Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 273: nonsense! !

The whole story is preaching, there is no plot.

Subscribe carefully.

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Information age.

With the advent and popularization of computers, the influence of information on the entire society has gradually increased to an absolutely important position.

The bottom line is that human beings have mastered information processing capabilities, efficiency, and dissemination speeds that are far beyond their predecessors.

The most intuitive performance is that the cost of acquiring knowledge decreases linearly.

In ancient times, when a person was described as knowledgeable, he was called Xue Fu Wu Cha.

But in fact, there are only a few books in the five carts of bamboo slips and wooden slips?

And now? As long as you have a mobile phone and a charger, as long as you have the curiosity to know, you will theoretically have unlimited information experience.

So, this is the essence of the information age. The amount of information, the speed of information dissemination, the speed of information processing, and the degree to which information is applied are all increasing in a geometric progression.

But this explanation is too abstract. As an ordinary person, many people have a vague understanding of what the information age has brought us.

Many people have no active desire for information and knowledge at all. I don't want to learn knowledge!

Wouldn't that just leave you with watching small videos, watching big white legs, and eating melons as keyboard warriors?

of course not!

In fact, the abundance of information and the acquisition of knowledge bring ordinary people the most intuitive ability—the ability to discover problems.

There are many people who have never eaten pork, but those who have never seen a pig run. In this era, there are really fewer and fewer.

A lot of knowledge and information impact everyone's optic nerve and mobilize the secretion of hormones. More and more people are always in a state of excitement surrounded by information.

Current affairs news and popular science tips from various platforms are also coming, bombarding everyone's cognition.

It seems that "one knows astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom, five hundred years ago and five hundred years later" is no longer an erudition.

To be honest, what have you not eaten or seen?

On this Internet, any new information can find old information as reference and evidence.

This makes young people full of self-confidence, thinking that they have seen through the world.

The middle-aged and the elderly looked indifferent, as if they were appreciating the bizarre and absurdity of the times, but in fact they were in it.

When an event or a case comes out, where there is a problem and where it is unreasonable, it is clear at a glance, and you are used to hearing it.

Everyone seems to have become a "big understanding" and a Sherlock Holmes who understands the truth.

It's not derogatory!

This is a good thing. The definition of civilization and ignorance is the amount of information you have and the ability to understand the problem.

It's the monkey's thing to do everything recklessly. The reason we evolved from monkeys to adults is because we are finding problems and solving them.

But, be careful! !

The key to changing from a monkey to a human is to discover problems, and! ! Solve the problem!

Both are indispensable!

But for us ordinary people, they are ordinary people with no power or power, neither the financial resources like Paulson, nor the ability like Tuo Ye, not to mention the luck of Qi Lei.

Ordinary people are the majority. Except for the ability to resolve in extremely narrow areas of expertise, in most scenarios, we do not have the ability to solve problems.

Even, because there are not many chips and lack of confidence, he doesn't even have the courage to face the problem.

Then, "discovering the problem" may not bring us any benefit.



"There is such a sentence in the biography of Lu Xiangxian in the "New Book of Tang": 'There is nothing in the world, and it is mediocre to disturb oneself'."

"Western philosophy also says that a sober life is painful."

"What do you mean? It means, don't compete with yourself!"

Qi Lei has changed his seriousness or humor in class and reasoning in the past. He is like a fighter, free and easy and bearish.

It's just that everyone in the eagle class was still confused, and they still didn't quite understand what he said earlier.

Jiang Yao looked puzzled, "Isn't it bad to make plans in advance, find problems, and avoid risks? Is there any problem?"

Qi Lei said, "You are talking about two things, and your understanding of both is wrong."

Jiang Yao: "????"

Qi Lei, "You're talking about risk assessment and action plan, so it's two different things."

"And what is the purpose of doing these two things, you don't understand."

Jiang Yao represents the general psychology of most people, especially those who are more cautious in character.

It's okay to do an assessment and plan in advance.

