Rebirth Just Before The 10th Circle

Chapter 162 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Morgan noticed this and raised his index finger lightly.

A crow that was prowling the ceiling of the bathroom landed on Morgan's hand.


Five-eyed crow.

Morgan stroked his hair a few times.

Then the crow opened her mouth and vomited out a small cylinder.

Then she flew back as if something had happened.

“What news did you get?”

Muttering to himself as if singing a song, Morgan opened the cylinder that the crow had given him.

Then a small dried parchment was revealed in it.

On the parchment was a short inscription.

[Fortress change detection. Presumed to be temporarily open.]

short phrases.

Seeing this, the corners of Morgan's lips curled up.

"Hmm... that housekeeper opened the door, isn't it?"

The crow was sent from an informant of the church who was observing the forest fortress.

The news they delivered was also what Morgan had been waiting for.

“It’s fun.”

A fortress in the forest that has not been open for a long time.

What will the elves do to open the fortress?

Morgan, who remembered it, lifted his body up.

Morgan stepped out of the bathtub.

Soon, strong mana wrapped around her body, and the water left on her skin quickly evaporated and flew away.

Morgan smiled as she put on her fluttering robe.

“Shall we check where our house-soonie came out for what?”

She hummed a little as if she was happy.

And with him, a new version of her Morgan melted in the air.

clue (1)

clue (1)

It's been two days since I entered the unavoidable closed life.

“Oh, sir.”

Merlin spit out a smirk in the stinging irritation.

“What the hell is this?”

She meditated, even reducing her sleep.

However, Merlin had not yet come up with a clue of how to pull out Excalibur.

‘How the hell did you eat the knife?’

She jumped up from her seat, and Merlin stood around the room.

“I mean, there was definitely… there wasn’t?”

She didn't even know what Merlin was talking about.

But she said that she was the truth.

Obviously, the physically existing Excalibur was absorbed into the body and disappeared.

There was no place she hadn't looked at for two days.

She looked first at the bones, then through the skin, muscles, internal organs and blood.

And yet, she couldn't find Excalibur.

She said, 'Once I knew where it was, I would take it out and throw it. damn it! Why is the soul of a god like this...? Almighty... the soul of a god?'

A thought flashed through Merlin's mind.

Merlin exclaimed loudly as she attained her enlightenment.

“You idiot! Why didn't I think of this?!”

Merlin blamed himself for his mistake.

Adamantium, and something that I could not think of because of the reality of the sword.

It was that Excalibur was the vessel that contained the soul of the gods.

He immediately sat down and closed his eyes.

Merlin quickly entered the inner contemplation.

He initially emptied his thoughts and spread mana throughout his body.

The tension in his body was released and a feeling of refreshment revolved around him.

In such a state, Merlin began to practice mana slowly.

A sense of being one with the world.

In it, Merlin tied the consciousness to the string of the spirit body connected to the body.

He contemplated the soul he had obtained after studying the ten circles for a long time.

How much time has passed


His consciousness reached his soul.

And Merlin could feel it.

A golden soul body that almost became one with his own soul.

'That's how it was. That’s why the World Tree and I didn’t even know about it.’

I don't know what the English is, but Merlin's soul and God's soul were in perfect harmony.

‘How do I take this off?’

He struggled and struggled again.(Read more @

I think I'll have to get rid of this guy that has been entangled in my soul, but I didn't know if that would be possible.

'Ttt. I can't leave it like this...'

Merlin decided that she would touch her god's soul first.

Her worries were long, but her actions were swift.

His will was directed toward the soul of God.

The moment Merlin's will touched the soul of God.


Merlin's will began to be sucked in somewhere.


Even as Merlin, this is the first strange phenomenon I have ever experienced.

‘What the hell is this?!’

Merlin's surprise didn't end there.

The place where Merlin's will came after a bizarre experience that seemed to pass through a passage of light.

There he saw something amazing.

A place where all kinds of characters from the world float in a pitch-black space.

Merlin instinctively knew what it was.

Knowledge and wisdom, the supreme realm that all seekers of the world want to reach.

Also, where Merlin was trying so hard to reach.

Right away···.


