Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 88: Qi Lei seems to be calculated

On August 27th, Zhao Wei went back to Shangbei and brought back 12,000 yuan.

This is the income of the first month of cooperation with Zhou Tao. Because the business has just started and the two companies are equally divided, it is not too much.

However, in Zhao Wei's eyes, it was the same as what he dreamed. I was only sixteen, and I made so much money with an idea, and I was full of emotion.

Handing the money to Qi Lei, although Zhao Wei concealed it, his eyes couldn't deceive people, and he had expectations.

Yes, after all, he also worked for Qi Lei for a month, and Zhao Wei still doesn't know how much Qi Lei paid him!

In this regard, Qi Lei only smiled faintly, counted three thousand from the pile of money, and pushed it to Zhao Wei, "Yours."

Zhao Wei was surprised.

"No!" The first reaction was, "Too many."

Let alone selling socks, what kind of job you do this year, you can't make three thousand?

Tang Xiaoyi on the side laughed, "Why is that so much nonsense? Take it and it's over!"

Zhao Wei: "......"

Qi Lei said: "This is what our three brothers have discussed. No matter how much you earn or less, the four people will share it equally."

Zhao Wei still doesn't follow, "I just work a part-time job."

Wu Ning said, "No matter how polite it is, that's not the case. Our three brothers still take advantage of you!"

It did take advantage, Qi Lei came up with an idea, and Zhao Wei had to take care of the rest. Even if you don't mention the friendship of future generations, Zhao Wei should also take the money.

Moreover, Qi Lei did not take the initiative to propose it this time. It was Tang Yi and Wu Ning who went to Harbin, and saw Zhao Wei staying in the store. They really couldn't bear it.

These two goods still have a young sense of justice. In Tang Yi's words, "Hey, if you don't give more, we won't be a week?"

In this regard, Qi Lei did not stop. Although logic is not such a logic, Zhao Wei is an exception.

It's a pity that Zhao Wei is also stubborn, not so much life and death.

Qi Lei couldn't help but resorted to his assassin again, "Your sister is about to start school, and her computer room won't be able to open. At that time, you will be the only source of income for your family."

As a result, Zhao Wei said, "She goes to school, and the computer room is open."

"Huh?" Qi Lei was startled, somewhat surprised, "then who is watching?"

Looking up at Qi Lei, Zhao Wei looked weird: "You really don't know?"

Qi Lei: "What do I know?"

Since returning from Baihezi, Qi Lei has been forced to learn as a fool by Xu Xiaoqian.

Those two made Yang Xiaoxun obsessed with rock and roll, and hardly got to the computer.

Zhao Wei, "My sister and your third uncle are friends."

"Puff!!" The three brothers all sprayed.

Unanimously, "So fast!?"

Well, Qi Guodong's thoughts are well known, but Zhao Na is a relatively shy woman, and the three brothers estimate that the third uncle will have to work hard!

How come it's been only a month to help others look after the house?

Wu Xiaojian was dumbfounded and looked at Qi Lei, "It really is from the ancestors of the old Qi family!"

So fast, right?

"Ahem!" Qi Lei was a little out of breath, this thing... is a good thing.

Sister Na didn't have to say, she thought about it and the third uncle was a good match.

However, the elder sister who had been called for more than ten years in the previous life suddenly became the third aunt, so she couldn't accept it?

When he was struggling, Zhao Wei said in a muffled voice, "Your third uncle will not bully my sister, will you? The ugly thing is, if he dares, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

Qi Lei glared at him, "What do you want to do? Is my third uncle that kind of person?"

Zhao Wei also knew that this was not right, so he chuckled, "I'm just... a little anxious, nonsense."

Qi Lei, "Speak less and do more in the future!"

Zhao Wei, "Hmm."

"Take the money! Your sister doesn't need it, and you have a lot of money."

Zhao Wei, "I don't need much money."

Qi Lei, "rent a house! Don't sleep in the store."

Zhao Wei, "No need, the shop is pretty good."

Qi Lei, "Then you are not looking for someone? I heard your sister say, what is the name of a friend before? Wen Qinruo? The one who is currently on the police academy in Harbin."

Zhao Wei: "......"

Old Zhao Wei blushed, "What does my sister say?"

Qi Lei, "I used to be separated because of lack of emotion. Now that the conditions are good, I have to do business, and I will chase back when I have to. What a girl!"

Zhao Wei: "......"

Finally, Zhao Wei collected the money.

Xin said, Qi Lei, the grandson of God, can hit his weakness in return.


Zhao Wei did not return to Harbin that day, he still had two things to do.

First, take back the remaining socks on Qi Lei's side, and the night market stall is over.

The second is to send Zhao Na back to school at the University of Technology.

Okay, I'm sending Zhao Na back to school with Qi Guodong.

That night, Qi Lei called out Li Hanhan and Lu Xiaoshuai.

I didn't go to a serious restaurant, and set up a barbecue stall on the side of the Great Cross Street. Everyone opened up to eat, and opened up to make a fuss. It was a farewell to setting up a stall during the summer vacation.

