Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1207: ????? More tragic news

However, Shen Dapeng was patient and wanted to know what happened.

"I'm in the school dormitory."

"Come out quickly, with Xiaofeng and the others, quickly!" Cao Zhang's tone seemed even more violent.

Shen Dapeng frowned more severely, dare to feel that this dormitory is a minefield? Is it possible to step on thunder at any time?

"What? It's going to be an earthquake?" Shen Dapeng couldn't help laughing and joking.

"It's more serious than the earthquake, Dapeng, come out quickly and listen to me!" Cao Zhang yelled anxiously on the phone.

Could it be true that something bad happened?

Shen Dapeng's heart sank, and then he took it seriously.

Cao Zhang has not been like this all the time, and today's abnormal appearance, if it weren't for something really happened, he would definitely not be like this.

Moreover, with Cao Zhang's calm temper, he would not make such a joke.

"Cao Zhang, what is going on, please make it clear." Shen Dapeng's tone also became a little anxious.

Cao Zhang seemed to be very dissatisfied with Shen Dapeng's chirps, but he couldn't help but sighed and finally explained the reason helplessly.

"Our Mizuki University has just sent out a few students with suspected ** cases. I heard reliable news that the armed police force and the quarantine team from the hospital will soon come to our school for isolation!"

Ah? As soon as Shen Dapeng heard the news, his brain exploded.

It should have come, after all, it has come.

"Time is in a hurry, if you don't come out again, I'm afraid that if you want to come out later, there will be no doors!"

Cao Zhang didn't forget to warn him, and then he persuaded Shen Dapeng a few more words and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Shen Dapeng knew in his heart that in his previous life, the ** epidemic was the most violent in the capital, so he knew the consequences of the school closure. Once the school was closed, the blockade would definitely not be lifted for a while.

"Brother Peng, what's going on? Is there an earthquake?"

Tang Wei and Du Yuefeng looked at Shen Dapeng with serious expressions after hanging up the phone.

Shen Dapeng shook his head, "The news is worse than the US attack on Ferak..."

After recounting the news that Cao Zhang had received, Tang Wei and Du Yuefeng were both stunned for a while.

"Brother Peng, what can we do?" Tang Wei looked anxious, "If the school is really closed, it will be difficult for us to go out!"

"Isn’t that? Isn’t this the rhythm of suffocating people? Also, there are several suspected cases on campus. Although they have been taken away for isolation, no one can guarantee that the epidemic will not spread. We stay at school. What can I do if I get infected?"

Du Yuefeng also looked at Shen Dapeng with concern.

Shen Dapeng was silent for a short while, then said in a deep voice, "Get dressed, let's go!"

"Go?" Tang Wei was taken aback, "Brother Peng, are we going out?"

"If you don't leave now, it will be difficult to get out!" Shen Dapeng's face was gloomy, and after speaking, he put on his coat.

"Tang Wei, listen to Brother Peng, don't be silly there, pack things, let's go quickly, if there is any delay, it will be too late." Du Yuefeng did not think much, and also picked up his own clothes.

Tang Wei's expression flickered, watching Shen Dapeng and Du Yuefeng packing up their things, and finally as if made up their minds, they stomped their feet vigorously.

"Okay, we share the ups and downs, let's go out together!"

After speaking, Tang Wei also quickly turned off the computer, followed Shen Dapeng and Du Yuefeng, and rushed downstairs to the dormitory.

The campus at night seemed extremely deserted, and there was no one on the boulevard.

When a few people left the dormitory and came to the boulevard, Shen Dapeng, who was advancing fast in front of him, suddenly stopped.

"Brother Peng, hurry up, those armed police and the quarantine department are faster than us, we have to race against time!"

Tang Wei followed Shen Dapeng, Shen Dapeng stopped, Tang Wei almost ran into Shen Dapeng and couldn't help but urged.

"Are you going out like this?" Shen Dapeng turned around and looked at Tang Wei with a smile.

"Then... Then how do you get out? Fly out like a Scud missile?" Tang Wei stared at himself, "I'm not a Scud either?"

"Okay." Shen Dapeng frowned and pointed to the direction of the girls' dormitory. "Where are Zheng Dan and others?"

Tang Wei understood at once, "Forgot to forget, I will call now!"

Tang Wei hurriedly took out his cell phone and called Zheng Dan as he said, hurriedly explained the whole story on the phone, and asked Zheng Dan, Li Shuang and Wang Xueying to go downstairs quickly.

"Brother Peng, it's done, they will go downstairs right away." Tang Wei hung up and said to Shen Dapeng.

Shen Dapeng nodded, "Let's go downstairs and wait for them, and go out together."

Several people quickly walked to the girls' building, and as soon as they arrived downstairs in the dormitory, Shen Dapeng looked up and suddenly frowned.

Wang Xueying is a stubborn girl, what if she doesn't come out?

Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng turned to look at Tang Wei, "Did you say yes? Wang Xueying agreed?"

Tang Wei was taken aback, "I only told Zheng Dan, and asked her to quickly tell Li Shuang and Wang Xueying that they will come down when they know about it."

Shen Dapeng smiled bitterly and took out the phone.

"Brother Peng, are you afraid that Wang Xueying won't come out?" Tang Wei stared at the phone in Shen Dapeng's hand for a moment.

Shen Dapeng did not speak, but dialed Wang Xueying's phone.

This time, Wang Xueying's phone did not turn off unexpectedly, and a beep waiting to be connected came from the phone.

After a while, the phone was connected, and Wang Xueying's faint words came, "Something?"

Shen Dapeng hesitated slightly, and then smiled, "If you don't come out this time, I can guarantee that starting tomorrow, within a few months, it will be more difficult for you to get out of school than to climb to the sky."

There was a momentary silence on the phone, but soon, Wang Xueying's voice came over.

"I'm not a god, I didn't think about reaching the sky..."

In his faint tone, he could not hear any emotional changes.

Shen Dapeng smiled in her heart. Wang Xueying was able to answer her own phone and could say such a cold joke, which shows that her heart is at least not resistant to herself.

Could it be that the last time she was in the Dream Hotel in Qingshu she was relieved?

In any case, even if the two of them become ordinary friends who are lukewarm and lukewarm in the future, it is better than she is crazy and entangled with herself or evaporates from the world, right?

This thought flashed through his mind, and Shen Dapeng was relieved a lot, and smiled slightly.

"It's okay if the gods don't ascend to the sky, but it's always okay to come down to the mortal world, right?"

I believe that Zheng Dan has already told Wang Xueying about the grim situation in front of her. According to Wang Xueying's temperament, she is not the kind of person who can stay awake, so Shen Dapeng also responded with a joke without saying much.

"Okay." On the other side of the phone, Wang Xueying let out a lazy sigh of relief, "It's okay to look at the fireworks in the world."

It was a faint tone without the naughty laughter of the past, but it already gave Shen Dapeng a sigh of relief. It would be fine if she didn't reject herself. What's afraid is that this girl will be like a stranger when she sees herself from now on.

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