Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1415: Super business empire

Huang Bin is not the only one who is equally confused.

As the summer vacation approaches, food factories and logistics companies are already on the right track, and business is much better than in Qingshu County.

The business between Da Yu Kuaisong and Xiaohetang Hot Pot is also booming, and everything seems to be better.

Even the business of the Xiaoyu Science and Technology Life Museum is getting more and more popular. Cao Zhang is indeed a business man. He has opened several branches in a row, and opened a popular one. The busy Cao Zhang is simply turning around.

However, it is not a good thing to have money to make money?

Therefore, not only Cao Zhang, but also Li Zeyu, Sun Dapao, Tang Wei and Du Yuefeng, all worked hard.

Du Yuefeng naturally worked harder because he had shares in the fast delivery of heavy rain.

In this situation, according to reason, Shen Dapeng should be very satisfied.

However, his heart is getting heavier and heavier.

Although I now own several companies, and the business of each company is good, there is still a long way to go from the super business empire I imagined.

Although these companies make money, their profit margins are not high. Unlike the mobile phone industry, if the first generation of real smartphones is produced and the market is the first to seize the market, the profits will be a huge number!

However, because the smart phone system is not so easy to develop, and there is nothing to learn from, everything can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

But Jason has been working on it for more than a year, and he still hasn't done it yet, and he has also invested a lot of money. It seems that if you want to come up with a new system software, it will not happen overnight.

Therefore, Shen Dapeng is very anxious about the huge benefits brought by the successful research and development of smart phones, and now is not the time to consider.

In his opinion, with the current development of these companies, although the profits are tens of millions per year, he still feels that the development is too slow.

The mobile phone project is in a hurry, so you have to reconsider other development projects.

Besides, two years have passed since the original four-year agreement with Cao Mengyuan. Looking back now, I have realized some of my original promise.

However, if you want to surpass the Huang family of the Overlord level, there is still some distance.

Oneself is developing, the other is also developing, isn't it?

Besides, Huang Bin is now also engaged in catering and express delivery. This is obviously against himself. Although it is not as good as his own business, he is also making money somehow.

If we continue to develop in this situation, if we want to surpass the Huang family or even defeat the Huang family in the remaining two years, the difficulty is definitely not a little bit.

Shen Dapeng, who was a little depressed, had been thinking about this issue for several days, and at the same time thinking about other projects, but suddenly his mind flashed, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Honglin City entered his mind again.

Shen Dapeng knows in his heart that it is also a huge business opportunity to engage in real estate development, and the profits are huge.

However, now that Penghu Industrial and Pengying Holdings have all the funds combined, it is still somewhat impractical to develop in Beijing.

Last year when I was in Beijing, the price of land in the capital was really cheap, but I didn't have much money at that time. In addition, food factories and logistics companies needed money to move south, so I missed some opportunities.

After the epidemic passed, land prices in the capital rose a lot. Although several of my own companies have started to develop steadily, it is unrealistic to concentrate all funds on real estate development.

In this way, it is very likely that there will be problems with the operation of these companies.

How can these companies develop without funds?

The project of the Honglin Ecological Park has already been discussed. If it were not for the impact of the epidemic, I am afraid that it has already started.

It seems that I have to go back and probe Secretary Cao's tone.

Now, several of his own companies have brothers running for him, so Shen Dapeng doesn’t need to worry too much. After greeting Tang, Wei, Liu Fengxia and others, Shen Dapeng bought a ticket to go home. On a cloudy day, I embarked on the train home.

Sitting by the window of the car, looking at the moving scenery as the train moved, Shen Dapeng was lost in thought.

I haven't been home for more than a year. Although I occasionally called my parents to greet me in Beijing, after all, it has been a long time since I saw my parents. Shen Dapeng was a little bit guilty while looking forward to it.

For the sake of his own career, Shen Dapeng felt a little uncomfortable for not being able to stay with his parents. Thinking of their loneliness.

However, he remembered the words his father had said: Good men have aspirations in all directions. If they want to be successful and have a career, they must go outside and stay at home, and they will never have any prospects.

It seems that since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot have both ends. This sentence is true.

Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. No matter what, when going back this time, besides spending some days with his parents, he had to visit Honglin City.

If the ecological park project in Honglin City can be restarted, it will drive the real estate market in Honglin City, and the profits will be huge.

The area around the train station in Qingshu County is no longer what it used to be. After Shen Dapeng got off the train, he looked at the new buildings rising from the ground around the station and couldn't help but sigh.

Before, it was an old-fashioned building. Under the planning of the county, after the transformation of Chengyu Real Estate, it has a brand new scene today.

But to be honest, the renovation project of this area around the station also made Chengyu Real Estate a lot of money.

However, this project is nothing compared to the grand blueprint of the ecological park in Honglin City.

Shen Dapeng got out of the station and stopped a taxi. When he looked closer, it was his own taxi company. He couldn't help but feel happy. He opened the door, bent over and sat in.

I glanced at the driver in the driver's seat. He was a young man, who looked very energetic.

"The Family Home of the Public Security Bureau!"

Shen Dapeng said his destination and smiled slightly.

The young driver also smiled politely, "Sir, please sit down and fasten your seat belt!"

Shen Dapeng said, hurriedly pulled the seat belt and fastened it, and couldn't help but praise the young driver in his heart.

It seems that Pengcheng Taxi Company does not have less training every day, and the etiquette of the drivers and reminders to passengers are very well done.

Since the Lu family brothers were arrested, Jinhui Taxi Company has also been doing bird and beast dispersal, and has no chance to compete with Pengcheng Taxi Company.

Under Shen Dapeng's secret instruction, Pengcheng Taxi Company gave a large part of its profits to taxi drivers, which not only guaranteed their basic lives, but also greatly improved their living standards.

The treatment of the drivers is much better than that of the previous Jinhui company, so the current Pengcheng taxi company has a good reputation, and the drivers treat the company as their home.

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