Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1426: Shen Dapeng's decision

Cao Mengyuan was surprised for a few seconds, then sneered, "I should have thought that you are such a bad guy, and the Huang family is facing the current dilemma. Of course, you can't get rid of it."

"Am I broken? Where am I broken?"

Shen Dapeng took advantage of the opportunity to get rid of the delicate distance between the two, very gentlemanly, clasping Cao Mengyuan's hands on the slender back waist, and the other hand wrapped Cao Mengyuan's shoulders and extended to the neck.

Without giving Cao Mengyuan the slightest chance to resist, her nose approached that exquisite cheek that was so exquisite that people and gods were angry. "My whole heart is pretending to be you, and all I think about is you. You say that people who like you can be so bad. Where to go?"

"You... are bad anyway."

Cao Mengyuan suddenly felt that her face rose and became hot. The last time the two got together now, it was two years ago. Although they haven't forgotten, they are no longer clear. Now they feel it again, more intense stimulation.

"Men are not bad, women don't love, you like me as a bad person, then are you worse?"

Shen Dapeng continued to tease Cao Mengyuan with words and warm breaths of closeness, slightly raised her head and looked at the stars and the bright moon in the night sky, and muttered softly: "The moonlight is so beautiful tonight."

"The wind is also gentle! Huh? You know...oo!" Cao Mengyuan's body trembled slightly. This is a line from her diary homepage. The next sentence is that the wind is also gentle.

This sentence is when a great writer from the island country was translating Iloveyou, he felt that'I love you' was too straightforward to reflect the implicit and introverted expression of Asian love, so it was translated into'the moonlight tonight is so beautiful', and the next sentence In response, Cao Mengyuan blurted out'The wind is also gentle.'

Cao Mengyuan didn't finish her words, Shen Dapeng had gently closed Cao Mengyuan's stubborn little mouth. There was no dry fire of young men and women admiring each other, only two years of separation, no depressive emotions erupted.

Time has passed, two years in a hurry, how many two years are there in the best time of life?

Waiting, waiting, and depressing for one person for two years, how many teenagers and girls who are in their youth can do it?

Now under a bright moon, the sentence "The moonlight tonight is so beautiful" and the sentence "The wind is also gentle" seems to have carved an indelible mark in my life for two years.

I love you! It can be expressed directly or implicitly! This is the pure emotion of young people, vigorously when it breaks out, and punctuality...with gentleness.

Under the moon, by the river.

Shen Dapeng and Cao Mengyuan sat quietly on the stone steps, and a green leather car rumbling past Songhai Bridge, the light from the train window looked like a long dragon in the dark.

"Dapeng, I'm a little tired."


Cao Mengyuan's small head was leaning on Shen Dapeng's shoulder, she was whispering at first, and it happened that the train roared. Shen Dapeng only heard Cao Mengyuan calling him, but didn't understand what she was talking about.


Cao Mengyuan shook her head, wondering if she had spoken when the train was roaring just now, did she deliberately make Shen Dapeng unclear, "How many days did you stay in Songhai City?"

"I... the train at 1:00 in the morning."

Shen Dapeng wanted to say something but stopped, but an unconcealed smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and continued: "Recently, Huang Bin has been doing bad things in secret. There will be a meeting tomorrow in the company to study solutions."

"It's just a Huang Bin, there is no need to compete like him? You know my mind, no matter what he or the Huang family do, I won't have anything to do with him."

Cao Mengyuan was disappointed again, her eyes dimmed, but she still stayed in Shen Dapeng's eyes. She wanted to see the boy in front of her clearly, how many secrets she hadn't told.

"The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. The Huang family has been in the capital for many years. I want to move to the Huang family. I must prevent the spring breeze from blowing again. The best way is to let the young people of the Huang family. Lost fighting spirit, those old guys, how many years can they toss?"

Over the past few years, Shen Dapeng has been very familiar with Huang Bin's temperament. A man who was forced by his father to pretend to be ambitious, but poor but without the ability to match it, but only a poor worm.

He will not really work hard because of people like Huang Bin. With the integration of existing resources, he is confident that he will be at least equal to the Huang family in the next year, beyond or even crushing. Impossible.

Shen Dapeng is most interested in Huang Bin's cousin, Huang Heng who always smiles to show others, is kind to others, does not fight or grab, does not reveal likes and dislikes.

For two years, Huang Heng looked like a gentleman, and never had any conflicts with Huang Bin. Even with the support of his grandfather, what he actually got from the Huang family was Huang Bin's not rare property.

Shen Dapeng was born again, only to realize that these small industries that Huang Bin looked down upon would have tremendous prospects in the next few years, but how can Huang Heng see so far?

Or is Huang Heng not clear about the future, just betting on a gambling with no choice? The gamble was won and Huang Bin was kicked out of the game of inheriting the Huang family. The gamble failed, and it didn't seem to have much effect on him.

"Huang Heng, this time, we should get to know each other."

Shen Dapeng's eyes flashed, and his heart was faintly excited. I don't know when, he actually started to like the feeling of interacting with opponents.

The reciprocation of the enemy advancing and retreating, and the enemy retreating and advancing, is especially like the pushing hand in Tai Chi, seemingly powerless, but in fact, winning or losing is only instantaneous.

One step to heaven, one step to the abyss.

If Shen Dapeng and Cao Mengyuan are together in a happy and gentle heaven, then for Gongsun Miao, who has been hiding behind a tree for a long time and always watching them secretly, is equivalent to being in a miserable abyss of ice and snow.

"This kid is too poor, he can't even ask for a cup of coffee, so he just drags Mengyuan down the road."

Since Yoyo's recital exited, Gongsun Miao has been following the two of them, staring blankly and indignantly at the girl he likes, and actually sneaking into the dark with a poor boy on the river surface.

Speaking of which, Gongsun Miao can be regarded as an infatuation, since the first time he saw Cao Mengyuan in high school, he still can't forget it, and even came to Songhai City like a worm.

Today, I finally took advantage of the opportunity of sponsoring Yoyo’s concert to invite Cao Mengyuan, who likes the cello, to enjoy it. Unexpectedly, I would meet a guy like Shen Dapeng, not only cheated away the concert ticket, but also robbed Cao Mengyuan. gone.

Gongsun Miao is not a stupid person. He followed all the way. From the status of Shen Dapeng and Cao Mengyuan and the content of the conversation he heard occasionally, he knew that the two must know each other and the relationship was already close, but he didn't care. Yes, he couldn't figure it out, why did Cao Mengyuan avoid him?

In it, he wouldn’t even want to understand Whether it’s handsome or rich or an excellent gentleman, to Cao Mengyuan, it’s not as good as a smile, a hug, or even a sentence on the phone from Shen Dapeng after a long absence. .


Provincial University, downstairs in the dormitory, breeze blowing leaves whirling off the branches and rustling.

Shen Dapeng and Cao Mengyuan stood under the tree as they looked at each other, and they were full of reluctance in each other's eyes.

The first time I saw each other for two years, I felt sweet even if I didn't say a word. I didn't feel that time was in a rush in the past. I didn't understand the preciousness of time until I was separated from the person I was thinking of.

"I decided to go to Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchange. The development there should be better."

Shen Dapeng gave Cao Mengyuan a big bear hug, smelling the unique fragrance between her hair, hard to leave.

"I... No matter where you go, I will always be there."

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