But the problem is that the purpose of risk assessment is to keep you awake before taking action, and to see risks as well as benefits.

The value of action plans and programs is to keep you awake in the process of action, and to have advance psychological preparation and preliminary prediction for the problems you may encounter and the difficulties you experience.

Note: The key is not risk, or even profit, but - action!

Because life is not a novel, not a movie or TV series.

For the sake of story tension, film, television and literature often choose extreme situations to describe. In general, it is either a win or a loss, or a life or death situation.

But life is different, life is often ambiguous, options that will always make you feel pained and tangled.

This is just like the postgraduate entrance examination and the high school entrance examination. In the middle school examination paper, you can see piles of perfect marks, because the answers are all black and white, either right or wrong.

But in the postgraduate entrance exam, let alone full marks, 80 marks are all rare animals.

When Qi Lei went up, he couldn't get 80 points if he was exhausted from politics.

This is life. Some people have struggled for several years on the road to the test. They are exhausted physically and mentally and go all out.

A failing grade in math is a failing grade, and a 70 in English is a 70.

If you can't achieve it, you can't achieve it. Many people see it like this. I'm not that material, so I should forget it?

But he doesn't know that if you fail math, you won't be able to pass the test. A score of 70 in English is not bad. How high do you want to be?

The important thing is not to wake up, not to find the problem.

What matters is action! !

Looking at the children of the Eagles class, Qi Lei asked a truth that only people in two generations could understand, "Do you know what the true meaning of civilization is?"

"What is the significance of history!"

"Let's talk a little bit, what's the meaning of your life?"

Everyone was stunned for a while, isn't this question too broad?

And Qi Lei's answer was, "It's not vague at all, it can be explained in very simple language."

"That is—experience!"

"Civilization is summing up experience, and history is recording experience!"

"And the meaning and height of life is the constant experience, the constant growth and sublimation from the experience of trial and error."

"You don't even dare to experience it, so what are you talking about success?"

Therefore, it is not wrong to do planning, and it is also right to assess risks and find problems.

However, either you have the ability to solve problems, or you dare to take risks calmly.

If you can't do it, you might as well simply put your ability to spot problems aside. To put it more fashionably, it will only affect the speed at which you can draw your knife.

You must know that there is never a perfect plan and plan in this world, there will always be flaws and uncertain factors.

Even with Qi Lei, who is a coward, he has to take risks every step of the way, let alone ordinary people?

To put it more bluntly, looking at the past and present, and looking at the world, which immortal king's strategy is foolproof and flawless? Which country's think tank leaders formulate a strategy without risk?

It is the same for a country and an era. How can you ask yourself not to make mistakes or take risks in your life?

Qi Lei said this to the young eagle class because he didn't expect everyone to be a master Tuo, capable of reaching the sky, able to handle risks with ease, or be as stable as an old dog.

This requires talent, and most people do not have this quality.

Still that sentence, it's all common people who are flat-headed, who are rising to the top. What's the use of finding so many problems? Can't solve it.

What should we do then?

Simply do subtraction, reduce your thinking and wisdom, take action, choose a similar one and move, at least you will gain some experience if you fail!

(Except for those born in Rome who have a good father, how to choose is reasonable.)

It's rare to be confused is not to pretend to be stupid! It's useless to pretend to be stupid, it's still painful when you're still awake.

Sometimes, I need you to be so stupid!

A monk lifts water to drink without thinking.

Two monks carry water to drink, what they need is cooperation.

The three monks had no water to drink, because all three were soberly aware of the problem, but they did not have the ability to solve the problem.

Of course, some people may think that their conditions are very poor, that I don't have a good father to support me, that I can't afford to lose, and must be careful.

All kinds of anxiety and all kinds of success stories sold on the Internet are also conveying a message: the poor should live cautiously, you can't afford to lose!

Therefore, the so-called "morning culture" emerged, and the word "lying flat" appeared.

There appeared the "opportunity theory" and the argument that "the times are not friendly, and the society does not give a way to survive".

