Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 284: mess me up

Qi Lei wants to be a **** stirrer, so how can he take care of Master Tuo?

Besides, as for Master Tuo, although Qi Lei believed in his ability, this was not something that could be done in a day or two. Maybe Qi Lei has been released, but Tuo Ye hasn't finished work yet!

Right now, it's time for him to concentrate on the lithography machine.

So, the world is so wonderful, and you don't know which seemingly useless cold knowledge will become your lever to move the world.

For the new lithography technology, Qi Lei really knows three words - wet lithography.

However, for a dirty person, as long as these three words appear at the right time and the right place, those three words are enough.

Hanging up the phone with Paulson, Qi Lei still lay on the sofa thinking about things, slowly figuring out how to be a good **** stick.

Li Hanhan cooked the instant noodles and brought it to Qi Lei. He also ate it unconsciously.

After eating, he didn't take the bowl, and continued to sit there, motionless.

In the evening, Sister Hanhan thought she could always have a good meal, right?

However, Qi Lei was obviously still in his own world, but he moved this time, but he was just holding a pile of manuscript paper to write and draw, and Sister Hanhan couldn't understand it at all.

I had no choice but to continue cooking the instant noodles, and thoughtfully added an extra ham sausage to Qi Lei.

Just like that, three days passed.

Yang Xiao was anxious on the phone, "Li Hanhan, you wouldn't really eat instant noodles for four days, would you?"

Qi Lei's phone has long been out of power, and he doesn't charge it either. Everyone can only find out whether Qi Lei is dead or not through Coco Li's phone.

Several people over there expressed deep sympathy for Coco Lee.

Tang Xiaoyi even sighed, "How big of a hole will my grandson dig?"

In the past, Qi Lei also had frequent "downtime", and every time he had a big move, but there was no one that lasted for such a long time.

And Coco Li couldn't take it anymore, she was sour water after eating instant noodles.

"Qianqian, can you teach me how to make porridge? I want to drink some porridge!"


Look at the poor child.

Fortunately, Qi Lei finally straightened his mind and survived on the night of the fourth day.

After one o'clock in the middle of the night, Li Hanhan fell asleep, but didn't sleep soundly.

In the past few days, the mistreatment of her stomach has tortured Sister Hanhan, and she is hysterical.

She felt that there was movement in the kitchen, as if Qi Lei was cooking.

Besides, that scent!

There are spare ribs, eggplant sauce, and chicken stewed with mushrooms?

well! Lao Qin still didn't treat Qi Lei badly, and sent a lot of living materials in, but unfortunately this girl lived too rough, so she could only aggrieved those chickens, ducks and fish to sleep in the refrigerator.


However, something was not quite right. Sister Hanhan really smelled it.

A Ji Ling sat up, quietly left the room, and saw Qi Lei just came out of the kitchen with a large bowl of chicken stewed with mushrooms.

Sister Hanhan almost burst into tears, "Qi Shitou, are you ill? In the middle of the night, why are you struggling?"

Qi Lei grinned, "Can you eat something?"

Li Hanhan was vicious, "Don't eat! Lose weight!"

Qi Lei, "Ask again, eat something..."

"Eat!" Without waiting for Qi Lei to finish speaking, Sister Hanhan rushed forward, "I'll serve the rice!"

A piece of chicken in the stomach is worth the countless numbers in the world...

Sister Hanhan enjoyed it, "I'm alive! I'm alive!"

He asked again, "In the middle of the night, what are you tossing about?"

Qi Lei glanced at her and said nothing.

He was thinking about things these days, but he wasn't really stupid. He couldn't bear the days of three instant noodles a day.

Pushing the ribs in front of Li Hanhan, "Eat this, I've been suffering for the child these days."

Li Hanhan said indifferently, "Hey, it's alright!"

She rarely sees Qi Lei in this state. In fact, in Coco Li's eyes, labels like the richest man and entrepreneur are far from the image of Qi Lei in her heart.

Because she had never seen Qi Lei working seriously, this time it was enough.

Don't say it, he's quite handsome.

People who work hard are handsome!

After a meal, the two were completely alive.

Qi Lei looked at the time, turned on the computer, and had to work for a while.

Li Hanhan ate all the food and didn't feel sleepy at all, so he simply watched Qi Lei work.

Looking at the manuscript paper on the coffee table, "You have made such a big pile, do you understand?"

Qi Lei opened the North American Penguin website and replied, "Understood."

Li Hanhan, "What are you going to do now?"

Actually, Qi Lei said that she didn't understand either, she was just curious.

