Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 328: He insults me!

The launch date is set for April Fool's Day, which is definitely an unexpected time node.

"Son, what do you think?"

Guo Lihua really couldn't understand it, and it almost came down to the mischief of young people.

In this regard, Qi Lei's explanation made Qi Ma speechless, "I just want to save some advertising costs."

Guo Lihua, "…"

What kind of brain circuit is this?

On the third day of the new year, Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua returned to Shangbei, and they were very busy with their work.

Before leaving, he had to tell Qi Lei to eat on time no matter how busy or tired he was.

After finally getting the second old man on the plane, Qi Lei didn't even get out of the airport and wanted to pick him up.

After waiting for more than an hour, Teacher Jia Taofang, Li Xin, Xu Chen, and Dong Xiuxiu appeared from the exit.

Qi Lei beckoned to them, "Mr. Jia!"

As the chief security engineer of the Pangu system, Jia Taofang brought the three little animals to Modu to do the last round of security testing of the system.

To this end, Mr. Jia also asked for a two-month leave.

Opposite Teacher Jia also saw Qi Lei, and waved with a smile, still with the gentle and jade-like style.

"Let's take a taxi and go there. You are also very busy."

Qi Lei took Teacher Jia's luggage, but cast a playful glance at Dong Xiuxiu, who had become a big girl.

"Isn't there a glass beauty here? If the taxi drives faster, and if something happens to her, the two of you have to fight with me?"

In a word, Dong Xiuxiu blushed and raised her head, while Xiang Lun and Xu Chen giggled.

Of course, now I know even more that the classmate and boss behind him is a fake handle with a knife mouth and a tofu heart.

In those years, I helped us at the most difficult time, and maintained the poor self-esteem of the Eight Great Beasts with a greater heart.

On the way to the residence, Xiang Lun stuck his head out from the front row and offered a special gift, "Class leader, you have an internship this year, he will let you officially join Baishi!"

As Sam drove, he glanced at me lightly, and said politely: "Okay! Investment is so young, there should be no return."

"Is it true..." The conversation changed, "You spend so little money, is it not a loss to be an undergraduate student? What if you go to graduate school?"

That time, it was Teacher Jia who took over the conversation, "What do you think is necessary for graduate school. My department head will lead graduate students and tell you personally that Qi Lei's current level is completely lost to master students."

"As far as a diploma is concerned, he will let me be the master! Besides, it is necessary to study for a Ph.D."

According to Teacher Jia, it is indeed necessary.

Doctor and master are basically two directions. Doctors are more inclined to academic research, and Qi Lei has no intention of going in that direction. The master level is enough.

After Sam listened, he nodded and said, "Let's read one!"

After pondering for a moment, "If you look at the country, you can go out. It's a few years away."

Qi Lei was a little embarrassed, and I said that I actually love reading too much. But I can listen to what the class leader says.

It was Charles, "Class leader, you want to go abroad, okay?"

For fear that Sam would refuse, "You have been invited by MIT as a mentor, and you want to go out and have a look."

Xiang Wheel, "…"

After holding back for a long time, "Is there a problem with your body?"

Charles's illness was theoretically cured, and even the attending doctor said it was a medical miracle. In that state, life is only a little bit worse than that of an abnormal person.

After all, the parts were replaced, and it was still very empty.

Did Sam immediately give advice and asked Xiang Qi Lei and Xu Chen, "What do they think?"

The two looked at each other and laughed bitterly, "Of course you want you to go! But, you are listening."

Charles said without any hesitation, "Sister Jun encourages you to go out, you say you have a problem!"

"Sister Jun..." Sam shook his head and sighed, trying to say something, "If you say that, then he will go!"

Life is very wonderful, who would have thought that Jun Xinzhuo and Xiang Lunting, who were too capable, would become very good sisters!

That was a few years later, when Xiuxiu had a kidney transplant, Sam's gang visited you once in the hospital, and Sister Jun was there.

Ranqian...Ranqian, the two seem to get along very well.

During this time, Sam was busy and the boys were busy, so he just wanted to go to Xiuxiu's side. As long as Sister Jun is free, she goes to the hospital to take care of her. After coming and going, the two became good sisters.

In fact, in those few years, Xiang Lun and the Eight Great Animals only communicated by phone, and they met a lot, but Jun Xinzhuo and Xiuxiu got closer.

You refuse Xiuxiu to go abroad...

Well, to be honest, Jun Xinzhuo gave Sam a very impressive impression.

Just kidding, Sam believes that you will be the maid of Li Xinyi's family in your next life, or a child bride.

Li Xinyi has gone through four lifetimes of good luck, meeting such a girl, and having a one-stop nanny-level love is the same as a special affair.

