Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 312: host and guest

A technological revolution requires courage and money.

But even with these two important elements, there is one more crucial point: the need to be understood.

There is still a long distance from the hotel to the seminar venue. Qi Lei and Nan Lao took a car and passed through the streets and alleys of the magic capital.

Qi Lei likes the tranquility of this busy interval. He can close his eyes and rest, or stare at the new green beating of hope in the early spring magic capital.

Nan Lao was wearing reading glasses, focusing on the thick materials on his knees, his lips quickly opening and closing, and doing "homework".

As one of the main initiators of the industry seminar, when Qi Lei did not know much about technology and Byron was incompetent in Mandarin, all the burden of answering questions about the technology at the seminar was placed on Nan Lao.

However, many of these projects are actually unfamiliar to Nan Lao, and even need to be learned from scratch.

So much so that the old man, who had passed his sixtieth year, had to stay up all night for several consecutive nights, memorizing all the key technical parameters.

Even though he was exhausted, Nan Lao never got tired of it. No one persuaded him to give up, because the young man beside him gave him something called "hope".

Don't forget, the old man watched Sanshi start from nothing and watched Qi Lei travel all the way in the semiconductor industry.

Although the road ahead is still difficult and dangerous, Mrs. Nan knows that they have never been so close to the international level.

Qi Lei took his eyes back from the window and said with a teasing, "I said, Uncle Nan, you should rest. Aunt Nan is already looking for me to settle the account."

The old man Nan didn't lift it, "Well, then your Aunt Nan's consciousness needs to be improved."

Qi Lei shook his head, knowing that he couldn't persuade him.

But the truth is true, now whoever hates Qi Lei the most on this earth is not Adams, nor is it Sharp and the opponents who were defeated by Qi Lei, it must be Aunt Nan.

"I'm already at the age of retirement, and I'm still being called by you as a young man?" These are the original words of Mrs. Nan.

At this time, Nan Lao didn't want to tangle on this topic, and there was nothing to tangle, because he was tired, but the old man was willing to be tired.

Taking the initiative to change the subject, "Don't you need to keep an eye on the three stones in North America? Why don't you go to the United States! If you're not here, we can let go of our hands and feet a little bit, at least we can have a clean ear."

Qi Lei, "…"

Suddenly a strange thought came to mind, how did Geng and Nan become friends?

These are completely two extremes. Uncle Geng has a better and more stable temper as he gets older, while Lao Nan is just the opposite.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, I really don't need me there."

Nan Lao was startled, and raised his head rarely, "Is the American so reassuring you?"

Qi Lei replied with a smile, "It's not that I'm relieved, but there's really nothing to worry about."

As I said before, North American Sanshi had an agreement with Wall Street at the beginning of its establishment. Except for Sanshi's own technology, such as software, systems, ecology, etc., other things did not share resources with China Sanshi.

At that time, in Paulson's eyes, Qi Lei was just a potential stock that could make money. He just didn't want you Chinese to take advantage of it. Anyway, Qi Lei could agree to any conditions.

In other words, China Sanshi and North American Sanshi are both building smart phones, but they are taking two completely different routes.

However, it is precisely because of this that when Qi Lei is battling for smart phones in China, Sanshi in North America is much more relaxed and comfortable.

"Let's put it this way!" Qi Lei seldom talked about the situation of the Three Stones in North America, and Nan Lao rarely took the initiative to ask, because it was useless and wasted time, and now I just took the opportunity to have a good chat.

"When we were tumbling up and down in the country, tossing and turning, the smartphone project department of Three Stones in North America was basically sleeping."

When Nan Lao heard this, "Is it so exaggerated?"

Qi Lei, "Is it exaggerated? Are you okay?"

"The North American Three Stones alone may not be regarded as a real technology company, and Xiangduo is a product integrator."

With these words, Nan Lao was envious to death, "It's so good!"

Isn't it just product integration?

For a mobile phone, they only need to make an appearance and design a shell. As for what you need in the case, you can look through the list of accessories suppliers, make a few phone calls, and send a few faxes.

Because there are no technical blockades and trade barriers that China faces, whoever wants to use it can use it.

As for the same technical problems faced, it is even simpler. Tell Paulson and Wall Street that strong capital dominance will get them any technology.

Even the internal industrial design, layout, and technical parameters of the mobile phone can be directly used by China's three stones.

Because it is stipulated in the contract, the technology and achievements of China Sanshi can be used by North American Sanshi.

