Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 268: Ultimate Information Incubation

"Monsanto is dead," said Qi Lei!

Qi Lei, "This cake is too big. The soybean market for raw materials alone has a scale of trillions. This is not a follow-up industry."

"You must know that even in the United States, such a huge stock of emerging markets is hard to come by, and it will attract truly powerful capital including the four major grain merchants to intervene."

"And in this soybean feast, the four major grain merchants, or Zhongmi Capital, who will join it in the future." He stretched out a finger and gestured, "Just one seed company is enough."

"Two? It's a bit of a waste!"

Everyone, "!!!"

Everyone was shocked again with a buzzing sound in their heads.

Vice President Meng's first reaction was: Dirty! ! so dirty! ! So **** dirty!

It turned out that he dug a deep pit for Monsanto, a giant pit that he would never want to climb out of in his life.

This is called: Huai Bi is guilty!

What do you say?

If you are the four major grain companies of Bunge, Cargill, Louis Dreyfus, and ADM, including those companies that subsequently enter soybean deep processing.

Imagine that you have all the soybean planting channels except China, that is, the raw materials. Do you want two vampires squatting on top of your head to exploit it?

One is the Shangbei Agricultural Research Institute, which holds the patent of genetically modified soybeans and the source of seed cultivation, and the seeds are sky-high.

The other is Monsanto, an Erdao dealer, who bought the seeds from Shangbei and added a profit on top of the sky-high price before they could finally get it?

Of course not!

Capital is ruthless, and capital is also greedy. Of course, they do everything possible to reduce costs and increase profits for themselves.

The most direct way is to kill a family!

One vampire is enough, why keep two?

Then the question is, who will you kill?

Is it the Shangbei Agricultural Research Institute of the sky-high seeds, or is it Monsanto? Pick one of the two, right?

It seems like...

It seems that Shangbei Agricultural Research Institute is the best choice.

First, it is a Chinese company.

Second, I sucked too hard.

Why don't you grab the 13,000-meter seed?

I have to **** you!

But in fact, they would choose Monsanto without hesitation, not Shangbei Agricultural Research Institute.

Don't get me wrong, it's not because Shang Bei has the technology of genetically modified soybeans and has formed a technological monopoly.

Patents are useful in their hands, but that's what happens in other people's hands.

Before, wasn't Shang Bei being overwhelmed by the pressure of his technique? So it has nothing to do with technology.

The reason why Monsanto must be eliminated and Shangbei's sky-high price exploitation remains is because the sky-high price of 13,000 yuan is not only the added value of seeds, but also a very important additional factor - Qi Lei!

In the future, they are willing to be exploited because of Qi Lei, Qi Lei is the key to this huge cake.

First, Qi Lei is one of the founders and executors of this plan.

Second, he has the resources of the B Palace in the United States, the resources of Wall Street, and the resources of the world's online media.

Thirdly, this communication plan, apart from him, no one in this world should be able to play it, because no one knows better than him.

There used to be one, named Sharp, who was beaten up.

Therefore, not only the core value of seeds is Qi Lei, but also the core person of the entire industry is Qi Lei.

If you want to share this big cake and eat your fill in the huge system of trillions of dollars, you have to revolve around Qi Lei.

You kicked Shang Bei out? Qi Lei said, this is my house, whoever gets my house, I get him!

Without Qi Lei, this huge cake worth one trillion yuan would be gone.

What is a bull fork? It's called a fork! !

I can't do it without me, it's irreplaceable!

Look at Monsanto again.

Who is it?

Where did it pop out?

What's the matter with you?

Are you... worthy?

Monsanto is really good in the seed industry, but it's not impossible to replace it.

Besides, compared with the four major grain merchants and the capital of the United States, you have nothing to contribute, and you still want to be a second-order dealer to scrape the land?

Who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru?

At this time, Qi Lei said, "The game of capital is all about strength."

Tell everyone, "If you don't have strength, you will be guilty! In that capital game, where wolves have to be careful, there is only one dead end!"

"We don't have to deal with him at all. It's a waste of expression."

"As long as he takes that contract, the countdown will begin."

Guys, "..."

Rand next door is still beautiful, but as everyone knows, the knife is already on his neck, and a catastrophe is imminent.

As for whether Monsanto is capable of surviving in danger, licking blood, and finally surviving, that is not something Qi Lei should consider.

Just for the moment!

Black, really black!

At this point, Vice President Meng and Director Chen don't know what to say.

Vice President Meng increasingly felt that being able to dominate overseas is indeed different. The way of thinking is not on the same level as them, and the difference is too far.

Thinking about myself, it was ridiculous to have a neck fight with others some time ago.

Qi Lei was unwilling to pay attention to him.

