Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1082: ???? No open window

Latest website: Sun Ying blinked a few times and finally seemed to react, and then nodded.

"If that's the case, that's not bad. At least, our family doesn't have to carry such a heavy burden anymore, and there is no need to think about how to repay such a large debt."

However, Shen Dapeng thought for a while, looked at Sun Ying's expression, and said tentatively: "One more thing, Teacher Sun, you have to be mentally prepared..."

Sun Ying raised her head again and stared at Shen Dapeng suspiciously. She didn't understand what else he had to tell herself, but she could perceive from Shen Dapeng's face that this incident was definitely not a good thing.

"Li Yanjun was arrested. Although he organized a casino to gamble, and his uncle was tricked into it, he was involved in gambling anyway. Once Li Yanjun confessed to his uncle, then his uncle might..." Shen Dapeng stopped here and watched. With Sun Ying, he didn't go on, because he knew that with Sun Ying's cleverness, he should be able to guess the meaning of what he was going to say later.

"You mean, my dad is likely to be arrested too?" Sun Ying leaned forward and sat up unconsciously with a worried expression on her face.

Shen Dapeng nodded slowly, put on his clothes and continued in a relaxed tone: "Participating in gambling, according to the current sentencing standards, is a maximum of three years in prison and a fine. But you can rest assured that the uncle was set up by Li Yanjun. It’s a trap. His original intention is to play a little bit and entertain him. He has never thought of playing such a big game. So at this point, the law should be able to punish it lightly."

However, Shen Dapeng’s comfort did not relax Sun Ying’s tugging heart. On the contrary, her expression became even more sad, and she sighed quietly: "So, my dad is indispensable to jail? He...he is like that. Older, if he enters again, the conditions there are no better than those at home, how can his body stand it? Alas, he has lived for most of his life, and when he grows old, he still suffers such a crime. I am really incompetent. I wish I could go in by myself. Suffer for him..."

Sun Ying began to feel sad again and kept wiping tears. Shen Dapeng wanted to speak a few times, but he knew that these were facts, and he couldn't change anything. He didn't know how to comfort Sun Ying, so he could only take some more. Paper, let Sun Ying wipe her tears.

After Sun Ying cried for a while, she gradually calmed down, and sighed leisurely, "After doing such things, you have to bear it yourself, and no one can replace it, because the law is ruthless and fair to everyone. He won’t wrong a good person, but if a good person makes a mistake, he can’t avoid being punished. However, I hope he can get a lighter sentence at that time.

Shen Dapeng understands Sun Ying's thoughts, and she is also thinking about her father's sake, but, after all, the law is the law, and it's a matter of extraneous grace. Perhaps only the emperor since ancient times has such a right, but...

Shen Dapeng's eyes lit up, his heart moved, and he hurriedly grabbed Sun Ying's hand, "Sun Ying, I can help Uncle..."

Sun Ying looked at Shen Dapeng with a confused look, and a hint of excitement flashed in her eyes, "Help? How can I help?"

"Isn’t my aunt setting up a company now? Now that the company is growing bigger and bigger, she often deals with outside companies, and some disputes are unavoidable. So she specially hired a legal consultant from the provincial capital to deal with some of the troubles the company encountered. If you want, I can ask this legal counsel to help and see if he can help your father handle this matter lightly."

When Sun Ying heard this, she was also a little excited. In turn, she squeezed Shen Dapeng's hand and looked at Shen Dapeng excitedly, "Dapeng, then, thank you so much. If my dad can really give a lighter sentence, me…"

Sun Ying didn't know what was going on. After talking about it, she didn't know how to say it, her face flushed.

Shen Dapeng seemed to feel something, feeling the smooth and warm feeling that Sun Ying was holding her hand tightly, and Sun Ying leaned forward to look at her gaze, a little flustered for a while, and hurriedly withdrew her hand.

"Well, it's nothing. I just remembered it suddenly. Don't worry, I will tell the legal counsel about you when I go back. Once I get news, I will tell you soon."

Sun Ying looked at Shen Dapeng with a flustered look, and then thinking about him breaking away from her hand, she seemed to feel something, her face became even more flushed, she couldn't help lowering her head, her lips moved, but she didn't say anything.

The atmosphere in the room fell silent all at once, and the two of them looked a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Um, Sun Ying, what are your plans for the future?"

As if to break the embarrassment of being unclear, Shen Dapeng asked, but after saying this, he looked at Sun Ying on the opposite side, and he knew that it seemed so redundant.

With Sun Ying's current state of mind, it is a miracle that she can survive this period of time. How could she have any plans?


Sun Ying's face was stagnant, and she slowly raised her head, looking at the unopened window, "What else do I plan to do? That's it, living a day is a day, anyway, it's not much different from death... "

Shen Dapeng was taken aback and hurriedly persuaded: "Sun Ying, don't think about it this way. Why do you have to endure things you haven't done? Your mouth grows on others. How do they like to say it? What are you afraid of? Remember, don’t pay for the gossip of others, you have no obligation!"

Sun Ying was stunned. UU reading seemed to be shocked by Shen Dapeng's words. After thinking for a while, she shook her head slowly and showed a wry smile, "Dapeng, you are right, I am not You should care about what they think of me, because I have never done what they say, and I have never been a junior for others...but, now you have seen me, it’s good to be alive, what else can I do? Planning..."

Shen Dapeng sighed. Sun Ying seemed to want to open up a little bit, but if she had wanted to open up earlier, she wouldn't be what she is now. She still has her own job and teaches upright in a middle school.

It's all caused by rumors. Sometimes, other people's cold words are like a dagger, which can easily stab your fragile heart!

Sun Ying was right. She taught for several years, and now she suddenly resigned. In addition, the entire Qingshu County knew about her. If she wants to apply for teachers at the County No. 1 Middle School or another school, I’m afraid others. Will excuse her to decline her.

Shen Dapeng thought for a while. He knows a lot of people, but he doesn’t educate the acquaintances of this person, and he is an acquaintance of the first and second leaders. Therefore, if you want to re-enter the education system by relying on the management relationship, I’m afraid he doesn’t have one either. Of this ability.

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