Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1018: Come to make trouble

In the dim light, you can still clearly see the mess in the house, with broken wine bottles and glass **** all over the floor, even the microphone and the small stool and sofa were thrown to the ground.

Six or seven big men were sitting in a row on the big sofa. One of them was wearing a suit with an open shirt, and a bald man with a beer belly was drinking leisurely. A waitress next to the aggrieved Ewha brought rain and saw Sun Dapaozi leading him. A crowd of people rushed up and hurriedly got up to leave, but was stopped by the bald man reaching out and pressing on the sofa again.

The bald man glanced at Sun Dapaozi with disdain, took a sip of wine calmly, and glared at the waitress, "Did I let you stand up? Did I allow you to go? I told you tonight. You have to stay with me, as long as you serve me comfortably, you won’t be short of money."

"Boss Li, you drank too much." The waitress did not dare to resist more, so she could only protect her chest with one hand and shield the big hand of the bald male wretched man with the other.

"I drank too much? Only a few bottles of broken wine, I will drink a lot? You just want to ask for more money, I will give you the money, I have it all, you want to... let me kiss first..."

"Stop, drinking some horse urine makes you drunk crazy, don't you? You don't look at what this is, is it where you go wild?" There was no one to support before, and Zhang Xiao didn't dare to go too far. Now look at it. Brother Dao Pao and Brother Peng are here, and their faces are very ugly, so he has the confidence to pick up a wine bottle from the ground and rush up.

"Zhang Xiao, come back."

With a loud yell, Sun Dapaozi not only called Zhang Xiao back, but also stopped the middle-aged man who was playing a rogue. However, several strong men on the sofa stood up and glared at Zhang Xiao who was carrying the bottle.

"This boss, you come to sing K for drinking and fun. I think you are not bad, and you are the big boss from the city. Why bother to be like this? I want to find a good man and go back to the city. There are no pretty girls in the broken places in our county."

Sun Dapaozi dragged Zhang Xiao behind him, and fearlessly pushed away a few strong men who were in the way, and went straight to the bald man, "Besides, you guys are bullying a girl, aren't you afraid to spread a joke?"

"Te Niang, what are you, manager? Security? In what capacity are you talking to Boss Li?" One of the strong men rudely pressed Sun Da Paozi on the shoulder, mocking with disdain.

"Well, my brother is right, in what capacity are you talking to me?"

The bald man was still drunk by Sun Dapaozi, especially when he saw Zhang Xiao’s impulsive enthusiasm holding the wine bottle, he was a little sober, but when he saw Sun Dapaozi’s amiable attitude, he immediately became more prestigious. , Kicked the bar in front of the sofa with one foot, and continued to squeeze the waitress's hair and forcibly kissed it.

"I'm covering this place." Sun Dapao's anger was not seen, and his tone was extremely relaxed, but the speed and strength of his hands were the opposite.

There was a clicking sound, accompanied by the painful wailing of the strong man.

No need to check, it must be a waste.

"Am I qualified to speak now?" Sun Da Paozi looked at the bald man and several other men coldly.

"With your uncle, you go to the city to inquire about it. There are a few who dare to offend our boss Li, Li Yanjun, for fear that you will **** your pants in fear when you hear the name." But the pained whole arm was trembling and numb, except for cursing.

"Li Yanjun? The boss of Hengxing Mining in the city?"

Sun Dapaozi turned his head and looked at Shen Dapeng, both of them had differences and excitement in each other's eyes, "If it is really Li Yanjun, then this matter is really impossible to fight, you say yes, Brother Peng."

"Hehe, rob you of your money to marry a daughter-in-law, you figure it out, do business, some things don't need to be a big deal." Shen Dapeng has a relaxed attitude and simple ideas. When Sun Dapaozi started fighting with others on impulse, the nature would become fighting each other, which was justified and unreasonable.

Sun Dapaozi nodded knowingly, pointed to Zhang Xiao, "Call."

"Are you calling the brothers? Do you need to bring guys? I see them, don't you?"

Zhang Xiao took out his mobile phone and muttered to himself. Unexpectedly, Sun Da Paozi stepped forward and said, "What is your name, brother, what kind of guy, and I want you to call the police."

" the police?"

Zhang Xiao was shocked. He and Sun Dapaozi were brothers who had been in shanty towns for many years. They were the only ones who beat people, and the other party called the police. He really never beat 110, and never thought it would always be. Brother Pao, who likes to use violence to solve problems, told him to call the police. Is this the sun coming out of the ground?

"Report to the police? Okay, I want to see, I didn't steal, rob or beat anyone, why should I catch me! As for the things that smashed you, I can just lose money to you!"

Li Yanjun looked at the mess in the house, turned around and took out a thick wad of hundred-yuan bills from his wallet, and threw it on the ground, accompanied by a pool of drinks on the ground. The hundred-yuan bills were scattered all over the ground.

Shen Dapeng frowned and looked at what happened. He became more and more unhappy. Money is innocent, and rich people are even more innocent. However, people who have a few bad money and have high self-esteem are no different from waste. .

Zhang Xiao went out of the private room to report to the police. Sun Dapaozi led a group of waiters and security guards to surround Li Yanjun and the group, while Shen Dapeng cautiously walked to the waitress. The girl’s hair was messy, her eyes were dodgy and she went to work. The folds of his uniform were broken, and there were obvious scratches on his neck, collarbone, and even half-exposed chest.

"Don't worry, it's all right."

Gentleman Shen Dapeng took off his coat to cover the embarrassing scratches for the signaled a few security guards to send the frightened girl out, and then looked at the calm Li Yanjun coldly, "Are you Li Yanjun of Hengxing Mining?"

"What? Little Wawa, your family is also in business? I heard my name? That's easy. I have already paid the money, and the person I like has also let you take it away. Today is a disappointment and no more fun. "

Li Yanjun was able to set up Hengxing Mining in Jinghu City, and he was able to win over a group of younger brothers around him. Naturally, his EQ and IQ were higher than ordinary people. Even though he was very drunk and caught the brains, he came into the house from Shen Dapeng and Sun Dapaozi. For a moment, he could already see that compared to Sun Dapaozi, who snarled and beat people, the seemingly ordinary dressed and always silent young man in front of him was still somewhat of a city mansion and inner show.

"Boss Li, that kid broke my hand..."

"Go back to the city to see a doctor."

Before the injured man finished speaking, Li Yanjun waved his hand lightly, fastened the buttons of his shirt and suit, stroked the few hairs on the top of his head, and walked toward the door like a okay person.

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