Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1144: ????? The leader is angry

On the phone, Liu Fengxia was obviously a little unhappy.

"Dapeng, are you still waiting until dawn? You don't want to check what time it is now, why have you fallen asleep until now?"

Shen Dapeng glanced up at the wall clock on the wall, it was almost twelve o'clock, and it seemed that he was really asleep.

"Last night I had a drink with Sun Dapaozi..." Shen Dapeng casually dealt with it, sitting up lazily, awakened by the phone call from my aunt, and don't want to sleep anymore.

"Come to the auto repair shop, the city leaders are angry..." Liu Fengxia's voice was full of anxiety.

"Huh?" Shen Dapeng's head suddenly woke up, and then I remembered that today was when the city inspection team came to Qingshu County, "the city leaders are angry? Auntie, what's the matter?"

"Forget it, I can't tell you a word or two on the phone, I'm at the auto repair shop." Liu Fengxia's voice was a little depressed.

Shen Dapeng responded quickly, "I see, I'll go over immediately."

After getting up in a hurry to dress and wash, Shen Dapeng picked up his jacket and was about to go out. Liu Fengyun, who was busy in the kitchen, was curious. What is this kid doing so eagerly?

At this moment, seeing his son as if he was going out, he hurriedly called to his son, "Dapeng, why are you going in such a hurry?"

"I have something to do. I want to go to my aunt." Shen Dapeng put on his coat and opened the door.

"The meal will be ready soon. You haven't eaten in the morning. What an urgent matter, it's not too late to leave after eating."

"Stop eating..." Shen Dapeng's voice has been heard from outside the door with a bang.

Liu Fengyun leaned out of the kitchen and looked at the closed door. He couldn't help but sighed with helplessness on his face.

At the entrance of the Pengcheng auto repair shop, Liu Fengxia stood outside the shop, directing several workers to sort out all the stuff in the auto repair shop.

Shen Dapeng got out of the car and walked behind Liu Fengxia, while looking at the car repair shop that was smashed into the destination.

The last time I came here, Shen Dapeng and Liu Fengxia arrived early in the morning after the auto repair shop was smashed. Maybe it was night, so they gave the impression of a mess, and Shen Dapeng did not take a closer look.

It was noon at this time. Although the sky was gloomy, Shen Dapeng was shocked by the scene in front of his eyes!

The several facades of the auto repair shop, except for the one where the car was washed, were completely unrecognizable. The equipment and accessories inside were scattered all over the place. Due to the fire, the black smoke made the plaque on the door black. The big characters of Cheng Auto Repair Shop can hardly be read.

"Auntie, what happened?" Shen Dapeng walked to Liu Fengxia and looked at the busy figures of the workers.

Liu Fengxia turned her head to look at Shen Dapeng with a frustrated expression, she couldn't help shook her head, pointed to the auto repair shop, and slowly explained the whole story.

It turned out that in the morning, a group of inspectors from the city came to Qingshu County by car and happened to pass by this road. One of the leaders spotted an obscure auto repair shop and asked about the situation.

County Mayor Tie and Shen Haitao broke out in sweat all of a sudden, but they didn't dare to hide it and told the truth.

Although the leaders in the city didn't say anything on the surface, their unhappy look already showed that they were very dissatisfied with this matter.

The overall public security situation in Qingshu County has been pretty good over the past few years, but now this happened at a critical time. What if it can make them happy?

Because they were accompanied by several investors from other provinces this time, they also heard about the rapid development of Qingshu County over the past year, so they plan to invest after a survey.

These investors also saw that the security situation in Qingshu County was so bad, how could they feel relieved to invest?

Therefore, taking advantage of the time between accompanying the leaders to eat at noon, Tie Zhengshuo pulled Shen Haitao aside and severely reprimanded him.

Shen Haitao was full of grievances, but there was nowhere to vent it. In addition to this case over the past few days, it can be described as painstaking and reluctant to eat and drink. It is extremely depressing to scold Tie County Governor like this.

However, County Magistrate Tie couldn't stop talking. In front of the city leaders, there were some remedial measures that had to be done.

Shen Haitao called Liu Fengxia and asked her to find someone to clean up the mess.

After the auto repair shop was smashed, the county police came to survey the scene many times, trying to find some important clues from it, so the scene has been kept, and the food factory has worked overtime over the past two days to make orders, so Liu Fengxia also There is no time to take care of the refurbishment of the auto repair shop.

After Shen Haitao told Liu Fengxia of the situation on the phone, Liu Fengxia felt that the matter was serious, and that the trouble would be labeled as affecting the county's investment attraction!

Liu Fengxia didn't dare to wear this hat, so he hurried to find a few workers to sort out the things in the shop and plan to redecorate at the same time.

Shen Dapeng sighed helplessly when he heard this.

This is really what I am afraid of. I am worried about being seen by the leaders of the city, who knows that they have seen it. The head of County Tie and his father were scolded.

"Since it's already like this, it's useless to say more. Hurry up. Xie Yan is still in the hospital. If you want him to work on decorating this matter, I'm afraid it's impossible. I'll watch it two days."

The decoration of the previous auto repair shop was done by Xie Yan himself, and the decoration style is very good, Shen Dapeng likes it very much.

But now it is imminent, Xie Yan is in the hospital again, and there is no one in his hands. It seems that he can only bite the bullet and find someone to decorate himself. Shen Dapeng frowned when he looked at the dilapidated auto repair shop in front of him.

"Forget it, where are you going to find someone?" Liu Fengxia waved her hand, "I will look for the decoration team. Besides, the previous decoration drawings of the auto repair shop are still with me. Then I can ask Xie Yan."

Shen Dapeng was taken aback, and then moved in his heart.

Seeing that the day when I leave school is getting closer and closer, my aunt is afraid of affecting her so she takes everything on her body.

My aunt's temple did not know when she had a few gray hairs. Shen Dapeng stood in front of Liu Fengxia at such a close distance, and suddenly realized that she felt a little more uncomfortable in her heart.

Since the birth of a pure water plant, the aunt has been following her, without any regrets, taking almost all of her work on her body, saving Shen Dapeng a lot.

However, my aunt seems to be a bit old these two years, and even her gray hair has come out. Shen Dapeng sees it, can she feel good in her heart?

"Auntie, you are too tired, let me..." Shen Dapeng was a little bit intolerant, and still wanted to bear some for the aunt, so that he could feel better, but Liu Fengxia waved his hand just halfway through his words.

She didn't look at Shen Dapeng, she kept staring at the auto repair shop that was unsightly in front of her, showing a firm expression.

"I can't watch my hard work just disappear, I want to watch it become brilliant again with my own eyes!"

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