Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1278: ?? Shen Dapeng's suggestion

Li Zeyu smiled and pushed the menu back to Sun Dapao, "Brother Pao, you are all your own, so don't be so polite. You have been here a few times, and you can order anything delicious."

"That's fine, I'll order a few special dishes!" Sun Dapao unceremoniously took the menu, and after ordering a few, he passed the menu to Shen Dapeng, and then looked at Lin Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, do you have spicy or three fresh dishes?"

"Sanxian, I don't dare to taste the spicy flavor of Sichuan and Sichuan. I don't want to get acne on my face the next day." Lin Xiaoxiao said and touched her face.

Sun Dapao smiled, "It's not so delicate, waiter, let's have a mandarin duck pot."

The waitress on one side smiled and nodded, and walked quickly to the back.

After Shen Dapeng ordered a few dishes, he handed the menu to Lin Xiaoxiao. After a few people ordered the dishes, the pot came up quickly, and several waiters quickly brought the dishes and put them on the table.

"Looking at this full of dangdang, it must taste good, right?" Li Zeyu rubbed his hands like a monkey, staring at a large table of dishes, almost drooling down.

"It must be instant noodles on the train?" Shen Dapeng smiled slightly as Li Zeyu couldn't wait.

"Isn't that? After eating several meals, it's unpalatable, it's still expensive!" Li Zeyu mentioned this with a grievance on his face.

Sun Dapao is not happy anymore, "You still think it's expensive? It's a small boss, and the car is on, so you still have the money?"

Li Zeyu stared at Sun Dapao, "Is this saving, okay? The hard and simple revolutionary spirit must be kept in mind at all times! Besides, it is a point to save points. This time I am here to open a branch in Beijing. Now the rent is cheap, so I can save a little bit. When I get married, I can still buy more necklaces for my family Xiaoxiao!"

"This abacus is really good!"

Sun Dapao couldn't help but curl his lips, "Xiaoxiao, did you hear that? This is not married yet, just like that. If you are married, it is estimated that if you want to buy good-looking clothes, you will have to think about it for half a month, haha. "

"Brother Pao, do we still provoke the feelings between us? Don't worry, I, Li Zeyu, is not the kind of unscrupulous person!" Li Zeyu chuckled, then looked at Lin Xiaoxiao, "I'm right?"

Lin Xiaoxiao is still a student after all. He blushed a long time ago when he heard Sun Dapao mentioning marriage. When Li Zeyu came to ask him, he punched Li Zeyu in anger, "What are you talking about..."

"Haha..." Sun Dapao smiled triumphantly after seeing this scene.

"I'll eat first, you talk first." Shen Dapeng smiled and poured a plate of fish **** into the pot as he watched the pot open.

"Yes, yes, let's eat!" Sun Dapao hurriedly greeted Li Zeyu and Lin Xiaoxiao.

Several people poured the dishes into the pot one after another, and when they were almost cooked, they picked them up and feasted on them.

"By the way, big head, just now you said renting a storefront to open a hot pot restaurant, is it true?" Sun Da Pao put a piece of fish tofu into his mouth, chewing and looking at Li Zeyu, "If it is true, then dare to love too Okay, it's okay from now on. The brothers gather in a few of their own stores and save money for this meal."

Li Zeyu nodded after eating a barbecue, "Isn't this nonsense? Why did I come all the way? Didn't I cooperate with Brother Peng's plan to move to the south?"

Shen Dapeng was picking up a chopsticks and boiled enoki mushrooms to be put in his mouth. Hearing Li Zeyu's words, his brows wrinkled lightly and put down his chopsticks.

"Big head, I still said that, you can think about it again..."

Li Zeyu's chewing stopped, and he looked at Shen Dapeng puzzledly, "Brother Peng, what else is there to consider? If you don't hurry to move south now, I'm afraid I won't have this opportunity in the future."

Shen Dapeng pointed to dozens of empty tables in the hall, "You have seen it, but this is the case, the entire food court business is not as good as before, but our Xiaohetang hot pot tastes so good that no one comes to eat it. How can it be?"

Hearing this, Li Zeyu shook his head and smiled disdainfully: "I still said that, doing business is risky. It's the SARS period right now, but SARS has passed?"

Shen Dapeng laughed helplessly. He knew better than anyone in his heart that in his past life memory, this unprecedented SARS would have to pass for at least several months.

"Big head, my suggestion is, wait and see, at least wait until SARS has passed."

Li Zeyu smiled and shook his head. This time he did not refute Shen Dapeng's words, but picked up a piece of dish and ate it.

However, it can be seen from Li Zeyu's expression that he seemed to dismiss Shen Dapeng's suggestions.

"Is this a special dish in their store?" Li Zeyu ate and shook the remaining half of the dish on his chopsticks. "This is the taste, which is also called speciality? It's far worse than the little lotus pond! "

Sun Da Pao was taken aback, staring at the food on Li Zeyu's chopsticks, swallowing the food he was eating, and about to speak when a vigorous and kind middle-aged male voice rang.

"Hello, I'm the manager of our shop. Are you dissatisfied with our dishes?"

Shen Dapeng and others looked up and saw that it was a middle-aged man in his early thirties, wearing a decent suit, and leaning respectfully to question Li Zeyu.

The middle-aged manager also finally waited for Shen Dapeng to wait for a table of guests. Naturally, he was also very attentive and courteous. Isn't it because he hoped that Shen Dapeng would take care of the business in the store?

He had been standing next to Shen Dapeng's table, and when he heard Li Zeyu suddenly say such a sentence, his face was naturally a little unsustainable, but for the sake of business, he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

"What's dissatisfaction?" Li Zeyu glanced at the middle-aged manager, snorted in his nose, shook the dish on the chopsticks, and pointed to the steaming hot pot. Boil it, it's weird to eat?"

The middle-aged manager What's right? Our store has this kind of taste, and the seasoning is secretive. Many people are full of praise for the taste in our store. "

"You're still full of praise?" Li Zeyu chuckles, "Why didn't I eat it? There is also this plate of barbecue, isn't it cooked?"

Li Zeyu picked up a toothpick as he spoke, and picked it up in his own mouth.

"We hired a professional barbecue chef. As you said, this situation does not exist. If you feel that the roast is not cooked, I can ask the chef to roast it again. Also, is the salt in the pot weakened? Point, I tell the waiter to add some salt?"

The middle-aged manager who was a little displeased on his face when Li Zeyu said that the food was not right and the meat was not cooked, after all he endured it, and continued to speak respectfully and softly.

But this time, there is no longer the smile on his face.

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