Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 65: Old tool man

   It wasn't until he went out of the stall at night that Qi Lei solved the doubt in Coco Li's heart.

   After the day after tomorrow, the Provincial Taiwan Bureau will come for an interview. Twenty yuan per person is considered as a flood-fighting donation.

   Then think of the summer camp of "Aspirational Youth", everyone seriously suspects that this product is premeditated, just to wait for this day!

   It’s not just Coco Lee, everyone thinks it’s a bit too much, right?

   Lu Xiaoshuai: "You... isn't this just a show? Isn't it necessary?"

   Lu Xiaoshuai is still a little conscientious, "Now on TV every day, he is reporting where there is a disaster, where there are soldiers who have sacrificed, and the people who watch it are sad..."

   "Using this to make yourself famous is a bit too much!"

   "Yes!" Coco Lee was also a little contemptuous, "Stone, it shouldn't be like this."

   Zhang Xinyu interjected: "Brother Lei, I really can't support you this time! No need, no one!"

   Everyone, every one of you and me are all complaining that Reviver is too utilitarian and does not conform to the personality of the fool circle.

   Qi Lei didn't explain much about this, "Listen to me!"

   Although Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian were involved, the two brothers still had their initial mentality, and Qi Lei did not do the right thing.

   But then again, the difference between brothers and friends lies in this. Even if they think that Qi Lei is not doing this properly, everyone has the same idea as them, but at critical moments, they still have to stand on Qi Lei's side.

  Because they are brothers.

   Amidst the opposition, Wu Xiaojian grinned, "Hey, I will be crazy with you!"

   Tang Yi stared at Li Wenwen and others, "I listen to the stone, you are free."

   The scene suddenly became clear, and the two sides confronted each other.

   "You guys..." Everyone is a little unhappy, authoritarian?

   No one thought, except for Tang Yi and Wu Ning, Xu Xiaoqian also stood up at this time.

   "This is twenty yuan, I also wrote the manuscript."

   She actually doesn't agree with Qi Lei's approach, but she knows that Qi Lei needs support.

   Cocoon Lee saw this, her teeth itching in anger: "You just get used to him!"

   but Xu Xiaoqian raised her chin, "I'm happy!"

  Ms Xu is so shameless, she dares to love and hate, and she protects her calf.


   In the evening, Qi Lei is still sending Xu Qian home.

   The long street under the night is still a broken car, two boys and girls.

   "Can you tell me the reason?"

   Xu Qian finally asked her question.

   saw Qi Lei only chuckle, "Do you think I'm too utilitarian?"

   Xu Qiansheng was afraid of speaking too harshly and hurting Qi Lei’s self-esteem, so she said: "That's not true, it's just..."

   Well, from the perspective of this era, it is indeed somewhat utilitarian.

   Take advantage of the opportunity of fighting floods and rescuing the whole nation, using an essay as an introduction to establish a glorious image of an aspiring young man, and then using the mouth of the summer camp and the people around him to show Qi Lei's own cohesiveness and organizational ability.

   I have to say that Qi Lei's operation is absolutely advanced in this era, and Xu Qian admires Qi Lei's ability.

   It’s just, it’s really not too open.

   Qi Lei does not deny this, "Yes, it is utilitarian!"

   Xu Qian frowned, "Why?"

   To be honest, Qi Lei’s current image in her mind, except for her poor study, is already perfect, and she even admires this guy a little.

   But Xu Qian was a little disappointed in this matter.

   "You are already very good, and you don't need such a falsehood to increase your value. It will make people feel... very awkward."

   But when Qi Lei suddenly slowed down and was silent for a long time, he suddenly said, "Is it disappointed?"

   Xu Xiaoqian bit her lower lip, "Well, it's kind of." After thinking about it, "'s nothing but imperfect."

   Qi Lei smiled, "Why are you so careful? I'm not that vulnerable. And I'm not disappointed, I feel at ease."

   Xu Qian was a little surprised, "Why? Can you talk about it?"

   Qi Lei stopped the car and asked Xu Qian to sit down from behind, and the two walked side by side on the street.

   Under the darkness of night, Xu Qian couldn't see his face clearly.

   "I should be the luckiest person in this time and space."

"how to say?"

   Qi Lei thought for a while, "Because I don't lack anything!"

   "My parents who are happy for me, brothers who are alive and kicking, a young and handsome sixteen-year-old, and a considerate girl!"

   "Cut!" Xu Xiaoqian thought he was starting to babble again, "You are so stinky!"

   Qi Lei chuckled, but said in his heart, what I said was the truth.

   continued: "Really, this kind of life is really satisfying. Even if I have a careful plan for my life like you, I want to earn money, which university I want to go to, and live a good life!"

   "Even if the schedule is full, there is no need to rush to finish it. Because I'm only sixteen, time will wait until I'm eighteen!"

   Xu Xiaoqian was infected by Qi Lei's emotions, and was happy for him. Even if she thought it was Qi Lei's self-confidence.

   But the same sentence, what Qi Lei said is true.

   For a rebirth, for a rebirth to sixteen years old, he is sincere.

   However, time only tolerates the wasting of youth, it never stops.