Merlin encountered an unexpected situation in the closed life that she began to obtain the Elixir.

His trance continued for a long time after that.




“Miss Sasha.”

Sasha, who was dazed, was awakened by the sound of her calling.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Aren’t you tired? Get some rest.”

"No. This is fine.”

Having come to her senses, Sasha began to focus on her papers placed in front of her.

Her superintendent looked at her sadly.


She's smart, but she's still a 17-year-old girl.

He was too young to take on the role of Youngju.

Moreover, he had been away from the estate for several years, and had never run the estate before, so Sasha had to work on his estate, reducing his sleep.

He was filling his own shortcomings with time.

'It must be difficult...'

Even though he was a Grand Duke who didn't have much, he had a lot of work to do while running the estate.

Tax issues, budget execution issues, handling of grievances of local residents, etc.

At the end of a month since the Grand Duke had been lying down, the problems accumulated in the estate were full.

If the governor hadn't helped, Sasha would not have been able to solve all of them.

'No... no. I guess I'll get help from you.'

If Sasha hadn't helped, all that Sasha had to deal with now would be what he was doing.

At first he was doing most of the work he was doing, but in just a few days Sasha was doing most of his work.

Sasha replied here to her own words that she didn't have to.

‘It is right for the owner of Redford to take care of the affairs of the Redford estate.’

The commander-in-chief had no choice but to raise the white flag.

This is because, no matter how much he said he was a general, the deputy lord was Sasha.

Also, it was because it was the right thing for Sasha to be in charge of the big things and small things in the territory.

The general looked at Sasha and asked worriedly.

“You stay in your study all day, and at night you go to the Prince… Are you sleeping?”

"Do not worry. I sleep from time to time.”

“Even if you sleep, you have to sleep well . . . to survive.”

"···I know."

Sasha averted her eyes from the documents for a moment and smiled slightly at the general.

Sasha, who was about to turn to the paperwork again, looked out the window.

A question arose in the general's eyes when he saw this.

‘There you go again.’

After working for days, Sasha would often stare blankly out the window.

He was at first a general who wanted to give his weary eyes a rest, but now he could notice something.


"Ah yes? Oh, another thought…”

“Is there anyone waiting for you?”


“I didn’t see one of those who came with him.”

"Ah···. Oh no. Not like that.”

"Is that so?"

Seeing Sasha in denial, the Commander-in-Chief still did not erase his suspicious expression.

Sasha, furious in her heart, quickly turned her gaze to the paperwork.

He said he didn't say it, because the general's words were true.

The reason she looked out her window was because of Merlin.

He didn't know when he would come back, so he was just staring at the front door.

Recalling this, Sasha gasped.

‘Hey, I’m not the one who comes through the door.’

Even if he came back, wouldn't it be Merlin that suddenly appeared from somewhere?

Waiting for someone like that to come through the door was ridiculous.


As she looked at her documents and saw her devouring herself alone, her general's doubts grew stronger.

Sasha distracted her thoughts and concentrated on her paperwork again.

when she was not so long ago.

[Sasha! Sasha!]

Sasha stopped at the sound of her Ciri's voice ringing in her own mind.

And at her next words, she jumped up from her seat.

[Wake up! Saya Daddy is awake!]

Her Sasha's face brightened.

The Commander-in-Chief asked Sasha, who suddenly stood up.

“Why all of a sudden?”

“I’m going to go to the bathroom.”

“Ah… this. Excuse me. Come on.”

Giving her an excuse, Sasha rushed out.

‘I’m sorry, Commander-in-chief, but I can’t trust anyone right now.’

Sasha, who had not told the lieutenant even to the governor, went straight to the Prince's bedroom.

Sasha, who looked around her, quietly entered the bedroom.


At Sasha's appearance, her Ciri flew with a sharp blade.

While she was not Merlin, she used to cast magic on the Archduke from time to time on behalf of him.

“Thank you, Siri.”

[Hehe. Ahem! You're welcome!]

Sasha thanked her with a gentle smile for her hard work.

And she quietly approached the Archduke.

Contrary to the news Siri had delivered, the Archduke still had his eyes closed.

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