Of course, no one has any parting emotions. Because three or four days later, most of the more than 50 people have to get tired of working in a school.

If you don't harm the night market, you have to continue to harm the second middle school.

Li Hanhan was a little excited, "When school starts, my sister will take someone to you to give you courage!"

Lu Xiaoshuai also floated, "It would be nice if we were in the same class!"

Hearing Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "Make us all a class? Then this class is ruined."

When Lu Xiaoshuai heard it, it was really not very good, "Then we will continue to set up a stall next summer vacation and regain its glory!"

"I'll go to you!"

It was buried by everyone without Lei Qi's hands. You haven't done enough yet, have you?

However, Xu Xiaoqian was a little melancholy when it came to the division of classes, "You said, can we be divided into one class?"

In this regard, Qi Lei does not have much hope.

The first grades of the second middle school are generally twelve to thirteen classes, and are divided into classes based on the principle of lottery.

It's just a bunch of good grades, a bunch of ordinary ones, and then a bunch of bargaining students like Qi Lei, each class teacher grasps whichever one.

The probability of being put into a class with Xu Xiaoqian is not high, anyway Qi Lei does not hold this illusion. Besides, isn't there an old mother-in-law?

Xu Xiaoqian estimated that the old fox should act. Although Qi Lei was also worried, according to Xu Qian's description of her mother, Qi Lei judged that the mother-in-law should not be able to do so.

Principal Zhang Da is the kind of person who likes to play Yangmou, even if there is any "bad thoughts", it is all on the bright side, and you can't fault it.

Doing tricks in the division of classes should not be possible.

Well, Qi Lei is still naive.


At this moment, Xu's living room.

As soon as Xu Wenliang entered the house, he saw his wife sitting in the living room waiting for him to have a meal.

Xu Wenliang scanned the house, "Where is Qianqian?"

Zhang Nan, "Their night market stall ended today, and a group of people went to celebrate, not eating at home."

"Oh." Xu Wenliang didn't take it seriously. After washing his hands, he sat down and had dinner with Zhang Nan.

During this time, Zhang Nan suddenly stopped his chopsticks, "I want to tell you something."

Xu Wenliang, "Yeah."

Zhang Nan, "I can't be the principal for nothing, I want to make some changes."

Xu Wenliang was slightly stagnant, knowing that Zhang Nan's next words should not be good.

Because under normal circumstances, Zhang Nan would not take her work home and talk about it, so as not to affect Xu Wenliang, let alone worry about him.

Speak out now and explain that what is going to be said next may affect him.

"Tell me."

Zhang Nan, "It is necessary to carry out reforms in the school, regardless of the faculty of teachers or the source of students, and the system of equal distribution is not adopted."

"Well, what else?"

Zhang Nan, "It is divided into top class, ordinary class and poor class."

Xu Wenliang got it.

This is indeed a troublesome thing, the idea is good, and the key middle schools in big cities do it like this.

The top class produces results, and there are top classes hanging there, whether it is a teacher or a student, there is pressure, and pressure is transformed into motivation.

However, if big cities can do this, small places are another logic.

Shang Bei is too young, and his relationship is solidified. Why does your child enter the top class? Why do my kids have to go to ordinary classes?

Besides, just like those children in the government compound, their parents have been colleagues and neighbors for more than ten years or decades. How should they be divided? Throw away the poor student class?

Not to mention whether the students are happy or not, the parents will not be able to pass this level, and Xu Wenliang will be embarrassed.

Frowning, "Have you figured it out? It's hard to be fair!"

This fairness is not fair division, but fairness who should go to which class is which class.

"It will be troublesome."

Zhang Nan said: "That's why I discussed it with you. If it will bring pressure to you, I don't need to do it."

Xu Wenliang was silent, and after a while, "Let's do it! It's no big deal, just to change these unhealthy trends!"

The more he speaks, the more determined he is, "Yes, I will start with the second of you!"

Zhang Nan smiled. She could think that Xu Wenliang would support her, but it was different when her husband said it.

The two continued to eat, but Xu Wenliang stopped eating as he ate, and said, "I think it is fine for the top class and the ordinary class. The poor student class, you are..."

Somewhat solemnly, "Isn't it aimed at that kid?"

Qi Lei's results should belong to the poor student class and did not run.

Zhang Nan also stopped and looked up, "To be honest, it's really because of that kid."


"If it weren't for him, maybe I wouldn't put together a special class for poor students."

This made Xu Wenliang even more puzzled. He was still relatively keen. Zhang Nan said ‘because of that kid’ instead of ‘for that kid.’ The meaning is different.

"what happened?"

There was a hint of playfulness in Zhang Nan's eyes, "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure!"

Xu Wenliang didn't follow him. He got interested and showed a joking smile, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Okay, Zhang Nan frowned to look at him.

What's wrong? Why are you suddenly so interested?

I had to talk to Xu Wenliang about my thoughts, and Xu Wenliang was sweating coldly.

