Rebirth Just Before The 10th Circle

Chapter 120 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

“No, where the hell did you come from now? How many did you and the deputy director look for!”

“Hmmmm… I’ve been a little busy with personal research on this and that…”

“Anyway, let’s go to the warden immediately. If I don't contact you today, it seems that the deputy director was planning to release the person and find the chief researcher.”


Having said that, Merlin walked quietly as the researcher went on his way.

‘If I had been a little bit late, I would have been annoyed.’

Merlin poked her hand in her pocket and glanced around at the people busily moving in and out of the lab.

‘It wasn’t just the Academy that was cluttered by the emperor’s visit.’

Seeing the researchers working harder than ever, Merlin shook her head.

'I'm afraid of power. It makes even the humans who were only researching move like that.’

But there was a voice that completely shook Merlin's thoughts.

“You can’t be straight! If the emperor comes and sees this and cuts research expenses, you will be held responsible! To create an atmosphere that you are concentrating on your research as much as possible! there! Who's the one who brought a cushion or something to the lab? Get rid of all the cushions!”

“Sin, sorry!”

“The first is research funding, and the second is research funding! Third is research expenses! And don't forget that research money comes from the Emperor's pocket! Do you think the Emperor will open his pockets as we sit in our comfy chairs and study? It means creating an atmosphere that you are doing research in an environment that seems as empty as possible!”


Merlin was at a loss for words when he heard the cry of the deputy director, who was leading the researchers while shouting whale whales.

Only then did he realize.

‘Oh, this wasn’t cleaning… was it taking things out?’

It's even to get more research funding by making a seemingly pointless spectacle.

Merlin nodded his head seriously.

“Yes… it can be.”

There was also a time when he ran on his own feet to earn even a penny more for research funding.

Because of this, Merlin could deeply empathize with the deputy chief's shouting.

“Right now, take all the things you want to go up in price from the lab and put them in the warehouse!”


“There… huh?”

The deputy director who led the researchers like that.

When he found Merlin, he was startled and ran backwards.

“No, Merlin is here!”

“Yes, long time no see.”

“Yeah, how do you like the house?”

“It’s so good. This allowed me to focus on my personal research from the comfort of my own home.”

“That’s right?”

It was Merlin who didn't even saliva in his mouth and lied.

Before the vice-president asks what he's been up to, he hits the player first.

The deputy chief paused for a moment at Merlin's words.

Soon, his eyes twinkled as if he remembered something.

“Personal study. What research did you do?”

“Ummm… this and that?”

“Can you show me later?”

“It’s not difficult.”

Riga would have done some personal research...

But it was Merlin who could create anything like that on the spot.

How many magic circles did he know?

Even if you throw in just one of them, it will be enough to surprise the deputy director.

The deputy chief, with an expectant face, placed his arm around Merlin's shoulder.

“Come on, I heard that your brother was waiting for you like that. Let’s go quickly.”


Seeing the deputy director with his brightly lit eyes shimmered, he felt nervous, but he had to see the director’s face anyway, so Merlin quietly followed the deputy director.

That's how we arrived at the collection room.

“Is Merlin here?”

The manager, who was working in his office, greeted Merlin.

“How have you been?”

"Yeah. Dogs in the past. I was too busy doing some research, so I couldn't say hello. Sorry."

"haha. This can be happen. No, that's how you get to be a real scientist! What if a scientist is into research and something else catches his eye? At that time, I had to go to sleep at night and skip meals to study. Once I was immersed in my research, I didn’t come out of the lab for several months.”

“Oh! You are also the director!”

At Merlin's words, the warden showed a happy expression on his face.

Merlin, who seemed to understand everything from the warden, also smiled and stared at the warden.

“Yeah, how did the research come about?”

“Perfect! I studied the cool stuff!”

“Huh? Then can you show me later?”

“It’s okay!”

Seeing Merlin smirking, the warden said with a kind face.



“It’s good to do research, but be sure to come to the lab two days later.”


“It’s the day the person who lends us research funds visits.”(Read more @

The warden who says that the emperor is merely a research fund lender.

His story continued.

“Aren’t you the head researcher of our institute by name? So on such a day, at least your face should be shown.”


Merlin scratched his cheek slightly.

A high position as a senior researcher was comfortable and good, but there were also responsibilities.

Of course, Merlin had it, but it was a mana responsibility, but when the warden said this, he couldn't answer that he wouldn't come out that day.

"Okay. I'm a senior researcher, but I have to do that. No matter how dog. Even if you are busy with research.”