Qi Lei roughly glanced at the news on the homepage, picked up the phone and dialed, "It depends on how Paulson does?"

After speaking, the phone was connected.

There was only one sound, and Paulson's roar came from the opposite side, "It's been three days! Why shut down!?"

Qi Lei, "What do you want to do?"

Paulson, "Tell me? I thought you died of the virus!"

Qi Lei, "No kidding, how's it going?"

Paulson is also sensible and relaxed, "How about it? Isn't it just that little thing? It's already very effective."

Qi Lei just gave him one thing, that is, EUV

The news that LLC is secretly working on a new generation of lithography machines has spread.

This is not difficult for Paulson, and there is also the cooperation of the online platform Penguin.

"This matter has been known to everyone, and it has even been on the Internet in Europe and the United States. The whole world knows about EUV.

LLC is making big moves. "

When Qi Lei heard this, the corners of his mouth rose, "This is what I want!"

Paulson poured a basin of cold water, "Effect? ​​I don't think it has any effect, EUV.

LLC doesn't take it seriously! "

Qi Lei, "Don't take it seriously? How do you say it?"

Paulson, "When the news came together, CNN interviewed Intel, as well as scholars from the three major laboratories.

"On the surface, I want to know what new technology is through news channels, after all, lithography technology has been stuck at 193 nanometers for several years. Moreover, there are no more than two technological breakthroughs in the next step, one is extreme violet lithography technology, and the other is x-ray lithography technology. "

"Each one is of epoch-making significance."

"However, when I watched the interview, it was EUV rather than inquiring.

LLC's Big Show Live! "

"Oh?" Qi Lei seemed more interested.

Paulson, "There are interview videos on the Internet, watch them yourself!"

Qi Lei, "Let me see."

After speaking, Qi Lei hung up the phone. A search on the penguin video came up.

I clicked on the video. Due to the limited network speed in China, I had to wait for a long time, and finally it was broadcast.

how to say?

The English video was not difficult for Qi Lei and Li Hanhan, and Sister Hanhan was furious when they watched it.

"It's so annoying! What are you pretending to be!?"


When the people from LLC were in front of Sister Hanhan, she wanted to go up and scratch them and vent their anger on Qi Lei's behalf.

To put it simply, the video has two main contents, "One is to pretend B; the other is to pretend B to Sanshi Company."

First, EUV

LLC experts admit that they are promoting a new lithography technology, and it is epoch-making.

Although it is not admitted that a key breakthrough has been made in the extreme purple light lithography technology, the meaning behind the words is to refer to the extreme purple light, which makes people daydream.

This part is nothing, so Qi Lei knows that they are setting off smoke bombs, fart ultra-violet light? Dream about you!

It was another part that drove Li Hanhan crazy.

The news came from Paulson, and Paulson didn't hide it. Paulson really disdains to hide this little thing.

It was I who exposed it to you, so what? ? How can you take me?

But the problem is, Paulson exposed, and people all over the world know that Qi Lei is isolated.

So, it has to make people think that it was Qi Lei who instructed Paulson to do this. After all, the two were tied together.

Naturally, I think of Sanshi, the demand for high-end chips for smartphones, and the war between Wall Street and Silicon Valley.

Then, in the face of CNN's microphone, experts touted their own technology, but they also have to promote the progress of their own smartphones, and they don't mind stepping on their opponents.

The inside swears that the new technology will greatly improve the chip manufacturing process and enter the 130-nanometer, or even 90-nanometer era!

By then, EUV

LLC will completely rule the field of chip manufacturing and become the well-deserved king.

And with EUV

If the LLC is closely connected, companies such as Microsoft and Intel will definitely enjoy the first wave of benefits.

As for Sanshi, they will be temporarily excluded from the supply list.

This is not the end, there is an expert with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks sneering at the camera, "Mr. Paulson is going through a failed investment, his biggest mistake is believing in a Chinese!"

"Ah ah ah!"

Li Hanhan showed his teeth and danced his claws, "It's abominable! Isn't it just a little bit stronger? Isn't it amazing!?"

Staring at Qi Lei, "What should I do? How can I endure this? They've all hit the door!"

Qi Lei thought deeply and nodded, "I really can't stand it, I have to mess with them!"

Li Hanhan, "Go!"

I saw Qi Lei opened his personal account in the Penguin community and wrote an article eloquently...

"Technology Analysis Post!"

"A Tech Blind vs EUV"

Conjectures on the New Technology of LLC Alliance"

Well, the focus is on "technology illiterate".


At the same time, in every corner of the world, many people are paying attention to this news event.

