Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1891: Awesome

Liu Fengxia was taken aback for a moment, muttering Sun Ying's name, and staring at Shen Dapeng suddenly, "Dapeng, the teacher you are talking about, isn't it the Sun Ying that was popular in the county recently? I listen. Saying that it seems to be someone else’s junior, and his wife found the school to make trouble?"

Shen Dapeng hurriedly waved his hand, "Auntie, these rumors, don't believe that Teacher Sun is my high school teacher, I know her personality, she would not do such things."

Liu Fengxia frowned, thinking about it and said, “I don’t think so. After all, she is a teacher in the County No. 1 Middle School. I heard that she was also rated as a teaching expert every year. As a teacher with a high level of consciousness, how It is possible to do such a thing, Dapeng, you asked me to help. Isn't it because of this teacher Sun? What's the matter?"

"Auntie, you first listen to me and finish her story, and you will understand." Shen Dapeng then told Liu Fengxia about Sun Ying's things before and after. Liu Fengxia was surprised at first, and then her face gradually became angry. In the end, he slapped the table with a slap.

"What's all this! This Li Yanjun is too damnable. He did not scrutinize any means to force a good teacher to such an extent! For such a person, I think it is not an exaggeration to shoot him ten or eight times!"

Liu Fengxia vented her dissatisfaction with Li Yanjun with a look of resentment, Shen Dapeng also nodded, "This Li Yanjun deserves his crime, and he will go in this time. He won't think of it for the rest of his life."

"This kind of person should be punished like this to avoid harming others. Alas, this Sun Ying is pitiful enough." Liu Fengxia sighed softly, "It seems that the news from outside is false, and I almost I misunderstood Sun Ying, but Sun Ying is pitiful enough. It is a pity that the man who was killed by Li Yan's army lost his job."

Shen Dapeng also sighed lightly and looked up at Liu Fengxia, "Auntie, what I want to tell you is about the work of Teacher Sun. Since she resigned, she has stayed at home every day.

I went to see her yesterday. Because of this matter, her mental state is very bad, so I think we should find a job for her as soon as possible so that she can devote herself to the work. Let her slowly get out of the shadow of this matter, and her mental state can also get better. "

"Can't County No. 1 Middle School?" Liu Fengxia felt that since Sun Ying had resigned from County No. 1 Middle School, it was a big deal. She could continue to apply for County No. 1 Middle School and resume teaching positions.

Shen Dapeng smiled and shook his head, "Auntie, if you are the person involved in this incident, do you think it is possible? First, although Teacher Sun has no fault, the impact of this incident in the school is very bad. Rumors are there. How could Mr. Sun continue to let his teachers and classmates point back and ignore them?

She can't do it at all! In addition, even if Teacher Sun intends to continue to return to school, the school must also consider their own image. People say it is terrible, and No. 1 Middle School also has its own concerns. It is difficult to continue to let Teacher Sun return to school... …"

When Liu Fengxia heard this, she nodded in agreement, “You’re right. Sometimes, people’s words can kill people. In today’s society, everything is said, and it’s really difficult to change everything without being surprised. Dapeng, It’s really commendable that you think about Teacher Sun, but you have created a problem for me."

Liu Fengxia smiled bitterly and shook her head, "Sun Ying turned out to be a middle school teacher anyway. I can't let her go to a food factory as an ordinary female worker in a workshop, right? Or go to a hotel as a waiter? This is a bit too wrong for Sun Ying."

"That's why I said I would let you help." Shen Dapeng took Liu Fengxia's hand, pretending to be begging, causing Liu Fengxia to chuckle and point to Shen Dapeng.

"You, I have another problem, but this Sun Ying is really pitiful. After I heard about her, I didn't feel much about it..."

Liu Fengxia frowned, "As for finding a job for her, you let me think about it, and I will find something similar."

Liu Fengxia thought for a long time, her eyes lit up suddenly, "By the way, isn't she teaching English? You can be an assistant for me!"

As soon as Shen Dapeng heard that there was a way, it would be nice to be an assistant to my aunt. He nodded hurriedly, "This is a good idea. Assistant, at least it's much easier to communicate with those foreign businessmen, ha ha."

As soon as Shen Dapeng finished speaking, Liu Fengxia curled her lips, "Dapeng, your mouth is much poorer now, what is my business? Is that your business good? Auntie, I'm working for you all day long. what."

"So, you are my best aunt." Shen Dapeng joked again, "No one treats me better than you."

"It's alright, you got me wrong. I asked Sun Ying to be an assistant, not to let her deal with foreign businessmen."

Liu Fengxia explained, “Like our pure water plant, didn’t it introduce a batch of imported production lines? Some machines are in foreign languages, and the manuals are not understood. Once the machine breaks down, you can’t let the technical experts come every time. This is also very expensive.

If Sun Ying comes, you can understand the manuals of those machines, know the maintenance methods and steps, and tell the maintenance personnel in our factory to solve the problem. Isn't that good? "

When Shen Dapeng heard this, she also felt that Liu Fengxia said it was reasonable and she couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, it's a good idea, I think it's OK."

Shen Dapeng was about to make a decision, but soon the excitement on his face disappeared, and his brows wrinkled, "Wait, this job may not be suitable for Sun Ying..."

"For Sun Ying, this is just right for her profession. Why is it not suitable for someone who is familiar with the road?" Liu Fengxia was puzzled.

"Sun Ying is indeed an English major, but her direction of learning should be oriented towards education. What you said is more mechanical. It is inevitable that she hasn't come into contact with some professional vocabulary, and she definitely can't understand it. "Shen Dapeng said thoughtfully, "Auntie, English is divided into many small majors. The interoperability is not strong."

After listening to Liu Fengxia, she remained silent for a long time. After she lowered her head and thought for a long time, she laughed at herself, "I'm a big boss and don't understand English well, but listening to you, it seems that this is indeed the case. If you let Sun Ying in , Can’t understand those technical things, isn’t that embarrassing others?"

"It's true, so let's forget it, let her find someone else, auntie, think about it again, and see if you can arrange a specific professional job that suits her..." Shen Dapeng smiled and brought her face to Liu Fengxia.

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