Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1114: ?? Two fists are hard to beat 4 hands

These people came here prepared at first glance, and all of them were so tall, no matter what kind of kind, if they were aggressive, they would be able to do everything.

Xie Yan just wanted to teach them some lessons and let them retreat. So the wrench went down, just hitting the shoulder of the opposite man, not the head.

Xie Yan's sudden effort can be said to be full of effort, the speed is so fast, the people like Cuntou did not react at all, and the scene was chaotic, the big man on the opposite side was stunned, and the wrench had already greeted him on his shoulder.

The big man was in pain and screamed. His whole body was smashed heavily, his huge body couldn't hold it, and he fell softly, paralyzed and motionless.

At this time, the several big guys surrounding Xie Yan were taken aback, staring at the colleague who fell on the ground, and staring at the trembling wrench in Xie Yan's hand, blinking, they seemed to realize what was going on, and Xie Yan was also taken aback. , He didn't expect that his wrench would bring down the opponent, but then he felt a sense of courage, holding the wrench high, and yelling in his mouth: "Come on, I will accompany you to the end today. !"

At this time, Xie Yan fell to the ground several times because of the hard work he had just stopped. His clothes were stained with oil. Coupled with his squatting voice, there was a tragic heroic spirit.

The big guys didn't know what to do for a while, turned their heads and looked at the Cuntou and Huang Mao behind them.

"What are you still doing in a daze?!" Binch didn't make a slap in the face, "Have you not seen this kid hit a cruel hand? All of us have been knocked to the ground, so why don't you give it to me?"

Several big guys reacted, all of a sudden, their faces were full of anger, and they once again surrounded Xie Yan, grabbing the iron rod, pick, and machete in his hand to greet Xie Yan.

Xie Yan didn't expect that these people not only had no intention of retreat, but they became even more arrogant. With a cruel heart, the wrench in his hand squeezed again and smashed at the other big man in front of him.

The big man was prepared, so after seeing the wrench Xie Yan pulled over, he backed up, and at the same time, he moved the iron rod in his hand to a block. With the sharp impact of the iron, Xie Yan I only felt that my tiger's mouth was tingling, and the wrench hit the iron rod firmly.

Xie Yan used too much force this time and couldn't hold it, the wrench fell off from his hand and fell to the ground. At this moment, the machete in the hand of a big man behind him was shining on Xie Yan's back all at once.

The tearing pain came from his back in an instant, Xie Yan screamed in pain, and turned around reluctantly to grab the wrist of the big man to prevent him from hacking again, the other big guys had already shot, iron bars And the machete has greeted Xie Yan's back, arms, and legs.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands. In a few seconds, Xie Yan’s back and arms have been chopped a few times. Fortunately, he was wearing thicker clothes so he was not seriously injured, but the clothes he was wearing had been cut through. Yin Hong's blood has ooze out. And the legs were swiped by iron rods and picks a few times. He was a man who was beaten by iron. Xie Yan couldn't support it at this time. His legs softened and he slowly fell to the ground.

The group watched Xie Yan fall to the ground and didn't give up. While yelling fiercely, they continued to greet Xie Yan. Xie Yanyan started to block with her arms and curled her legs, trying to resist. The opponent's attack, but afterwards, he gradually became motionless and fainted.

And the remaining two clerks were not much better. Accompanied by the constant screams of the two, they curled up and retreated to the corner of the wall, with colors hanging on their bodies.

"It's almost there, don't kill anyone."

The next Cuntou frowned and prevented his subordinates from punching and kicking Xie Yan and the two shop assistants, "Our goal is to smash the shop, the big guy cheers up, and give me one more shot!"

Cun Tou saw that the time was almost up, and there was too much movement, neighbors, inevitably some were awakened, if it aroused others and provokes everyone, things will be difficult to handle, so I waved my hand and signaled his subordinates. Continue to smash the shop.

The big guys picked up the chopper and iron rod again, and smashed it whatever they saw. The bodies of several small cars waiting to be repaired in the shop were smashed into potholes, completely unrecognizable.

The small barrels of gasoline and some used motor oil piled in the corner were not spared. They were smashed into a mess. The gasoline and motor oil were mixed, spreading on the ground, and a pungent smell filled the ground.

The movement of the smash awakened Xie Yan. He woke up from a coma and looked up again. The mess in front of him and the people who continued to act almost like crazy made Xie Yan's eyes sprayed with anger again. He saw the fall next to him. The wrench struggling to pick it up, gritted his teeth and stood up again.

A clerk who was trembling all over his body and hiding in a corner saw Xie Yan standing up, and hurried over to support Xie Yan. With blood hanging on the corner of Xie Yan's mouth, he shook his head and smiled dismal, indicating that he was okay.

"Xie Yan, if they smash it like this, our auto repair shop will be over. They are crowded with guys. We can't stop them at all. Besides, we are all injured. I think we should call the police as soon as possible. "The clerk whispered to Xie Yan.

The clerk’s words immediately reminded Xie Yan, yes, why didn’t he think of calling the police? He nodded hurriedly and signaled the clerk to call the police, and he rushed up again with the wrench, trying to stop those people, after all, loss It is better to be able to be less than to smash all of them.

"You still want to call the police?" A big guy spotted the clerk who took out his mobile phone to make a and suddenly became angry and rushed to shine the clerk’s arm with an iron rod. The clerk let out a scream, his arm was deformed suddenly by the hit, and he saw it was broken, and the phone in his hand fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.

Xie Yan looked back and saw that his arms had been discounted. If he was willing to give up, he raised the wrench, roared and rushed towards those people.

This is simply the determination to die together, but those people are not vegetarian. With the previous lessons, several big guys quickly escaped Xie Yan's wrench and turned back with a machete.

Xie Yan is young and vigorous, but he is a human being after all. At this moment, he is like a lone sheep deep in the pack of wolves. Where is the opponent of those people? Those people are rising from being beaten up, and he is blocked by Xie Yan at this time. , Even more out of anger, one after another raised the guys to greet Xie Yan's body again.

Xie Yan screamed, but he still did not give in, letting those sticks and machetes fall on him, but still waved the wrench in his hand and smashed it forward, but all this was in vain. Iwa lifted up again and again, continuing to move like this...

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