Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1010: Life not to choose

"Washing vegetables? This is too pediatric, don't worry, leave it to me, and ensure that the task is successfully completed."

Shen Dapeng confidently took over the pot of beef and haggis. As soon as he got up at one end, his eyes were wet with the smell of mutton and the stench. "Oh, good fellow, this smell is too strong."

Look at the pot again. The beef tendon has been picked up by the stall owner. Except for some bloodshots, it’s clean, and the lamb is OK, but the haggis can’t look directly at it. Pour it from the bag into the pot, almost Mostly soaked in blood water, there are still wool and filth clearly visible inside.

"Why? Dirty? Then you put it aside, I'll do it myself, you should go to the living room to drink tea and chat."

Seeing Shen Dapeng's frowning brows, Su Su didn't feel pitiful at all, but rather unhappy in his heart. While speaking, he took back the pot containing the miscellaneous sheep.

When I used to make lamb soup restaurant at home, I had to deal with too many ingredients and too much dirt in the basin every day, but whether it was the parents or herself, they had to endure the strong smell and carefully clean them.

In order to allow diners to eat clean and safe food, and to earn a reputation for the lamb soup restaurant that makes money to maintain the family, anyone can smell the fishy smell and smell, and if they can, no one wants to live in a mess every day. In a poor environment, in order to survive, most people often have no choice but to endure it in silence until they get used to it.

Su Su has long been accustomed to the surprised look and disdain of others, but today she feels the disgusting attitude from Shen Dapeng. She still feels heartache and unacceptable. She has always thought that Shen Dapeng is different, but at this moment, Shen Dapeng’s The attitude is no different from ordinary people.

"Huh? I..." Shen Dapeng didn't know where to make Su Su unhappy, and rubbed his empty hands blankly after being snatched from the water basin.

"You are the son of a wealthy family, and a top student of Mizuki University. After graduation, you will be paid on an annual basis. Of course, you can't stand the dirty and tiring work, but it doesn't matter. What you can't do will eventually be paid for. Life has no choice but to accept, get used to it, and even rejoice in the end."

Su Su reluctantly supported a bitter and helpless smile, and no longer dared to look at Shen Dapeng. She was afraid that she would really see disgust in Shen Dapeng’s eyes, but her words contained self-deprecating and unbelief, "This is the world. , There must always be differences between the poor and the low and the rich and the rich. Some people just want to be high-ranking beings, and some will always live humblely at the bottom, but...fortunately, they are still alive."

"You little girl, you are not very old, so there are so many messy feelings, so nonsense, what is lucky to be alive? We don't live in the war years, don't we all live well?"

Shen Dapeng’s tone is old-fashioned, and his frowning eyebrows just because of the strong taste did not stretch. He did not expect that a young girl like Su Su would have such a negative worldview, even if the society is indeed unfair as she said. , But these depressed words should not be uttered from a high school student.

"Yes, they are all alive, but the way of living is different. Some people hold the golden key when they are born, and some people have been busy for gold all their lives, but no matter how busy they are, they cannot change their mediocre life. Close to the life in the dream, the ending is still like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Apart from excitement, it will only become even more dazed about the future."

Su Suru Mengyu whispered, like a silly speech, his eyes were dumbfounded, and the brilliance of playing with Shen Dapeng in the corridor before was lost in his eyes. It seemed as if she was full of confusion about her future, as she said. Especially her good friend Chen Ning's attitude towards material life in the past year has made her no longer believe in her father's persuasion and education,'poor and poor have backbone'.

Think about it in the private room of the Songbai Building, if Shen Dapeng did not appear and rescue him in time, if he was really ruined by the two scum beasts of the Zhu family, if the situation went on according to the worst situation, then... I should be like this again. To face it?

Like the general method taught by the teacher in politics class, call the police? Use the weapon of law to protect your legal rights? But think about the Zhu’s family for making money in real estate development, even people dared to kill, in the end, if it weren’t for the high-ranking officials from the provinces and cities to investigate, their Zhu family would still be at large. She is a poor family with no money, no rights, no relationship, why is she rich and powerful? Zhu Jiadou who has the right to have someone?

Furthermore, I still have to learn from the movies and TV, and figure out several weird and seamless routines and plans, and finally let the Zhu family take the initiative to get into the full set, and then retaliate against them with violence? But Su Su thinks that he has no extraordinary IQ, and he doesn't believe that the omnipotence of coincidence in the movie can be realized in life.

If everything has no choice, I am afraid I have only one way to go. Use death to end the sad life and experience, and use life to protest and resist, hoping that the Zhu family can be brought to justice, or the Zhu family can be brought to justice. To bear the condemnation of the world and sleep and eat awkwardly.

But no matter whether Zhu's family can be sanctioned by the law, the most painful people will only be their parents. Is it just because they are poor and because they are honest, they have to endure inexplicable suffering? Could it be that just because the Zhu family has money and power, can they lead a worry-free life of superiority and carelessness?


Thinking of the shamelessness of the Zhu family brothers, Su Su's mind was full of resentment, and he didn't pay attention. A cold metal came from his fingertips. Looking down, the sharp kitchen knife instantly cut the belly of the left index finger. The bright red blood dropped from the fingers on the cutting board moistened with water like a wave of waves, scattered in circles.

"Oh, you girl is too careless, how can she hurt her hand."

The first moment Shen Dapeng saw the bleeding, he immediately ran to Su Su, pinched Su Su’s fingers to stop the bleeding, and then dragged Su Su out of the kitchen, "Uncle, Auntie, do you have band-aids at home? Su Su cut his fingers? ."

"I, I'm fine, you let go." Su Su blushed shyly. He didn't expect that Shen Dapeng would suddenly hold his hand, and he didn't expect it would be so tight that he couldn't get away even if he wanted to escape. Is this a concern? ? Does this care?

"Yeah? Why did you hurt your hand? Let me see, it's all bleeding, and it's okay? You kid, if you ask you to do some work, you will have to pay. Why, Dapeng is doing such a big job for our family and doing it for others. Any comments about the meal?"

Su's mother glanced at her and saw the bright red blood stains on Su Su's hands, nagging while finding band-aids from the drawer of the TV cabinet.

Shen Dapeng didn't let go until Su's mother came over with the band-aid, but he still stared at him uneasy. "You don't often cook, and you are not skilled at all. I knew I wouldn't chat with you."

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