As for Lao Qin, when everyone was surprised, Lao Qin kept silent and looked very calm.

When he came back to his senses, he suddenly said angrily, "I'll put you in the office!"

Look how valuable this is! ? It's not necessarily how much depreciation is compared to the mobile phone he made!

As soon as these words came out, Qi Lei immediately grinned and stuck it to Lao Qin's ear, "Uncle Bei, what you said, I don't dare to say the following!"

Everyone was startled, "What's next? Any more?"

But it was Sharp leaning against the door with his shoulders over his shoulders, with a dissatisfied look on his face.

"The next thing? You don't think it's over, do you? It's not that simple to spread the word. Otherwise, everyone can play some tricks. What do we need to do?"

He started to be arrogant again, "This is just the beginning!"

Sharp's movement was not small, and everyone was speechless. Does it have anything to do with you? It's not your idea.

Well, Sharp still contributed.

At this moment, Lao Qin looked at him blankly, "What just started?"

Qi Lei didn't answer, but smiled bitterly, how dissatisfied Old Sharp must be!

If you have the ability, do you also plan one?

Then I had to explain to everyone, "How do you say it? Information dissemination has always been a chain reaction. Its process is a chain reaction, and the results are also a chain reaction."

"It's like, a piece of information has been disseminated through us, and it seems to be completed."

"However, this disseminated information enters different destinations, that is, the ears of different people, and produces different communication effects, which in turn lead to different social manifestations."

"And the social performance of different groups of people will form a new communication chain, forming different [semantic spaces] and different communication effects."

"There is a series of chain reactions."

To be more esoteric, an event, a piece of information, and a social hotspot have different effects on different groups of people and different environments.

Some people think it's a good thing, some people think it's a bad thing.

And both good and bad things can be used, spread and amplified by communicators.

Qi Lei, "A successful communication master never thinks of the first closed loop of information dissemination, that is, it cannot be a single set goal."

"It's a rehearsal of the invisible energy behind each transmission effect, just like the ripples struck by a stone, making good use of the gains and losses in each ripple."

"So..." With an embarrassed smile, "so that people in this discipline have a problem in doing things. They like to follow a line to the end and squeeze all the remaining value."

Everyone, "..."

Is it a serial meter? Why is it so complicated?

It sounds quite noble.

But think about it again, no more! You have squeezed the residual value of the seeds to this point, how can you continue to do it?

However, what they thought of "squeeze dry" and Qi Lei, as well as the squeeze in Sharp's mind, are not in the same dimension at all.

Qi Lei went on to explain, "Let's put it this way, in our team's vision, the seed income of Shangbei Agricultural Research Institute is not the final income, but only a small part of the total income, and it can even be said to be insignificant."

Everyone, "!!!"

After listening to Lao Qin, Vice President Meng, and Director Chen, their ears froze!

The scale of 500 billion is still insignificant?

He couldn't help but look at Master Tuo, Jiang Yao and the others. Heart said, how did your team envision it? How big can you imagine?

To this, Master Tuo pushed his glasses indifferently, as if he had done something trivial.

Miss Jiang raised her chin arrogantly, "There is so much we can do!"

Qi Lei saw everyone's curiosity, "Other income mainly comes from our own industrial layout."

After pondering for a moment, he organized the language, "Let's change our thinking. If we say that the implantation of values ​​is successful, the western soybean market will expand to reach the annual output target of 200 million tons."

"Soy products have also officially entered the Western table, promoting global soybean consumption."

"Then here comes the question. The advantages of genetically modified soybeans lie in yield and oil yield. That is to say, as an oil plant, it is the best, and it can be used to make soy products. The best raw material is not genetically modified soybeans, but..."

The following words do not need to be said by Qi Lei, Professor Ma blurted out, "It's domestic non-GMO local soybeans!"




Everyone was shocked and seemed to think of something.

Professor Ma was very excited, "I have researched on this! Our local soybeans, especially Northeast soybeans, have the highest pulping rate, and their taste, quality and nutritional indicators are better than those of genetically modified soybeans."

"Right!" Qi Lei laughed, "The key is here!"

He explained, "Any industry is the same, it is hierarchical, and it is always necessary to distinguish low-end products, mid-end products and high-end products."

"The same is true for soybean products, which should be divided into high, high and low end to link different user groups."

"And the one with the highest added value will always be at the top!"

"That is to say, a bowl of soy milk is sold to ordinary people for 50 cents; if you add a concept and change the packaging, it may be sold to white-collar workers for 5 cents."

"For the wealthy, it's not enough to just change the packaging. It is necessary to add more added value, such as high-quality soybean raw materials, green organic materials, etc."

"Then the problem is here again!" Qi Lei proudly said, "Where are the higher-quality raw materials than genetically modified soybeans?"

