Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1099: No audio

After returning home, his mother made a sumptuous dinner as usual. After the family finished the meal, Shen Haitao made a cup of tea and leaned back on the sofa and watched TV. It was a relief from the fatigue of the day.

Shen Dapeng accompanies his father. Shen Haitao casually asked about the status of his aunt’s taxi company. In order not to worry his father, Shen Dapeng said that the operation was okay. After a few conversations between the two people, Shen Dapeng said Back to his room.

Shen Dapeng was indeed a bit tired because of handling the taxi company's affairs. He lay in bed thinking about the decision made at the meeting today. Perhaps, according to the current situation, he can only handle it like this.

Originally, I thought that it was not too long to leave school. Qu Yina, Tang Wei and the others had already gone to the capital in advance. Shen Dapeng wanted to return to the capital after the taxi company opened and the operation was normal. Unexpectedly, it was only two days after its opening. This kind of thing, it seems that we can't go back for the time being, and we will wait until the company's operations have stabilized.

Thinking of going back to Beijing to go to school, Shen Dapeng suddenly flashed a figure in his mind, he couldn't help but opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling above his head, his brows instantly frowned.

Wang Xueying has no news yet, and I don't know where he went. On the day Pengcheng Taxi opened, she promised in front of Wang Huailong that she would try her best to find it. Once there was news from Wang Xueying, she would tell Wang Huailong as soon as possible.

But in the past two days, I was busy dealing with the horrible things of fetal puncture and rubbing, and I forgot about it.

Calculating the time is not short. During this period of time, Wang Xueying was like the world evaporating, and there was no news. If this delay continues, Shen Dapeng will be anxious. After all, Wang Xueying's leaving without saying goodbye has a lot to do with herself.

If it hadn't been for her decisiveness that night, Wang Xueying would not have been so heartbroken and would leave quietly in the end.

But can you blame yourself for this? This matter will have to be explained to Wang Xueying sooner or later, so dragging is no way, Shen Dapeng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Shen Dapeng was worried about Wang Xueying, and the phone by the bed rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was Tang Wei who was calling. Maybe this kid had arrived in the capital. He was busy with the taxi company these days, and he forgot to call Tang Wei and the others.

"Tang Wei, I was a bit busy these two days, and I didn't even bother to call you. Are you all in the capital?" Shen Dapeng asked Tang Wei apologetically as soon as he got on the phone.

"Here, it's already here, Brother Peng, when are you coming?" Tang Wei's voice seemed a little rushed on the phone, but it was out of Shen Dapeng's surprise.

Shen Dapeng smiled slightly, "What? Are you boring to stay there, miss me?"

"What? Brother Peng, if you want to come, hurry up, or it will be too late. I am afraid it will be impossible for you to think of the capital by then." Tang Wei has never spoken in such a hurry. The grinning grinning looks completely different, Shen Dapeng couldn't help being stunned.

"What's impossible? What happened?"

"Brother Peng, you don’t know that SARS in Beijing is causing a lot of trouble, and there is a tendency to spread. If you come now, you may still be able to enter the capital. I heard that if this trouble continues, more and more people will be infected. If there are too many, people from outside the city will probably be prohibited from entering. Then you just want to come to the city, but you won’t be able to get in. In addition, many students in the school haven’t come. I see the situation, I guess it’s going to be a while, they want to come. I can't come." Tang Wei's tone was very anxious.

Hearing what Tang Wei said, Shen Dapeng was a little convinced. He remembered that when he was in Beijing before the winter vacation, he heard that there was a very powerful virus in the southern, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen provinces. Many people have been isolated because of this. Moreover, the infection is very fast, but Shen Dapeng did not expect that the speed of the infection was too fast. After just one Spring Festival, it has spread to the capital!

"Brother Peng, what on earth did you plan? Say something?"

Listening to Shen Dapeng not speaking, Tang Wei urged anxiously.

Shen Dapeng thought for a while and said, "Tang Wei, there are some things on my side that have not been processed yet. After I have processed them in the past few days, I will hurry back to the capital."

"Oh, then you have to hurry up, brothers are still waiting to be reunited with you, don't let me hear the news that you can't come back then." You could hear a trace of loss in Tang Wei's voice. After all, after six months of contact, Tang, Wei, Du Yuefeng and Shen Dapeng knew each other very well, and they lived in a dormitory just like the iron buddies. Without Shen Dapeng in the dormitory, could they not feel empty in their hearts?

"Okay, I get it, right," Shen Dapeng said hurriedly, "I just wanted to call you to ask you something, and your call is here."

"Brother Peng, what's the matter?" Tang Wei answered happily.

"That, did Wang Xueying go to Shuimu University?" Shen Dapeng hesitated and asked softly.

"No, by the way, it's really weird Brother Peng. We have been here for a few days, and we haven't seen the shadow of this girl. Isn't Zheng Dan in the same dormitory with her? I also asked Zheng Dan and Wang Xueying specifically. This girl did not come. Before the winter vacation, the beds were neatly stacked, and it is still like that now." Tang Wei was puzzled by Shen Dapeng's question, "Brother Peng, where did you say Wang Xueying this girl went? Last time I came to play with us in your county, and everything was fine for dinner and singing at night. Why didn’t you see anyone after you slept? Didn’t you go home at that time, I heard that SARS is happening here in Beijing, now Are you still staying at home?"

Shen Dapeng smiled bitterly. If Wang Xueying really stayed at the provincial capital's house now, he would save trouble, so he wouldn't have to call Tang but he didn't say this, just told Tang Wei didn't know it himself, but just asked casually, so he hung up the phone.

After lying down again, Shen Dapeng was not at all sleepy, and she was more worried than before. Shen Dapeng still thought that Wang Xueying, the girl, did not go home in angrily. She probably went to school first. Now it seems that this girl has not returned to school either. Where did it go?

Although Wang Xueying is already an adult, she still has some basic social common sense outside, but she is a weak girl after all, alone, without any news for such a long time, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng was even more worried, but now even if he is in a hurry, there is nothing he can do about it. There is a huge crowd, where can he look for it?

Shen Dapeng tossed over and over again, with Wang Xueying's shadow in his mind. It was not until midnight that his head was so painful that he fell asleep in a daze.


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