Finally, he rarely had to say, "My wife is a great educator!"

Okay, why is it a bit dark and cool?

Thinking of Qi Lei's performance in Baihezi, Xin said, have you met a strong enemy this time? I can't cure you, someone can cure it!


Qi Lei and the others weren't crazy too late. They agreed to meet at the beginning of school before seven, and went home swayingly.

The three brothers arrived home just after seven o'clock, the sky is still dark, and the three pairs of parents have not returned.

Yes, as the affairs of the pharmaceutical factory and the non-staple food factory get deeper and deeper, the six adults come back later and later, and Guo Lihua’s voice is getting smaller and smaller, including the smiles on the faces of the adults. few.

There are too many things to worry about.

Qi Lei decided not to worry about the adults deliberately because of his feelings from the last trip, so he rarely asked about the details of the factory.

Including himself, he originally wanted to write a network or something, but he also shelved it.

School has started, and being a good student is his top priority.

It's just that today is different. Brother San waited until after eight o'clock before the adults came back.

Tang Xiaoyi mysteriously gathered the six adults together, and the three brothers looked solemn and excited.

The adults don't know what they are going to do. Guo Lihua rubbed his eyebrows tiredly, "I haven't been beaten in almost two months, have I? If you have something to say, it's all right!"

Cui Yumin was also panicked and did not pretend to be a loving mother: "We are all very tired, what are you moths?"

However, I saw that the three juniors only took out 20,000 yuan and placed it upright on the coffee table.

This is two months, all the income from the stalls of the three brothers, including the nine thousand that Zhao Wei took back.

In fact, there can be a little more, because the last month's income from the market share was all donated by them.

It was not donated to the People's Liberation Army, but to Zhaobei.

At the most critical moment of the Songhua River flood situation, Zhaobei opened the local embankment of the Songhua River section to protect the safety of the urban area of ​​Harbin. The people of Zhaobei made great sacrifices.

In short, the three brothers took back 20,000 yuan in total, originally intending to pay the negotiation fee, but in the end they were waived by the second middle school.

This makes Tang Xiaoyi very upset. I still want to pretend to be a force in front of Old Tang, so how can I avoid it?

In the end, Qi Lei and Wu Ning were urged to pretend, so there was today's scene.

Tang Xiaoyi waved his hand, "I earned it during the summer vacation. Let's use it for my career!"




Adults in a room, look at me, I look at you, this impact is no less than that of the night market.

Gritting his teeth against the sour gas in his nostrils, in the end, Tang Chenggang slowly collected the 20,000 yuan, "This money... Dad keeps it!"

Let Cui Yumin go home and take out 30,000 yuan, "It's the dad who bought it from you!"

No matter how difficult it is for Lao Tang now, it is not less than 20,000 yuan. However, this is the first sum of money earned by the three children!

You have to keep it for a lifetime!

When I arrived, Brother San didn't figure it out too much, "Let's...Shall we take out 20,000 yuan? Why is there an extra 10,000 yuan?"

Finally returned to Qi Lei's room, looking at the 30,000 yuan, I was a little at a loss, "How am I correct?"

Tang Xiaoyi asked, he had thought about making money, but he hadn't really thought about how to spend it.

Finally, Wu Xiaojian came up with an idea, "Or, let's sell two electric pianos and get a drum set?"

Well, since Yang Xiao came, Wu Xiaojian wanted a set of drums and had been thinking about it for a long time.

Qi Lei had no objection.

Just so, Yang Xiao will return to Harbin City tomorrow, "Then you two will follow Yang Xiao tomorrow!"

"Are you not going?"

Qi Lei looked bitter, "I can't go, I have to go to school tomorrow, see Xu Xiaoqian his mother!"

"Ah!?" The brothers were shocked, "What's the situation?"

In fact, there is nothing wrong with that report.

At that time, didn't he donate two thousand yuan to the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. As a result, they reported that as soon as the flood situation in Longjiang Province eased, they remembered Qi Lei and insisted on sending a pennant.

So it was sent to the second middle school.

Tomorrow is the day set, and Qi Lei gets the field, and it is estimated that President Zhang will not be able to run.

For Qi Lei, it was quite bumpy anyway.

The old mother-in-law has finally been dealt with, and the old mother-in-law jumped out again.

I can only say that it is too difficult to report the results, as of 8 o'clock in the morning, our first order and uniform order are already in the boutique.

Cangshan is still very satisfied with this result. As mentioned before, the exposure is not enough, and nearly 50,000 of the 70,000 collections are invalid data pulled by the Silver League.

The actual collection is actually only more than 20,000, and it can still be the first day of fine products. It can only be said that everyone is already very impressive.

thank you all.

But...I believe that the results of "The Flowing Years" will not stop here. Cangshan will work harder and ask everyone for their support.

At present, the monthly ticket list of new books is No. 6, and maybe I can go up again...

There will be more updates today.

Update desperately, but that's it! !

Throwing up the monthly pass or something.

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