-high price, a sky-high price!

Note: This is not the seeds of vegetables and fruits, which may be sold for such a high price. This is grain, and the price of grain is outrageous!

According to the amount of seeds used for soybean planting, one hectare of land needs 70 kilograms of seeds, 7,500 yuan.

3 tons of soybeans can be produced, and the seed cost per ton of soybeans is 2,500 yuan.

In other words, the current international soybean price is 2,500 yuan. If the price of seeds rises to 2,500 yuan, then the soybean price must be raised to 5,000 yuan per ton to ensure that other aspects of planting, storage, pesticides and fertilizers do not lose money.


Neuropathy! ?

"Qi, don't make such a joke! We won't accept such an excessive request."

Lawrence also went crazy, "Qi, do you have to be unpleasant? You have to be clear that in other fields such as wheat, corn, seeds, fertilizers, etc., you Chinese do not have an advantage!"

"The reason for the repeated concessions is that the headquarters does not want to amplify the problem. We have to consider the factors of the B Palace and the international situation."

"But, don't go too far!"

What he said was the truth. Lawrence wouldn't be so humble when it came to another person.

In fact, even for Qi Lei, what he thinks now is to stabilize first, then slowly get this person, and then slowly think of strategies.

However, at this time, Qi Lei smiled, not arrogantly, but seemed a little speechless.

He said contemptuously, "So, you guys are really not big, so you just do a little bit of flipping business, you won't be able to make a big deal!"

The two, "..."

When he was stunned, he saw Qi Lei snap his fingers and wave to the door.

When Master Tuo saw it, he rushed in and handed a document bag to Qi Lei.

And Qi Lei took it in a dashing manner without even looking at it, and threw it to the two of them.

The two of them squinted and wondered, but they were reserved and did not open it in a hurry, "What is this?"

Qi Lei, "Whether it is the authorization of genetically modified soybeans, or the prevention of Chinese soybeans going to sea, including those of you who want to manipulate the soybean market and scare people, what are you doing?"

The two of them, "..." They were speechless for a while, keeping up with the rhythm that was out of tune.

And Qi Lei answered for them, "Isn't it just a little money? Isn't it just a little profit?"

"However, even if the soybean market makes you round, how much profit can you make?"

The two, "..."

It can only be said that those who make the Internet are hard-hearted, and the interests of billions and tens of billions are ignored?

Lawrence, "Mr. Qi, I think it won't do you any good to mock us."

He glanced at the file bag again, "What the **** is this?"

Qi Lei, "A chance to make a lot of money!"

Lawrence: "???"

He has already talked about this for his own sake. If he loses all, he will come up with another chance to make a lot of money? for us?

With a sneer, "I think I need Mr. Qi to explain."

Qi Lei, "The price of soybeans is 2,500 RMB per ton or 4,500 RMB per ton. If the price fluctuates, the seeds will certainly not be sold for 13,000 yuan."

"However, what if it continues to rise? 6,000 yuan per ton? 8,000 yuan per ton? Or 10,000 yuan per ton?"

The two, "..."

A little confused, what do you mean? Do you want to be a bookmaker in international soybean trading?

But even if it rises to 10,000, that won't allow you to make such a big profit from a single seed, right?

Besides, it is impossible for soybean prices to rise that high.

Soybeans, except for East Asia, are the fodder for animal husbandry in other countries, and soy products are not consumed in the West.

10,000 yuan per ton? Up to 5000 is the sky!

Qi Lei didn't seem to finish his sentence, and was still dreaming, "The annual output of soybeans is only 70 million tons, which is too little!"

"If it is tripled and the annual output is 200 million tons, you say, how big is the market? How big is this business?"

The two of them, "..." are already a little weak.

The genius is on the left, the lunatic is on the right. Qi Lei, who just killed the Quartet, is obviously a genius, and he is on the left.

Now Qi Lei is a little off track and went to the right.

Rand was joking, "Mr. Qi, do you need me to teach you economics?"

"The main consumers of soybeans are China and Asia, where they are used to make oilseeds, soy products and feed."

"Its market size is so large. It's not a matter of saying that the more soybeans you plant, the more money you make."

Lawrence, "200 million tons more? Who will you sell it to? Does Mr. Qi need to consume 200 million tons by himself? Or is China willing to take over the sky-high soybean price?"

"If that's the case, then of course we don't mind!"

"Eh!?" Qi Lei interrupted loudly and slapped, "That's a good question!"

"Sell, give, who!!"

Suddenly stopped His eyes drifted to the file bag, "One last time, the opportunity to make a lot of money is in that bag, I suggest you don't miss it."

The two, "..."

Who to sell to...

The opportunity to make big money is in the bag...

And... there is an annual output of 200 million tons and a price of 10,000 yuan per ton.

Linking these Qi Lei information together, Rand and Lawrence suddenly realized something and looked at the file bag in unison.

Then, after a brief moment of astonishment, he swooped on.

Lawrence snatched the file bag from Rand and couldn't wait to open it.

Take a look - "Using Communication Science to Open the Market of Western Soy Products"

They touched their blind spots of knowledge, what do you mean?

I saw Qi Lei approached the two again, "You said, if North and South America plus a Europe, and a part of milk consumption is turned to consumption of soy products, wouldn't this business become bigger?"

Rand, "..."

Lawrence: "..."

Old Qin, "!!!"

Vice President Meng, "!!!"

Thinking about it, my imagination couldn't keep up, and I felt a little bit of a blind spot in knowledge.



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