"Alas!" Nan Lao shook his head and sighed, no longer struggling, and continued to look down at the information.

This is the reality, envy but can't complain, and in turn comfort Qi Lei, "Don't worry, we will have it sooner or later."

Qi Lei pouted, "Why do I feel that you are more anxious than me? Do you dare to rest for a while?"

Nan Lao still bowed his head and took the time to return two words, "Don't dare."


The venue for the meeting was a resort in the suburbs. A few years ago, the township-level government took the lead in developing the project, and the operation was very good.

Because multiple industries are discussing and coordinating separately, multiple venues are needed at the same time, and the cycle is very long, and accommodation is also provided. This is especially suitable.

Lao Qin and Ma Tuo arrived the day before yesterday and started reception work.

When meeting with Qi Lei and Nan Lao at this time, Lao Qin saw the tiredness on Nan Lao's face as soon as he glanced at him, and said with a smile, "Don't worry about it so much, we have arranged it."

Originally caring, but it aroused the dissatisfaction of Nan Lao, "Is there an end? My bones are strong!"

After choking on the information, he walked in with his hands behind his back, making Lao Qin blushed, "Who is messing with him?"

Qi Lei expressed his sympathy for Uncle Bei, "I've been grinding him all the way."

Old Qin rolled his eyes, "No wonder! You are indeed quite rambling."

Qi Lei, "…"

Am I babbling? Why don't you feel it?

But Ma Tuo didn't want to gossip, "Which venue shall we go to first?"

In fact, Tuo Ye's strings are also tight, similar to Nan Lao.

After all, he was young, and this task was the first project he participated in. He was not at all careless.

However, because of his youth, Master Tuo was just a little tired, and he was much stronger than Nan Lao.

In response to Master Tuo's inquiry, Nan Lao, who was walking in front, grabbed Bai Bai, "Go and see the battery first!"

This is something that Qi Lei and Qi Lei have discussed for a long time. All other items can be put aside and discussed freely. The battery is the most difficult thing.

Again, Qi Lei's demands were too high.

The battery industry is very lively here, with more than a dozen battery companies, as well as experts and scholars from universities and research institutes. Moreover, because of the deep connection between batteries and material technology, there are also people outside the industry invited by Tuo Ye, who are all materials.

Of course, there are also ministries and government officials in several regions where the battery industry is developed.

Such as Guangdong, Jiangsu.

With dozens of people together, when Qi Lei and his party arrived, the scene seemed a bit noisy.

You can do everything, but from the scene you can see what each company lacks.

Powerful big factories like byd and BAK all circled around the leaders of the government units above, forming a circle and having a great conversation.

On the other hand, those with a smaller scale that do not constitute a local pillar industry are revolved around experts from various universities and research institutes. What they lack is talent and technology.

There is also a Suzhou Xingheng, whose founder is a direct descendant of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, so the level is relatively high.

Qi Lei also saw Mr. Song from Hashi Guangyu in the corner, who seemed a little lonely in the corner.

No way, Harbin City is obviously not a developed area of ​​the battery industry, so the government departments of Harbin City were not invited to the meeting at all.

Although Boss Song came from a technical background, he couldn't reach the famous Gao Zhi'er, and he didn't know any of those people from famous universities and national research institutes.

The most important thing is that Coslight operates lead-acid batteries, which definitely belong to the bottom layer.

Listen to what people are talking about. Lithium batteries can only be considered pragmatic, not a technical highland. Everyone is talking about cutting-edge technology, aluminum batteries and sodium batteries. Boss Song simply can't talk.

Qi Lei didn't care too much about Boss Song. In normal times, with fellow villagers and relationships, he may be a little more enthusiastic about this Boss Song, but now is not the time for sympathy.

As a matter of fact, Qi Lei had already understood that the fact that Boss Song was able to attend this meeting was all forced by Longjiang's shameless face.

Lao Qin is based on the principle of balancing the relationship and taking care of his emotions.

Regardless of Boss Song, Qi Lei glanced around and asked in confusion, "Why didn't you see someone from tcl?"

When Master Tuo heard this, he quickly said, "tcl didn't come."

Qi Lei, "…"

To be honest, Qi Lei would rather see tcl appear here than byd, the leader in China's battery industry.

One more word, byd was actually very strong in 2004, and achieved the second place in the world. And it is the battery supplier of the two current mobile phone giants - Nokia and Motorola, which are absolutely world-class in technology.

However, Qi Lei is really more optimistic about tcl.

