Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1003: Go to an appointment

"Well, I danced with Brother Pao, aren't they two wine tanks." They all said that the chunky figure was like a water tank, and it turned into a wine tank in Tang Wei's mouth. He fell into the wine tank completely. .

"No, so many people, you two have to protect us, right, Dapeng?" Qu Yina asked, but she didn't hesitate to move, dragged Tang Wei and Sun Dapaozi to the dance floor, and she stayed abroad. Over the years, her hearty personality is much more outgoing than domestic girls, and even more like a man than the tweaked Sun Dapaozi.

"Let's... go too?" Mark looked at Shen Dapeng and then at Li Zeyu.

"I can't, if Xiaoxiao knows, she won't be able to take my skin off." Li Zeyu looked embarrassed, but his eyes looked towards the dance floor uncontrollably.

"I'm not going, it's too noisy, and my ears will be deafened after a while."

Shen Dapeng really didn't want to follow the madness. He was no longer a chic boy. Even if his body allowed him, he was already a mature uncle in his mind. He had long lost interest in these feasting things.

But Mark didn't care about the other things. He dragged Shen Dapeng and walked to the dance floor, dragging, dragging, and pulling, and Li Zeyu behind to help, successfully ‘thrown’ Shen Dapeng onto the dance floor.

At first, Shen Dapeng had some small resistance and twitching, sneaking in and planning to escape, but unfortunately there was no chance under everyone's besieging.

With neon flickering and feasting, under the influence of music and alcohol, among the hormonal explosions of boys and girls around him, in the atmosphere of intense excitement and excitement, Shen Dapeng also gradually let go of the grudge in his heart and found his youth. Just have the spirit and interest.

The familiar hi music in the subwoofer speaker, the familiar movements in mind and body, stance, pinch, raise hands, shake his head, shake his whole body, Shen Dapeng, like the friends around him, feel like no one is disturbed, he can enjoy and wantonly The catharsis suppressed many young frivolous and high spirits.

Excited by alcohol and dance music, eating, drinking and playing without stress, and frantic desperate, as if to make up for the freedom and youth that will be lost in the laboratory and studio after returning to the capital.

Rubber parts family building, located near the western suburbs of Qingshu County, originally belonged to the staff dormitory building of the county rubber parts factory. There are five six-story old buildings in total.

In the era when state-owned enterprise factories occupied the production market, it was definitely a good neighborhood. However, with the development of market economy and the closure of county-level state-owned enterprise factories, the district buildings, like rubber parts factories, have lost their former glory.

The pale yellow walls of the dilapidated old buildings are full of cracks and breakages, and large chunks of concrete show the color of the body. The small square surrounded by five old buildings has been abandoned, and the residents of the community have privately built into illegal sheds and sheds. The small warehouse, even bricks, tiles and cement are useless, just piled up with simple wooden boards or plastic sheets.

There is no rubber parts factory to manage in the community, and there is no property willing to move in. Bicycles, motorcycles, tricycles are placed at will in the community, downstairs, on the road, and the remaining snow piles after the heavy snow in winter are in twos and threes. No one cleans them. The garbage sites are piled up. The hill is half human, and no one manages it either.

"Building 3, Unit 3, 6th Floor, West Gate..." Shen Dapeng looked around and paced in the community, carrying milk and drinks for New Year's visit, looking for Building 3 mentioned in the text message sent by Su Su, but The exterior walls of the five old buildings have no indication of the building number at all.

Shen Dapeng looked around, and saw an old lady at the door of a small warehouse, holding a small aluminum basin in her hand, holding pickled pickles from the vegetable jar of the warehouse, "Miss, please ask, that building is number three building?"

"The one on the east side is."

The old lady held a small aluminum basin in one hand and a spoon in one hand for pickles. She didn't have any free fingers, but she still enthusiastically pointed her chin in the direction, "Child, walk slowly, the road is slippery."

"Thank you." Shen Dapeng turned and walked towards the third building pointed to by the old lady. His feet were bumpy. It was indeed like the old lady said, not much worse than the ice.

"Unit three." The door of the building at the door of the unit is still old wooden, it seems that it is too old to be closed anymore. The whole door is covered with a military-green cotton sheath to cover the wind and snow.

Shen Dapeng opened the cotton jacket and entered the building, and instantly felt countless strange flavors, such as pickled cabbage, pickled vegetables, stinky bean paste, spicy cabbage... and the strange smell that could not be said, accompanied by dampness in his mouth and nose. When he moved, he thought that the family building of the Public Security Bureau where his parents lived was broken enough, but he didn't expect this kind of old building to be even more unacceptable.

Frowning all the way up, the cement of some stair steps has fallen off, leaking the steel bars of the thickness of the fingers inside. The corners of the corridors and the free spaces at the entrances of each house are all piled up with various pickled vegetable jars, large and small. There is a home. There is also a rabbit cage at the door, and there are two mature rabbits in it. I don't know if it is to eat meat.

"Rabbit meat?" Shen Dapeng suddenly thought of a certain movie clip. The supporting actress cried out to the actor,'Tutu is so cute, how can you eat it...', thinking of the scene, she still feels in her heart. Funny, but when I laughed, the pungent smell almost didn't choke in my lungs.

However, although the corridors, stairs, and walls are a bit dilapidated, and the smell is indeed pungent, the hygiene in the corridors is reasonable, at least there is no litter or cigarette butts scattered around, and the old buildings are much cleaner than imagined.

On the sixth floor, on the top floor of the rubber accessories family building, the east and west houses are the same iron-clad wooden doors as Shen Dapeng’s house. They are decorated with golden nails and dotted with patterns. The two doors are neatly stacked with one person. Tall Chinese cabbage, it is estimated that older people are used to storing vegetables for winter.

Shen Dapeng stood at the door of Su Su's and took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a while, a voice came from the non-soundproof door, "Who is that?"

"Hello, Auntie, I'm Dapeng Shen, Su Su's friend, who came to visit Uncle Su."

"Shen Dapeng?"

After two or three seconds of hesitation, Su’s mother quickly opened the door and greeted Shen Dapeng enthusiastically, “Quickly, it’s cold outside, come in and talk about it, alas, I didn’t expect you to come so early and you haven’t had much preparation yet. chaos……"

"It's okay." Shen Dapeng changed his slippers and entered the house. There was an old wheelchair next to the simple shoe rack. The back of the chair was in a mess and was replaced by a piece of plywood.

"Dapeng is here? My legs and feet are not very convenient. I am neglecting. Come to sit on the sofa. Why do you bring gifts from your child's house." Su Huaren is sitting on the sofa with a few brightly colored ladies in his hands. Look at the colors and styles of the clothes. They are definitely not the style of Su Su and her daughter. Look at the ground again, there are a lot of clothes piled up.

"I'm a junior, I should." Shen Dapeng put the milk and drink beside the sofa.

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