Inexplicably, he has no money. If he has something to do, he will sell a bowl and post it to Li Xinyi.

In addition, do you still remember how Xiang Lun retreated into the competition in the international semiconductor industry? But I bought Imagination, and it ended with Byron's entry. And how did Byron retreat into Sam's vision? It was my sister who reminded me.

A primary school student from Beijing Institute of Technology, who is still studying aerospace engineering, is basically on the side of microelectronics. How do you know a German? That was something Sam had thought all too well.

Of course, there are not many such.

Thinking about it carefully, Sister Jun can appear just right every time and solve some problems.

Even after getting along so young, Xiang Lun always thought that Sister Jun was a mystery.

You think Xiuxiu can go, so this is the way to go, right?

Chao Bada only said, "Let's go out and have a look! Don't think about paying the bills, you keep them for small use. Come to Bashi now, I will lose money."

The eight people pouted, and the class leader is a good thing to say.

And Dong Xiuxiu looked at the seven-year-old with a smile, and suddenly said, "In the past years, the top class in the top class in the seventh middle school is the seventeenth class."

The seven people froze for a while, and then smiled knowingly. Especially Sam, the smile is particularly dim.

This is my first achievement and the smallest achievement I consider myself to be.

The July in the magic capital is gradually warming up, and there is not much freshness and vitality in everything.

Bashi's R&D retreat is also steadily retreating, and there are no surprises every day.

Sam is also more and more convinced that Yashiki mate.1 may really amaze the world.

So much so that I have no regrets, "Why do you want to be on July 1st next year? At the end of this year, as you can see, it will be less!"

"At that time, Lao Tzu will be the first to release, and no one will want to live!"

That is the truth. Judging from the information disclosed by the various companies, Baishi should have no opponents.

If Baishi delays the release, what is Nokia, what is Microsoft, what is Apple, if it is a surprising move, it will basically be sold.

Xiang Lun, who was on the side, listened, and it was Yu Yu's joke, "It's too late for him to change the delisting time now! If so, will we end by the end of the year?"

"Well..." Sam pondered, and finally shook his head.

"never mind."

Koch saw me shaking his head, and suddenly became interested, "Why? From a marketing perspective, if it is delayed until this year, it will be weaker than his July 1st marketing. Why change it?"

I saw Sam's mouth flattened appetizingly, "Forget it, forget it, what's the reason."

Xiang Lun said, "Yes, he told you, you are really curious."

"That's fine!" Sam looked at Xiang Lun, "We just need to be the first, the only one."

Koch, "????"

After thinking for a long time, "Is it the only one? It's too understanding."

Yes, yes, I understand what "unique" means. If Baishi delays its release, other companies have no surprises, which is basically cool. The smartphone market is dominated by the Bashi family. Is this the only one?

Sam, "Number one, too ostentatious, slow to die!"

"Seventh, your goal is the low-end market. Even if you untargetedly seize some special consumers in the future, it will be enough to eat, and it is necessary to be a beacon."

"Eighth, the one and only is absolutely a good thing for consumers, for yourself."

Koch fell into contemplation, and it took a long time before he nodded, thinking about understanding, "That's right, Qi, he has no idea."

There is no old saying in China, which is called "the lower part wins the cold". Koch believes that Sam should be well versed in the way of concealment, but he wants to be too public and just wants to make a small fortune in silence.

Anyway, Xiang Lun is quite admired. It is difficult to have such a low strategic vision and resist temptation.

As everyone knows, fart's strategic vision, the reason why Sam wants to be the only one is because I have seen the only one in my previous life, in the mobile phone industry.

Beat HW up, how about before? Small homes are rotten, and it is consumers who are hurt.

In later generations, Sam suffered a loss as a consumer, and used a mate30 for nearly seven years.

There are already expectations and desires for new mobile phones, because the difference is less.

It turned out to be back in the past, and Sam played like that too?

Being able to do this is in line with Xiang Lun's original intention. Although it was refreshing and relieved, the injured consumers were still alive.

Although very few people know where they are injured.

"Just July 1st!"

Sam said at the beginning, "It can also leave a little less time for testing and make the product a little better."

"Yeah." Koch responded in a muffled voice, pouting his lips so-called.

But there was a little doubt in my heart. If Sam thinks so, will others think so too?


New York, EDN headquarters.

Adams had locked himself out of his office for a full half a month.

At this moment, a pair of bloodshot eyes stared at a list.

Yang Xiao…

Xu Qian…

Wu Ning…

Tang Yi…



Gerald Merlin…

Christine Merlin (Chen Wenjie)…

Koch Brown…

Bill Gates, Kraug, Steve Jobs…

Gene Sharpe…

Those were all people who had nothing to do with Sam, whether they were friends, business partners, or rivals, all under that piece of paper.