The reason is very simple. Regarding the technical parameters that Qi Lei requires, tcl may be the most promising to be the first to achieve it.

In the original time and space, tcl 04 has not started to make batteries, but in this era it is completely different.

Speaking of which, there is also Qi Lei's credit for this.

Remember the time Sharp and Paulson brought a group of Silicon Valley tycoons to China for inspection two years ago?

Qi Lei had a meeting with Microsoft's Bill Gates and Intel's Klaus. At that time, they talked about who Microsoft's mobile phone business should work with.

Bill preferred BlackBerry, but Qi Lei didn't hide his secrets, telling them that they would die if they found BlackBerry, and the best choice was to find a new Chinese mobile phone company to cooperate.

Those words, Bill and Klauger listened.

Back in the United States, after many discussions, they really sent olive branches to several Chinese mobile phone manufacturers.

Finally, tcl stood out in many industries such as Bird, BBK, Konka, etc., and became a partner of Microsoft mobile phones.

It has to be said that tcl's leadership is capable and visionary. If you change the general manufacturer, you will basically lay flat. Whatever the Americans say, I will follow my **** and do whatever I want. Anyway, I have a bowl of soup to drink.

But tcl did not, and the executives began to make a deeper layout, striving to share more benefits in this Sino-Mexican cooperation.

As a result, tcl's battery business was launched ahead of schedule.

They spent a lot of money to hire people from the United States and Europe. They are all god-level figures in the lithium battery academia, and they quickly established tcl Jinneng batteries.

Moreover, the main research business is smartphone batteries.

Although Microsoft's battery parameter requirements may not be as demanding as Qi Lei, at least they have begun to act in this field.

That's why Qi Lei really wants to see them.


Ma Tuo said at this time, "They are in-depth cooperation with Microsoft, and many factors must be considered. It is actually understandable not to come to Sanshi's seminar."

Qi Lei nodded, "Understood!"

Shopping malls, that's how it is. At this time, it is impossible to use Chinese people to distinguish them.

"But, what a pity!"

If tcl can join, then Qi Lei may save a lot of medical expenses in the heart disease of batteries. He is even ready to share battery technology with Microsoft if tcl can really break through.

Now it seems that he is still naive.

He is generous, Bill that guy is careful!

Qi Lei wouldn't believe it if Bill Gates and Klauger intervened in tcl's decision-making.

In fact, Qi Lei guessed right, it was really the ghost of Bill and Kraug, who made an offer that tcl couldn't refuse.

The petty profit of the battery is something that Microsoft and Intel don't like at all, but it is necessary to take this advantage to catch up on the younger brother.

Therefore, they took advantage of the domineering of the United States to transfer technology from Japan's Songxia Battery, and transferred it to tcl at a low price.

how to say? For Qi Lei, this is equivalent to breaking the possibility of cooperation with tcl.

But from the perspective of Chinese companies, it is a good thing. The tcl battery industry was born as a king, and the future is promising.

"Forget it!" Qi Lei is not a tangled person, "Let's start! There is no tcl, and there are byd and Bick!"

China's battery industry is not far behind at present, not to mention future generations, Qi Lei is still very confident.

However, as soon as the meeting started, Qi Lei felt something was wrong.

There is no need to say much about the normal meeting process. At the beginning, everyone was very positive. As long as they came, they all spoke very well at the scene, and they all expressed their opinions and wanted to fight a beautiful tough battle.

However, when Qi Lei started to get serious and announced the technical parameters, the wind direction began to change. Everyone seemed to be farting in front of them, and they were not so active.

After the two-day meeting, there were voices of opposition, "Mr. Qi, is this technical requirement a bit too harsh?"

Some even used the word "nitpicking".

Later, in a corner that Qi Lei could not see, some people began to connect and lobby, so those industry scholars who didn't express their business opinions at all began to sing badly, thinking that there is no need to make batteries so extreme.

They even made their own decisions and discussed a new set of technical parameters in private, trying to convince Sanshi and the above to follow this "practical" plan.

how to say?

Probably, the existing battery level has improved performance by about 10%. It belongs to the state where you can go back and do it now, and you can do it with a little investment in technical research and development. UU reading

During this period, although byd did not participate in these small actions, it seems that byd also had their thoughts and chose to remain silent.

Before you know it, the meeting begins to take a bizarre direction.

It seems that Qi Lei, the dominant player, has become the only person in the field who is not understood and the loneliest.

Everyone is trying to change his mind.

The host and the guest seem to undergo subtle changes.


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