Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1204: ??? Unintentionally inserting willow

After Shen Dapeng's words, the imperceptible bright color in Wang Xueying's eyes dimmed completely.

"I'm fine... I will take care of myself."

There was a hint of coldness in Wang Xueying's tone. After dropping this sentence towards Shen Dapeng, she turned and walked towards the library door. The way she turned around made Shen Dapeng feel a touch of determination.

Shen Dapeng was about to speak to Wang Xueying, but Wang Xueying's footsteps stopped suddenly, and then turned to look at Shen Dapeng, "I hope you take care of yourself..."

Shen Dapeng was taken aback, feeling the pitiful little temperature in this sentence, his eyes were startled, and his mind was suddenly full of thoughts.

"Where are you going again?" He could clearly feel that Wang Xueying had changed a lot. She was no longer the wayward and self-conscious mad girl before, and she was completely personal, calm and lonely.

Could it be that she became like this because of emotional frustration?

And all this is because of myself.

Shen Dapeng's heart sank. Could this girl hate herself forever? And now, she wants to leave quietly, so she can't find it?

"Go back to the dormitory to sleep!" Wang Xueying finished her words quietly, then turned and left again.

Shen Dapeng didn't speak any more, his heart relaxed, and it seemed that this girl wouldn't do anything stupid.

Wang Xueying's figure disappeared outside the glass door of the library. Shen Dapeng let out a long sigh of relief, shook his head weakly, picked up a book and walked to the seat to sit down.

He opened the book and read it for a while, and closed it again annoyingly. His eyes were on the book, but he didn't know what he was reading. Wang Xueying's figure was all in his mind.

And the book that Shen Dapeng got at random has the words of ancient love words written on the cover.

Looking at those words, Shen Dapeng shook his head mockingly, smiled bitterly, got up again, put the book back on the shelf, and walked outside the library.

Maybe, Wang Xueying like this is good, let her understand that feelings are not wishful thinking, and feeling hurt is not necessarily a bad thing.

The wind at night was chilly, Shen Dapeng couldn't help but shudder, wrapped his clothes tightly, and quickly walked to the dormitory.

Shen Dapeng's heart was completely relieved from the small excitement when he first saw Wang Xueying.

No matter what, she will return to school safely. This is already very good. At least, Shen Dapeng doesn't need to worry anymore.

In the next few days, after class as usual, Shen Dapeng became accustomed to an intense study and life, but in his spare time, he still asked about the situation in the computer supermarket and the Xiaoyu Science and Technology Museum.

Judging from the news reported on TV, the epidemic is getting worse and worse, but there are still some students who don’t take it seriously and do what they should do.

After class during the day and nothing to do at night, I naturally thought of playing games to relax. Therefore, Weifeng Supermarket still sold more than a dozen assembled computers in the first few days of school.

In addition, some people have been sent to repair hardware and systems. After class these days, Tang Wei and Du Yuefeng have been very busy.

On Cao Zhang's side, because of the development of the epidemic, some companies near Huanyun Street went to the Xiaoyu Science and Technology Museum to order air purifiers.

Because the epidemic is spread through human breathing and air, these people think about their health and don’t know who’s listening. Air purifiers can purify viruses in the air.

Cao Zhang was very helpless with this statement, and Shen Dapeng shook his head to express speechlessness after hearing this.

If an air purifier can really purify viruses in the air, what are the hospitals and doctors doing?

Shen Dapeng has repeatedly urged Cao Zhang not to exaggerate the publicity, but the spread of the epidemic may be a psychological comfort for people, and orders for air purifiers continue to flow.

Shen Dapeng called Wang Yuying again to inquire about the sales of air purifiers across the country, and learned that, similar to the situation in the Xiaoyu Science and Technology Living Hall, the sales of air purifiers increased a lot overnight.

This is really a coincidence, and the sales of water purifiers have also followed up.

Shen Dapeng couldn't help sighing in his heart, accidentally inserting willows, who would have thought of the willows!

He also thought that when SARS was at its worst, the business of his own companies would be bleak, but he did not expect this phenomenon to occur.

However, in any case, although these products cannot kill the SARS virus, they are indeed good for human health. Spending money on health is indeed worthwhile.

Of course, Cao Zhang was so happy. The computer shop was transformed into a science and technology museum. The business came all of a sudden, and a lot of profits went into his pockets. Naturally, he was very busy.

Naturally, he couldn't conceal his joy in words, and he admired Shen Dapeng even more in his heart.

Shen Dapeng just smiled, not commenting.

In his plan, the Xiaoyu Science and Technology Life Museum is just an experimental site. If it succeeds, he will open a second and third...

But now, all this in the capital has just begun, there is still a long way to go to his goal, and he needs to do a lot.

In the March weather in Beijing, although there is still some coldness in the air from time to time, in general, the warmth of spring has come quietly.

The willows on the campus quietly spit out new buds, and there are more lovers on the tree-lined road in the evening. Once the chill passes, everything seems to be alive.

However, Shen Dapeng's heart became even more worried.

The temperature gradually warming up is not a good thing for the epidemic.

Because, according to common sense, the higher the temperature, the more active the virus, and the faster the infection.

In addition, TV reports indicate that the World Health Organization has officially issued a global alert, and the epidemic that is spreading gradually and becoming more and more contagious is officially called SARS, which is a type of atypical pneumonia.

There are TVs in every dormitory of the school. Most of the students have seen this news. For a while, people are What's more, many students actually stay in the dormitory and don't go anywhere. They would rather ask for leave. She was lying in a bed and she didn't want to go to class.

In the school cafeteria, the number of people eating was obviously less, and most of the snacks and instant noodles in several on-campus canteens were sold out.

Those students would rather eat instant noodles for three meals a day than go to the crowded cafeteria, for fear that, as seen on TV, they will be the next recruit.

Shen Dapeng doesn't care much. At most, he wears a mask when he goes out. Tang Wei and Du Yuefeng do the same. In addition, they are sometimes busy late at night at the computer supermarket, so there is no SARS or SARS.

However, Tang Wei was pity and pity. After seeing the official report on TV, he repeatedly told Zheng Dan and Li Shuang that they could not go out at all times except for classes, including computer supermarkets.

After dinner, Shen Dapeng went to the Zhongkexin Building to look at Jason and the others. Several people, each with a computer, were writing programs, and were very busy. Shen Dapeng did not dare to bother too much, and chatted with Jason. , After a lot of encouragement, he hurried back to school.

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