Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1375: ????? Go back door

In less than twenty minutes, the taxi had arrived on the village road of Houyan Village.

During these twenty minutes, Shen Dapeng felt that time flies very slowly, feeling restless like sitting on pins and needles.

In the meantime, he kept calling Wu Qihan several times, but still no one answered.

Shen Dapeng had no choice. He called Sun Dapao again, but after three consecutive calls, Sun Dapao's phone number was the same as Wu Qihan's call, and no one answered him.

This abnormal situation made Shen Dapeng even more anxious. In the past, where did two people's phone calls go unanswered at the same time?

"How? It didn't delay your business, did you?"

While Shen Dapeng was worried, the middle-aged driver saw that he was about to arrive in Houyan Village, so he couldn't help but raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, and then said triumphantly to Shen Dapeng.

At this time, Shen Dapeng was still in the mood to praise the driver's driving skills. He pointed to the office building of a material recycling company not far away, "Master, there is a recycling company, please open to the gate."

"Okay, send the Buddha to the sky!"

The middle-aged driver easily earned one hundred yuan in one single order, and he was naturally in a surprisingly good mood. Of course, he happily agreed to Shen Dapeng's words.

The village road is only a few hundred meters away from the recycling company, which is not too short of two steps.

The taxi quickly drove towards the recycling company, turned a corner, and just saw the door of the recycling company.

At the moment when he saw the gate, Shen Dapeng's eyes widened suddenly, and his eyes never left.

I saw the gate where there were not a few people in sight on weekdays. At this time, I didn't know where many people came out, holding farm tools such as shovel and hoes, clamoring noisily, and smashing the factory gate.

Something really happened!

Shen Dapeng shook his heart, staring at these dozens of menacing men, not very well dressed, they should be villagers from nearby villages.

When the material recycling company purchased several nearby waste stations and land acquisition, it signed an agreement with the village. The money that should be given was a lot of money. It stands to reason that they have been getting along with each other in the past few months. Okay, how come this is happening?

"Oh my god, it's scary, are these villagers crazy?"

Shen Dapeng thought quickly, and when the driver on one side saw this scene, he was shocked and screamed.

"Master, go ahead."

Since the car was still some distance away from the gate at this time, Shen Dapeng couldn't see what was going on, so he said lightly.

If you have come, you will be at ease. If something goes wrong, you have to face it, right?

"I don't dare to drive forward. You didn't look at those people, all of them were crazy. If you drive to the front, once these villagers get angry, they may even smash the guy who eats. A new car for ten thousand yuan."

The middle-aged driver looked at the angry villagers not far away and shook his head repeatedly.

"Master, didn't you mean to send the Buddha to the sky? There is only a little way left, can't you do me a favor?" Shen Dapeng stared at the middle-aged driver a little displeased.

Somehow I paid a one-hundred-yuan fare, which is quite interesting.

"No, no, even if I refund you some money, this car can't be driven one step forward, boy, don't you know, after this, I often run in Yancun. The people here are sturdy and no one can't afford it." Ah, you should get out of the car and take a few steps."

The middle-aged driver said that he was reluctant to drive forward and waved his hand again and again, even asking Shen Dapeng for fifty yuan to get out of the car quickly.

Can Shen Dapeng give the car money to go? This is not his character.

There was no way, Shen Dapeng also saw that the middle-aged driver was really scared, so he didn't pick up the money the driver was looking for and got out of the car.


Just after Shen Dapeng got out of the taxi, the middle-aged driver backed the car sharply, and then slammed the steering wheel. With a roar of the accelerator, the taxi sprinted out in the opposite direction. After turning the corner just now, it disappeared in an instant. A trace.

Looking at the back of the taxi escaping Yaoyao,

What can Shen Dapeng do besides a helpless smile?

Shaking his head, Shen Dapeng turned around and walked towards the factory gate with a solemn expression.

As Shen Dapeng gradually approached, the noise of the villagers grew louder. The shovels and protruding clubs knocked on the tightly closed gate. The sharp and powerful impact made Shen Dapeng's heart tighten.

A sound of verbal abuse instantly filled his ears, and Shen Dapeng's brows tightened, and he quickened his pace and walked to the gate.

Nearly more than fifty villagers were surrounded by the gate. Shen Dapeng stood on tiptoe to see the situation inside the company, but couldn't see it at all. Instead, it attracted the attention of some villagers.

"what is your job?"

One of them, a middle-aged man in his forties who looked very sturdy, held a **** and looked up and down Shen Dapeng suspiciously.


Before Shen Dapeng finished speaking, another middle-aged woman with a fierce look immediately came up and stretched out two thick and greasy arms to push Shen Dapeng straight back.

"Walk around, don't receive customers today, don't you see that we are making trouble?"

"That is, if you are a customer, then I will tell you that this company no longer accepts waste products. From now on, if you want to sell waste products, you can sell them elsewhere."

"Let's go, don't get in the way here, knives and guns don't have eyes!"

Several people pushed Shen Dapeng impatiently to keep him away. One of the young men also raised the stick in his hand, with an aura of smashing it down one step further.

I dare to treat these people as customers who come to talk about business. Is this obviously preventing the company from receiving the goods? I don't know what happened to make the villagers hate the recycling company so much?

But now I can't argue with each other, these villagers in front of me are all in anger, and none of them is easy to provoke.

If they say they belong to the company, I'm afraid these people will never spare themselves, and even **** each other.

The current plan is to slip away first, and wait until the situation is Dapeng had no choice but to pretend to be scared, and nodded repeatedly while protecting his head with his arms, turning around and leaving in a hurry.

Others don't know, but he knows that the recycling company has a back door.

The gate was blocked by the villagers and it seemed that the only way to enter was through the back door.

Shen Dapeng couldn't help smiling bitterly as he walked towards the back door.

Is he also a major shareholder of a waste recycling company?

For the big shareholders, which time did they go in instead of through the gate? How do you know that you will be reduced to today and enter through the narrow and low back door?

However, there is no way right now. If you don't go in, how can you figure out what's going on?

The phone calls of Wu Qihan and Sun Dapao are just like dumb. The company still doesn't know what's going on.

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