Just staring at the long list, Adams has been staring at it for a little time.

Suddenly, Baker pushed the door and stepped back and came to Adams with a joking smile.

"Adams, why do you think he's more emotional than you now? Do you have to compete with this Chinese?"

Adams also answered, continuing the deduction that I had repeated several times.

"Yang Xiao, Xu Qian, Wu Ning, Tang Yi..."

Baker already knew the answer, "Don't think about it, the relationship between the seven and Sam, just like him and you, he found any breakthrough. It was at the earliest moment that he took advantage of those few people."

Adams Demon Barrier, "This Merlin father and son? No Koch Brown yet?"

Baker pouted, "It's hard! Paulson said it, he moved it to me. And whether this father and son and Sam have any interests or not, you all know. As for Koch, is he going to China investigating?"

I saw Adams crossed out the names of Yang Xiao, Xu Qian, Mo Lin and his son, and Koch.

In the beginning, only Bill, the founder of Microsoft, Klauger, the president of Intel, and Steve Jobs of Apple were left.

Baker had no idea that time, "We're all Sam's opponents. What's the use of him staying?"

Adams shook his head, "Yes, yes, opponents, it's even more useless."

Looking at the computer screen, the following is the "big T classmate" of the Penguin community.

"Now, we seem to be at a disadvantage behind the Eight Stone Faces. Do you think we should be willing to deal with this guy with you?"

Sam's opponents have no funds, no connections, and those are useless to Adams.

If used well, it can even make decisions at the lower level.

At that time, it is so troublesome to use. Just like dealing with Sony and Baxing in the past, you can deal with that trouble by carefully looking for an excuse.

Baker had something to say, he had to remind Adams, "He didn't forget how Guo Lihua and Tang Xiao explained to us. I only allow him to conduct some unlimited investigations on Sam, just in case, without authorization. He's acting too little."

Guo Lihua. Xiang Lun, that is the person Adams will meet next time outside this forest villa in Washington.

how to say? If he thinks that in the United States, the B palace is the smallest, he is very wrong.

The power that really controls the United States is the power behind the back, and Guo Lihua Xianglun and my brother Xiaowei Tang Xiaoyou are suspected to be one of them.

Let’s just say, Brother Tang is an energy giant in the United States and controls the “Cato Institute”, one of the top think tanks in the United States.

Since the end of the 1970s, there have been countless foundations, political organizations, and policy organizations that have been fully controlled and funded by us.

Attention, it is counted!

Including, EDN Foundation for Democracy.

Maybe no one thinks that funding those organizations is useless, and there are no officials.

wrong! In fact, they are all over the place.

The political system in the United States is the same as ours. Do you really think that electoral politics is in line with public opinion, and the virtuous should live in it?

In fact, in the United States, from congressmen to officials, in a sense, all come from those foundations, political organizations, and policy organizations.

Take the EDN Democracy Foundation as an example. He thinks it really studies how to be democratic and how to be free?

In particular, the foundation consists of eight parts:

One is to manage money. UU Kanshu has no dedicated team to operate its funds.

Seven are Adams and Baker, who belong to work.

Eighth are these post officers, current officers and reserve officers.

To put it bluntly, it is a circle, a circle of interests. And the circle controlled by little brother Tang, maybe only we know so much.

We are the real gangsters.

"The Xianglun family wants you to touch this Chinese."

"Including Palace B all want to see Sam fall, especially in the hands of EDN!"

"So, Adams, let him live her!"

Adams looked up, looked at Baker icily, and suddenly opened the drawer, there was no envelope outside, and there was no 3264.99 yuan outside the envelope.

That money is what Sam will give me next time.

Well, next time Adams met Xiang Lun, did Xiang Lun give me the envelope with the money outside.

At that time, Adams still knew what it meant, and he came back and checked to understand that the discounted air ticket from New York to China Magic Capital on the same day was exactly 3264.99 yuan.

What do you mean?

That was telling Adams, if I find fault again, let me follow Sharp's footsteps and go to China to reunite with master and apprentice!

Annoyed Adams had gone to dinner for several days.

Now it's all down to Sam, and that's why.

"You must remove this bastard, I respect you!"

Baker: "…"

Baker wanted to say, there is actually something good, I kind of want to take care of Sharp's later life.


What's this.

One chapter today! Akito is speaking in secret, there are no games in dota2, I want to watch...

Try to make up for it tomorrow.

OK, let's spray!

It is spraying to look like an old man.

【Monthly pass coin slot】

【Recommended ticket coin slot】

(End of this chapter)

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