Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1295: ????? Step-by-step plan

Remember in one second【】

Li Zeyu glanced at himself, only then showed a relaxed smile.

"Hey, I thought what's wrong, Daqing Peng made a joke about me. Peng, don't worry about this. We have to do it on a scale, which is different from other hot pots in Beijing."

Li Zeyu patted his chest excitedly, "Now that I have made up my mind, we must do our best. Let Xiaohetang hot pot surpass other hot pots and create the first hot pot in Beijing!"

Although Li Zeyu spoke very loudly, Shen Dapeng felt that Li Zeyu would definitely do this.

"Your kid's ambition is really big. If that time comes, these two branches are probably not enough, right?

If you want to develop Xiaohetang hot pot and occupy the first place in the hot pot industry in Beijing, you must at least spread it geographically. In the huge capital, with two branches, you can earn money, but it is far from enough to occupy the market.

"Don't worry, the most important thing is to sell the brand. One million is enough to open two branches. Now you have to let your fame come up. When the funds are almost accumulated, you can strike the iron while the fire is hot, and then open branches in other districts of Beijing. Late."

At this time, Li Zeyu spoke clearly and clearly, which made Shen Dapeng a little admired.

This kid has been in business for several years, and he is proficient in abacus.

The so-called fear of wolves and tigers before and after, many people look forward and look behind when they do things, especially in the environment where SARS is raging.

However, Li Zeyu did the opposite. With the open bow, there was no arrow to turn back. This courage also infected Shen Dapeng himself.

"That's okay. When the business here gets better in the future, you might as well move the Xiaohetang Catering Management Company south to the capital. In this way, the development will be faster." Shen Dapeng nodded, agreeing to Li Zeyu's Plan step by step.

"Well, I have signed a ten-year priority contract with two landlords. At least for ten years, the location of our branch will not change."

Li Zeyu knew that if Xiaohetang hot pot became famous, more and more people would come to patronize, and there would be no shortage of regular customers.

If the store address is frequently changed due to the problem of the lease contract period, it will not only consume a lot of costs, but also invisibly lose a part of the customer source.

"Okay!" Shen Dapeng nodded, "The next step is to start decorating. When it opens, you must remember to do a good job in epidemic prevention and hygiene in all aspects, so that everyone can rest assured to eat."

"This is a must. Don't worry, Brother Peng. Alright, I have to contact the decoration company to talk about the decoration style and layout. Let's go back for a drink in the evening."

Li Zeyu eagerly greeted Shen Dapeng in a hurry, and ran out, looking for a decoration company.

Shen Dapeng looked at Li Zeyu's leaving back, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

This kid, the enthusiasm that comes from the job can't be compared to anyone, and he is the upright boss, okay?

I just slapped my **** and left and threw myself here. What is it?

Shen Dapeng knew that Li Zeyu would be back in a short while, so after greeted Lin Xiaoxiao, he walked out of the shop to go to Jason's side to have a look.

Some time ago, Jason asked his friend to come and help for a few days. Many days have passed. I don't know how Jason and his programmers are progressing.

In the memory of Shen Dapeng's previous life, a few years later, with the development and maturity of the Internet and the popularization of intelligent systems, intelligence will prevail.

But also a few years later, the system manufacturer and the manufacturer cooperated strongly and made a lot of money.

Of course, Shen Dapeng does not want to miss this great meeting, but he knows in his heart that the development of intelligent systems is not an overnight task.

The system is different from other things, there is nothing to learn from, even for industry experts like Jason, to develop an intelligent system, you can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

In this regard, he is a layman, and he can't help much. He can only give Jason a general direction and model. As for the specifics, Jason and the others need to work hard.

Shen Dapeng was standing on the side of the street, waiting for the taxi, thinking deeply.

No matter how urgent he is, there is no way.

Just when Shen Dapeng was a little anxious, the phone in his pocket rang.

Shen Dapeng took a look, and it was Wang Yuying who called.

This girl, shouldn't it be that the medicine drink thing has become unsuccessful?

A few days ago, Wang Yuying called herself to mention that because of the spread of SARS, many kinds of medicinal materials were sold out in the medicine market, and several medicinal materials needed for medicinal drinks were also out of stock. Wang Yuying is contacting several pharmacies from Guangshen. Side delivery.

If the medicinal drinks are in sight, they will be put into production soon, and they will be transported to supermarkets in major cities for sale as soon as possible.

Shen Dapeng can foresee that although medicinal drinks cannot fundamentally treat SARS, they can at least enhance the human body's immunity and resist the invasion of SARS virus, and they will definitely be popular at that time.

"Girl, do you want to tell me about medicine?"

After answering the phone, Shen Dapeng chuckled softly.

"Oh, is your sixth sense really good?"

Wang Yuying’s brisk laughter came over the phone, but she quickly denied Shen Dapeng’s speculation, "But this time I let you down..."

Listening to Wang Yuying's relaxed joke, Shen Dapeng frowned, "Oh? It's not about medicine? Then..."

^0^Remember in one second【】

"Don't talk nonsense, come pick me and my aunt!"

Shen Dapeng couldn't think of what else Wang Yuying could talk to herself on the phone. Halfway through the conversation, she was interrupted resolutely by Wang Yuying.

"What? Pick you up and Auntie?" Shen Dapeng was a little confused.

What's happening here?

"Dapeng, have you forgotten what you said?" Wang Yuying on the other side heard Shen Dapeng's hesitating voice, obviously a little dissatisfied, "Are we so unwelcome to Beijing?"

What? They came to the capital?

Shen Dapeng reacted at and asked in surprise: "Is the arrangement over there?"

"According to Boss Shen's request, the arrangement has been completed, or we won't come to the capital?"

Wang Yuying smiled on the phone.

"Okay, don't fight, you told me earlier, I might as well have a plan?" Although Shen Dapeng complained, he was very excited in his heart.

If Li Zeyu's opening of the Xiaohetang hot pot branch in the capital is just a prelude to the south move, then this time Liu Fengxia and Wang Yuying are coming to the capital, which is regarded as the official schedule of moving south.

"Auntie said, we just want to give you a surprise, a big surprise!"

Yes, this was really a surprise, a big surprise. Shen Dapeng felt in his heart that he would usher in a major change in his career, and everything would develop faster from then on. .

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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