Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1423: You 1 straight by my side

Before Gongsunmiao said the word ‘friend’, Cao Mengyuan nodded shyly. In the astonished expression of Gongsunmiao’s dropped chin, she lightly agreed to Shen Dapeng’s suggestion.

I don’t know if Cao Mengyuan doesn’t want to listen to Gongsun Miao’s boring chattering, or wants to be alone with Shen Dapeng, who hasn’t seen her for a long time. At this time, she is completely free from her usual restraints and calmness. One step forward eagerly.

"Mengyuan, I, you...really left?"

Watching the two leave briskly, Gongsun Miao was messy in the wind alone.

A hairy boy who is not as tall, looks, dress, and temperament as his own, can he take away the goddess in his heart just because he is active and direct? this is okay too?

Knowing that he could do it more simply, pull the little hand? What little mouth? He will too! But now Gongsun Miao, who was both confused and regretful, could only see the goddess and a strange kid disappearing from his sight hand in hand.

Just turning the end of the corridor, Cao Mengyuan turned around to investigate Gongsun Miao and could not see anything. She wanted to withdraw her little hand that was on Shen Dapeng's arm.

But he hesitated for a moment, not only didn't take it back, but turned sideways, stood on tiptoe, and gave Shen Dapeng a tight hug.

The beauty took the initiative to give her a hug. There was no reason for Shen Dapeng to refuse. While hugging Cao Mengyuan more intensely, she hugged Cao Mengyuan around twice, shocked Cao Mengyuan screaming again and again.

"Hey, girl, haven't you been replenishing your body less recently?" Shen Dapeng took the opportunity of joking to sniff the faint fragrance in Cao Mengyuan's ears and temples.

"Nonsense, I'm not fat." Cao Mengyuan pretended to be displeased and broke free and hugged. In fact, it was because Shen Dapeng's warm whisper in her ears made her itchy hair stand upright.

"Really? Let me touch it."

With that said, Shen Dapeng had already clasped his big hands on Cao Mengyuan's slender waist and squeezed it very gently. As expected, there was no fat at all, and it even made people feel pitiful and thin, "Did you not eat well?"

"Actually, I can eat it." Cao Mengyuan whispered like a baby, but she didn't get rid of the grip of Shen Dapeng's thugs on her waist. Being hugged like this gave her a sense of security that she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Then let's go eat more. I've found the way. There is a Mala Tang in the pedestrian street, which is very delicious." Shen Dapeng wanted to move, but he was reluctant to continue greedily squeezing Cao Mengyuan's thin waist without fat.

"Let's go, there are so many people." Cao Mengyuan felt the occasional glances from Zhou Tongren, blushing with shame, and ignoring Shen Dapeng, walked towards the pedestrian street alone.

"So proactive? Do you want to treat?" Shen Dapeng strode behind.

"Okay, I'll treat you, it's not expensive anyway." Since seeing Shen Dapeng, Cao Mengyuan has always looked a little excited. Without her usual iceberg beauty, she looks like a little girl wandering in the river of love.

Two years have passed, regardless of whether it was missed, or there is really no time, they have never met each other in the time when they worked hard for the oath.

It is clear that every day, every hour, every moment, people who inadvertently miss from the bottom of their hearts, but have never met in more than 700 long days and nights, this pain of parting and thinking is really hurting people's minds.

The rustling of leaves was like a little deer that the two threw and bumped into each other at the moment, and there were endless quips in each other's hearts, but they didn't know where to start.



The two were almost at the same time.

"You speak first."

"You speak first."

At the same time, it is also humble, but in fact, I want to listen to the other party's choice.

"You've become taller, and you've become so handsome." Cao Mengyuan stretched out her little finger to emphasize ‘Yi lost’, then tilted her head and looked at the sun occasionally shining on Shen Dapeng’s face. The bright sunshine was not as warm as Shen Dapeng’s smile.

"You haven't changed much. After all, you are a big beauty recognized by everyone in high schools and universities. You don't have much room for development and improvement. It's really pitiful."

Shen Dapeng walked forward with his arms around Cao Mengyuan's shoulders, hesitating, "Who was the handsome guy just now? How dare you to get close to you in front of me."

"Handsome guy?" Cao Mengyuan blinked in doubt, and instantly understood who the handsome guy was in Shen Dapeng's mouth, "You said Gongsun Miao? Is he handsome? I didn't find it."

"Aren't you handsome?"


"Tall and handsome, and the sun is shining with a smile."

"The height is very high, eh, are you... jealous?" Cao Mengyuan suddenly raised her eyebrows and asked. In her impression, Shen Dapeng was a super confident and mature person, so she wouldn't be so childish.

"Just kidding, I'm such a strong person, I will be jealous? I want money, money, people, and beauty... You are a big beauty by my side, I will be jealous with a stupid boy who I don't know?" Shen Dapengkou He responded in a flustered manner, his eyes and expressions had already betrayed him.

"Do you men only compare to these? You have money, and Gongsun Miao is not bad. You rely on yourself. He also started the company from high school. As for the beauties around you... There is no shortage of beautiful and sensible girls to wrap around."

"How do you know Gongsun Miao so much?" Shen Dapeng really didn't want to remember Gongsun Miao's name, but who made this name so special. There are very few people who have a surname, and there is only one word for Miao. Think about when Gongsun Miao looks at himself. The look in the eyes of'despise', is he called Gongsun'despise'?

Inadvertently, seeing Cao Mengyuan's smiled expressions that had already seen everything, Shen Dapeng had to admit, "Well, I'm jealous. I haven't been able to stay by your side for two years, so what can he do."

"You have always been by my side."

Cao Mengyuan pressed her left hand to her heart, and her right hand to Shen Dapeng's, smiling with joy, "I have always been by your side too, haven't I?"

"Well, I've been by your side..." Shen Dapeng imitated Cao Mengyuan's actions, pressing his left hand on his heart, and his right hand thinking of Cao Mengyuan's heart.

"I hate it." Cao Mengyuan hurriedly avoided the salty pig's hand, but she did not dodge Shen Dapeng's scorching gaze.

In Shen Dapeng's memory From the establishment of the relationship between the two to the present, except for the night when Cao Mengyuan was willing to give her body to him, this is the second time Cao Mengyuan has shown her emotions so actively. This is not like her. .

"Mengyuan, have you recently...did something happen?"

"No, I just miss you so much! I didn't expect you to come to me so suddenly and feel very happy."

Cao Mengyuan did have a happy smile on her face, but with Shen Dapeng’s eyesight observing the hearts of the people, she would naturally find that Cao Mengyuan had something to hide, but since Cao Mengyuan didn’t want to mention it, he didn’t want to force her to ask. The courage to come to meet, for two years, he didn't want to be bothered by anything.

Besides, as long as he asks Li Zeyu or Lin Xiaoxiao to find out about the situation, everything can be resolved slowly, thinking, Shen Dapeng quickly changed the topic, "Yo-yo's cello solo concert, shall we go now?"

"Do you have a ticket?"

", but I can think of a way! Wait for me."

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