Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1043: Shrinked version of the hero

"More than thirty people surrounded our car at once, and all of them were fierce and evil. They were either big knives or iron rods. On our side, there are only three people from my side, Brother Peng and Secretary Lin."

"Then, then why are you their opponents? What happened afterwards?"

Tang Wei listened attentively, as if he was Sun Dapaozi who was present at the time, and asked anxiously, as if digging into the roots.

At that time, the scene was so dangerous, how did Shen Dapeng and Sun Dapaozi deal with it? Can you come back safe and sound?

The question Tang Wei asked was not only what he wanted to know, but also what the remaining few people were eager to know.

"Haha, what are you afraid of!" Sun Dapao didn't care about it, "I think my grandpa was also a famous figure in Qingshu County back then, let alone their twenty or thirty people, no matter how many, my grandson The Cannon hasn't been counseled either, and it's still not cleaned up!"

"Okay, blow it? People are taking care of things. You alone can be their opponent? Who believes it?"

Tang Wei was behind Sun Dapaozi and he couldn't help but curl his lips when he heard what Sun Dapaozi said.

"Huh, don't you believe it? You can ask Brother Peng. At that time, seeing the group of people rushing towards us, the big blades and sticks were all greeted." Sun Da Paozi gave Tang Wei a blank look, and then continued to "portrait with joy" "The scene at the time.

"I saw our side with bare hands, no way to fight. In a hurry, I found the person who rushed up first with a kick, took advantage of the momentum and grabbed the short stick in his hand, and then just like this..."

Sun Dapaozi used his hands and legs together, making gestures on the spot, "I think my grandpa Paozi was killed by swords and guns since I was young. With weapons, how can I still be afraid of these tortoises and grandchildren in front of me? Go down, Huang Mao's left arm will be scrapped! It's like this again..."

After Sun Dapao shook his arms like a stick, he gestured and kicked his right leg again, "Kicked in the bald crotch, that guy screamed like a pig, haha!"

The more Tang Wei listened, the more dismissive he was, but Qu Yina and Mark Jason, who were next to him, were stunned.

"Isn't it? Sun Dapaozi, you can have such a powerful person behind them. They have more than 20 people. You brought them all down by yourself?" Qu Yina's eyes widened, and she couldn't help asking. .

"Hey, where, you don't know, I was placed three times later, where did the twenty-odd people behind have seen my mighty skill? I was shocked for a while, and none of them dared to go forward. I stepped forward again!"

Sun Da Paozi took a step forward, his chest horizontally moved forward, "A few people were so scared that they peeed on their pants. They dropped their knives and turned their heads and ran away. When the people behind saw it, they were even more frightened. In the end, it runs faster than the rabbit, haha."

After Sun Dapaozi finished speaking, he smiled triumphantly, and his triumphant eyes swept over Qu Yina and the others, looking triumphant.

Qu Yina frowned at this moment, looked at Sun Dapaozi, then turned to look at Mark and Jason next to her.

"You, do you believe it?"

No matter what Qu Yina, she and Sun Dapaozi have known each other for almost half a year. To say that Sun Dapaozi is a big wine barrel, Qu Yina believes it, but listening to this increasingly outrageous "story", just like a movie The heroes in the birth sweep everything, and look at the fat Sun Dapaozi who has a little difficulty walking in front of you. How can you not connect him with the heroes in the movie, at most it can only be considered a reduced version of the hero?

"I don't believe it, Sun Dapaozi, are you lying? When did you become Superman?" Mark shrugged, spreading his hands, looking disbelief.

Jason shook his head with a wry smile, and he didn't seem to believe in Sun Dapaozi's "heroic" deeds.

"Sun Dapaozi, okay, don't brag here, save it, if you have this time, why don't you accompany me to the bar for a drink, if you let me drink to convince you today, I will believe what you just said!"

Tang Wei hugged Sun Dapao's shoulders from behind, making a gesture of going out.

Sun Dapaozi's face sank, and he pushed Tang Wei's hand away, stalking his neck, like a proud rooster.

"Why? Don't believe it? Come on, Fatty Tang, Mark Jason, the three of you, come together, see if I can deal with you today?"

As Sun Dapaozi said, he rolled up his sleeves and greeted the Tang and Wei trio.

"Hey, some people are really dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water. I really can't figure out why their cowhide blows to the sky?"

Tang Wei curled his lips, glanced at Sun Da Paozi slantingly, and after mumbling, he deliberately looked up at the ceiling, pretending to be searching.

"Sun Dapaozi, you are so powerful, why did you make this cut in your arm? Didn't someone cut it off?" Before Sun Dapaozi beat Tang and Wei, Qu Yina also said, "Brother Peng, this The kid is too good at blowing? Are you saying he is lying?"

Qu Yina believed it to be true at first, but when she heard it, she felt too outrageous, and she also became suspicious. At this time, she thought of the injury on Sun Dapao's arm, and she believed that her suspicion was correct.

"Yeah, Brother Peng, weren't you there at the time? Are you telling me, is this fat man telling the truth?" Mark was reminded by Qu Yina's words, and he suddenly realized it, and then asked.

At the beginning, Shen Dapeng wanted to persuade Sun Dapaozi, but looking at the excitement of Sun Dapaozi, he couldn't persuade him at all, and he simply ignored him, sitting on the sofa thinking about things.

At this time, listening to Qu Yina asked herself, she raised her head in a daze, smiled bitterly, shook her head, and said nothing.

At this moment, the door of the room opened again, and Li Zeyu walked in sleepily, followed by Lin Xiaoxiao.

"What are you doing? Let people not sleep? I heard the noise in the next room!" Li Zeyu asked with a lazy while muttering.

"Big head, what time are you still asleep?" Qu Yina couldn't help but said in disgust when she looked at Li Zeyu's listless look.

"By the way, let me see, it's a little bit now, no wonder my stomach is grumble, I haven't had lunch before, walk around, brother Peng just came back, let's eat together, fat man, let's drink two glasses first , Let’s talk about your heroic deeds."

Qu Yina said, Tang Wei on one side took out his mobile phone to check the time, looking like a starving ghost, hugged Sun Dapaozi and walked out.

"Well, I'm hungry too, Brother Peng, let's go together." Li Zeyu rubbed his eyes and said to Shen Dapeng.

From morning till now, Shen Dapeng has indeed not eaten. At this time, after everyone said this, he felt hungry.

"Okay, let's go to the restaurant to have something to eat first." Shen Dapeng nodded, got up from the sofa, and greeted Qu Yinamark and the others.


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