Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1194: ????? Chen Xiao??'s call

   Li Shuang listened to Zheng Dan's words and looked at Du Yuefeng's bed, which was empty.

   "Yes, this kid won't be coming, right? The phone has not been able to get through." Tang Wei also looked suspicious, and inadvertently glanced at Li Shuang, who was a little lonely, and his eyes quickly flashed a sly.

"Well, according to my inference, this kid won't come in all likelihood. His family's situation is already not good. Maybe he will go back this time. His parents will not let him go to school anymore. They will stay at home and do farm work. In one or two years, marry a daughter-in-law and give birth to a baby.

   Tang Wei deliberately pretended to be serious, frowning and thinking, "Brother Peng, Xiaofeng can't get through on the phone. Otherwise, let's go to his house and have a look and persuade Xiaofeng's parents?"

   Tang Wei secretly looked at Li Shuang while talking.

   Sure enough, Li Shuang's eyes soon showed a hint of surprise, with deep despair in it, and he said nothing.

   "Okay, why marry a wife and have a baby, don't talk nonsense."

Shen Dapeng smiled faintly. He knew that Tang Wei was teasing Li Shuang, and tears were falling in Li Shuang's eyes. He couldn't help but pointed at Tang Wei fiercely, "I just called Xiaofeng, and he will return in two days. school."

"Really?" Just after Shen Dapeng's words were said, Li Shuang, who was sitting on the side in distress, suddenly came to his mind, raised his head, and his bright eyes looked at Shen Dapeng, as if someone in desperate situation suddenly looked at him. Hope it's average.

   "Can there be fakes?" Shen Dapeng then recounted the conversation with Du Yuefeng just now.

   "It turned out to be like this, it scared me to death."

   After Shen Dapeng finished speaking, Li Shuang spoke in relief first, and patted his chest with his hand a few times, but he quickly reacted and looked at Tang Wei angrily.

   "Fatty Tang, I will let you talk nonsense!"

   Li Shuang yelled, stood up and rushed towards Tang Wei, frightened Tang Wei’s mother circling the table, and finally ran behind Shen Dapeng, Shen Dapeng stopped it with a smile, and Li Shuang gave up.

   "Okay, you just arrived at school, and there is no good meal on the road?" Shen Dapeng looked at Zheng Dan and Li Shuang.

   "Don't mention it, the food on the train is terrible, but Li Shuang and I bought a bucket of self-cooking hot pot. It tastes really good." Zheng Dan smacked his mouth, looking unsatisfied.

   Shen Dapeng couldn't help but laughed, "In this case, it's almost noon, why don't we go to the hot pot restaurant on campus?"

   Two days ago, when Shen Dapeng passed by that small hot pot restaurant, the door had not yet opened. Now the school will start immediately. There are more and more students returning to school, and I don’t know if it’s open.

   "That's a good idea. When we passed by that store just now, the door happened to be open." Tang Wei heard that he was going to eat hot pot again, and his expression was full of joy.

   "You haven't eaten enough yet?" Shen Dapeng glanced at Tang Wei's protruding belly.

   "Human is iron, rice is steel, besides, I have suffered during this period, and I feel sick when eating instant noodles. If I don't treat my stomach, where can I still have spiritual learning?"

   Tang Wei looked nonchalant, speaking righteously, and took Zheng Dan's hand and walked outside.

   Shen Dapeng shook his head speechlessly, greeted Li Shuang, and the two also left the dormitory door.

   The small hot pot restaurant on campus is not far from the Weifeng Computer Supermarket. A few people arrived at the door of the hot pot restaurant within a dozen minutes away.

   The boss is a middle-aged person, and he warmly greeted Shen Dapeng and them to come in.

   It seems that although the epidemic situation is serious now, some people still don’t care much about it, and what they should do is what they should do.

  For example, this hot pot restaurant earns students’ money. As for epidemics, I don’t care at all.

   It was when eating at noon, there were few students in the store who were eating like students, not many people.

Tang Wei excitedly arranged Zheng Dan and Li Shuang to sit down, greeted the boss to serve the pot and dishes, and brought a few bottles of beer. Several people sat together. Tang Wei opened a bottle of wine and poured a glass for himself and Shen Dapeng. To cheers, Shen Dapeng's cell phone rang at this moment.

  Shen Dapeng took a look, and it turned out that Chen Xiaoxuan was calling.

   Years ago, Shen Dapeng asked Chen Xiaozhang to go to Guangshen Province to find out about computer accessories. By the way, I had a look at auto parts. I haven't contacted him for a long time. Shen Dapeng is about to ask about the situation.

  Because the shop is noisy, Shen Dapeng quickly got up and went outside the shop to answer the phone.


   "Well, I'm back, just arrived at the Beijing Railway Station!"

   On the other side of the phone, Chen Xiaoxuan's voice came over, and it sounded very calm.

   "That's OK, I'll pick you up at the station!" Shen Dapeng hurriedly responded.

   "No, I came here by taxi. Wait for me at school."

   Chen Xiaoxuan said lightly, he was prudent and calm. Shen Dapeng couldn't hear anything from his tone for a while. It seemed that he could only talk about it after meeting. So he agreed and made an appointment to meet at the school gate.

   Hanging up, Shen Dapeng went back to the hot pot restaurant and told Tang Wei that they had something to do and they needed to go out.

   "Huh? Brother Peng, are you going?" Tang Wei stopped in the air with his chopsticks, staring at Shen Are you trying to escape? "

  Shen Dapeng raised his arm angrily and wanted to give Tang Wei a moment, "Can you kid not think other people think the same as you?"

   "I'm not..." Tang Wei smiled, and was about to argue, three red banknotes were handed to him.

   "Three hundred is enough?" Shen Dapeng looked at Tang Wei impatiently, and squeezed the money into the hand of Tang Wei who was stunned for a while, "Chen Xiaozheng is back, I have to pick it up, you can eat it slowly."

   In Tang Wei Zheng Dan's puzzled eyes, Shen Dapeng smiled apologetically, made an act of disaccompaniment, turned around and walked out.

   Chen Xiaoxuan went from the station to Shuimu University. It would take about half an hour by taxi. Shen Dapeng estimated the time and walked over to the school gate, which was only twenty minutes away.

   So he walked towards the school gate without rush or slow, thinking about what news Chen Xiaoxuan would bring back this time.

  Guangshen develops better than the mainland. The computer and auto parts market has matured. Of course, competition is also very fierce. However, this also leads to products that are more affordable than the mainland. If they are in batches, the price will be lower.

   Chen Xiaoxuan, if you can contact the quality and cheap accessories, of course it is the best.

   Shen Dapeng thought all the way, unknowingly he had arrived at the school gate.

   Compared to the deserted days in the past few days, it is probably because of the upcoming school. There is a lot of excitement at the school gate, there are more students coming in, and a lot of students walking out of the school.

   However, most of them wear masks and rarely speak. As usual, they can only get in and out after passing a check by several school guards.


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