Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1184: ??????? Underground staff

The passengers in the aisle, including the passengers in the seats, all had a panic look at this time, and they evaded one after another, and some even turned their heads away, for fear that they would become like middle-aged men.

The two flight attendants led the middle-aged man to the other side of the carriage and disappeared from Shen Dapeng's vision.

At this time, the expressions of the passengers in the full car gradually eased, and they were stunned.

Some passengers began to whisper, not knowing what to say, but judging from their nervous look, they should be talking about the scene just now.

Shen Dapeng also sat down again, not caring too much in his heart.

People frighten themselves. A patient may just have a common cold and fever. What's worth all the fuss about.

Shen Dapeng took out a bottle of water from his backpack and took a few sips, then cast his gaze out of the car window, looking at the endless mountains and the villages passing by in the distance, and ignored the whispered comments of the people in the car. .

After a long journey of one day and one night, the train finally arrived at the Beijing station.

When leaving Qingshu County, Shen Dapeng had already called Tang Wei and told him the number of trains he had taken. Tang Wei looked very happy on the phone and told Shen Dapeng that he would come to the station on time to meet him.

Therefore, Shen Dapeng did not call Tang Wei again on the way.

Following the clear announcement of the station by the flight attendant on the train broadcast, Shen Dapeng stood up, moved his stiff body, and carried his backpack to follow the crowd to get off the train.

As soon as I walked to the exit, the two staff with thermometers in hand checked them one by one. Shen Dapeng was no exception, but everything went smoothly.

Walking out of the station with a backpack on his back, Shen Dapeng was already tired and sweating.

It is indeed a bustling capital, and the people all over the street make people feel a sense of abruptness.

Shen Dapeng felt a little uncomfortable for a while, and walked toward the square while taking a step forward, looking for Tang Wei's shadow among the crowds on both sides.

"Brother Peng, here!"

Shen Dapeng was looking for Tang Wei blankly, and suddenly a thunderous voice sounded in front of Shen Dapeng.

Before Shen Dapeng could react, a chubby figure rushed towards him and hugged him.

"Brother Peng, I want to kill you!"

Listening to this voice, who else could it be if it wasn't Tang Wei?

"Okay, let it go quickly, it makes us seem to have something, let others see, don't know what to think." Shen Dapeng frowned, while looking at the surrounding crowd.

Fortunately, the passengers around him were all hurrying on the way. No one noticed them. Shen Dapeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Wei laughed and let go of Shen Dapeng, but his face changed in an instant, staring at Shen Dapeng's face, "Brother Peng, why didn't you wear a mask?"

Only then did Shen Dapeng notice that Tang Wei was also wearing a mask, covering his face tightly.

If this kid didn't make a sound, he would be standing in the crowd. I guess he wouldn't be able to tell it was him.

Shen Dapeng thought to himself, pointing to himself and joking, "If I wear a mask like you, you may stand here for a day and you won't find me?"

"Okay, now is not the time to joke, give me the backpack, come with me!"

Although Shen Dapeng couldn't see Tang Wei's expression, judging from the tone of his speech, this kid looked serious.

Shen Dapeng's backpack was heavy enough now. Hearing Tang Wei's words, he was happy and relaxed, so he handed the backpack he was carrying to Tang Wei.

Tang Wei carried his backpack, and without a word, he pulled Shen Dapeng's arm and walked quickly towards a small supermarket not far away.

"Hey, I said Tang Wei, let's not go back to school, what are we going to do?" Shen Dapeng asked as he walked in doubt.

"You'll find out later!" Tang Wei casually threw a word and said nothing, and hurriedly led Shen Dapeng to the door of the small supermarket to stop, "You wait for me at the door, I'll come out immediately!"

Before Shen Dapeng could ask clearly, Tang Wei rushed into the supermarket in a flash.

Shen Dapeng had no choice but to smile wryly and shook his head, then turned to look at the crowded crowd in the station square.

In the crowd, most of them wore masks, and from time to time, the patrolling police officers walked up and down with thermometers in their hands, paying attention to everyone around them with a serious look.

Shen Dapeng only noticed at this time that under a temporary arbor not far from the exit, several doctor-like people were sitting there, checking something for several passengers.

"Brother Peng, put on this!"

Shen Dapeng was looking at the situation in the square, Tang Wei's voice came from behind him, and at the same time, he slightly bumped Shen Dapeng with his elbow.

Shen Dapeng turned and looked down. Tang Wei held a newly bought mask in his hand and handed it to him.

"I didn't wear this thing all the way, forget it, I'd better keep it for you." Shen Dapeng shook his head.

"That's not okay!" Tang Wei's voice changed all of a sudden. Before Shen Dapeng agreed, he got started and he just put on a mask on Shen Dapeng.

"I said Tang Wei, are you so nervous? Aren't I good?" Shen Dapeng was a little helpless.

I don’t know what it looks like when I wear a mask. In addition, Tang Wei also wears a mask next to him. The two of them are wearing masks, and the packs are tightly packed. Their eyes are sweeping around in the crowd. It feels like Are they underground workers from the White Terror period before liberation?

"Look at it," Tang Wei pointed to the staff and doctors who were holding body temperature detectors around the station, "you have to pay attention when you should pay attention, the body is the most important thing!"

Tang Wei had already informed Shen Dapeng about the situation in Beijing on the phone. SARS had spread from the south to this side, and Beijing began to pay more attention to it, so this kid was also taking precautions Wei, on the capital side, is the situation really so bad? "Shen Dapeng had already noticed the situation on the station side just now. Tang Wei put on a mask at this time, and said in a serious tone, he began to panic unconsciously.

Shen Dapeng clearly remembered a scene. It was in his previous life and also when SARS was the worst in Beijing. When he passed a building, he saw twenty or thirty doctor-like people getting out of several cars. Everyone is wearing a mask and carrying a sprayer on their backs.

Without saying anything, these people started from the gate of the building, picked up the spray rod and sprayed them, and quickly entered the gate, disinfecting layer by layer.

Not to mention the whole building, Shen Dapeng was standing outside the building and could smell the choking smell of disinfectant.

This is nothing. There are two armed police officers standing around the entrance of the building. No one outside the building can enter, and the people inside cannot come out yet, completely isolated from the outside world.

Shen Dapeng thought of the scene at that time, and now he is still a little confused.

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