Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 319: crazy

The latest website: Qi Lei is numb, how did the fire burn to himself?

Curse Nokia for not talking about martial arts.

But, who's to blame? Heaven is good for reincarnation, who will Heaven forgive? You can't just allow you to dirty people's house and not let others come against you, right?

However, I have to say that this time Nokia's actions made Qi Lei very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

700 countdown! That is, the official listing in March 2006, there are less than two years?

It happened that on this day, Qi Lei and Ren Lao had dinner together.

Seeing his frowning look, Mr. Ren comforted him, "It's useless to be anxious! Besides, don't you often say that among these opponents, Nokia is the least worried?"

Ren Lao remembered that Qi Lei had told him that Nokia would die on the display panel, so it was the least threat.

"I saw that concept drawing. It seems to be a resistive screen, right? Then what are you worried about?"

On the opposite side, Qi Lei was flat-mouthed, not interested in chatting any more.

But Mr. Ren saw that he didn't want to talk, but instead became interested, "Tell me, what are you worrying about?"

"Huh." Qi Lei let out a long sigh and looked at the city skyline outside the window, "It's not Nokia that is worried."


Qi Lei turned around, "Nokia is no longer the screen's problem in my opinion, their line is wrong."

Ren Lao, "how to say?"

Qi Lei, "Nokia uses the design route of the sliding cover."

The concept map of Nokia has been carefully studied by Qi Lei, and there is no innovation. It still uses the style of Nokia. The design of the new phone is somewhat similar to the N97 of later generations.

how to say? From the current point of view, it is indeed quite amazing, and the public opinion feedback is also very good.

However, as an expert and an experienced person, Qi Lei immediately discovered the problem.

First, the new model is wider than the later N97, and a lot wider, nearly one centimeter.

Don't look at this centimeter, it seems that the difference is not big, but when the design is on the ground, you will know when you get the prototype, and it must be uncomfortable to hold in your hand.

In fact, the N97 of later generations is already the limit of that model, and it cannot be wider.

He gestured to Mr. Ren, "I think this design designer has omissions. Drawing and actual machine are two different things. Nokia made a low-level mistake this time."

As soon as Mr. Ren heard it, he didn't understand, "I saw their design parameters, it seems that it is a little wider than your three-stone mobile phone?"

If Ren Lao remembered correctly, it was probably only two to three millimeters away. Why was Qi Lei so certain?

But he saw Qi Lei shaking his head, "It's different!"

"What's the difference?"

Qi Lei, "The thickness is different."

He explained, "Nokia is a side-slip design. I guess it is because of the congenital defects of the resistive screen that they cannot implement the virtual keyboard design. And the front physical buttons I induced were not recognized by Nokia, so the physical keyboard was used side-sliding. way stacked underneath.”

"This means that his phone has two layers and must be very thick!"

"His width plus that thickness will definitely be bad for holding."

"And what's more deadly is that because he has two layers, it is more difficult to optimize the thickness of his subsequent models."

Elder Ren laughed, "If that's the case, what are you worried about?"

Qi Lei, "What I'm worried about is not Nokia, but other opponents seeing the 700-day countdown and starting to speed up!"

Well, the old man understood immediately, it turned out to be the case.

Think about it, according to Qi Lei, his real opponents are Microsoft, Apple, and Samsung.

Although Mr. Ren didn't know why Qi Lei didn't even care about BlackBerry, Nokia, and Sony Ericsson, he just stared at these three.

But one thing is certain, that is, in terms of the ability to build smart phones, these three companies are more fundamental than the three stones.

"So, are you afraid that they will speed up because of Nokia's disruption?"

Qi Lei nodded and smiled bitterly, "Don't you think this is a disaster? The rhythm was disrupted by a chaperone!"

Ren Lao wanted to laugh, really wanted to say, who is to blame? Didn't you provoke it yourself?

However, I really don't want to hit him, "Then what are you going to do now?"

Qi Lei shrugged, "What else can I do? Maybe I won't have a chance to fight for speed, so I can only do the best in other areas! For example, functions, user experience and so on."

Ren Lao, "It's an idea! Isn't that a good idea? What are you worried about?"

Qi Lei was even more bitter, "Because of the function, I have no clue!"

There are many functions in his mind that cannot be imagined at the moment, and there is a future encyclopedia in it, but the question is, how to implement it?