   To put it bluntly, Qi Lei has the capital to spend his youth, it doesn't matter.

   His biggest regret in his previous life is that his family and his brothers have been fulfilled. He can continue to be a happy second B and wait until the moment he grows up to start the next stage of struggle.

   But, is it really just that?

   Think about it from another place:

If everyone is Qi Lei, go back to the summer of 1998; if everyone has a sense of responsibility and ability, and loves this country, will he let time be in this time and space and the past lives cannot heal? Scars?

   The Great Flood in 1998, the Yugoslavian Embassy in 1999, 81192 in 2001, and so on.

   These scars imprinted in the hearts of the people will not reappear one after another after Qi Lei grows up. This is another fleeting year that cannot be forgiven by time.

   Actually, if it were not for the self-awakening of the three dads, Qi Lei would not have thought of this.

   He has always regarded himself as an ordinary person, and he can't hold too much family and country affairs in his heart. Thinking that being able to manage the petty tunes around oneself is already a benefit of rebirth.

   But that night, the haze of the three houses was wiped out, and the future trajectory must be different.

  While Qi Lei was fortunate, it was also empty in his heart.

   He lost his goal all of a sudden, and his many wishes for rebirth are only the option of being a happy second b.

   But the excitement of the three dads made Qi Lei's blood surge again.

   There is a father like this, so what about the son?

   He gave birth to the heart of comparison, and felt that while he was wasting the passing years, should he also give back to the passing years, put a little weight on his shoulders, at least do something at a few time points within his cognition. Even if nothing can be changed, the ending can be different.

   Plus, Qi Lei has never stopped thinking about one question:

   Why would he be born again? Why is it he?

   Why, the point of his rebirth is the examination room for the senior high school entrance examination?

  Why, he would change "My Grandpa" to "My Motherland" in a wicked way?

  Why, it's just an essay for middle school students, but it has been favored by provincial newspapers and Taiwan provinces one after another?

   If his return is a gift from heaven. There must be some traction, right?

   For example, now, he can stand on a stage beyond the reach of ordinary people from a composition.

   Don't make any noise, what a waste of expression!

  Looking at Xu Qian, Qi Lei had a kind of open-hearted relaxation, "Time will wait for me to be eighteen, and time will not wait for me to be eighteen before flowing forward."

   Xu Xiaoqian is a little bit understanding but still thinks this is Qi Lei's boasting and ridicule.

   "So, you have to seize every opportunity? Just like this time?"

   Qi Lei didn’t answer, Xu Qian continued: “But I still think it’s a bit bad to make a name for myself because of the national crisis.”

   Qi Lei still did not deny, but said, "If you need a role model..."

   "Then... why can't it be me?"

   "Can't it be us?"

  Xu Xiaoqian: "……"

   Qi Lei: "If the final result is good, why not fake it?"

   "Show me on show!" Qi Lei was very open, "However, you still wronged me this time, I didn't want to show myself."

   It's not Qi Lei's purpose to take the opportunity to become famous, it's his benefit to all his friends.

   He wanted to take the opportunity to show his abilities and accumulate energy for the next vocalization.

   Xu Qian looked at his profile blankly, thinking that what he said made sense, but she didn't know the reason.

   Ask any more, but Qi Lei was sold off and didn't answer.

   An angry Xu Xiaoqian was pulling on his T-shirt until the front collar strangled Qi Lei's neck, and the whole person leaned back against her.

   "Annoying! You are so annoying!"

   The next day, although everyone still resisted, at least Qi Lei was the nominal leader of everyone and the owner of the idiot circle during the recent period. In the end, he did so and prepared a speech.

   And Qi Lei seemed to take it very seriously. After handing it in, he corrected them one by one and sent them back for them to recite.

   Everyone takes it back and takes a look. Okay, can you just write us one?

   has basically been changed.



   Li Chunyan is very annoyed. Although I have not encountered a difficult interview subject before, it is the first time that I have been so difficult at the age of sixteen.

   What's more terrible is that the tasks assigned by the Taiwanese leadership are too arduous, and the script editing is very hard.

   She has read that composition, and it is indeed very good, it fits the environment very well, it can be regarded as a blind cat and a dead mouse.

   If the report is good, it will indeed have a very exciting effect on the current situation.

   But, no matter how good it is, it's just a junior high school student's composition. What positive material can a fifteen or sixteen-year-old kid have?

   Li Chunyan was still worried until he got on the bus and set off for Shangbei. Can this work?

   An excellent student who loves literature, loves to study, speaks civilization and is polite? It can't be posted together with the big theme of fighting floods and patriotism!

   At around five in the afternoon, Li Chunyan and Qian Xiaolong arrived in Shangbei.

   dialed the paging left by Qi Lei, and the final reply was still that after seven o'clock, we met at the night market.

   Qian Xiaolong cursed his mother angrily, "I've never seen anything like this before!"

"I will endure!!"

   Li Chunyan gritted her teeth and hated Qi Lei.

   The interview at seven o'clock, even if it ends at eight o'clock, it will be midnight before returning to Harbin.

   are all caused by this hapless kid.

