Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1271: ?????? 2 possibilities

   When Wang Li said that, Sun Da Pao noticed it, and touched it with his hand outside, and suddenly gritted his teeth with anger.

   "Grandma's, isn't this still hot? It tastes just right, how can it be cold? Is this kid dying?"

   "I also feel that kid is looking for something on purpose!" Wang Li nodded affirmatively.

  Sun Dapao frowned and looked at Tang Wei and Du Yuefeng in the fence, "You see it? I can guarantee that these things today must be premeditated!"

   "Perhaps...this is just the beginning..."

Tang Wei on the side of    seemed to realize something, and said softly.

   "It's just the beginning?" Sun Da Pao was taken aback, and then he understood, gritted his teeth bitterly, "If this goes on, how can we deliver food?"

   "Don't talk about it, let's do this first, wait until the evening you go back, tell Peng brother what happened today, and think of a way together..."

   Du Yuefeng shook his head and sighed helplessly.

   "That's right, we have to tell Brother Peng how to figure out what's going on!" Sun Dapao nodded in agreement.

"If you let me know the man behind you, I will cut him off!" Tang Wei also said angrily. "This is obviously someone jealous of us. That's why I came up with this bad idea. Go and find Brother Peng. !"

   After Tang Wei Sun Da Pao and Du Yuefeng bid farewell, the two drove to the hotel by car.

   The sky is dark outside the window, but the lights in the hotel room are bright.

  Shen Dapeng sat on the edge of the bed, frowning silently.

   On the sofa opposite, Tang Wei and Sun Dapao stared at Shen Dapeng, their faces agitated.

"Brother Peng, I can't postpone it now. It's been three days. I have phone calls every day to order food, but in the past, there is no personal image, so our normal food delivery has been greatly affected!" Tang Wei Be the first to speak.

"If this goes on, let alone us, the food delivery staff below are not willing to do it anymore. They used to be able to earn some pocket money by running errands a day, but now it's okay. If you run errands every day, you still don't make money. You say... …"

  Sun Da Pao was also bitter, and he spread his hands helplessly.

   Since the first day of the empty order, Tang Wei and Sun Dapao told Shen Dapeng. At first, Shen Dapeng thought that someone was making trouble, and didn't care too much.

   But it's been several days, this is the situation every day, and it's getting worse and worse.

   Tang Wei also made some statistics today, and there are fifty or sixty empty orders.

   That's not even counted. At the beginning of a few empty runs, the owners of those restaurants didn't take it seriously, so they admitted it.

   But now I heard from Tang Wei that the owners of several restaurants are reluctant. The quantity is too large, and the things that no one wants to sell are returned. The losses are still borne by themselves, so they also yelled.

   Shen Dapeng listened to the complaints of the two, rubbed his forehead with his hands, and let out a long sigh.

   These troublemakers can't be identified at all!

   When they ordered food on the phone, they said that they were making trouble. They couldn't tell the students who really needed to order food, and they couldn't catch people, which made it very difficult to deal with.

   This is also the reason for Shen Dapeng's distress these past few days!

   "Tang Wei, look, otherwise..."

  Shen Dapeng flashed a bright color in front of his eyes, "Remember these messy calls and pull them into the blacklist. If they want to mess up next time, they can't make calls first, so they won't be recruited?"

   Tang Wei smiled helplessly, "Brother Peng, Brother Pao and I also thought of this method, and we started to count carefully a few days ago to block Du Yuefeng from making troublesome calls, but it's not very useful!"

   "Not useful?" Shen Dapeng was startled.

   "Yes, we thought that there would be fewer troubles in this way, but who would have thought that the number of troublesome calls in the past few days is not only not less, but more and more!"

As soon as Tang Wei finished speaking, Sun Dapao immediately nodded and said, "In the past few days, most of my brothers and Xiaofeng’s errand students have run in vain, and all of them have lost their energy. Swear directly at the mother!"

   Shen Dapeng took a deep breath, how come more and more?

   Suddenly, he woke up, a bright color in his confused eyes.

  Since someone deliberately disturbed their express delivery company, they would definitely not give up just because the phone was blacklisted.

   The phone cards on the market are not real-named as in the following years, and a phone card can be bought for ten yuan.

   This phone has been hacked, you can spend money to buy a new phone card to continue making trouble! In this way, this phenomenon cannot be fundamentally eliminated!

   "Yes, this is not a solution. Now calling cards are very cheap. Someone wants to deal with us. It is not impossible to buy a lot of calling cards!" Shen Dapeng nodded slightly.

   "Who is so wicked, this kind of thing can be done, if you let me know, you have to let him go around!" Sun Dapao angrily patted the side of the sofa.

"Let me say, there are two possibilities!" Tang Wei looked thoughtful, "One is that someone sees that we are fast sending the company to a prosperous business and can make money, so they also want to open a company, but we have already seized it. In the market, if they open up, they will definitely not be able to compete with us, so they have adopted this despicable method to make us retreat when we are in trouble!"

   "Retire in case of difficulty?" Sun Dapao raised his and clenched his fists, "Huh, I think so beautiful! Don't look at who my Sun Dapao is, this fist is not vegetarian!"

  Shen Dapeng waved his hand. At this moment, he was not in the mood to listen to Sun Dapao flaunting his majesty here, "Tang and Wei, there is some truth to what he said, continue."

   There are some things that cannot be solved by force!

   Tang Wei nodded, "The second possibility is that someone hates us, so it's just a pure mess, intended to make our fast delivery company close, and they feel comfortable!"

  Shen Dapeng smiled faintly. He had considered these two possibilities in the past few days, but because the other party was hiding in the dark, there were no useful clues at all, so he was also confused.

   The second possibility of Tang and Wei was said, and Huang Bin flashed in Shen Dapeng's mind.

   That’s right, the last time the Huangbin Mall branch opened, he gave a wreath to himself. This kid must be grudged, but he had no choice but to make an idea on his express delivery company in order to destroy the company.

   However, this is just his own intuition. As for whether Huang Bin's group did it, he is not sure.

   "Huh? Tang Wei, what you said reminds me of someone." Sun Dapao suddenly sat up and looked at Shen Dapeng, "Brother Peng, did this kid Huang Bin do it?".

  Shen Dapeng smiled lightly, "Are you trying to say that we gave him a wreath a few days ago, this kid is not angry, so I came up with this idea to fix us?"

   Sun Da Pao slapped his thigh and roared: "Isn't that true! Who else can do this besides this kid? Grandma, come face to face if you have the ability to do this kind of back activities, what kind of a good guy!"

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