"okay. That’s it!”

It was Merlin who dared to emphasize personal research once more.

The warden patted her Merlin on the shoulder, then looked at the deputy chief and asked.

“Okay, how are the preparations going?”

“It’s going well. Don't worry."

“Are you ready for a demonstration for your Majesty?”


The deputy director suddenly opened his mouth with a sinister laugh at the question of the director.

“Brother, I have a story to tell you because of that.”


“Hey, didn’t you originally plan to do the demonstration with the research materials of the first team?”

"It did."

“But no matter how much you think about it, I don’t think the Emperor will ever be satisfied with that.”


At the deputy chief's words, the chief stroked his chin.

It was definitely a valid statement.

This was not the emperor's first visit to the institute.

Each time, the research institute demonstrated to the emperor to show the results of their research.

In some ways, the demonstration by the research team 1 was not much different from what the emperor had seen so far.

After thinking for a while, the manager asked.

"so? Are you saying that we should come and prepare something else now?”

“No, no. First, let me show you the demonstration I had originally prepared... If the emperor's reaction is not satisfactory. Let me show you one more thing.”

“Then I must prepare from now on. Hmmm... time is running out.”

"haha. My brother is too. What are you worried about! I already have something ready!”

“What do you mean?”

The deputy director looked back at Merlin with great anticipation at the warden's question.

Merlin shrugged at his anticipatory gaze.

‘Stand, maybe?’

Anxiety slowly crept up from the inside of his chest.

just as expected.

“Isn’t this our blessing? Wouldn't the Emperor be surprised by the results of our chief researcher's personal research?"

"Five?! right! That was it!”

The commander groaned and struck back at the words of the deputy commander.

The Warden asked, turning to Merlin.

“Merlin, are you okay?”


Merlin was at a loss for words.

'Oh, this isn't it...'

Would you have expected that the words you made up to cover up something else you did in the past would come back with this kind of result?

Seeing the burdensome reaction of the two, Merlin sighed.

“Haha… is that something you have to do?”

“It is not forcing. However, based on our experience so far... depending on what kind of research results we demonstrate in front of the emperor, our research budget has some impact..."


“No, of course, if you don’t want to decide, it’s okay not to!

The deputy chief's mouth said it was okay, but his face was a begging expression.

'Research fund...'

Merlin's heart ached at the word 'research fund'.

In this way, when she sees the director and deputy director hanging on a penny for research grants, she remembers the woman of the past.

And it was difficult for her to step out of her yard, where she had already said that she had perfected the result.

Merlin sighed heavily.

“Haha, I see.”

At Merlin's consent, the complexions of the warden and deputy director brightened.

The deputy chief asked with a look of anticipation.

"haha! He is also our chief researcher! So... what was our Merlin researching?”

Merlin stopped at the deputy chief's words.

he said with a firm expression.

“Hmmmm. I cannot tell you.”

"Eh? why not?"

“Mi, if you know in advance… it’s not fun.”


“But I bet. The results of my research are surprising enough for both of you.”

It was Merlin who had never really thought about what to show, so I gave it a try.

At his words, the deputy chief was startled and stuttered.

“Ah, no matter what… we need to know what we’re going to demonstrate so we can prepare.”

“Okay, deputy chief.”

“Tongue, brother?”

The deputy chief turned his head towards the warden, who restrained him with a startled look.

The warden, on the other hand, was looking at Merlin.

“Is there any definite results?”


“Then it happened.”

“No, bro!”

“Okay. this man Merlin knows how to prepare. And if the Emperor is satisfied with her first demonstration, she doesn't need Merlin to intervene, right?"

“That’s… it is.”

It was Merlin who was rather at a loss for words in their conversation.

‘Isn’t this… you trust me too much?’

People who want to take care of themselves in an important place where budgeting is at stake.

I couldn't help but feel a little pressured.

"a. Let's see. I believe too, Merlin!”

“Shit. I'm already looking forward to it. What Merlin will show you.”



It became very burdensome.

Merlin was at a loss for words when she saw the two laughing as if they were happy.

'Isn't this... too late?'

At a glance, it seemed that their expectations were not so high.

It seemed that it was difficult to meet those expectations in any way.


Merlin sighed inwardly.

he opened his mouth

“Instead, I can’t come out for a few days because I have to refine the results of that study.

"cancer! You need to focus on getting ready! Do whatever you want.”

“If you need someone, just tell me. I'll pick some good guys and send them to you."

"···Fine. Because I have to do this on my own.”

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