This kind of mood is completely understandable. The confusion and sentimentality of youth are the symbols of young people.

It can be said that the post-70s, post-80s, and post-90s can see some shadows, hate the sky and the earth, the future is bleak, the net name of the huge mourning, the QQ signature of the thief sad, drop out of school, wandering in Internet cafes Play games and hope that the world will explode tomorrow.

What's worse than the present is that they even invite cats and dogs to fight and fight!

However, there is no such prominent and huge online public opinion.

At that time, the "mourning" was more decadent, but it was not called lying flat, it was called...

Pulled away.

Can you really afford to lose?

maybe! Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, and no one has the right to evaluate whether other people's choices are wrong or wrong.

And, there are even more cruel ones!

That is: those peers and competitors who can afford to lose, have a good father, and have a high fault tolerance rate, not only can they afford to lose, but they also have an advantage over ordinary people.

Most of them can receive a systematic education, not only in schools, but also in families.

Among them, except for a few who went astray, most of them completed the unity of money, direction and people at a very young age.

They have the trial and error capital that we do not have, and have a vision and cognitive ability far higher than ours, so that they have cultivated good thinking ability and problem-solving ability.

Does it sound desperate? The difference is too big!

A child from a rural middle school who graduated from junior high school may have only learned some basic English. But the children in Beijing, their English level can cope with the college entrance examination.

High school students in first-tier cities, prestigious schools and aristocratic schools basically master one or more extracurricular skills, while high school students in townships and villages do not even understand basic book knowledge.

It's not just a question of class transition.

The poor seem to want to improve their lives, and it is very difficult to achieve a slightly better life.

This logic is correct!

It is understandable that young people are really difficult at the moment.

However, there is such an interesting logic that is more cruel than the above.

That is: the world never pity the weak!

It will not favor anyone because of your depression, your helplessness, your tragic fate, and it will even step on the ground.

Including, many people call for, look forward to, and hope that ZF can improve this situation and give ordinary people a chance.

But in fact, let alone internal and external troubles, there is no time to take care of them.

Even if it is possible to do both, the opportunity is not for the weak, but for those who are not willing to be left behind.

Therefore, there are not many choices that God has left for ordinary people.


In the information age, information has been given higher efficiency and stronger penetration.

There is hardly any knowledge and information at the threshold, it will be integrated into everyone's life, and it will make everyone erudite.

And the abundance of knowledge brings everyone the ability to discover problems and the pain caused by knowledge.

But don't let knowledge become an obstacle to action.

Before you have the ability to solve problems, maybe being "stupid" is not a bad thing, and being reckless is not stupid at all.

Acting is more valuable than lying down.

No one's life is smooth and peaceful, and the difficulties of life must be the helplessness we have to face.

Narrowness and anger are not the means to solve problems, optimism and positivity are.

Of course, we can still complain, abuse, and even be narrow-minded and angry.

However, leave these negative emotions to others and be a bastard!

You can scold that old man for not being counted, and saying that Jiageng is not even worthless.

It can be satirized that his views are naive and useless, not as comprehensive as you think.

You can face a certain social to vent your dissatisfaction and scold that you can't live your life.

You can use these negatives to judge other people's failures.

However, don't use these to forgive your failures and make excuses for your "inaction".

Because, if you just lie flat on your lips, if you still have a beautiful heart, then for most people who are not so lucky, failure may be the only shortcut to success!


At this moment, Qi Lei looked at everyone in the Young Eagles class, "When you are confused, in pain, and helpless, you can complain to your heart's content!"

"But after complaining, wash your face and blow dry. If you have the sentiment, choose a restaurant you can't afford, order a good bottle of wine, and have a good time!"

"Then, try to forgive the world and compromise with yourself!"

This is the penultimate lesson Qi Lei gave to the eagle class.

They are about to graduate!



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This chapter is full of nonsense.

Some readers may not understand, or disdain to understand.

Just when I fart.

But if you understand it, I hope it can bring you a little strength and a little determination.


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