Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1408: ?????

Following the boulevard, the two trot all the way without talking to each other. After running to the school playground, Chen Xiaoxuan first slowed down and changed to a slow walk, taking a long breath of breath in his chest.

Shen Dapeng slowed down seeing this, took a few deep breaths, and shook his arms and legs.

"It's been a long time since I have exercised. After a few laps, it feels pretty good."

While talking, Shen Dapeng looked at the young figures on the playground runway.

It's another season that is about to pick up. It has been a year since the outbreak of the epidemic last year. From my eyes, although many trees around the playground have not yet grown leaves, they look thinner in the slightly cold morning, but everything seems to be sprouting. .

"You have been busy with your own business. Of course, you don't have time to exercise."

Chen Xiaoxuan, who was next to him, glanced at Shen Dapeng seemingly, and replied with no seriousness or seriousness.

"Hehe, maybe, there have been so many things in the past year, I really didn't care about it." Shen Dapeng smiled slightly.

"Isn't it enough to have a bicycle and express delivery? Do you want to toss something else?" Chen Xiaosao flicked a faint light from the corner of his eyes.

"Young people, you always have to fight hard, don't you? Otherwise, how can you be worthy of this great youth, don't you?"

Shen Dapeng's heart sank inexplicably, and Chen Xiaoxuan's words seemed to have other meanings.

A high-achieving science student at Mizuki University, this kid's brain is definitely smarter than ordinary people.

Usually taciturn, those eyes always give people a cold feeling, but based on Shen Dapeng's understanding and observation of Chen Xiaoxuan, Chen Xiaoxuan is young, but the city is very deep.

In comparison, he is definitely much more mature and stable than his peers.

It's just that this is what other people think of it. Only Shen Dapeng knows that Chen Xiaoxuan must have experienced something like this, and this matter may only be known to Shen Dapeng.

Chen Xiaoxuan must be able to say this, he must have been investigating secretly, that's why he was so intriguing.

It was enough to cover up in front of others. In front of Chen Xiaoxuan, Shen Dapeng knew in his heart that Chen Xiaoxuan would definitely not believe it even if it was to cover up.

"Listening to what you mean, it seems that I know I'm doing something else?" Shen Dapeng's eyes swept across Chen Xiaoxuan's face.

"Food factories and logistics companies, as well as waste products companies, mobile phone research and development companies, are these enough?" Chen Xiaoxuan let out a soft snort, "Don't ask me how I know."

Chen Xiaosao's eyes were filled with coldness and disdain. After taking a look at Shen Dapeng, he did not pass his eyes, and looked at the figures in twos and threes on the runway indifferently.

With this attitude, it seems that Shen Dapeng's answer and non-answer are the same.

Shen Dapeng was shocked. Few people knew about himself as a major shareholder in these companies. Chen Xiaoxuan's access channel was definitely not the brothers who knew the situation around him, but other channels.

As for what channel it is, Shen Dapeng does not know.

However, he did admire Chen Xiaoxuan a little, and at the same time a faint worry arose in his heart.

"In fact, there is nothing, sooner or later, why, some envy, jealousy and hatred?"

Shen Dapeng didn't want to worry about chasing after this matter, and smiled relaxedly.

"I really underestimated you. Sometimes I think about it. You are much scarier than I thought."

Chen Xiaoxuan did not follow along with a smile. On the contrary, in his words, the meaning of coldness became heavier, and there was even a hint of viciousness in his eyes.

Shen Dapeng narrowed his eyes a bit, but still stared at Chen Xiaozhang, "I think you won't get to that point in the end for something."

Silence, absolute silence.

A cold light suddenly burst out of Chen Xiaoxuan's eyes, staring at Shen Dapeng without concealing it.

Shen Dapeng also responded with a faint smile, and in this smile, there was more of a confident attitude to deal with everything calmly.

"Do you think it's possible?"

After a while, the light in Chen Xiaoxuan's eyes gradually dimmed, and his eyes glanced at the thin branches of the playground, seemingly unwilling, but more helpless.

These, of course, did not escape Shen Dapeng's eyes.

Chen Xiaoxuan's series of changes just illustrate the drastic changes in his psychology.

The eyes of the two confronted each other just now, and they had used this silent method to let each other know well.

"If possible, I will not associate with you until now." Shen Dapeng's expression returned to calm.

This kind of interaction does not only refer to the interaction of friends.

Perhaps the current relationship between two people is not a friend.

However, let him go to Guangshen to expand his business alone, and talk to him alone, including handing over the Zhangpeng Bicycle project to him for full operation. Compared with the relationship between the two people, Shen Dapeng’s trust has been maximized. .

Chen Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and his lips moved, as if there was something to say, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Of course he understands the meaning of Shen Dapeng's words, and he has indeed made a lot of money by helping Shen Dapeng for more than a year.

"Who is the true friend, who is the true enemy, I think, in your heart, you must have your own answer." Shen Dapeng said softly, then took a step and continued to trot forward, without taking into account the a little dazed behind him. Chen Xiaoxuan.

Chen Xiaoxuan is not stupid, he can definitely hear the meaning of this sentence.

"You're right, young people, you always have to fight hard, don't you?"

I don't know how long it took, behind him, Chen Xiaoxuan's figure followed, accompanied by the sound of his breathing that was a little fast because of running.

Hearing Chen Xiaoxuan's words, Shen Dapeng turned his head and glanced at him, and with a faint smile, the two continued to run forward side by side.

Chen Xiaoxuan still had that cold expression when he spoke, but Shen Dapeng could see that there was more determination in that expression.

Until the last few laps the two people hardly said anything, but it seems that there is a tacit understanding between the two people, and they understand each other.

Shen Dapeng could see that Chen Xiaoxuan's ability was by no means ordinary, and he was definitely not something in the pool.

As for some things in the past, I believe that Chen Xiaozhang has his own analysis and judgment. If he chooses the right one, his future development will definitely surpass those of Tang Wei and Du Yuefeng.

However, before reusing him, the invisible lumps in their hearts will have to be solved sooner or later.

This lump can't be solved, but no matter how well you cooperate, there will always be some gaps.

After the two waved goodbye, Shen Dapeng let out a sigh of relief and walked towards the school gate, looking at Chen Xiaoxuan's gradually leaving back.

Perhaps, it is not the time yet, Shen Dapeng is thinking silently in his mind.

As for when and how to untie it, it can only be determined by chance and temperament.

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