Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1429: Funds are tight

There is nothing wrong with the whole plan, and there are no big surprises, but it can be seen that Tang Wei has carefully pondered it, and one of the points has also attracted Shen Dapeng's attention... The game is free, the props mall model, this is most game companies in the future Unexpectedly, Tang Wei had noticed the road to success.

"Brother Peng, I think it’s useless. You think it’s good to make money. After so long, I don’t believe anyone, I believe you! Only what you say can make money, at least you won’t lose it. Take a closer look and I will play games. Is the company OK?"

Tang Weihou laughed anxiously, saying, "If you don't say it clearly, I will laugh to you." "And the most important thing is...I don't have money. If you think you can make money, give it to me first." Invest in some capital, what do you think of investing in shares?"

"You kid, cheated money to get to me? While going, I don't have a generous hand and I don't have the time to take care of you." Shen Dapeng rolled up the planning book, hit Tang Wei's **** twice, and kicked again.

"Brother Peng, eh, don't tell me! I have been in the capital for two years, and I know you, a rich and tyrant brother. Now I want to do something serious. If you don't help me, who can help me? Want me to find Du Yuefeng and Wu Qihan? They are poorer than me..."

Tang Wei clung to Shen Dapeng, talking endlessly. He would follow wherever Shen Dapeng went, and even smell the toilet with him.

"Hey, you fellow, I just found out that you don't flush when you go to the toilet..." Shen Dapeng felt the pungent smell as soon as he entered the bathroom, but he didn't expect that the moment he opened the toilet lid, he was full of murderous heart.

"Hey, hello!" Tang Wei dodged and dodged, "Brother Peng, I really think game companies can make money. If you don't invest in me, I will rely on you in the future. , not flush the toilet every day."

"Fuck off, no, come here and clean the toilet for me." Shen Dapeng was soaked by the pungent smell that he thought of peeing, grabbing Tang Wei and stuffing it into the toilet.

While supervising Tang Wei brushing the toilet, he said sternly: "You said you want to be a computer supermarket, I will help you; if you want to participate in the errand company, I will take you; now the computer supermarket and the errand company are on the right track, and there are still a lot of work to be done in the future. Perfect, you want to start a game company now? Do you really think that entering the business world is playing games? Have unlimited energy?"

"This statement is terrible, this statement is terrible! The computer supermarket has been incorporated into the Xiaoyu Life Hall and is managed by Cao Zhang. I am glad to sit and wait for the money; the errand company has also entered a delicate period, making money and losing money, only in an instant. ; I always feel that in these two industries, we need to have some kind of new'link' with customers in order to make big money."

Tang Weitian shamelessly shook the toilet brush in his hand, inadvertently scattered a few drops on his face, but didn't know it at all. He just kept talking excitedly, "But what kind of'link' is unclear, it may be like The model of your online shopping mall? But the delivery service within the city is by no means simple express and logistics."

"You got it on you." Shen Dapeng drew two meters away in disgust, for fear of throwing himself on him. However, while he was joking, he was also very surprised by Tang Wei's thoughts.

Tang Wei didn't know what his "link" was, but Shen Dapeng knew it all. The so-called "link" is a smart phone software that is more convenient, fast, instant, and anywhere than the PC.

Online shopping is beginning to change the way people shop. The emergence of smart phones and the development of various application software have truly changed people's consumption habits of cash payments into electronic payments.

"Compared with making money, what is this thing? If I can figure out what the ‘link’ is, I’d like to use the toilet for the rest of my life."

Tang Wei is still a cheerful person, "Since I have been thinking about it for a long time and I can't figure it out, I simply don't waste time and energy, and put all my thoughts on action. If you think you can make money, try it out, just in case. Which industry gave me an epiphany, and the opportunity to make big money is firmly in my hands."

"Hehe, the idea is very good, but unfortunately you don't have a rich father or a rich friend. You know what I am now, Ina, Wu Qihan, Du Yuefeng, Jason, which one of them saw me? The first sentence is money, money, money, I am really poor now."

Shen Dapeng did not lie. The company and plant in Qingshu County have moved to the capital, renting company offices, buying land to cover the plant, including the online shopping mall which is still at the junction of profit and loss, and the Honglin Ecological Park project. Although it has slowed down, it has not yet been completed.

He really has no extra money in his hands. Auntie and Wang Yuying are rich, but the company needs a spare capital chain, so they don’t dare to move. , I’m afraid it’s already a mess.

Now auntie, Wang Yuying, Wang Huailong, including Zhou Chengmin, everyone in Qingshu County has reached the most critical time for the development of various companies in the capital.

"Brother Peng, what are you doing so excited, I'm just talking about an idea."

Tang Wei stared at his confused eyes, and the awkward atmosphere of a hippie smile was resolved, "I think the game company can make money, and it will have more development in the future. Since you have no extra funds, I will think of a way."

"You guy...really..." Shen Dapeng was so angry that Tang Wei made him irritated one second, and the next second he changed his attitude directly, making it as if his lack of money was the original sin of delaying the opening of the game company.

"Brother Peng, I won't quarrel with you anymore. To be honest, I and a few friends in the game have already collected enough start-up capital. I plan to start with a small company and act as an agent for niche games, explore and sum up experience."

Tang Wei changed his previous nonsense and said with a serious face: "I never thought that I wanted to do parents would support it unconditionally!"

"Huh?" Shen Dapeng wondered. How did this heartless guy suddenly mention his family? Didn't the three of them always live in separate ways, each of them chic?

"Speaking of which, I might also want to thank Brother Peng. The computer supermarket and the errand company have made some money. My parents felt that I did not spend my life in a muddle-headed manner. This time they mentioned starting a game company. They both gave me 500,000 yuan. ."

Tang Wei took out of his pocket for a long time, took out two bank cards, and shook them as if showing off, "Plus the money I saved, a total of 1.42 million yuan, enough for us to start a company in partnership, but..."

After hesitating for a while, Tang Wei changed back to laughter again, "It’s just that I don’t think there will be a loss of money with Brother Peng by my side, so I want to pull you back. At the beginning, even if the project you choose does not make money, at least it will not lose money. You are like a lucky star!"

"Fuxing? I'm still good! Do it seriously if you want to do it. Anyway, I haven't worked in a game company, and I don't understand the doorways. There is no guarantee of making money or losing money, but I can tell you a small piece of news."

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