Hearing this, everyone said in unison, "China!!"

"Yes!" Qi Lei nodded, "Once the soybean industry is rolled out in the future, we will have another advantage, which is to grasp the high-end raw materials!"

"At that time, our domestic soybean industry, planting and processing, will specialize in the mid-to-high-end market, which is also a major benefit that is not weaker than seed output."

Everyone, "..."

This... this is very speechless.

She scratched her head a little, it's a very simple reason, why didn't you think of it?

Well, let's say that again, there are specialties in the art industry, they can think of it, but it does not mean that they can form a systematic thinking.

Qi Lei and Sharp, as well as those from the Young Eagles class, can think of it, they are really professional instincts, natural. After completing the first step of soybean dissemination, we will deduce how the second step will happen, one by one.

At this time, Vice President Meng muttered to himself in astonishment. He had been shocked many times, and he felt that the distance was getting wider and wider.

"GMO soybeans made a fortune, but he didn't let local soybeans go! Isn't this the same as increasing the added value of local soybeans?"

This is much more meaningful than just Huili and the Shangbei Agricultural Research Institute.

Soybean farmers across the country will benefit, and soybeans in the Northeast will benefit the most.


"What?" Qi Lei didn't hear what he said, thinking he was asking!

"Nothing!" Vice President Meng blushed and quickly denied it.

But, on second thought, no, there is a big bug here!

"No, no, no!" He hurriedly waved his hand, "Mr. Qi, you may take this question too for granted, it's not as simple as you think!"

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, Sharp raised his eyebrows, and the hawks raised their eyebrows even more.

"Why do you take it for granted?"

Vice President Meng, "Look, domestic soybean varieties can indeed form an advantage in raw materials!"

"However, the problem is that foreigners are not fools, can't they grow their own crops? Why don't we use Chinese products?"

"Do you think this makes sense?"

Staring at Qi Lei, "The original variety doesn't have the shackles of sky-high seeds. He grows it himself, and the added value is even higher! Why use yours?"

Clap, Vice President Meng slapped his thigh and discovered the truth. Your strategy won't work!

What do you say! ?

In this regard, Qi Lei laughed, Sharp laughed too, and the young eagle class laughed even more strangely.

The smiling Vice President Meng looked confused, "What are you laughing at? Did I say something wrong?"

I saw Qi Lei smile even more, "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Meng is right, this is indeed a big problem."

When Vice President Meng heard this, "Right?"

Qi Lei, "Then let's solve the problem?"

Vice President Meng hesitated, "What do you mean? How to solve it?"

Qi Lei, "On this issue, we have three solutions in mind."

Vice President Meng, "Which three aspects?"

Qi Lei, "The first is the source of technology."

Looking at Professor Ma, "This requires the contribution of our agricultural experts! Make arrangements in advance, and from now on, vigorously focus on the cultivation and innovation of high-quality non-GMO soybean varieties."

"As long as our seeds are always in the lead, then even if they want to plant, they have to pass by us, right?"

After Professor Ma listened, he nodded slowly, "That's the truth."

Qi Lei, "Second, solve the problem from the industry."

"Take advantage of the first-mover advantage, and take the lead in becoming the industry's advantage."

"We have been eating soybeans since ancient times. I think no one knows how to process soybean products better than us, right? As long as the industrial advantage is formed, we will have the right to speak in the raw material market, right?"

Everyone still nodded.

Qi Lei, "Third!"

He didn't say number three directly, but stretched out his hand towards Master Tuo, who grasped and handed Qi Lei another document bag.

Under everyone's attention, Qi Lei smiled secretly, "Instead of being afraid that soybeans will be planted by others, why can't we change our thinking?"

Vice President Meng was at a loss, "What idea?"

Qi Lei, "Why must the excellent quality of Chinese soybeans be linked to varieties?"

Vice President Meng: "????"

I saw Qi Lei hand him the document It could also be brought about by the advantage of the origin. "

Deputy General Manager Meng took a look, "Using Communication Studies to Shape the Advantages of Black Land Resources in Northeast China".

When Vice President Meng was at a loss, Qi Lei Land said, "This is the core of all our plans!"

"GMO soybean seeds can only be produced in the north of Huili."

"The cultivation of non-GMO soybeans can only bring benefits to some farmers."

"And what can really make this black land reborn is to solve the problem at the root."

"The Northeast Plain, the most well-preserved black land resource in the world with only three blocks, will be built into the world's only production and planting base for high-quality agricultural products!"

"This is the information we want to incubate and disseminate this time, and the values ​​we want to implant."

"Once this goal is achieved, not only soybeans, but also high-end agricultural products produced on this black land will have high added value!"

It can be sold for one hundred yuan.

Vice President Meng looked constipated, "I..."

Nothing to say.





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