Paulson needless to say, he provoked it to let EUV

The LLC loaded a 13 to Paulson's dismay. I've always ridiculed others, how did it turn around this time?

Next is EUV

The LLC alliance itself, is coursing.

Now the whole world thinks that the new technology they are working on is extreme ultraviolet lithography. This smoke bomb is big enough, no one knows that they have got a genius idea and can easily achieve a breakthrough.

This not only saves costs, but also takes the opportunity to defeat Japan's Sony and Canon in one fell swoop, and completely regain the international dominance in the field of lithography.

More importantly, it also took the opportunity to suppress the **** Wall Street and Qi Lei.

You must know that once the interview with the expert was broadcast, the repercussions were very great, and even caused turmoil in Desheng Capital and the stock of Three Stone Penguin.

Penguin stock fell by 10% at one point. Although it rebounded after that, it really suffered heavy losses.

This made Penguin stock surpass Microsoft in one fell swoop and become the IT stock with the biggest decline this year.

That's really... a double happiness!

In the end, the most depressing should be the two lithography giants in Japan, Nikon and Canon.

In recent years, EUV

LLC put a lot of pressure on them, and they tried their best to keep the leading position in the lithography machine market.

Now suddenly there is such news, EUV

LLC is tackling new technology? Moreover, Paulson is sure that there will be a breakthrough soon? This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

You must know that Nikon and Canon are also very awake. Even though they are still the first and second, they are already in a state of waiting to die. It will be a matter of time before they are replaced.

Because they clearly know that extreme ultraviolet light technology is the future direction, but they do not have the ability to develop their own extreme ultraviolet light technology.

As mentioned earlier, this technology is too cutting-edge. It needs to gather all the forces of the Western world, plus the three major laboratories of the United States, and the military forces to complete it.

Even so, it took 18 years for the project to be mass-produced in the industry.

It is conceivable that others are really unable to play at this time point.

So, you can only wait to die!

Originally, Nikon and Canon thought that the process of waiting for death would be very long, and maybe they would still be able to dominate the field of lithography within ten years.

But now, is there a breakthrough in the short term?

In other words, their glory will soon be gone, can you not worry about it?

But it's useless to worry about it, it's still the same sentence, you can only wait to die!

However, at this time, a personal blog of a tech illiterate, a capitalist who is not even an industry insider, quietly entered the field of lithography machines, detonating the battlefield.

"A Tech Blind vs EUV"

Conjectures on the New Technology of LLC Alliance"

Dear friends, long time no see.

As the report said, I was experiencing an outbreak of an epidemic in China, and was very unfortunate to be the subject of quarantine observation.

I'm here to report peace to everyone, I'm fine and strong.

Recently, although I cannot leave my residence, I have been paying attention to the changes in this world.

Especially the EUV

An exclusive interview with the LLC Alliance, and heard Dr. James' comments on Sanshi Company and the future of lithography.

Go straight:

I think that Dr. James is a bit...a bit bragging.

The following are some of my views and conjectures on the field of lithography. If I am wrong, I hope Dr. James will correct me.

My opinion is: EUV

It is impossible for LLC to achieve a breakthrough in extreme violet lithography technology in a short period of time!

To popularize science, extreme violet light is a light source wavelength between ultraviolet and infrared. This is the limit of ultraviolet wavelength, and the shorter wavelength is the wavelength of infrared light.

At present, there are no commercial patents for extreme violet light sources. What about lithography machines using extreme violet light?

Moreover, the light source is only a trivial part of the lithography machine, and a lithography machine requires tens of thousands of parts.

And according to EUV

Judging from the target parameters released by LLC, each part must meet the design parameter requirements, which cannot be achieved by the current technological level.

Note that it does not mean that there is no commercial package, but that the demonstration in the laboratory has not been completed.

Talking about extreme purple light at this time is just setting off smoke bombs!

If you want me to say, instead of deceiving the public with extreme purple light, it is better for me to help you think of a technical direction.

You are pouring water into the lithography machine!

Light will be refracted in water, thus shortening the wavelength, and it will be able to break through the barrier of 193 nanometers immediately!

How simple is it?

It is more credible and more operational than Jiuguang!

"I puff!"

This is Paulson, "he, he, he, he, he just spread out this big secret like this?"

"I'm puff puff!"

This is EUV

LLC, "Something big! How did he get it out?"

"Puff! Puff! Puff puff!"

This is Nikon and Canon, the dilemma is stupid.

Water injection?

Eight Grid Tooth Road!

Why didn't we expect it! ?

It's so simple!

One post, the lithography machine industry is in chaos!


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