Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1072: sense of art

As soon as Liu Fengxia's voice fell, the atmosphere underneath suddenly surging. Everyone's faces became more excited, shouting one after another. Lu Haorong even took out paper and pen and greeted the others excitedly.

"Mr. Liu, under such conditions, I will come to Pengcheng to work if I am killed. In addition, as I said before, I still have some driver friends here. In addition, there are 30 or 40 friends in the city. Call them now and let them come here!"

As Lu Haorong said, he had to dial the number when he took out his mobile phone, but because of his excitement, his fingers trembled and he couldn't even find the phone number for a while.

"Haha, stay calm, everyone, listen to me first..." Liu Fengxia didn't expect everyone to be so excited. She stood up with her hands and signaled everyone to be quiet again.

"Master Lu, don’t rush to get everyone to sign for confirmation. We Pengcheng Company will officially open tomorrow. You can tell each other. If you need to sign a contract with the company, you will go to the office building of Pengcheng Company to complete the formalities tomorrow. My friend, it’s best to have a car. If you don’t have a car and you have a driver’s license, it’s fine. The county has invested a new batch of taxis for our company, which can satisfy them."

"There is such a good thing? That's great! I'll notify those friends of mine when I go back." Lu Haorong was so excited, he didn't expect that the company could provide taxis to drivers without cars, and they were new ones.

"Well, as for how to use the new car and the loss in the middle, we can discuss specifically, but I, Liu Fengxia, will not treat you badly. Please rest assured that everyone." Liu Fengxia solemnly looked at the taxi driver present.

"Everyone said, such a good boss, who can't worry about it, right?" Xie Guangshen didn't expect Pengcheng Company to treat drivers so well, what else can he say?

"Yes, Liu is always a good boss, and considers all the people at the bottom of us. For such a person, we are willing to follow her!"

"Follow Mr. Liu, money is everywhere!"

Xie Guangshen's voice made the big guys passionate, and it was another exciting shout.

On one side, Shen Dapeng smiled happily. He had expected such a result long ago. Even if the company earns less, the living standards of people like Lao Xie, Lao Li and Xiaohou must be improved, so that they can serve the company willingly.

"Dapeng, I am so happy today. You and your aunt are so kind to us people. We are exhausted and feel worth it." Xie Guangshen took his son Xie Yan to Shen Dapeng with a grateful expression. Holding Shen Dapeng's hand.

Shen Dapeng looked at Xie Guangshen with embarrassment, "Uncle Xie, I actually didn't do anything. I just gave some advice to my aunt. It's not easy for the big guys. It's a bit more to earn a little bit. Anyway, it's better than in Jinhui."

"According to Mr. Liu's treatment, our income is much higher than before. Also, Xie Yan doesn't know where to get some management books these days. Just look at it. He said that he will definitely not let him down. Mr. Liu's expectations." Xie Guangshen said and looked at his son.

"Huh? Xiaoyan is also hurrying to make up for the knowledge of management?" Shen Dapeng couldn't help but tilt his head slightly to look at Xie Yan, admiring Xie Yan's active learning spirit.

Xie Yan smiled awkwardly, "This is not... I'm afraid that those places are not done in place, and Mr. Liu will be unhappy..."

Shen Dapeng laughed and patted Xie Yan's shoulder vigorously, "What's this?! Who didn't learn from scratch? It's normal to have some problems at the beginning, learn lessons, sum up experience, and exercise in practice. , I believe that slowly, you will grow into an excellent manager."

Xie Yan nodded again and again, his eyes renewed with enthusiasm.

"By the way, I heard from my aunt, did you introduce the new maintenance workers?"

"Yes, the salary paid by Mr. Liu here is high. I used to know a few people who do repairs when I was working. They did a good job, but they didn’t go well there, so I asked them to do it here, and People are more familiar and easy to manage."

Shen Dapeng listened to Xie Yan's words and nodded. Xie Yan was young and clever. I believe that under his daily management, Pengcheng Auto Repair Chain Store will definitely develop rapidly. Like the name, there will be other auto repairs soon. Store franchise, one, two... to become a veritable chain store!

The morning meeting went smoothly. After sending off the cheerful Xie Guangshen, Li Lu Haorong and the others, Shen Dapeng and Liu Fengxia did not stop, and rushed to the office building of the Pengcheng Taxi Company in the industrial park.

The office building at this time has long been different from a few days ago. After a simple decoration, it has all the necessary facilities and is fully equipped with office conditions. Even the corridors are filled with various green plants, which adds a touch of vitality.

"I didn't expect the boss to be very careful this week, he can think of all these subtleties." Liu Fengxia couldn't help but admire as he watched the long and flourishing plants.

Shen Dapeng also smiled slightly, "It seems that we underestimated him. Zhou Chengmin is not just a mud-legged man. He has a lot of artistic cells in his mind. Auntie, look, all the corners in these offices that can be used are not making a fortune. The tree is green dill. It not only beautifies the office environment and makes people feel happy, but also purifies the air."

"You're right, Zhou Chengmin did a good job at this job. Let's go and go to the auto repair shop. When I came in just now, I saw him arranging the workman to decorate the door." Liu Fengxia said, she dragged her. I took a look at Shen Dapeng, who was admiring the office layout and green plants.

The office building is just a few hundred meters away from the auto repair shop. Far away, the two saw Zhou Chengmin's are standing in front of the auto repair shop, looking at the decoration signs standing on the truss. Workers, give pointers from time to time.

"Zhou Zong personally directed it, and the effect is really extraordinary." Liu Fengxia walked a few steps behind Zhou Chengmin and greeted heartily.

Zhou Chengmin was taken aback. When he turned around and saw Liu Fengxia and Shen Dapeng, he immediately smiled and jogged up to meet him, and shook hands with Liu Fengxia and Shen Dapeng.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Liu, our own shop, we must make it look good and decent!" Zhou Chengmin laughed and pointed to the door under construction, "Look, these words are left, and the background is yellow paint. A spray, the effect is the best, conspicuous and high-end, compared with other auto repair shops in the county, is it refreshing?"

Liu Fengxia and Shen Dapeng looked up and saw that above the wide door, under the yellow background, the four green characters of Pengcheng Auto Repair were eye-catching, plus the transparent and brand-new glass door, as well as the separate inspection room and maintenance room. , Sheet metal spray painting, car beauty, material exhibition rooms, etc., are neat and uniform, giving people the feeling of high-end atmosphere.

Compared with other auto repair shops in the county with outdated facades, shabby equipment, and messy equipment, it can almost pass them a few streets.

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