In terms of basic functions and basic research and development alone, Sanshi, together with the strength gathered by Qi Lei, and the semiconductor companies across the country, have moved forward.

Going to increase the code, and then ask for new functions, can you guys withstand the pressure?

"Alas!" With a long sigh, "In the end, we still don't have enough cards in our hands or big enough!!"

There is quite a bit of melancholy that the semiconductor industry grows up in one day.

Let the old man...

Ren Lao sometimes really feel sorry for this young man.

It's just a communication technology, which makes Ren Lao and HW very anxious. Not to mention that Qi Lei is only in his early twenties, and he is leading the entire semiconductor industry forward.

Although Lao Ren always believed that it is a good thing for young people to have a heavier burden on their shoulders, which is conducive to growth, but he still sweated for Qi Lei.

"Then can we help you with anything?"

"You?" Qi Lei raised his brows, but for a while he really didn't know where else HW could help.

However, he did not arrogantly reject the old man.

Now is not the time to be polite, with a little more effort, a little more hope.

After pondering for a long time, suddenly his eyes lit up, "It seems that there really is!"

Ren Lao laughed, he likes Qi Lei, just like his "truth". It is what it is, and it will never lose its face.

"Tell me."

But it was Qi Lei who leaned forward, "Are you interested in .wifi?"

Old Ren was startled, "Well, it doesn't seem to be a question that interests me or not, right? Isn't this a patent of Tuao?"

wifi, wireless local area network technology, is nothing new, it has been around since the 1990s. Now it has developed to wifi3, which is the fourth generation of wifi (starting from wifi0).

It was first researched by several graduates of the University of Sydney, and the technology is now very mature.

how to say? Technology is a good technology, but for ten years, commercial promotion has not been smooth, and few communication equipment manufacturers are willing to use it.

As for the reason?

Mr. Ren really knows that it is not a technical problem, but that the holders of technical patents are not good?

This patent is in the hands of the Austrian government.

It stands to reason that the government of a country should be more arrogant, but Tuo is not. It's like a poor man getting a buck, and the little family is extremely angry.

The college students who originally founded the team once suggested that Tuao should open the wifi patent to all mankind for free. Where can the Austrian government agree? This is mine, I have to charge royalties!

Not only does he charge, but it's not cheap. Not only is it not cheap, but it is not enough to lose a big boy.

Everyone is very unhappy about it. If you are a well-known "law firm Qualcomm", forget it. After all, it is the government. This is a problem of structure.

So everyone doesn't use it very much, unless it is absolutely necessary.

Ren Lao is of course interested in wifi, he is doing communication technology! However, it is also a little bit unbearable for Tuao's petty family.

The point is, he is not only stingy, he is also arrogant.

"What? Is your smartphone going to be on wifi?"

Qi Lei nodded, "I will definitely go up."

That thing is a must-have mobile phone function in later generations, how could it not be used?

In fact, Tuao's royalties have been received 20 years later. As long as you use wifi, you have to give him money.

When Mr. Ren heard this, his mobile phone was going to be connected to wifi. Combined with the above, he asked him if he was interested in wifi...

Elder Ren suddenly thought of a bad thing and was shocked!

"You wouldn't want HW to develop an alternative to wifi for you now, would you? I can't do that."

Qi Lei waved his hand, "Certainly not, how can I have time? You can tell me if you are interested."

Elder Ren, "Interested!"

Qi Lei, "All right, I'll get the patent for you later."

"Huh?" Elder Ren was a little stunned, "Get it here? What do you mean?"

He really didn't understand what was going on.

As a result, less than a month later, Qi Lei took Paulson to Shenzhen again to find Ren Lao to sign the agreement.

The contract flicked there, "Sign it! After signing the wifi patent, HW's."

Elder Ren, "..."

He thought that Qi Lei was joking to make him happy!

Too sloppy, right? It's too easy.

After signing the contract, Mr. Ren still feels unreal. Is this HW's?

Is the Austrian government out of breath? Does this give away the patent for nothing?

Qi Lei's answer was, "If this is a private company, it would be troublesome, or even impossible!"

No company is stupid enough to let this cash cow go.

"However, if it is the Austrian government, it will be too easy."

Mr. Ren seemed to understand, and glanced at Paulson without a trace.

He pointed to Paulson again, meaning, he got it?

I saw Qi Lei nodded, a positive answer.

