Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1148: ??? messed up

Shen Haitao had no choice at this time. The collision was nothing more than Pengcheng and Jinhui taxi companies, and from all indications, it seemed that the two taxi companies were quarrelsome, so that there were four or five taxis. The scene of the collision.

I heard Liu Fengxia and his son Shen Dapeng said before that since the establishment of the Jinhui taxi company of his sister-in-law, the drivers of Jinhui Company have been instigated by the Lu family brothers, and the drivers of the two companies have been arguing from time to time. Phenomenon.

Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that the drivers of the two parties were deliberately caused by the anger of each other, but there is no obvious evidence, so it can only be handled as a traffic accident.

While dealing with it on the spot, Shen Haitao had already called Liu Fengxia, asking him to come and persuade the driver under him that both sides should avoid ignition and try to deal with the matter as quickly as possible, and the most important thing is to clear the way.

"What's all this!" Tie Zhengshuo gritted his teeth and sighed bitterly.

Although he was anxious in his heart, the procedures for handling traffic accidents were not completed, and he was also in a hurry.

The drivers in front of them all looked resentful, and seemed to be more reasonable. If they are not handled properly, the situation escalates, and there are scenes of fighting with each other, it will be even more difficult to control.

Yesterday I witnessed the tragic situation of the auto repair shop, and today it was a taxi fight again. If this is seen by the leaders of the city and those investors, let alone invest in Qingshu County, I am afraid that I am the chief capital of the county. I can’t sit still for a long time.

"According to the procedures, hurry up, the leaders above can't wait!" Tie Zhengshuo looked around the surrounding crowd, and whispered to Shen Haitao, "I'll urge the insurance company again, and let your people quickly clarify one. Trail, evacuate the passing crowd first!"

"Okay!" Shen Haitao hurriedly replied, and quickly turned around to greet the several traffic police nearby, instructing them to evacuate the crowd quickly.


Just as Shen Haitao was busy helping the traffic police to evacuate the crowd, he hurriedly squeezed into a figure from outside the crowd, glanced at the scene of a few taxis colliding, frowned, and quickly walked behind Shen Haitao.

Liu Fengxia was busy setting up everything in the food factory in the morning, waiting for the leaders of the city to come and inspect.

When the city leaders set off from the Dream Hotel, the person in charge of the hotel's administration department called Liu Fengxia and told Liu Fengxia the news. Liu Fengxia estimated that the time had come.

But she waited left and right, but she didn't see any other people in the city. While she was anxious, Shen Haitao called and told her that something happened on the road, so she hurried over.

Listening to Shen Haitao's tone, something must have happened, Liu Fengxia felt tight, and quickly agreed, and drove over.

From a distance, Liu Fengxia saw that the street in front was completely blocked. Seeing that the car couldn't pass, she had to get out of the car and hurried to the front.

When they saw several taxis colliding together, Xiaohou Lu Haorong and several drivers from Jinhui Company stared at each other coldly, and then they understood why Shen Haitao called him.

Liu Fengxia saw Shen Haitao, who was so busy, and shouted.

Shen Haitao turned around to see Liu Fengxia, frowned, and glanced at a few drivers not far away, "Is it someone from your company? I tried to persuade him for a long time, but I didn't persuade him. It seems that I have to come to you."

Liu Fengxia was taken aback, looking at her brother-in-law's wry smile, she just wanted to say something, but she saw Shen Haitao with an iron face standing behind her.

"Hello, Magistrate Iron!"

Liu Fengxia had guessed in her heart that it must be Lu Haorong and the others who wanted to avenge their auto repair shop. They suffocated their breath. They have been fighting against the drivers of Jinhui Company these days.

And what happened today was naturally the result of them fighting against each other. Just looking at the four or five cars colliding in front of you, you know that the battle is not small.

But after all, what day is today, Liu Fengxia is very clear in her heart, this time is naturally the overall situation, so when she saw the county magistrate Tie, she hurried forward and said hello with a smile.

"It's Xiao Liu." County Magistrate Tie admires Liu Fengxia, a strong woman. It is her hard work that has driven the development of Qingshu County today.

Moreover, when two people met, the head of County Tie often used the title Liu, but in today’s situation, head of County Tie was already squeezed in his stomach. When seeing Liu Fengxia at this time, he did not have the enthusiasm before, and his face was so gloomy. Replied.

"Tie County Magistrate, Deputy Magistrate Shen, I also knew that something like this had happened, so I rushed over. The taxis in the accident belonged to my company. I will now ask them to drive the car aside and take the road. Free it up."

Liu Fengxia knew what Tie Zhengshuo was worried about, so she hurriedly said with apology.

Tie Zhengshuo still had a gloomy expression, looked at the several taxis that had collided with each other, nodded gently, and did not speak.

And Shen Haitao seemed very anxious, "Okay, hurry up. It's been a long time since the traffic jam, and the leaders of the city are all behind."

Liu Fengxia stood on tiptoe and glanced at the long line of official cars after the crowd. She also became nervous immediately, turned around and walked in front of Lu Haorong and Xiaohou, pulling the two aside, whispering something.

Lu Haorong and Xiaohou didn't seem to listen to Liu Fengxia's words at first, and they still faced the two Jinhui company drivers with their eyebrows coldly.

But Liu Fengxia still tried to persuade her. Finally, Lu Haorong and Xiao Hou nodded reluctantly, turned and walked into their car, and drove the car aside.

The two taxis of Jinhui Company were originally on the side of the road. After Lu Haorong and his car drove to one side, the road suddenly became wider.

Shen Haitao took a long breath, turned around and was about to report to Tie Zhengshuo. Before he opened his mouth, the phone on Tie Zhengshuo suddenly rang.

Tie Zhengshuo looked at the improvement of the road conditions before him, nodded towards Shen Haitao, said he had seen it, and took out his mobile phone.


Because the road suddenly got Tie Zhengshuo's face eased a lot, but after answering the call, the boss suddenly opened his eyes and looked surprised.

"The leaders of the city are gone? This...this..." Tie Zhengshuo was shocked again and again, because of surprise, he couldn't even speak for a while.

Shen Haitao was also confused, staring at Tie Zhengshuo. When he put the phone away, he asked carefully: "Mr. Tie, what happened?"

"Broken up! This is messed up!"

Tie Zhengshuo spread out his hands and shouted bitterly with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

Messed up?

Shen Haitao was stunned and looked at Tie Zhengshuo in a daze.

"Look at what this is all about! The secretary just called and told me that the city leaders couldn't wait and had already gone back."

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