Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1210: ????? 2 choices

Shen Dapeng looked at Wang Xueying's smile and felt relieved, and then looked at the lively atmosphere, and couldn't help but have an idea.

What's the point of sitting like this?

"Tang Wei, didn't you just say that you were hungry?" Shen Dapeng glanced at Tang Wei, his face full of deep meaning.

Tang Wei turned his head and looked at Shen Dapeng. When he saw Shen Dapeng's expression, he quickly realized it and stood up from the sofa.

"Brother Peng, just tell me how to do it." Tang Wei patted his chest, acting boldly.

A smile crossed the corner of Shen Dapeng's mouth, and he took out a few banknotes from his pocket and held them up, "Two boxes of beer, one box of drinks, snacks like melon seeds, you can figure it out."

"Oh," Tang Wei snapped his fingers excitedly, and quickly walked the banknotes from Shen Dapeng's hand, opened the door of the room, and ran away without a trace.

"Brother Peng, are you still letting Tang Wei drink? You didn't see his stomach almost catching up with Zhu Bajie!"

Zheng Dan pursed his mouth irritably and expressed his dissatisfaction to Shen Dapeng.

"Oh?" Shen Dapeng took a deliberate breath, "I really haven't seen the true face of his stomach, it seems that you are the first to see it."

"Ha ha……"

Shen Dapeng's joking made the rest of the people laugh, and even Wang Xueying smiled so that the row of white teeth was revealed.

Zheng Dan realized that he had said something wrong, his pretty face blushed, and he stood up and chased Shen Dapeng.

"Stop..." Shen Dapeng waved his hand quickly, begging for mercy, and at the same time pointed to the ringing cell phone in his trouser pocket, "Answer the call."

It was Tang Wei's call, "Brother Peng, are you trying to make me lose weight?"

Shen Dapeng was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Weight loss is not the way to lose weight, right? I am alone, with two boxes of beer and one box of drinks plus some snacks.

On the phone, the voice of Tang Wei's redress made Shen Dapeng couldn't help but laugh, "Blame me, blame me, I didn't expect this, I immediately let Xiaofeng down."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Dapeng hurriedly ordered Du Yuefeng to go down and help.

It was rare to have freedom. Li Shuang next to him seemed to want to stay with Du Yuefeng. Without Shen Dapeng's order, he volunteered and ran out behind Du Yuefeng.

Looking at Li Shuang's back, Shen Dapeng smiled silently.

When will Du Yuefeng be able to open up and take the initiative?

In Shen Dapeng's impression, Li Shuang is indeed a good girl.

The room suddenly became empty.

Shen Dapeng secretly rejoiced that Zheng Dan did not follow Tang Wei out, otherwise he and Wang Xueying would be left in the room now.

The same hotel room, the same two people.

If the previous scene recurs, Shen Dapeng really doesn't know how to face Wang Xueying and what to say.

"Come here, come here..."

Soon, with a cheerful greeting, Du Yuefeng came in first, holding a box of drinks in his hand, "This is what you ladies drink. The men drink it in the back."

Behind her, Li Shuang walked in with two large bags of snacks in his left and right hands. Behind her, Tang Wei's plump figure also swayed in, carrying two boxes of beer, sweat oozing from his head.

"Come on, I'll help you." Shen Dapeng glanced at Tang Wei's drooping face, and hurriedly stepped forward to grab a box of beer from his arms and put it on the ground.

Tang Wei put down the box of wine in his arms, wiped the sweat from his face, and sat on the sofa without saying a word.

On the contrary, there is something wrong in his eyes.

"Tang Wei, didn't it just give you a little more strength? As for such a drooping face? Can't I accompany you to drink a few more bottles later?"

Shen Dapeng thought that Tang Wei was still angry with him, so he couldn't help looking at Tang Wei with a smile on his face.

"No, Brother Peng..."

Tang Wei slowly raised his head and looked at Shen Dapeng, his eyes full of embarrassment, "It's not because of this."

"Let me just say, you still care about this ass, say, what's the matter, crying?" Shen Dapeng looked at Tang Wei dissatisfied.

"Hey..." Tang Wei sighed unexpectedly, took out his mobile phone, pointed to the mobile phone and said, "I was downstairs just now, do you know who called me?"

Tang Wei's tone was very helpless, which made Shen Dapeng a little puzzled for a while.

"Who? Your father?"

Tang Wei shook his head, "It was from Teacher Cha Sleep..."

"Huh?" Shen Dapeng was taken aback, "Why is Teacher Chabu calling you for?"

Tang Wei smiled bitterly, "I just picked up the phone and wondered, but the teacher said that they had just received a notice from the school that all students who are out of school should go back to the school for normal student life, and the school will do its best to ensure that the students Normal study life."

Tang Wei paused and continued: "Either go through the suspension formalities and go home, so the school won't worry about it."

Shen Dapeng was taken aback. It should be that the school had fully considered the very serious SARS epidemic now, so it gave them two choices for students outside the school.

"Brother Peng, what do you say?" Du Yuefeng couldn't help frowning when he heard the news.

Shen Dapeng did not speak, but thought in his mind that this is indeed a problem. He was just about to discuss with everyone when Du Yuefeng's cell phone rang again.

Du Yuefeng didn't say a few words as soon as he answered the phone, and Shen Dapeng's cell phone rang again.

Shen Dapeng frowned and took out the phone to see that it was an unfamiliar number.

If the guess is correct, it should have been from the school. Shen Dapeng hurriedly walked out of the room to answer the phone.

Sure enough, it was the teacher who called the bed, and the two options were mentioned on the phone, let Shen Dapeng make a decision as soon as possible.

Shen Dapeng agreed on the surface, and when he hung up the phone and returned to the room silently, he looked up and found that the people in the room were like Tang Wei, all of them turned into frosted eggplants.

"Brother Peng, did the teacher call me?"

Du Yuefeng broke the dull atmosphere in the room and raised his eyes to Shen Dapeng.

Shen Dapeng nodded, but soon he realized something and looked around at everyone, "Should not..."

Du Yuefeng nodded slowly, and pointed to himself, Zheng Dan, Li Shuang, Wang Xueying and others.

"Just when you were out, each of us received a call from the school teacher..."

Du Yuefeng didn't finish speaking, but Shen Dapeng already knew what was going on and nodded gently.

"This is normal during the SARS period. If we go back to school, the teacher will definitely do our best to protect us, but..." Shen Dapeng paused, "SARS is ruthless. No one can guarantee that we won't be infected. The school is for our sake. If you don’t want to stay at school, you can go through the formalities for suspension."

Shen Dapeng thought and continued: "The two choices given by the school are understandable. Don't think too much about it. It's always okay to discuss it."

"What are you discussing?" Tang Wei stared, "Did you not see? There have been cases of teachers being infected in the school. If we go back, what should we do if we get infected?"

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