This is Wall Street. They may not be able to obtain the core patents held by the US government, but the patents of the US younger brother are really not too easy.

Don't say it's a small patent, it's not a problem to give up your own interests and die with your father.

But Mr. Ren still doesn't quite understand. Even if it's not difficult for Paulson, why did he obediently send it to China?

Afterwards, Qi Lei's answer was just one sentence, "Because he can only be sent to China."

Wi-Fi technology is a very fast iterative technology, even faster than communication technology.

Therefore, it is useless to take this patent, and there must be an enterprise with the ability to re-create to continue to operate.

Qi Lei just told Paulson, "We need wifi technology for our mobile phones, and I don't want to pay Tuao's patent fees, what should I do?"

Paulson, "It's easy!"

Within a month, the patent transfer contract was handed over to Qi Lei.

Moreover, Paulson struggled without struggling, and gave it to Qi Lei directly, never thinking about staying in the United States.

As for why?

Very simply, the company in the United States that has the ability to develop wifi technology is Qualcomm, which is the Silicon Valley department, and Paulson is the enemy.

Looking at the world, Nokia, Ericsson, Samsung, etc. are capable of communication technology. They are either rivals on Zhitong machines, or they can't beat strangers.

He can only give it to Qi Lei, at least it is beneficial to him to put it in China.

Ren Lao is like a dream, this is too easy, right? And be ashamed of it.

"We are going to help you, so why did we take advantage of you?"

When Qi Lei heard this, "Don't say that, I don't lack anything, I just need someone who can help me share the technical pressure!"

"You get the wifi right, that's the biggest help to me."


Qi Lei came and went in a hurry, and he didn't stay in Shenzhen for a day.

On the plane back to Magic Capital, Paulson clearly felt that Qi Lei was very tired, but he had no sympathy at all.

There is no success in this world that comes easily, and Qi Lei's state makes Paulson very at ease, indicating that this kid doesn't waste a second.

Not only is he not sympathetic, but Paulson has to put more pressure on him.

"Reliable sources say Microsoft and Apple are already investing heavily to catch up with Nokia."

Qi Lei was still looking down at the document, and when he heard Paulson's words, he raised his head, "We are also speeding up."

Paulson, "That's really good news."

Qi Lei focused his attention on the document again and didn't answer. He was not in the mood to talk to Uncle Bao right now.

Paulson didn't get angry when he saw this, and continued, "Of course, I also know that you are under a lot of pressure. As you know about China Sanshi, it's a pity that I can't provide you with technical support."

"But!" The conversation changed, "But don't worry, if you have any financial needs, let me know at any time, and I will help you solve it."

Qi Lei didn't lift his head, "Okay!"

Paulson, "Do you need funds?"

Qi Lei, "Need."

"How much?"

Qi Lei, "First hit 10 billion over here."


Can't chat today! 10 billion with your mouth open?

And Paulson knows that this guy must be talking about Mi Yuan, not RMB.

"Do you want so much?"

Qi Lei raised his head, "What? Feeling distressed? Then don't brag about it!"

Paulson's cheeks were slightly warm, "Qi, what are you talking about? It's not about money, it's mainly..."

After pondering for a moment, "You know, even if I provide you with funds, I need to know where the money is spent, right?"

Qi Lei grinned, "You will know where the flowers are when you get off the plane."

Paulson was speechless and said in his heart, he wouldn't really need so much money, would he?

When he got off the plane, Paulson's face turned green.

He found out that if Qi Lei was missing, how could 10 billion be enough?

"Qi, you lunatic, you actually used the simplest and most rude way to speed up!"

what way?

Hehe, in order to deal with the 700 countdown caused by Nokia, Magic Capital Lab recruited relevant personnel from semiconductor manufacturers and mobile phone-related design units across the country to form a design team of four thousand people.

Even the office space and laboratory are borrowed from schools such as Jiaotong University.

The four teams started at the same is equivalent to developing four smart phones at the same time.

To put it more bluntly, the four tracks start at the same time, the last one wins and three are out.

It would be weird if it didn't burn money.

Paulson was dumbfounded, "Qi, are you really crazy? You... how much will it cost you? Can you get it back?"

Does he not consider cost?

In this regard, Qi Lei smiled slightly, "Cost? It's not worth mentioning in front of benefits!"

Paulson, "..."



【Monthly pass coin slot】

【Recommended ticket coin slot】

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