   Boiled till seven o'clock, paging, got an accurate location, and then rushed into Shangbei Night Market with Qian Xiaolong.

   Yes, Li Chunyan wants to kill people now. This is not a human job. It is hard to please, and it makes the 16-year-old boy toss enough.

   As soon as he entered the night market, he was attracted by a stall on the side of the road, and saw a huge banner standing there. It was difficult to not see it.

   "Aspirational Youth" student experience booth!

   Li Chunyan didn’t understand, what the **** is this?

   Then, Reporter Li Da's whole body was not well.

   After asking in the past, I realized that this was a summer camp organized by a middle school student named Qi Lei.

And then……

   Reporter Li Da has been boiled for two days, and his self-esteem has been hit hard.

  Because, even Qian Xiaolong can see that Sister Li’s script is obviously no one’s senior classmate Qi Lei.

   This night, Qian Xiaolong was crying and filming, and Li Chunyan was crying for interviews.

   The former is touching, the latter... is aggrieved.

   She is a background sound!

   Yes, this report that has tortured Li Chunyan for two days does not need her to play at all, and it has completely become a stage for Qi Lei to show his abilities.

   "Back then, I was your tool man! Microphone!!"

   This is the truth that Li Chunyan only realized after many years.


   It was late at night that Li Chunyan and Qian Xiaolong returned to the provincial capital. Without a break, they went straight to the provincial station to cut the film.

   The editing station at 3:40, 4:10, finished cutting.

   An eleven-minute film, half an hour to complete.

   The editor on duty in the station gave reporter Li a thumbs up.

   "Your level is getting higher and higher, and there are almost no scraps. I can just copy and paste! If this continues, I will be laid off soon!"

   Qian Xiaolong smiled, Li Chunyan wanted to die.

  Which is she good at catching the material? Is she not needed at all, okay?

   As soon as they entered the night market, the two of them were dominated by the kid.

   From setting up the camera to shooting someone, even her reporter's interview manuscript was prepared.

   I want to talk about being laid off, she is almost laid off by reporter Li Da.

   And Qian Xiaolong is not as twisted as Reporter Li, is he just sighing that the kids are so good now?

   啧啧, this time he is quite knowledgeable, all of them are not fuel-efficient lamps!

   This news is expected to explode.

   At this time, it was just getting bright, Li Chunyan and Qian Xiaolong put the cut news in the editor's office, and went home to catch up.

   Although it is a bit longer, it is estimated to be able to pass it once, and tonight can be on "Longjiang Night Voyage".


   "Longjiang Night Voyage" is a hotspot on Longjiang Provincial Channel. Its premiere is at 10 o'clock in the evening. It focuses on people's news and news interference, and reports social injustice and parents' shortcomings.

   is the first column in Longjiang Province that speaks for the people in the form of media, and it is relatively advanced among the provincial TV stations across the country.

   Therefore, the ratings are extremely high, sometimes even surpassing the 8 o'clock hits, and the column's status in provincial channels is also high.

   It was already the afternoon when reporter Li Da returned to the station. As soon as he entered the column group, a colleague reminded him, "Don't provoke the editor-in-chief, you get angry!"

   Li Chunyan frowned, does it have anything to do with me?

   She has never looked at the face of the leader, there is no way, the business ability is there!

  , thinking about the film, opened the editor's door and went in.

   "Boss, have you seen the film? Can it be used?"

   It's okay not to mention, Old Qin exploded immediately.

   "Boom! Boom! What kind of **** did you do? It's a **** thing to add to me!"

   Li Chunyan was scolded with a **** head and ran out dingy, still not understanding what was going on.

   After getting down to earth, I asked my what's the matter? "

   Colleague, "The press release of your composition for the senior high school entrance examination was seen by the boss on the news network and snatched it away!"

   "What!?" Li Chunyan thought she had misheard, "I'm an eleven-minute manuscript, what's the use of it?"

   The provincial news broadcast is only fifteen minutes long.

   The colleague smiled bitterly, "No way, who made you cut the manuscript so well? If you move out the director over there, you will have to leave for a lifetime."

   Reporter Li wants to die. The more colleagues say that she cuts well, the more uncomfortable she is.

   squinted and rushed back to the boss's office, "I said why do you become the boss? Just let the family take it away? I don't want a kid to be humiliated all night?"

  Old Qin: "Ball on roll!! I want to be quiet."

  Lao Qin is still suffering, you said you can afford to be full, right? Just make up a piece of it, so what can I do?

  His "Longjiang Night Voyage" is bullish, but it's better than "News Network"!

   said that if you want to leave, you have to leave, there is no emotion.

   But, "Huh?"

   found something wrong, "What do you mean? Humiliation? What humiliation?"

   Li Chunyan is really not the kind of person who cheats the world and steals fame. If it's not her, it's not hers.

   "Boss, you haven't seen it, that little kid... is a goblin. My master of journalism has nothing like his."

  Old Qin gave Li Chunyan angrily, still in anger, "That's a talent! You have to be talented for journalism!!"



  Oh, the backstage is stuck, and the afternoon chapter is also highlighted. Crying...


   Just found out that the 64 chapter card has been reviewed, and it should be restored after a while, sorry.

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